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Sisters Conflict

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Jan 26, 2014
Your closet
The role is just like what it sounds like it’s a family that has been blended between two families. There is your family, a son (you) and his mother (Which I’m going to play a little bit in the beginning but she’ll fad out soon cause she won’t be needed in the role for long) and then a father (I can play him but he’s a very minor role) and his thirteen daughters (which I’ll be playing every one of them).
This role I really just want to see what would happen for a boy in a house full of cute girls. There’s always a possibility for smut in the role but I prefer to keep it PG13 for the most part.

Anyways here’s the list of the sisters, (pictures on request)
-First daughter: Hannah
Age: 33
Occupation: Lawyer
-Second Daughter: Jessica
Age: 31
Occupation: Doctor/mother hen
-Third Daughter: Kassie
Age: 29
Occupation: Porn
-Fourth Daughter: Alexa (Alex)
Age: 27
Occupation: Male Model/female Model
-Fifth & Sixth Daughters: Britney and Caitlin
Age: 25
Occupation: Voice over actors
-Seventh daughter: Danny
Occupation: Director
-Eighth daughter: Nina
Age: 24
Occupation: Hair artist
-Ninth Daughter:
Age: 21
Occupation: None still in college
-Tenth daughter: Samantha
Age: 19
Occupation: None in college big time into sports
-Eleventh daughter: Marina or Ree for short
Age: almost 18
Occupation: Going to graduate High school
-Twelfth daughter: Veronica
Age: 16
Occupation: Actress
-Thirteenth daughter: Baylee
Age: ten
Occupation: Who cares she’s too cute to work.

Most of the girls live in a large house that’s more like a dormitory then a home that their father made when they were younger. Three of the thirteen girls live outside the home but they visit often enough to consider it their home. If you want to know what they look like just ask. Please don’t write me on here send me a PM cause otherwise I ignore it.

If we do end up playing this role I need to know a few things about your character: Age, Name, and what he looks like. Everything else can be played out in the role. After all I want to start the role from when they all first meet.
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