Ink's Awesomely Taboo Ideas. Everything from incest to monsters to tentacle goodness.

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Oct 24, 2016
Why hello there ladies and gentlemen,

So I've changed this thread yet again. I've removed all of my vanilla plots as I'm mainly looking for taboo ideas at the moment, however I will soon create a new thread for all of my vanilla plots and cravings etc. For now though read on for some kinky taboo fun.

Alright so a bit about me. Where to start? I'm a human of the male variety from the arse end of nowhere in the UK. I'm in my early twenties and have been writing for about twelve years and roleplaying for about half of that, with a few breaks here and there. I consider myself to be a moderate to advanced writer due to the years I've been writing and the fact that I am studying writing and currently write for a living(although not the kind of things I want to write). Now, enough about me.

The Dreaded Rules​

I know, the rules are super boring and nobody ever wants to read them but tough shit. This is what I'm looking for in an rp and a partner. If you don't want to follow the rules that's cool, but you won't be roleplaying with me.

Be literate - Everyone makes mistakes now and then that's cool, but plz no talk lik dis. Got it?

Don't Abandon Me - 'Nuff said.

Post Length - I usually post about 3-5 paragraphs depending on what I'm given to work with, but I can also do much more if need be but I'm also aware that the formatting on here can make 3 good paragraphs look like tuppence, so don't stress too much, I won't.

Be Descriptive - I cannot stress how much I love description. Nothing gets my imagination going more than really well written description, wether it's setting the scene, getting inside a character's head as she fucks her brother or describing the intimate sensations and pleasures as she gives in to the advances of a horny tentacle monster. I just love it all.

Talk to me - I can be really chatty and sometimes flirty. I enjoy chatting to the people I write with and getting to know them. If that's not for you then that's cool, but at least talk to me about the roleplay, tell me what you're enjoying and what you're not enjoying etc.

The Sexy Stuff​

Yes, onto my turn ons, turn offs and everything in between. I have to say I am very open minded and laid back, so if something isn't mentioned below then just ask me. If I've not tried it before then I will most likely be willing to give it a go. As for the list below it certainly isn't exhaustive, it's more of a highlight of my favourites and the kinda things I'm into.

Settings I like:

High Fantasy
Slice of life
Modern Fantasy

Turn Ons :

Volatile relationships
Taboo relationships
Sexy/slutty clothing
Powerful/confident women
Non-submissive women
Description - Like, a lot of really good description.
Clothed sex
Messy - as in lots of cum, lube, saliva etc.
Giving oral
Double penetration
Triple penetration
Bad Endings

And so much more, these are just a few of my huge list of turn ons.

**Important Information**

I don't like the whole dom/sub relationship aspect. I don't get it or understand it. I understand that someone is usually going to be in charge in certain situations, but it can change and often fluctuate. I will never write as a dom or sub, instead I will write as a character who submits to certain people/situations but will assert their dominance in other situations or with other people and I'm looking for someone to do the same. Relationships are complicated things and there's more to them than 'I'm in charge all the time do everything I say', unless it's a somewhat messed up or unhealthy relationship. That's just my belief anyway, feel free to prove me wrong.

Turn Offs :

Anything that belongs in the toilet
Perfect characters - They are just far too boring.

Current Cravings

Bad Endings - I want out heroines to actually be in some kind of danger.

Tentacles - Just cause.

Description - Cause there aren't words to describe what good description does to me.

Brother/Sister incest - My favourite incestuous pairing, I'm craving a roleplay centred around this with an element of realism. I want the characters to sneak around and feel guilty, or weird about what they're doing.

MMF - Wether it's monsters or an incestuous threesome, I'd love to do this.

Original Plots!​

The Necromancer's Revenge

Setting - High Fantasy, potential for modern fantasy
Pairing - FxM, FxMonsters
Premise - My character was a mage, studying at one of the most renowned schools of magic. However she had a deep fascination with necromancy and the summoning and controlling of monster. Unfortunately when she shared her thoughts and theories with her peers they laughed and rejected her, expelling her from the college. After swearing revenge she disappears into hiding to further study her powers before returning to punish those who rejected her. This will most likely include bad endings.

Idea One - As she is studying necromancy and other dark arts she resurrects zombies and summons monster with the purpose of torturing, punishing and possibly fucking the other mages. However to start with they are out of her control and do all of that to her before she finally gets them under control and wages a war against the mages.

Idea Two - Same as the above however instead of the monsters taking advantage of her she uses them for her pleasure when she is feeling aroused. Perhaps she even has favourite zombies and monsters that she keeps just for herself.

Tales From The Wasteland

Setting - Nuclear Apocalypse
Pairing - FxAnything
Premise - Think something along the lines of Fallout 4, or maybe terminator but without the evil robots, or anything else set is a post apocalyptic world brought about by mankind's destructive nature. With the world in tatters due to nuclear war, mankind is struggling to survive, forming ragged shanty towns, while others form brutal raider groups or try to survive as lone hunters.

Idea One - My character is a prostitute in a town, using her skills and body to get by. She's relatively new in town and has looked for other work but doesn't have many employable skills, meaning she reduces to prostitution. We would follow her as she builds her reputation, slowly doing more and more depraved things to earn money, while gaining regulars and newcomers alike.

Idea Two - My character is the leader of a powerful, all female raider gang. We would follow her as she leads her gang raiding towns and villages. She offers the women a place in her gang and any that refuse join the men as slaves, which she often uses for pleasure. Perhaps she is also very kinky and likes to experiment with the various monster and mutants that now roam the world as well.

Idea Three - I would play multiple female characters who are struggling to survive on their own, outside of any cities as either farmers or hunters who often encounter raiders, monsters etc that would love nothing more than to fuck them, before the women meet their fates, either killed, enslaved, used for breeding etc. I'd quite like to focus on the bad ending element, with the characters being in actual danger.

The Sexual Zombie Apocalypse

Setting - Zombie Apocalypse
Pairing - FxZombies
Premise - So yeah, sexed up zombies. The idea is that zombies don't seek to eat females but rather mate with them, after all mating is a base instinct, even if the zombies can't reproduce. Or can they? As much as I like the traditional zombie, I do like to mix things up, break the mold as it were, so I'm definitely up for ideas and suggestions

Idea One - I play as a young woman or a small group simply trying to survive and attempting to avoid getting fucked by the zombies, however it turns out to be inevitable. My character/s is eventually grabbed and fucked by a zombie or a handful of zombies, however despite her protests she starts to enjoy it. Perhaps the disease mutates the zombies, making their cocks much bigger. Either way she starts to descend into lust as she encounters more zombies, each time she fucks more of them and it gets crazier and kinkier.

Idea Two - I would play as either a single character or several if you want. A settlement of all women has formed to fight off the undead hordes, however once a week a 'sacrifice' is randomly chosen to go amongst the zombies and pleasure them while the rest of the survivors must listen/watch, which in turn satisfies them and they leave or stop trying to break in for a while. The women of the settlement see this as a duty, a horrible act that must be done, but what happens when my character enjoys it? Is she open about it? Or dies she feel shame and try to hide it, while still looking to fuck more zombies? Perhaps she rigs it so that she is chosen more often, or maybe she volunteers? She could also sneak over the walls at night to satisfy her urges, while each encounter gets crazier and kinkier.

Idea Three - A bit of a twist, my character is a lone survivor who gets captured and fucked. However the zombie cum has a unique effect on her, giving her the ability to control zombies. Maybe she can control all of them, or maybe she can only control the ones who cum in or on her. Either way she then proceeds to take control of them, forming an army as she starts to search for more women to show them the pleasure they could receive.

Idea Four - Any of the above plots or a combination of them but with an element of bad endings in which the zombies often devour the women once they've fucked them.

The Trojan Whore

Setting - Modern Fantasy, High Fantasy or Sci-Fi
Pairing - FxMonsters
Premise - My character is a newly initiated monster hunter with a unique method that is frowned upon by her colleagues but is rather successful. Rather than battling the monsters she often seduces them, or pretends to be a victim, allowing them to fuck her. Once the creatures are done and are in a weakened/tired state, she then kills them.

Idea One - The rp follows the adventures of my character as she hunts down a variety of monsters using her feminine charms. Could also include other female monster hunters joining her every now and then. If you're open to it we could also incorporate an element of bad endings, with your character being captured and used for pleasure/breeding for weeks or months before she escapes.

Idea Two - Same as the above but darker. Instead of following just one character we would follow several. So we would follow one character until she meets her demise and then we would move on to the next one and so on. We could also include a larger plot weaved into the stories of each hunter.

The Arena

So, kind of a very simple and slightly dark idea here set in either a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by mutants & monsters, or a fantasy world full of all kinds of races etc. Anyway, I'm thinking there would be a group of raiders/bandits etc led by a powerful warlord that enjoy capturing women, but rather than rape them or enslave etc they force them into their arena to fight, fuck etc. Also I want to play opposite a DM, but rather than me knowing what will happen I want elements of it to be left to you to decide.

Idea One - The women are sent alone into the arena to fuck all kinds of men and monster. They could be sent in with just one man, or with 20 men, or against a minotaur or tentacle monster. Perhaps the challenge is to resist orgasming. If the creature makes the girl orgasm it can keep her for. This could work with just one girl, or multiple if you want to play several girls.

Idea Two - The same but with bad endings. So the raiders pump a minotaur full of aphrodisiac and send it after the girl, who is armed only with a dagger. After it's done fucking her and the aphrodisiac wears off what does it do? Leaver her alone, tear her apart or go for round two? When the tentacle monster makes her orgasm, do the raiders let it keep the girl, who is never seen again, dragged off to be a breeder for eternity? Lots of possibilities, let me know your thoughts but this would definitely involve multiple female characters.

Magical Apocalypse

So, I'm gonna work on getting a better title for this idea. Anyway, the basic idea is somewhat similar to the witcher book and game series in that at some point our world temporarily merged with another, allowing all kinds of creatures and magic to cross over into our world. I'd like to play opposite DM and it would involve all kinds of bad endings as well as multiple female and potentially male characters.

Idea one - The merging happened centuries ago and a secret order formed to fight the monsters, pushing them back. Now however the monsters are returning, reawakening. The secret order aren't as strong as they used to be and the monsters start to take over, fighting not only the humans, but each other for their slice of this world. For example one city may be taken over by a necromancer and his army of undead and not only does he have to deal with the humans in the city, but the goblins that also want to take it over. Just an example. Anyway the story would then follow multiple characters surviving, encountering and presumably getting fucked by the monsters. I'd also like many of them to encounter bad endings of some kind.

Idea Two - Pretty much the same as the above but the merging happens modern day, with the magic and monster spilling into the world and there are no secret orders to fight them. No one knows what's going on and chaos ensues with no secret order to try and save the day.

And that's it for my plots for the time being but I will be sure to add more soon. Let me know if any interest you or if you have any suggestions or changes you'd like to make.

Okay so that's everything for now, hopefully I've managed to interest you in some ideas, but if not and you think we'd be compatible then shoot me a message with some suggestion. But for now, peace out.

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