Searching for MxF role-plays

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Jun 4, 2010


Hi everyone, welcome to my search thread.

I'm on the hunt for some literate role-players, which to me means a person who is able to string together decent and coherent sentences. Someone who can give me a post with description and depth, which adds to the plot that we have going on in our one x one RP. Also someone who has a basic grasp of grammar, spelling and how to use punctuation. No one is perfect and I'm understanding of that. However if you never us speech marks, capital letters and I can barely understand what you're writing, we're going to have a problem. Length isn't everything either, but just be aware that tiny little one liners that give me absolutely nothing to work with, might well kill our RP. I consider myself fairly literate and only write in third person. Oh and just one important note; due to work and family commitments, I'm only able to get online between the hours of 7pm and 10pm GMT and some nights I won't be able to get on at all. So please have patience if you wish to role-play with me, I will try to reply every day if I can, but it may take longer.

Below I'll list a few pairings and plots, if none of them catch your eye feel free to suggest your own. Some of them have quite a bit of detail and others are a tad bit basic. I like discussing more in depth plot decisions with my role-playing partners and am always up for edits or additions that you might have in mind, so there's always room to add twists and details. I've noticed that in a few male search threads that they provide pictures of anime girls that they'd like their role-playing partners to play. I'll be doing the same but using pictures of actors instead, before each plot there will be a link to a pic. You DON'T HAVE to make your character look like the pictures I've provided, but I would really love it if you did. In return I would be more than happy to make my female look any way that you wish.

So a couple of things you might want to know:

I'm looking for male characters that are sexually confident, none of this 'afraid to touch a woman' nonsense. The type who see's what they want and takes it! Passionately, roughly and aggressively if needs be.

My characters can range from meek, inexperienced, shy girls. To sexually confident, feisty vixens who can give as good as they get. If you have a particular preference I'm sure I can work with it, there are only two types of females that I won't play. One; some submissive pet who bends to your character's every whim. Two; a cock worshipper who is always begging for sex.

I also only role-play over threads, I don't like tons of PMs clogging up my inbox and RPs ultimately end up getting lost in the mass.

On a side not; my turn ons and turn offs are at the bottom of this list. Please make sure you read them.

This colour represents the role that I would like to play.

Ex-criminal x Probation officer


A basic plot, but one I really want to try; a woman is released from jail and sent to a half-way house to try and slowly reintegrate back into society. Her progress is monitored by a probation officer and as time goes on, their relationship becomes complex.

Father x Daughter's friend


A teenage girl wants to throw a high school graduation party at her house. However her father isn't stupid enough to let a bunch of teenagers loose unsupervised in his home. So they make a deal; her father will spend the night in the annex and that way he's not in the house cramping his daughter's style. However he will still be close at hand in case anything goes wrong. But when one of her friends wanders into the annex looking for a moment's peace away from the music and crowds... one thing inevitably leads to another.

Country girl x Neighbour


What initially begins as just a few friends hanging out at the country girl's home, quicky escalates into an out of control party. People she doesn't even know begin turning up and all of them are far too drunk. As the night goes on, several of the party goers begin wandering the fields and soon finds themselves near her neighbour's barn. Drunk, clumsy and attempting to light a cigarette turn out to be a terrible mix and her neighbour's barn catches fire as a result. Luckily none of the animals are harmed, but the barn itself is in bad shape. The police and other emergency services are called, but by then the accidental arsonists are long gone. With no one knowing exactly who started the fire, responsibility ultimately lands on the young country girl, since it was her party. With her parents offering to help pay for the damage, her neighbour agrees not to press charges. There's just one thing that he insists on, the girl must help repair the damage by working on his farm.

Contractor x Boss's daughter

Different gifs and pics of the same guy, Bruce Venture -

Gif 1, Picture 1, Gif 2, Picture 2 and Picture 3.

A wealthy property tycoon hires a contractor to work on his latest set of condos. Over the coming months the tycoon's teenage daughter comes to the work site often with her father. The contractor and her have an instant attraction, despite him being about thirteen years older than herself. One Sunday afternoon, when all his workers have the day off, the contractor decides to visit the site to do some extra work. He's barely there an hour when the tycoon's daughter arrives looking for her father, unaware that he isn't there. With the two of them alone together, the contractor finally has the chance to show her a thing or two.

Inmate x Visitor


Slightly inspired by OITNB and Lorna & Christopher's relationship. A woman who is already on probation for a different crime is caught trespassing in someone else's home. For violating the terms of her probation, she is sent back to jail. A couple of months before she's due for re-release she gets a visitor. It's the man whose home she had been caught in. He's convinced himself that this woman must have been stalking him and that's why she was in his home. His house was recently broken into again and assuming that she sent someone to spy on him, he's there to confront her about it. The woman basically tells him to go fuck himself and informs him that she was using his place to crash, as she was homeless, she wasn't stalking him. When the culprits of the second break in are caught, he realizes that she was telling the truth and so goes back to say sorry. They talk and he begins visiting regularly. Once her release date arrives, she has nowhere to go and so he offers her his spare room. (He could be single or married, it's up to you)

Werewolf x Human


Inspired by the movie Skinwalkers. There is a legend among werewolves, that a child will one day be born with the ability to release them from their curse. On their 21st birthday they will be given the power to turn any werewolf back into a full human. To some this legend has always been a symbol of hope, for they hated the savage monsters and killers that they had become. However others delighted in the power and the slaughtering, they had no desire to turn back and so saw this child as a threat. Soon an internal war between the beasts broke out. There were those who were dedicated to finding the child in order to keep it safe and those who wanted to kill it. Fast forward in time and it is now only a month before a young woman is due to turn 21. The day starts off just like any other, that is until a group of strangers arrive in town. The wolves have finally found her and the worst thing is; she doesn't even know they're coming. (Your werewolf character would belong to the side that wants to keep her alive.)

Tutor x Bad Boy


A trouble making student is one wrong move away from being expelled or going to jail or both! With his parents at the end of their tether, he's given a choice; pick up his grades or get kicked out. Reluctantly he agrees and is paired up with one of the best students in school so that she can tutor him.

Turn ons
Physical forcefulness (being push up against a wall, thrown onto a bed, roughly bent over, grabbed forcibly, slammed or pinned up against things etc)
Rough sex
Hair pulling
Biting and nails being dug in (no drawing blood though)
Vaginal sex
Oral sex
Nipple play

Turn offs
Other role-players controlling my character (As in writing from her perspective and telling me what she's doing, seeing, thinking or saying.)
Unrealistic body proportions (Twelve inch dicks and triple G breasts are just ridiculous)
Anal sex
Insults (My character being called things like whore, bitch and slut is not sexy to me)
Too much dirty talk (I don't mind a little, but if your character basically wants to have an entire conversation during sex, I'm going to lose interest)
Underage sex
Virgin sex
Yuri or Yaoi or Futa
Anything that belongs in the toilet
Foot fetishes
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