Ideas I am very very eager to play. Bisexual girl

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tiffy collins

Jan 23, 2012
Heya I wont bore you with Rules there always the same for everyone anyways. I am a bisexual Girl. I like Diversity M/M included. I get alot of F/F I love that and M/F and all combinations there in. All Ideas can be changed and converted as needed.

Please PM me if interested lets make magic :)


wife fucked as daughter

(A simple fantasy is getting out of Hand)

This is a tale of a family of 4. Mom Dad Brother and the star of the RP the sister. The Sister makes a couple of Videos and some Pictures for her Boy friend. Her brother finds out and Rats his sister out. The Parents ground the Girl and Take away her Computer for a week. This after a long Lecture on what the girl did wrong.

What the teen does not know is her Parents have a boring rut of a sex life. Sex has not been any good for years. The Dad at first sugests a small way to spice up there Sex like. He sugests his wife pretend to be there Daughter. A small act at first she still dresses as herself and just calls him Daddy and such. But over time he asks for more and more. Soon enough there Having sex in the daughters bed. She wears her daughters Clothes her makeup. Does her hair exactly like her daughters. And there having the best sex of there lives indulging in the fantasy. But the wife is growing to fear her Husband is more attracted to the fantasy of his daughter...then she herself.

One day her Son and daughter come home early from school. And find there parents having sex in the daughters room. Mom dressed like her screaming OH YES DADDY!. Daddy calling the mom by the Daughters name. Now there fantasy is out in the open. At first the daughter is disgusted and Disturbed. But deep down she cant help but feel flattered. She also soon learns how easy she can sway her daddy with just rubbing against him. Putting her body in his arms. Dressing sexier for his attention.

how long before the daddy breaks and makes a move for his Daughter? Will she let him savour her young full body? How will the brother react I think it would be neat if he was secretly attracted to her as well. Or she was attracted to him. How will the mom accept her husband now not only fantasizing of his daughter. But openly pursuing her.


big sister sold me

(An ageing Call girl uses her sister so she does not loose her Lifestyle. Untill her sister Turns on her.)

a girl in her 20s lives in a nice apartment. She has nice Clothes a nice Car she lives Well. Yet no one around her is ever Sure what Work she does. She is a Higher Class Call girl. Only she is starting to Find her Primary Client a wealthy Powerful Man. He started to Hire this girl when she was 16 and Now he is Growing Bored of her. She is no Longer stunned by his Life style. She is not as attractive as she used to be. When he is At her House One day, her Little sister (15) Visits un announced. The younger girl has no idea her Sister is a call Girl. Or that this Man just fucked her for Cash. The man begins to Talk to her and Finds he is Attracted to this Little girl. He tells the older sister in private that unless she gets her little sister in his bed in 1 week he will take away everything she has.

The older sister aranges a Trip for the Three of them. Then Gets her Little sister Drunk and Vulnerable. The younger vulnerable sister falls prey to a more experienced older man. She has no idea this was pre planned or she was set up. But after a taste of her youthfull body the man craves more!. The older sister convinces her parents to let the younger teen move in with her.

Eventually the young girl learns the truth. But by then she is drawn to the wealh and power like a moth to flame. Making love in Paris under the stars. When a few weeks before she never even left her state. Then the power begins to shift. She realises it is not she who needs her is her sister who needs her........


My Boy Friends Brother

A teenage girl I play has been dating her Boy Friend for a year or so. He has a brother who is growing attracted to this girl. But kept his growing love a secret. One day at the beach he has a public fight with his own GF. He storms away in shame. My char goes after him and comforts him, they talk and he calms down. She is being comforting and does not mean to tease him. But in his grief he misunderstands. He kisses her. she pulls away slaps him and leaves.

Over the next weeks his love becomes more angry. Soon he is convinced she is driving him crazy on purpose. He cant resist any longer he has to have her. So he puts on a mask and rapes her (not tooo brutal). She never tells the cops maybe out of fear maybe she had a past of crying rape and does not think she will be believed. But for him the night with his dream girl was the greatest of his life. His GF can no longer satisfy him completely. He cheats with a couple girls but none of them can do it for him. Soon he must rape her again he cant resist. Over time and repeated Rapes my chars fears begins to lower as she knows he will never truly hurt her and will let her go after. Eventually she even finds herself looking forward to this mystery man forcing himself on her. All this time we don't forget her BF as there relationship grows and develops. As does the GF of the Brother.

will she find out who her Rapist is? will she leave her BF for his Brother? does she want both? I am very very eager to do this!


My sister and me...or is me

A teenage girl about 15 or so with an older sister. she steals her sisters Car keys and decides to go on a joy ride. After a few times of doing this she is pulled over for speeding. Being young and scared she pulls her sisters License out of the dash board. Pretending to be her own sister as they look a lot alike. The cop gives her a ticket thinking she is over age and was just speeding. The girl goes home terrified that when her Sister find's out about that ticket she is dead!. Until the next day when the cop calls her Cell phone and asks her out on a date. She knows this is wrong she is 15 and he thinks she is her sister. But if she goes maybe he can destroy that ticket. So she goes. We could say the cop has a son who is in her School as well. Just to add some complications (she may not know this)

what will she have to do to clear that ticket? Will they begin a relationship him not knowing that her name age job are all lies. Will the sister ever find out?


Hunt for a Goddess

(the greatest Mystery of the Century and no one knows how simple the truth is.)

This is a modern day RP that began over 2000 years ago. The Greek and Roman and Egyptian gods as well as a dozen other Pantheons Ruled the world with absolute and unquestioned fear and Power. And then some Mortals in an Act of resistence spread faith in a new God. One single all powerfull God. One based on Mercy and love. It was a lie there was no God. But thousands of terrified Bullied Followers joined the faith. And then Millions more. They hunted there former Gods one by one. Many fell to the mortals there Powers degraded by lack of Worship. Others took there own Life rather then be Killed. Others Gave up divinity to live and Die amoung Mortals. And yet more chose to Hide in remote places protected by there strongest most devount servents. One of these was The great Aphrodity. (or some other Simular Goddess). She planned to stay entombed and Hidden untill the Mobs stopped hunting her. Then to be Freed and restore her base of Power.

But as the centuries pass her followers died or moved on. And she was Forgotten a relic of a long lost age. Untill today when a dig in a remote Actic region discovers a perfectly preserved Naked Woman's body. She is more then that she is the most Beutifull woman any man has ever seen. No matter who looks at her what they see is there ideal Immage of Female perfection. And more odd still she apears to be alive. Her heart beats her blood Flows. Her nipples even stand Hard. But no atempt to wake her meets any positive results. Her body seems Indestructable. Soon enough she is displayed to the world as the greatest Mystery of the era. Billions around the world look her up online the Mystery Body found in the ice. Millions travel from around the world to see her Body. And many cry at her sheer perfection. (Many others have less Noble reactions) Yet still there is no indication that she will ever wake up.

As cults begin to sprout up around the world to worship this Body. The Catholic faith is loosing Numbers and Power as worshippers flock to this new Faith. What no one that 2000 years trapped has weakened the Goddess. When she was untombed her soul her Powers were cast away in a confused lack of Comprehension. They soared around the world unsure of who or what they were untill they Finaly found a vessel. A 15 year old Teen girl from a small town.

Her body was Taken her mind cast asside. But as damaged and degraded as her Soul had become the Goddess could not remember who she was. And came to believe she was really this 15 year old girl. Her powers seemed to affect the world around without her even knowing. She was quickly becoming the hottest girl in the county. But for all of that she was sure she was just a normal Teen girl. She was as Amazed by the Ice woman as anyne else. And never dreamed she was conected to that.....

As time Passed and more followers prayed to and worshipped this Body. The power of beliefe and Faith began to repair to mind...

How long before she began to realize who she was? And how would she be able to restore herself to her True Divine form. And what will happen if more Bodies are latter found in other Remote places. Now that people know where to look. Will our Goddess be in for a Gods War?
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