Avril Rocks Out for Africa {darkest_fate&WaveVelour}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
"I still won't believe it's happening until she walks through that door," Ikenna insisted, pointing toward the entrance to the relatively spacious warehouse. The dark-skinned model lounged upon a surprisingly comfortable couch. A white shirt lay open, showing off an abdomen that likely could have grated cheese if it didn't melt simply by touching the man. His skin had a deep color that just bordered on black, a color that made the white of his near perfect teeth look all the brighter. A pair of designer jeans covered his lower half, providing some space to certain... portions of him. The man looked every inch the breakout model and star he'd become back in his native land.

Joshua, director and photographer extraordinaire, sighed with more drama than was strictly necessary: "I'm telling you it's quite true. We got Avril Lavigne to sign onto the program. She'll be here any minute," he glanced at his watch, frowning slightly. The rotund man was used to various celebrities believing that everyone should set their schedules around them instead of the other way around. That didn't lessen his frustrations any when one of them decided to take their sweet time. They'd rented out this space for only so long, after all, and Joshua had big plans for what they were doing. He had so much confidence in Ikenna to accomplish what their employers most wanted. After all, they did need to convince Avril to become quite dedicated to their cause.

"I still don't see what she has to gain from all this," Ikenna said, flicking his fingers. "Why pick our cause, hmm? Did someone suggest it to her? Or perhaps it was the oh so clever title?" The educated African's accent had a mixture of his Nigerian homeland and some British education to it, which clipped his words.

Joshua rolled his eyes. "Some combination of the two," he offered. "I've also heard that an agent or someone all but challenged her. Insisted that she was too mainstream for us or something along those lines."

Both men chuckled at this, before Joshua continued: "Did you prepare?"

"Of course," Ikenna replied, waving a hand. They both knew that preparation in this case meant more than a standard shoot. Ikenna took his modeling quite seriously. His fitness regime had been confounding, particularly for someone considered a rising musical star. But he put himself through it, and had intensified his training, focusing on particularly important muscles for today. Of course, there were other... activities he'd made certain to prepare himself for. The man's mind drifted to some of the photos he'd looked up of Miss Lavigne. Yes, she would look quite splendid in his arms...

Noise sounded. Joshua turned, smiling. "It looks like she's arrived!" he declared before moving forward. There was barely a skeleton crew on set, and they all began moving into position. Joshua himself would take the lead, heading for Avril to greet her and usher her further into the set, ready to show off everything they had provided.
After parking her jeep as close as possible to her destination, the princess of rock looked towards the vast warehouse before her. At the first glance, judging by the looks of the exterior, the place seemed to be a modest location. At least, not as fancy as the ones she had used for her late productions. Considering that the event was mostly about charity and not revenue, she didn’t mind it much. On the other hand, little rocker always had issues when it came to shoots and interviews. Most of the industry was aware of how hard working with her could get. Although as the time passed by, her behavior became more bearable, she still had her iconic uppity, always being a fan of doing whatever she wants, whenever she wants. And attending to mandatory events and keeping up with the planned schedules were difficult for her to enjoy. Even in her youth, she was having troubles focusing on school, getting detention after detention. Indeed, being an antsy drama queen was in her nature. And she didn’t damn cared whether other individuals could get along with that or not. However, that didn’t mean that she could just decline everything she deemed not as inviting or did not feel like participating. A charity organization was a sensitive topic, which she felt responsible to do her part. Another part of her duty as a girl many fans looked up to. Same fans whom she was happy to be followed by.

As the pale skinned girl got closer to the entrance of the warehouse, her black sneakers had been only making very soft tapping noises under her light weight, failing to announce her arrival, as much as she loved that. The blonde had a baseball cap with a zebra pattern. Funnily, it also had her initials, “A” and “L” on, where the hat combined with her aviator sunglasses was supposed to cover her identity as a well-known star while driving and walking about. Avril’s long, light blonde hair was loose, perfectly straight as always. Mixed green and pink highlights on the sides were matching up with the rock star’s colorful personality, while occasional black strands gave her hair some depth. Her makeup was applied in a simple manner, main emphasis of her pretty face being her dark smokey eyes and glossy lips. Dark leather pants covering her smooth legs were causing her bum to shine under the sunlight, roundest spot of her miniscule form. Though, the position of the sun was also indicating that Avril was at least a few hours late. On top, the celebrity had a loose white shirt and a biker coat to keep herself warm.

Finally entering the building, Avril raised her hand high up in the air. “Here!” She called out vocally, her blue eyes wondering around to see her host. With energetic footsteps, the blonde found her way to where the crew was waiting. Not doing this the first time, it wasn’t hard for her to label the members of the crew depending on their profession. Especially the dark skinned model, considering his well-shaped physique. Standing among these kind of people was causing her to look even smaller than she already was. Being a bit over than 5 ft tall, it wasn’t that difficult though. Instinctively, Avril faced Joshua, her adorable smile probably compensating her late arrival. “Alright. This time for Africa, right?” She quoted another exotic singer famous for her talented hips. Her hand gestured the model lounging on the couch to stand up, jokingly accusing him for being lazy. Acting like a guilty girl, Avril bit her lower lip and turned her gaze back to the director again. “I have a tight schedule nowadays. Didn’t have time to check how we’ll roll today.” She continued, basically asking to be informed about his plans for the day. While waiting, she waved to the rest of the crew. “Hi everyone!” The fair blonde greeted the others with her high pitched voice.​
The girl looked every bit the young celebrity. Joshua noticed it immediately, and he would admit that he had some initial reservations. Would she perhaps be the best face for what they were setting out to accomplish? Would people take this smiling little thing seriously? He could see the multicolored hair, which did, admittedly, make the girl look even wilder, though her manner didn't speak overmuch to it. The director's gaze did dip as the girl walked passed him, his brows raising slightly. That, he had to admit, was a very nice ass.

"Precisely!" he announced as she turned to him and questioned. He brought his hands together, beaming a smile. Avril gestured, and Joshua noticed Ikenna looking over to him with an expression that danced along the border of bemusement and irritation. The director responded by gesturing for the male model to rise up.

Ikenna did rise, only half-listening as the small white girl prattled about schedules and somehow acted both friendly and subtly demanding. The African nearly topped seven feet, and his broad chest made him seem even more imposing. It had certainly helped build a more commanding stage presence, though he liked to think he radiated authority. He couldn't help but notice the stark differences between him in his partner: the size, the skin coloration. Yes, they would like quite nice together indeed.

"Pleasure to meet you, Avril," he offered, striding forward, not waiting time for an introduction from Joshua. "I'm Ikenna, and it will be my pleasure to be your partner for today's shoot," and likely beyond, if Ikenna had any say in it. He let his dark eyes rake the girl's body, taking in the subtle curves and the daring clothing. "I must say that you already look quite ravishing."

"Doesn't she just?" Joshua chimed in, nodding. "I know we had sent some notice to your people, but we had half expected to need to do touch up," he studied first Avril then Ikenna, clearly judging both, "but I think this will work. yes, it should work," his head bobbed, while he gestured for a few of his other crew to get to work, setting up light and rearranging furniture and all. They would mostly be standing in front of a white screen, wanting to keep the shoot as stark as possible. Ironically the couch upon which Ikenna had been laying would also be used.

"I had arrived half an hour late," the dark-skinned model and rockstar commented, leaning slightly toward Avril as he watched the others moving. "Clearly I haven't mastered the art of being a rock star yet. Or perhaps it's simply a skill that comes more naturally to Americans? But ah," he nodded, "I'm mistaken: you are Canadian, are you not? This is, maybe, why your skin is nearly ivory?" He gestured toward her, flashing another smile.
Working with fit dancers and models in good shape was something the blonde singer was accustomed to at this point of her career. She looked up at the model who had just introduced himself. “Ikenna.” Avril repeated his name, taking note of the proper pronunciation of his name. “Cool.” She simply appreciated the man’s introduction, although part of her questioned why she needed a partner for the shoot in the first place. A short recording of her where she called out the viewers to support the African population was what she had assumed to be doing for the charity. Something like her voice being a part of a video compilation which also included other celebrities. Maybe her partner’s presence was more about producing a relatable picture with the involvement of an African American cast member.

Her thin eyebrows frowned a little as her cool eyes followed the production team getting prepared, thinking they should have had plenty of time to ready the set before her arrival. “They might need to a cut a hole in the floor for you to stand in. If you want your face in the same frame as mine.” Avril made a wisecrack to lighten her somewhat annoyed mood. From within, she was still hoping that the shooting would be over before long. So, she could return and spare her precious time.

The little praising both Joshua and Ikenne had showed toward the looks of the rock star made Avril chuckle, her white teeth showing through her parted cherry lips. “I am!” She accepted the compliments. Though, her tone shifted to a more serious one shortly after. “Yeah, that’s another thing. I don’t think I need any further touch ups to my face. Or the help of a hair stylist. We can go straight to the shooting and be done with it.” The girl told the director, not wishing to lengthen the duration of the session.

Figuring the black model was mocking her for being late with all the talk about becoming a master rock star, Avril sighed. “Yeah… Sorry for being a little late. Sometimes shit happens.” Tiny blonde didn’t try to find any excuse for being late and took off her glasses to reveal her blue eyes. “Well, I’m just who I am.” She added after a subtle nod. Lavigne was indeed a pretty white Canadian, which would have made the already quite attractive girl even more appealing in others’ eyes, even if they had preferred more curvy ladies with a big bust. However, she always preferred her music to be her outstanding feature. And also little fans who imitated the rock star’s distinctive hairstyles. After a glance at the production team still seemingly busy with the preparations, Avril looked at Joshua. “I assume you’ve worked with folks from music industry before. So, how are we gonna do this?” The girl asked, sounding more professional now.​
Both Ikenna and Joshua were working under the assumption that someone had, of course, filled Avril in on all the particulars. How the various promo shoots were combining a famous American/Canadian/Western star with one that was more locally famous to Africa, how the combination was set up to help show a more universal appeal, which wouldn't, of course, diminish any personal recommendations or shoots that the various participants did alone. Of course, both Joshua and especially Ikenna had decidedly... "other" ideas a to what to do with their little blonde faux-punk-rocker.

The comment had Ikenna chuckling, glad to hear that Avril at least had some humor. Some of his irritation and frustrated at being left stewing for so long had started to ease. Of course, some of his other bits of irritation and frustration, cultivated over an even more extended period of time, were worsening with each passing second. Seeing Avril chuckle or smile or take the compliments fueled Ikenna a little further, and he was glad that he was supposed to show some passion in what was soon to come.

"Excellent!" Joshua cried, clapping his hands. His people were mostly in position already, having more or less prepared. Given that both Ikenna and Avril were in costume and makeup, they wouldn't need to wait much longer. The director moved to finish a last few touches, setting up what had to wait for Avril to arrive.

"Indeed, shit does happen," the darker star agreed, his voice a little rumbling. "Besides, you wouldn't have the appeal of yourself were you to act like someone else," Ikenna flashed another smile before being called over to get into position. Others fluttered around Avril for that last check while Joshua finally moved into position.

"Right," he said, nodding. "We're going to do a few promo pics just in general. A few each of you and Ikenna separately, which will be distributed and so forth, then some of the two of you together. Given your reputations, we are hoping to get some good wild poses and possibly even add some more..." Joshua gestured for a few moments, "erotically charged moments? Sensuality sells, and part of your appeal is that in your face rawness. We want to capture some stills of that, and if we have time, we may move onto doing a quick promo together," he checked the time again, while Ikenna chuckled.

"I'm certain we'll manage somehow," the model/singer insisted, before waving for Avril to come join him, standing in front of a screen. "They're going to want us both here to angle the cameras. We need to know whether I need to duck or perhaps pick you up, after all," Ikenna finished with a wink and a smile before getting into the position indicated by the crew.
There was no denying in the fact that the little pop rocker was not a good listener when people told her what to do in certain events. Let it be her own manager, agent or a director; they all had their own share of frustration when it came to explaining all the details of a production. Grabbing the attention of the pierced ears of the singer was not an easy task. Surely, she was informed of the day’s schedule. However, as in most cases, she hadn’t felt the need of storing that information in her mind. And knowing the director responsible for maintaining the flow of the production would be there whenever the famed star asked to fill her in on the subject, her ignorance was a deliberate choice. Avril was just thinking that her presence was enough of a privilege for the entire crew, that she didn’t need to do anything else.

When Joshua began clapping around his team and set out to finish the preparations, Avril was pretty satisfied with his hardworking state. The guy seemed to know what he was doing, which was giving her comfort about the event. She gave the members of the crew, who had been making occasional eye contact with her, a pretty smile and clapped her hands after the director, her tiny hands surprisingly managing to make a good amount of noise. “Let’s do it guys!” She shouted to fasten the process.

Avril spent the rest of the minutes before the testing shoot in a relatively quiet corner. Mostly looking down at her phone, while her cap covered her charming face. Time to time, she raised her head to respond to people working on the set. “I’m cool. Thanks.” The singer answered one of the people asking her if she needed anything. From where she stood, Avril gave her ears to Joshua, albeit still being busy with her handset. Having her own foundation which was dedicated to charity, she knew the overall structure of such an organization. The rocker tilted her head and eyed the director when her ears caught some words about being wild and sensual images. Despite not having the most volumetric assets, she would be the first person to admit she was a hot girl. Fair skinned celebrity wasn’t particularly a modest person when it came to how she looked. She was very well aware she was a hot piece.

Finally, the set seemed to be ready for the shoot. Waving hand of the model was also an indication of that. Given Ikenna’s height and well-built form, the sign was hard to miss too. With a sneering smirk on her face, pop singer walked towards the screen. On her way up, she take her hat off and swayed her golden hair. Avril leaned back against the screen. White color of the background nearly matching up with her fair skin. One of her feet left the flooring as the appealing rocker set it against the wall, tightening her leather pants even more. Her little fingers ran through her colorful hair strands as Avril lolled her head back and jutted her chest out. Seductive glance of her blue eyes found the camera. “I am damn wild.” Avril lowered her brows.

However, the little poser stepped out of the stage as quickly as she had stepped in. Thinking she had been successfully playing along with director’s joke, she turned her gaze to Joshua. “Come on! I know it’s a charity shoot. Stop fucking around, I know that much.” She chuckled, pretty confident that the cast was just ridiculing her lack of notion of the job. “Sensual…” The singer shook her head side to side.​
Gold hair, pale skin, tight body, Avril certainly did have many admirable qualities. That wasn't even considering the almost overstated punk rock attitude. Ikenna could only smile in amusement at all that, glad yet again that his jeans would hide the most telling signs. A chuckle and a head-shake left as she leaned against a wall, clearly enjoying herself. "Indeed you are," he stated, before leaning against the wall next to her. He didn't quite loom against her, didn't quite lean forward to further demonstrate that stark contrast in sizes, and he didn't quite undress her with his intense, almost hungry gaze, but the difference would be slight enough for most of the cameras not to notice.

"Of course it's for charity," Joshua said, sniffing indignantly. "But we want to create charge and passion for what we are doing," he said, gesturing emphatically. "Yes, sensuality," he said, motioning for Avril and Ikenna to get into position. "We want the charity to appeal to the rebellious youth, to your demographics. we want to energize them, to make them want to contribute--"

"Sex sells," Ikenna cut off. He chuckled and moved to lean casually against the wall himself, his own hands going to just pull at his jeans. He didn't prop a leg up against a wall, simply set his hips back to rest. The fingers rolled down the tops of his jeans just enough to show a little more flesh, while his arms parted and showed the chiseled hardness of his abdomen, he gave both Avril and the camera a smoldering look. "We want them to think we want to fuck them," he said bluntly, "if only they were willing enough to help," he let out a laugh at that, while Joshua tittered nervously.

"Well, that's not---exactly what I meant," he said, frowning. "But it's the gist." He gestured for the two to get into position. "Let's just start with both of you looking at the camera, maybe standing fairly close together? We do still want you both to look wild and--"

"Let me guess," Ikenna drawled, raising his brows, "sensuous? Or were you going to tell us to have fun?"

Joshua glared, but Ikenna got into position. He struck an almost ridiculously serious expression, shooting the camera a look that wouldn't have been out of place in a farce. His arms went up, and his expression did look a little wild, albeit in a comical way. And yet the photographer still took a picture, either enjoying it or not quite getting the clue.
Apparently all the talk about a sensual shooting was for real, unlike what Avril had thought initially, a subtle joke made to test her notice on the job. “Oh, you guys are serious.” She put one of her feet forward and put her hands on her hips. It was true that some of her promotional photos could be considered wild and sexy, but those were used on magazine covers or in her album materials and not for charity. The possibility of being accused for being irrational by the media and her fans kept her mind busy for a while. She had a look at Ikenne and the director. They both seemed to be quite comfortable with the situation. Dark skinned model even posing and showing some skin already. “Alright.” She responded. “They are somewhat your people.” The singer put herself in Ikenne’s shoes. Undoubtedly, he would be the first person to know whether the shooting would be offensive to African people.

On the other hand, both Joshua and Ikenna had been repeating the same phrase, showing the sensuous poses as a selling point, as if the two had talked over the argument to persuade the appealing star in case she doubted the moral of the session. Avril didn’t overthink it though and gave a forced smile, noting the shaky state of the director at the same time. “Let’s pimp ourselves out for the needy. I guess.” The rocker referred to the model’s humor and got back to the stage while the spotlights providing the suitable lighting conditions shined her butt on her way to the stage.

When Avril entered the frame once again after Ikenna’s ridiculously serious poses, she faced the camera operator. “Ok.” She held her knee. “Either a knee up shot…” Her hand slide over her thigh and stopped over her waist. “Or waist up.” The fair blonde suggested. “Or I can sit down?” She added. Even if deciding the best angle was basically the director’s job, that had never stopped her from ventilating her own preferences before. “Let’s do the solo pics first.” The blonde removed her hat and tucked the colorful strands of her hair behind the ear, getting ready to give some wild poses despite her casual outfit.​
Ikenna kept posing, even as Avril got into position. He did pause to laugh as she spoke about pimping herself out: oh, if only she knew what they had planned for the long term. The model/star felt a flash of impatience, particularly as the girl got into position. He most certainly noticed the light glinting off her finely rounded rear, and he felt his fingers twitching. Oh, how easy it would be to cup that bottom with his hand, to rub or even better: to spank. He would wager that Avril would certainly appreciate such handling, or come to appreciate it. However, he had to remind himself of patience, even as his pants grew a little more uncomfortable.

"It's not that difficult,' he agreed, flexing his own muscles, enjoying the play of the light over his abdomen. The starlet was close and posing, and Ikenna moved slightly to help: cupping her leg as she raised, then shifting as she posed. The whole posing entertained him greatly: he knew full well that Joshua would be flustered, at the least.

That last command had Ikenna chuckling. "She's so eager to get rid of me," he said, before bending down to peck Avril on the cheek. "Do not worry: I take no offense yet," he winked, then strode confidently off, all but strutting as he did. One of the few assistants nearby would be handing off some water, which the male model took immediately.

Now that all the situating was out of the way, Joshua could examine the situation. He studied the light on the starlet, and tried not to let her suggestions bother him overmuch. "We'll be doing mostly full body shots,' he said, gesturing. "We want to get the full look and ensemble. I couldn't help but notice the light reflects quite well off your posterior, so we'll want at least one shot of you flaunting that. Perhaps if you could stick with cheeky poses?" He nodded. "You know, giving the camera coy looks, taking taunting poses, things like that. Remember the goals: we want charity to be appealing and look like something the youth should be engaging in. It should look fun."

Joshua nodded before moving to stand near the photographer. He whispered to a few, indicating that they may want to turn up a few of the lights. Just subtly: more to get the heat moving than to cause any real affects. He'd be on call to start judging Avril's posing too, ready and waiting. "Just begin with some that feel natural; we'll work with your instincts and build from there."
Without a doubt, the zealous model was not the first person who wanted to land a good smack on the rocker’s round globes and listen to her high pitched yelp. Despite not having the most volumetric assets, Avril was quite confident about her naturally fit form. And she knew she was adored by many boys, and girls. Apparently, Ikenna was a member of that group given how eager he was to lay his hands on the famed star. When the model grabbed her legs, it felt like he had been chasing an opportunity all along to touch the singer’s body as if she wasn’t able to get on the stage by herself. Albeit being a light girl, she was also a slippery one. The blonde singer quickly wriggled her legs free when she returned to the stage.

“Yeah. I can’t do the solo shots without, you know, being solo.” Avril lectured. The little smooch given by her partner caused her to give a sober face, not knowing the source of his sudden confidence. Although not dramatizing what she assumed to be an innocent kiss, she gave the director a meaningful gaze. “Oh, now I wanna get rid of you.” She smiled as her hand gestured Ikenna to leave the camera frame, so that she could complete her task.

The singer listened to the director’s instructions, her mouth half open as if she was about to interrupt Joshua’s words throughout his speech. “Feel neutral?” She questioned his last words. “I’m always natural babe.” The blonde claimed. For her first pose, Avril spread her legs while standing upright and straightened her back. Her little hands positioned themselves just around her outer thighs. Chest out, stomach in, her blue eyes pierced the camera.

On her second shot, Avril crossed her legs and turned her slim body to the side. As her fingers slid along her form, the singer stuck her round bum out a bit. To put more emphasis on her golden hair, she grabbed two fistfuls of hair and raised her elbows up. With one eye closed, she gave the camera a wild smile. While pulling her own hair, blue color of her bra could have been guessed under the short sleeves of her loose shirt. Hopefully, that last shot would be cropped to avoid giving away the singer’s height. Hence, why she was opposed to full body shots in the first place.

For the final photo, Avril lay on her side. Her legs slowly curled up as the attractive pop star rested her hand over the leg. Her other hand picked a pink lock of hair and began to twirl it around playfully. Like an unimpressed mistress scooping her slave, she eyed the cameraman. After a good number of photos of hers were captured, little rock star rose to her feet. “Are we cool?” Avril asked, hoping that she had given enough material for the charity.
At Avril's protest, Ikenna lifted his arms to the ceiling as if to beg some divine being for patience or forgiveness. He did at least give her a wink soon after, glad that his slightly flirty kiss had been received fairly well. It would be interesting to see what he could get away with, though he was already thinking that he'd have to be a little careful, considering that she was proving to be more sly and intelligent than he'd figured. Perhaps he shouldn't have looked so much at her recent... "work."

While Ikenna mused, Joshua attempted to regain control over the situation. As Avril repeated, Joshua nodded. "Yes, that would be--" he paused for her second comment, only to chuckle. "Of course you are," he gestured for the photographer to take position. Avril was naturally falling into several appealing positions after all: seemingly increasing in sexuality and flirtatiousness as they went along. It thrilled the director, and he exchanged a few glances with Ikenna, both working to plan a little further. How often would they find a willing, tight, blonde haired, blue eyed American who would be so... compliant.

For now, Joshua directed. He mostly directed photographers and lighting, only occasionally offering suggestions to Avril. Most of those were subtle: a slight shift there, a slight alteration there. Yes, she definitely had a natural, in your face nature. After a bit, Joshua found Ikenna coming up beside him.

"I will be taking her," the model rumbled into the director's ear. The older, less fit man's eyes widened slightly, flicking back. He'd known that there was something of a plan and all; this wasn't the first time he'd been involved in one of these shoots. But they were generally a little more... subtle. Joshua followed Ikenna's gaze to Avril, noting that twirl.

"Yes!" the director said, clapping. "Only one last adjustment, if I may?" he walked forward, pausing for a moment. As soon as Avril allowed (or didn't forbid), Joshua moved forward. He bent down and, working quickly, undid Avril's pants, nodding. "We just want one or two that really push the envelope," he explained. "Maybe a hand down here, a flash of what lays underneath. This idea that, well," he shrugged, "behaving charitably will help get into a girl's pants."

"If that's the case, perhaps I should be donating more," offered Ikenna, chuckling. Even as he did, however, his eyes roamed the girl's body, taking note of the pants and the lean body, his imagination painting an even more vivid picture, not to mention setting up a tactical plan for what was to come.
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