A Vacation I Will Always Remember ( MewMew & BradyG91)


Oct 2, 2015
Dexter's mom, or Diana, as she preferred to be called felt unappreciated by her family. Her "so called" husband was always busy at work, barely ever had time for her, whereas her kids were too busy hanging out with their friends that they didn't have time to hangout with their mom. Hell, all she ever do was cleaned the house and stay at home! Sick and tired of staying at home all the time, Diana decided she needed rightfully deserved vacation for herself! Therefore she packed up a duffel bag of clothes and all necessities, she might need, left a note for her family, informing them that she was going to be on a vacation. She didn't bothered to informed them when she was coming back!

It wasn't as if it mattered anyways! They probably would not even cared! Or, let alone, discovered she was gone. Sexually deprived because the sex she had with her husband had no passion or lust whatsoever, left Diana sexually frustrated, resolved her to masturbation and sex toys. Though masturbation and sex toys was very overused! She was tired of masturbation and sex toys. They never suffice her! It only left her wanting more!

Ridiculous, really! Diana was ashamed to admit this but she needed a man with some stamina ― a man who was able to pleasure in ways her husband thought impossible! Often in this case, Diana will just stick with masturbation, however she was in desperate need of a man, Diana knew thinking of having with other man besides her own husband was unforgivable however the red haired woman couldn't help herself.

Unsure what she should do, Diana decided to forget about it for now, figured she should just enjoyed her vacation as much as possible. Once she finally arrived at the airport, she got checked in, went through security to get her luggage check before brocading the plane. Diana slept through the entire plane ride to her destination that is until she was awaken by the female flight attendant who informed her that they reached their last destination, politely asked her to vacate her seat.

Standing up from her seat, Diana rubbed her eyes groggily, walked out to the plane, retrieved her luggage at the baggage reclaim area, once she got her luggage, she dragged her duffel bag, left the airport, walked towards the resort.

On the way there, a pickpocket stole her money unknowingly when she felt someone bumped into her. She discovered her money was gone after she checked into the resort! To make matters even worse, when she left to go to lavatory, asked receptionist to watch her luggage while she go to restroom, her luggage gone missing as well!

"Fuck, what else can possibly go wrong today?" Diana growled out in frustration and sighed heavily.
Hank walked into the lobby of the Resort. Having spent the last few weeks out on an assignment that nearly cost him his life, he had decided to take some time off and relax. Instead of the camo pants he normally wore he opted for shorts, but kept the tank top as he looked around before walking towards the reception desk. He could see and hear the red-headed woman there having a back and forth with the employee. As he walked up he couldn't help but let his eyes wander down to her derrière...

*dear god...* he thought to himself before looking ahead and meeting another receptionist. He proceeded to begin his check in for a room, occasionally looking over at the woman next to him. He wanted to let his eyes wander again but other guests had begun lining up behind them to wait.

"Hank". "Yes". "You know what, can I upgrade the bed to King size?" He continued his check in.
"I am really sir but we can find your lost luggage or cash whatsoever. " The receptionist didn't seem very apologetic, in fact, she seemed like she didn't care at all.

"Can you please check again?" Diana practically begged for the receptionist to look again.

"I am sorry Miss, I can't really help you." Downright refusing to help the red haired woman, the receptionist called up the next customer to check and waved her hand dismissively to Diana to leave.

Diana wanted to call the receptionist a bitch but hold her tongue instead she walked away but she only ended up knocking into someone with her big tush. "Oops, I am sorry." She apologized to the muscular man. It was accident sue didn't mean to hit him with her huge butt.
"Hey don't worry about it beautiful." Hank replied smiling before getting serious. "I couldn't help overhearing your problem...I'm sorry that happened to you. Some people just don't know how to take care of a seems..."

"Are you alone?" He asked walking away from the lobby with her, his bag in hand.

It was the afternoon, almost evening out. A nice yellowish-orange sky out as he walked with her to the front of the resort.
"Yeah it is quite unfortunate but I guess jusy have to call home and get a plane ride back home then." Diana didn't want to go home but she didn't really have a choice.

"Yes, I am alone," She amswered then went ahead and asked her own question. "Are you alone by chance or are you with someone?"

Hopefully, her husband or kods were alone she needed is to be penniless st a resort of all places.
"Yeah, I'm here on my own too." Looking at her up and down a thought popped up in his mind. "Um, you must have traveled her from a far place...I'm guessing flew?". "Since you've got nowhere to go, you're welcome to come up to my room and figure it out there?" He nodded back towards the enterance.

"I mean what else can you do? And I wouldn't have any problems with that as well...". He gave her a playful smile as he stepped back and motioned toward the doors.

He knew he couldn't let her get away...he may have come for some relaxation, but a little fun wouldn't hurt either..
"Thank you very much I appreciate it." Diana didn't bother declining the man's offer. She needed somewhere to stay for the meantime.

"I bet you wouldn't have any problems with me coming to your room and I promise to keep you as much company as I can." She said, winking knowingly st the man.

"By name is Diana by the way. What is your name if I may ask?" She asked, curiously as she walked back into the resort and waited for the man to lead her to his room.
"Hank." He answered with a smile. Opening the door, he let her back inside first, his eyes immediately going down her body as she walked past. He lead her to an elevator and they headed to his room.

They chatted as they walked down the hall until he stopped her and used his key to let her inside the room. "Make yourself at home beautiful..." he said as he set his things down and walked over to the window to pull back the blinds. "Now there's a view huh?" He said stepping back and sitting down on the bed.

The window pointed out to the pool, then the beach and ocean with the sun beginning to dip.
"Hank, huh, now that is a nice name indeed." She remarked, smiling at Hank vibrantly with her pearly white teeth. Able to sense Hank's eyes on her body, Diana couldn't help but chuckled to herself as she allowed the man to look at her. So he was interested in her? Who woild thought a hot man such as Hank will be interested in her. Diana shortly followed behind Hank as they went into the elevator.

After they left the elevator, Diana found herself connecting with Hank more than her own husband as they talked together on their way to Hank's room. When they finally arrived, Diana made herself at home like Hank told her to of course. There was no need to he a stranger.

"Yes it is quite a view indeed." She agreed with Hank about the view and sat beside him.

The ciew was just beautiful! Diana could sit here all day and never ever get bored.

"Are you on vacation as well by any chance?" She asked, curiously.
"Yup...been busy for a while now. Needed some time off to just take it easy you know?" He leaned back, his hands sliding back and wide to hold himself up. His right arm grazing Diana's lower back.

"So I'm still surprised you're here on your own...no boyfriend or anything?" He asked laughing as he looked over at her.
"Yeah I know exactly what you mean." Diana indeed knew what Hank meant by needing time to take it easier. The housewife was doimg same thing except for when her money and luggage got stolen that is when her entire vacation went to naught. She blinked several times before registering whay Hank was doing, he was lightly caressing her back which felt nice. Flutfering her eyes close, she leaned slightly on Hank's shoulder, remained there for awhile.

"No boyfriend whatsoever but I do have a husband but he doesn't respect what I do for him at all. Neither does my kids but they do show their graditude by saying thank you by husband doesn't really say thank you at all anymore." Diana complained, letting out a loud sigh. That is when she realize she should not be complaining in fact he should be fixing her relationship with her husband. But how would she do that? "Forgive me I shouldn't be complaining. I bet you have a girlfriend, look at, your hot!" She exclaimed, bluntly.
"He doesn't? Huh..doesn't sound like a very good husband." He turned to her, "he should be treating you like a queen...I mean look at you. Beautiful face, incredible body...a lot of guys would love to get with a woman like you hah."

As he spoke he brushed away some hair from her eyes then looked up and down her body as he complimented her.
"Thanks that is very flattering, I really appreciate you complimenting me but I love my husband despite his negligence towards me." Diana said with a forced smile adorning her face.

Diana noticed Hank was looking at her body. She raised an eyebrow at him inquisitively when he brushed some strands of her hair from her face. "Is there a reason why you keep staring at me Hank?" She already knew why he was looking at her but just hearing him tell her why was amusing
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