Face/chest/tummy/legs fetish (partially updated)

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Jan 14, 2016
Torture comes in many forms, but pain doesn't need to be a part of it... at least, not physical pain. What I'm after here is a form of mental torture for MC, where YC uses my body for his or her own pleasure while I have no choice but to watch helplessly - the torture coming in by way of the level of disgust and shock that I have to endure.

Now, this could be done countless ways, but the ideas that I have in mind involve MC being bound or otherwise restrained in a position where YC's "target(s)" are left wide open. Face, tummy, chest, legs... whatever target that may be.

Rough examples (open to suggestion):

Face: MC is either tied to a chair, bound on my knees, or maybe even having my head stuck through a hole in the wall (think one of those "pie in the face" games at a fair or something). YC could take his or her time kissing, licking, masturbating... whatever they want, all over my face and/or hair.

Tummy: MC is bound on my back, outstretched, my wrists and ankles each tied together, pulled tight. YC comes along, slides my shirt up, and like above, takes his or her time kissing, licking, or whatever else they want, using my rummy as an object of sexual gratification.

The examples could go on, but I'll stop here for now and see what you all think.
RE: Face/chest/tummy/legs fetish (still in heavy progress)

I'll redo this post later now that the holidays are over and I'm back :)
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