Marriage Roleplay calling for a double up FxM

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Mar 7, 2016
Hello. I am looking for someone who would be interested in a roleplay about roleplay that is long term and starts out with a man and wife where the woman wants to get pregnant but her husband can't ever'get it up' in bed because he has failed to tell her he is gay after 7 years of marriage. Soon he drops the bomb and leaves her broken and confused. Shortly after, they are still roommates but divorced. They still love each other, he just has lost the romantic feel for her. Soon she starts sleeping around with a very aggressive man who does get her pregnant.

However, during her pregnancy his abuse becomes evident to her ex-husband, who's boyfriend is now living with them. They call the cops and get the guy thrown out of the house and get a restraining order against him. Some months pass by and while the wife is still 8 months pregnant, the father of her baby files for custody of their unborn child. She fights, but they get joint custody.

After the baby is born about 2 or 3 months after, she meets a trucker at the diner she works at and they fall in love, which her daughter's father doesn't approve of, and causes a fit every time he sees her with him.

There is more story but if I put it here, it would turn into a book. PM if interested. this calls for a lot of characters and a lot of detail. I will play the Wife and her Daughter, Possibly the boyfriend to the ex-husband if need be. PM if interested.
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