Looking for something new!

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Nov 10, 2015
Hi guys, Its been awhile since I have been on this sight. I Really miss it so decided to come back! Any ways Im looking for a bit of inspiration so what better way to get that Inspiration then through a hot Role play. I do focus on mainly fantasy based Rp but I will be willing to explore almost anything. I do have some what of an Idea in my mind.

It Involves a male Dragon/human magic user Character of mine. He belongs to a spiritual family, a cluster of members who are also animal/beast human hybrids. I am thinking that I want him to be with multiple partners either at the same. This can consist of both male and female characters. The option is up to you. I was also thinking of having him some how entering or communicating with full blood humans witch would be considered a bad thing.

I Will take other request as well, If there is a plot line you came up with that you been wanting to do for a while. Let me know. Im Willing to role play anything! Please PM me when you get the chance!
~ thanks.
Hi there and welcome back to bluemoon :D A couple of questions, what is your kink lists (I'm assuming that just because you're open to a lot of ideas doesn't mean you're open to all kinks ;) ) ? Do you have any favorites and do you normally play as the Dom, Sub or switch character?

Also are you looking to play as the male Dragon human magic user or are you looking for someone to play as him?
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