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What's a RP craving you want so bad but can't seem to make happen? (SEE OPENING POST)

Oct 14, 2016
We all have those cravings, that one itch that just can't seem to be scratched, what's yours?


Titanfall 2: One of my top fandom cravings. I have a thing for sapient free willed robots and there is something about being bonded to one that I really like in terms of RP. Add in all the possibilities and things the IMC could do to captured enemies and all the experimentation, the exploration of the bond between man and machine and more, I'm surprised no on has jumped on it for RP

Staff Edit 01/18/2022:
If you see someone's craving in this thread and you want to discuss RP with them or ask them more about it, please PM them! Otherwise, others' posts might get lost with frequent discussion posts. Feel free to PM a member of staff if you have questions. Thank you!
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A fair few fandoms that seem to almost never get mentioned on here. And on the rare chance they do get mentioned, it's always in the context of canon x OC, and that's just... no.
I've had an idea for a three player Destiny plot I call 'The Black Engram' nearly since the game launched. Zero interest in doing the work to actually make it happen, though.
Dragon Age. I am in love with that universe and the possibilities within it. Same with Skyrim and Fallout. However, I don't think it's because of those particular fandoms, rather, I want a MxM role play. I also want a good MasterxSlave role play that has light bondage and isn't one of the "oh, I'm not interested in having a sex slave" or "oh, I love you" but a really fucked up and dark one.
Hang in there!
Some of my historical RPs took years to find GOOD writers for.
Thinking a little more on it, any type of 'role reversal' play is almost impossible to come upon here. From the mundane to the more fantastical, where it's almost impossible to find people willing to add a bit of spice to a stock plot by playing female character in a normally male role.

Sure, everyone and their Aunt Sissy is happy to play Little Red Riding Hood, but how many would be willing to play a female wolf opposite a male Red?
MellowYellow said:
Thinking a little more on it, any type of 'role reversal' play is almost impossible to come upon here. From the mundane to the more fantastical, where it's almost impossible to find people willing to add a bit of spice to a stock plot by playing female character in a normally male role.

Sure, everyone and their Aunt Sissy is happy to play Little Red Riding Hood, but how many would be willing to play a female wolf opposite a male Red?

The answer to that is slim to none.
A fan-based RP based on the Baten Kaitos Games. = w=;
A noir/olden times mafia that doesn't peter out quickly. Something with fitting style and atmosphere. It's like mine are cursed.
Trygon said:
I've had an idea for a three player Destiny plot I call 'The Black Engram' nearly since the game launched. Zero interest in doing the work to actually make it happen, though.
Oh wow, and hear I thought I was one in a billion with a Destiny plot. Doesn't help that most of the good story is in the Grimoire cards and not actually playable.


Anyway, I've been wanting to do a Yu-Gi-Oh! RP along the lines of the GX Saga. Academies, Duel Exams, Duels in general, the whole shebang. More specifically, a plot involving a Duelist and a Duel Spirit, because why not.
Razgriz said:
Trygon said:
I've had an idea for a three player Destiny plot I call 'The Black Engram' nearly since the game launched. Zero interest in doing the work to actually make it happen, though.
Oh wow, and hear I thought I was one in a billion with a Destiny plot. Doesn't help that most of the good story is in the Grimoire cards and not actually playable.


Anyway, I've been wanting to do a Yu-Gi-Oh! RP along the lines of the GX Saga. Academies, Duel Exams, Duels in general, the whole shebang. More specifically, a plot involving a Duelist and a Duel Spirit, because why not.

Christ, tell me about it. There's some AMAZING bits in there, though. My favorite has to be the 'Thanatonauts', an order of Warlock scientists devoted to the study of death. Sorry, did I say study? I meant exploration. They sit in a lab with their ghost, repeatedly killing themselves and taking notes after their ghosts reconstruct them.
Trygon said:
Razgriz said:
Trygon said:
I've had an idea for a three player Destiny plot I call 'The Black Engram' nearly since the game launched. Zero interest in doing the work to actually make it happen, though.
Oh wow, and hear I thought I was one in a billion with a Destiny plot. Doesn't help that most of the good story is in the Grimoire cards and not actually playable.


Anyway, I've been wanting to do a Yu-Gi-Oh! RP along the lines of the GX Saga. Academies, Duel Exams, Duels in general, the whole shebang. More specifically, a plot involving a Duelist and a Duel Spirit, because why not.

Christ, tell me about it. There's some AMAZING bits in there, though. My favorite has to be the 'Thanatonauts', an order of Warlock scientists devoted to the study of death. Sorry, did I say study? I meant exploration. They sit in a lab with their ghost, repeatedly killing themselves and taking notes after their ghosts reconstruct them.
Yeah, those Thanatonauts are pretty ballsy to literally kill themselves in the name of science. Honestly though? My favorite tale was that of Dredgen Yor, because it showed that Guardians are not completely untouchable. They can be corrupted just as easily as anything else.
A long term Tolkienesque/LoTR/Silmarillion RP where my partner is as lore heavy as I am. Probably need to branch off to dedicated RP sites for this one I'm thinking.
RedRose said:
A noir/olden times mafia that doesn't peter out quickly. Something with fitting style and atmosphere. It's like mine are cursed.

I did one for 3 years that ended up being passed on to a friend who my hitman character mentored IC for like 3 months. Died 7 months after when gaia shut down the thread(Someone snitched about the secret guild brothel, yes you paid in gaia gold and were..taken care of and the house got a cut it was brilliant.) and they couldn't port over.
MellowYellow said:
Thinking a little more on it, any type of 'role reversal' play is almost impossible to come upon here. From the mundane to the more fantastical, where it's almost impossible to find people willing to add a bit of spice to a stock plot by playing female character in a normally male role.

Sure, everyone and their Aunt Sissy is happy to play Little Red Riding Hood, but how many would be willing to play a female wolf opposite a male Red?

I've done it before as the male red. It was fun, then got turned into guro.
I'm on like three different rp sites and can't get much rp going like at all since all I wanna play is femboys Q.Q
I have a hard time finding roleplayers that are not that into the smut. I mean there is adult websites for that. I thought the idea of roleplaying was to write and collaborate on a good story. I mean I am not opposed to smut, I am no prude, but if I was horny I would go watch porn and just cut out the middle man.

I am interested in a good story and there isn't much of that happening anymore on many sites. There are some PG related sites, but I don't like the idea of censorship and NO smut. Its either ALL smut or NO smut. Can we have some medium smut in between? HAHA.

But I do like the idea of a LOTR Tolkien story, or a Star Wars, Star Trek type story.
Anansi said:
MellowYellow said:
Thinking a little more on it, any type of 'role reversal' play is almost impossible to come upon here. From the mundane to the more fantastical, where it's almost impossible to find people willing to add a bit of spice to a stock plot by playing female character in a normally male role.

Sure, everyone and their Aunt Sissy is happy to play Little Red Riding Hood, but how many would be willing to play a female wolf opposite a male Red?

I've done it before as the male red. It was fun, then got turned into guro.

Huh. I imagine that was a bit of a surprise then.
Lady Shadow said:
I have a hard time finding roleplayers that are not that into the smut. I mean there is adult websites for that. I thought the idea of roleplaying was to write and collaborate on a good story. I mean I am not opposed to smut, I am no prude, but if I was horny I would go watch porn and just cut out the middle man.

I am interested in a good story and there isn't much of that happening anymore on many sites. There are some PG related sites, but I don't like the idea of censorship and NO smut. Its either ALL smut or NO smut. Can we have some medium smut in between? HAHA.

But I do like the idea of a LOTR Tolkien story, or a Star Wars, Star Trek type story.

BennyQ said he is looking for LOTR a few posts above you , have you tried him?
Look at us! Setting RP's up for people! *pats everyone on the back*

One specific plot I could never find a writer for the idea was a freaky Friday esque scenario where a young couple have their minds swapped to each other's bodies and obviously then the RPers would play the other physical body with their characters personality.

Also any GM style RP that actually sticks, I think I might have one that will though!!
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