Damned If Ya Don't! [Devil May Cry] [Vik x Tasinga Nightwolf]

Viktoff Samson

May 16, 2016
Street light barely illuminated the brick walkway that led a tall, handsome mystery man into town. "Yeah yeah, don't sweat it." His silky voice entered the empty walkway as he spoke into his silver cell-phone. A black gloved hand held this phone to his ear, almost blending into his silver hair. With the click of his tongue, the bearded gentleman in a red, twin-tailed coat, pulled together a smile and continue speaking into his phone. "Look, if you don't have the money, don't worry. Pay me off with a large pizza with everything on it." The man rolled his eyes to the response that tickled his ear, keeping his charming smile. "Yup. Don't over think it. You know the address-I'll call you back when I finish the job." Closing his silver flip phone with a single flick of his wrist, Dante let the phone slip into the breast pocket of his shirt, under the coat.

Stopping before an abandoned school building and peering through his split bangs, Dante knew the feeling all too well. This was the place he was meant to 'clean up'. In his mind, he could picture the frail older male who hired him for this job. Apparently the building has become home to all sorts of angsty teen non-sense over it's time being completely abandoned. When it came time to start cleaning it up and preparing it to be used by the public once again, there were unspeakable horrors to be found. Instead of raising alarm about all the rumors being true concerning a delicious mix of strange dark magic practices and a particular little gang of teens going missing, Dante was hired to just get this job done so that the old man would be able to cash in on selling the property back to the town.

Uninterested in arguing with the man over his greed-Not being able to pay off Dante's usual fee while it was clear that the old man was still going to make a penny or two off selling the property afterwords-Dante just sighed and kicked open the chained front doors. Not one to drag his feet, Dante entered the abandoned building immediately. Almost pitch-black inside, Dante wasn't phased in the least as he walked down a long reception hall. Breathing through his nose, Dante tried to limit his ambient sounds as he turned a corner and began walking down a dark hallway. While it could be beneficial to have a hand hovering over Ivory, Ebony or his trusty sword Rebellion's handle, Dante didn't feel the need to be prepared for a fight. Silently, but casual steps led the silver haired male further into the old school building. The scent beasts and demons filled his nose, but he couldn't catch any physical sign of the hellhounds the old man described to him earlier.

After another turn of a corner, Dante was beginning to finish up exploring half of the first floor of the building without any excitement to be claimed. Will tonight turn into another scavenger hunt? How long has it been since Dante has had a solid fight? Dante really didn't anticipate it-But he was growing a bit stiff with all the lousy jobs he's had recently. Always in debt to that woman, and with relatively non-paying bore-fest jobs like these, Dante wasn't getting any closer to being a free man. When was it finally going to be his turn to have a string of luck for once? At this rate, running into a hoard of savagely powerful demons unlike anything he's ever fought before might actually be a GOOD thing. With a sigh of defeat, Dante pulled out his Cell Phone and used the dim screen light to look over the final few doors of the hallway.

If there weren't any demons prowling about in the halls, he was really going to have to start turning over some stupid desks and chairs and make sure the place was actually clean. When the final door of the hallway seemed to be more of a Janitor's closet than a classroom, or something, A sly smile, hidden by the darkness of the hall, would creep across Dante's face. In no time at all, he forced the door open and began looking the small room over. It wasn't a Janitor's closet, or at least, the items necessary for one just wasn't present. Filthy, the room had muddy hand prints encrusted along the walls with what appeared to be molding rat carcasses near the corners of the floor. Luckily, the light from his cell phone wasn't powerful enough to highlight the filth with any sort of vivid detail.

With a brief interaction with a grey box of fuses on the wall, Dante managed to shower the building with lights. Unsure of this was a good thing or bad thing, as the filth was all the more readily apparent, Dante shrugged and decided to leave the lights on. It was curious how these lights were even functioning after all this time. Just before beginning to leave the room, the sound of snarls and growls could be heard from the second floor. It was now that Dante heard footsteps and gunshots. Someone else was in this building, and it probably wasn't a shoe-wearing and gun-toting off-shoot of a hellhound either.

With renewed intent, an almost glow of interest in his eyes, Dante nearly flew out of the small room and ran through the newly lit hallways. He had to find whatever sort of stairwell this building used to access the second floor as he was sure just blasting a hole through the ceiling and leaping through it wasn't that great of an idea. His boots loudly sounded off against the tiled hallway floor as he quickly made his way through the building. Suddenly, the nearby door of what appeared to be a boy's bathroom would fly open as a four-legged demonic creature leaped out. A hellhound. To exaggerate a sense of level playing field, Dante pulled his hands into fists and punched them together a bit like a boxer. "Come on, then!" He challanged the hellhound without the use of his guns or Rebellion.

The hell-doggy let out a bit of a howl before pouncing in Dante's direction. Almost too quickly, Dante evaded the lunging creature's entire body without so much of a claw or fang making it within inches of his regal red coated form. "You'll never get a taste of me like that, Fido!" Dante mused with naming the ferocious mindless beast as he casually stepped into the boy's bathroom that the creature previously leaped out from. Following Dante with another bestial lunge before the door even closed, the creature was surprised to find that Dante wasn't in the immediate path of it's claws. The red coated man was already leaning against the wall to the left of the door with his arms folded over his chest. But the creature never saw the male make the move.

Without the sense of a more human opponent, the beast didn't leave another thought to Dante's mind boggling speed. Instead, the hell hound was up on it's paws once again and facing Dante within an instant. Deciding to take the fight just an ounce more seriously, Dante unfolded his arms and took his mock-boxing pose once more. His grin unwavering as the creature charges at him again, Dante closed the distance between them first and captured the large hound by it's head under his left arm. With his left forearm looped beneath the creature's snout, the beast was trapped with it's large body not in any position to strike or land a fang in the cocky man's flesh. Without wasting a second of the hound's furious shaking and growls, Dante began giving the big scary doggy a noogie with his right hand. "Poor Fido. Not fast enough?"

His eyes caught himself in the very foggy bathroom mirror and Dante paused momentarily. With his cocky grin fading, Dante dropped the tiring beast to the floor before approaching the sink. His beard had grown more than he thought. "Oh, Dante, how do you let yourself get so unkempt?" He mumbled to himself, stroking the glorious silver beard. He knew he wasn't doing his best to remain approachable while the number of visits to his office dwindled recently. Without another thought, Dante withdrew Rebellion from his back, inspected the edge of his beautiful magically inclined claymore, and then began to casually clear the beard from his cheeks nice and slowly with the big sword. Quite the sight, the tall handsome male holding Rebellion as though it were a little razor, shaving his face of the grisly bear beard he'd allow to accumulate for too long.

The beast regathered it's strength and got too it's paws again before Dante had finished. With another sudden leap, the beast was sure it caught Dante by surprise this time. Almost as if he were a ghost, Dante's whole form slipped backward faster than a blink and the beast rammed it's skull right into the wall near the door. "Bad Fido. Sit." Dante grumbled as he continued shaving without a pause. Making a quick work of the shave, Dante finished before the beast could stand again this time. He admired his work in the foggy mirror. Not a close shave, Dante still had a bit of a shadow in the area his beard had been. Regardless, he was 99% closer to the appearance he had when he first met Nero.

With a furious rage, the beast howled and then leaped toward Dante again. Instead of going for a tackle-like pounce, the beast landed near Dante before going for a lightning fast bite. Turning to face 'Fido', Dante grinned and took numerous steps back to avoid the beast's rapid succession of bites. Before long, the hellhound had Dante's back up against the wall, opposite of the door. Not anticipating a much faster life or death lunge from the demon, Dante didn't manage to evade the hellhound's next attack. Only getting Rebellion up to keep the Beast's sharp teeth and claws from reaching his perfect pale skin, the creature's force crushed the wall behind Dante and sent them flying a few feet into the Gymnasium.

"Sorry buddy. I haf'ta put you down." Dante's clever tongue let the words slip out as his one-handed grip on Rebellion's handle kept the beast from gouging him. Dante was on his back as the beast landed on it's hind legs over him. Without missing a beat, Dante snuck Ebony up over Rebellion's blade and fired three rounds off in the beast's mouth. After the demon's blood dripped onto Dante's left eye and cheek, he furrowed his brow and kicked the dead demon off of him.

Pulling himself up to his feet and dusting off his red coat, Dante took a look around the large Gym to find Hell hound corpses coating the area. To perfectly account for the sounds of foot steps and gunfire that Dante heard before, he saw Nero across the large Gym. The other male must have also been hired to take care of these hellhounds. Odd that the old man didn't say anything to Dante, but with a hell hound infestation like this, Nero was one of the few respectable cast that Dante knew off that could also handle this sort of Job. But, when did Nero take up this line of work? Was the boy here looking for Dante? He couldn't read any of these more important details from the look Nero was giving him now. "What brings you to my neighborhood?" Dante spoke out to Nero, casually putting away his weapons as he began to step over the numerous hell hound corpses that littered the floor.
One hellhound had slipped by, but Nero knew he could easily track the beast down later on if it did not return. Right now he was set in the Hellhounds before him. Something though did smell off No time to think on that, focus kill these stupid dogs. However with the growth of his powers also the growth of his demonic skills which could be problematic. One of the hounds jump for his face, without thinking, because he could not really he swung his clawed right arm and drove it through the dog getting a yelping whimper from it. A smile creeping over Nero's face he found he liked that part in some odd way. Not all off him liked the killing, but the enjoyment had grown sense he started wondering.

His long denim jacket was covered in darker areas where demon or even his own blood had stained it, it needed a good clean. His face was kept, but seemed to hold a colder demeanor. Both Blue Rose and Red Queen looked as if they would do well with a bright polishing. Still though he did not have much time to tend to such things, he needed distractions. If he thought too hard or was bored his mind would wonder, to her, to home. A frustrated sound left him as he shot a second hound in the face. A faint blue glow left his right arm and even his eyes had it now. That though was when the demon side kicked in more. Normally he could keep himself mostly human but heightened emotional states did not help at all.

Turning he paused when he heard one hound speak.. yes he heard the damn thing speak. A side effect of his demon half and the powers being more forward.~ Stop fighting and just DIE~ as it cried out the last word and sprung at him he swung Red Queen down on its head but it dodged last second getting a good bite on his arm. He felt himself hit the wall behind him glaring at it, the snarling sound that left him was not human as he looked at the demon biting his arm. Without waiting he fired a round right into its face dropping it. Looking at the now limp body he spun as a new scent hit him. It was like a mix of raw power, force and something else, demon scents were never easy to describe. Normally Nero would not have smelt it at all, but being his demon half was pushed more forward then normal he could pick it up. He could tell whoever this was, they were stronger then the hounds by far and higher then Nero himself. Great, just what he needed.

Turning just in time to see a red clad figure he knew all too well. Internally he was torn at that sight, but he had to focus on his task. He knew he should be grateful to Dante for helping him back in Fortuna, but Nero also in part blamed the older man. It was not logical, but still Dante's arrival had triggered the events that changed Nero's life to what it was now. If that was for the better or for the worse was yet to be unseen. The younger half breed did not take note of Dante's condition at first he was too distracted by the Hellhounds screaming at him to just die. Something he had no intention of doing anytime soon.

Looking up at Dante once the mayhem was over he did not answer the older demon. Not right away at least, tilting his head he felt one half want to back off, but the demon side wanted to stay holding his turf as he saw it anyway. Looking away and kicking one hound's body he said to the other, voice taught." None of your business." He did not sound mad more like he himself did not know the answer which was true. Nero had not meant to wonder right into Dante's city so to speak, however Nero was not going to let himself be scared off like a little girl.

He took note of Dante's appearance and smirked. Nero clearly had grown some, instead of filling out he looked like he lost some weight though he still like slender compared to Dante. His white hair longer, demon arm pulsing then dimming though it stayed clawed. He spoke again this time asking." Getting too old to handle all the jobs?" Now that voice was different. Nero's voice had dropped a little from getting older even in a few months, but he also seemed less carefree. Now the younger just stared the elder down waiting to see what would happen.
His boots landed onto the gym floor between the mangled Hellhound corpses. Making sure not to step right on top of the dispatched monsters, Dante didn't want to make more of a mess for himself to clean off of his clothes. Each step bringing him a little bit closer to the denim jacketed male on the opposite side of the gym. Casually, Dante continued his approach with a hint of swagger in each step now. His shoulders have the slightest hint of a sway to them with each step. Without a stern critical scan over Dante's current state, it would be almost too easy for any human to mistake him as if he hadn't changed at all in the years since he last saw Nero. That cocky little punk has always been a bit of a hothead in Dante's eyes. Going so far as to pin the boy down with his boot on his demonic hand, and putting Rebellion to his throat, just to ask him if he's calmed down yet and end that fight. How well was the younger part-demon now? Has the leveled out and become a bit more balanced? There wasn't any question that Nero grew stronger in Dante's eyes, that is for sure. But, here wasn't a good place to test that.

Dante stopped halfway so he could get a better look at Nero. Blue eyes looked over the slightly slim, barely shorter silver haired male opposite of him. "These demons here are actually, literally my business." He noted first, in a serious tone. He had a pizza riding on this, after all. Maybe he wouldn't be paying off any of his debts tonight, but he certainly wasn't going to let Nero storm into his neighborhood and just allow him to escape so easily. Clearly, there was a reason for Nero to be here. Whether it was for Dante, or not, wasn't clear. "But, Demons can be anywhere. Why wonder my way to hunt them down?" Dante asked as he stood his ground at the center of the Gym. The urge to start a fight was pretty tough to overcome. His neck and arms felt tight and his legs were almost locking up with the intense sensation of being bored. It's been so long since Dante felt challenged, and he knew this Nero standing in front of him would be more than capable.

What sort of new tricks has the boy come up with since? Any new ways to make use of his unique arm? What about weapons? Did something happen over in his area? Maybe it was a big bad demon that Nero couldn't handle and he's come Dante's way to ask for his help. Damn, that'd be so satisfying. He fought the urge to smile at his racing thoughts that pleased him so very much. They were all just guesses, after all. "I'm beginning to think I'll never be too old." Dante stated calmly before continuing his steps in Nero's direction. A hint of discomfort seemed to surround the younger, less experienced male. It could just be more speculation and guessing from Dante, but he was sure now that Nero's by-chance run in with Dante had zero form intent behind it.

Step by step, Dante grew closer and closer until he passed Nero without a pause. His blue eyes not settling on the boy the moment he got anywhere close to him. It was almost too disrespectful. To pass someone like Nero without looking him in the eyes. "Pardon me, I've got a pizza to go pick up." Dante spoke over his shoulder as he began to approach the door that was closer to the front of the building. "Make sure you look everywhere for them pesky hounds! They're sneaky." He taunted a bit. There wasn't much of a desire to goad the boy into fighting him under those terms. But, frankly, he'd take the fight in any shape or form he could get it.
Normally Nero could handle teasing and insults tossed his way. He watched the older male intently, unlike when they first fought. No, Nero was smarter when it came to a fight knowing better then to just assume he could win or loose. Both of them were older if that was for better or for worse was yet to be seen. Still though Nero did not like the relaxed way the other was moving closer to him. Each step Dante took closer to him made him tense more even visibly eyes hyper focused on the other. The scent coming off the younger would be something like a cornered rat or dog even ready to jump at whoever made the mistake of pushing him to far. Still though Nero was holding his ground as the other spoke noting the slight annoyance at the other's tone and then the smug note coming into it. Oh, that was getting under Nero's skin for sure. Blue eyes suddenly glowing brighter at the taunting Nero clearly was not happy at such words. He was not he hated the cocky attitude and the fact his demon side was pushed forward added to it. Demons like wolves were highly competitive which meant if someone tried looking bigger then you... you kicked their ass or got your ass kicked. This right here was no different.

However Nero was not above insulting back. "You look older to me, Dante. As for your turf... I didn't see your name on it." He then added. "As for why I am here... That is for me to know." Nero right now cared little if he got under the other's skin. Dante was an ass for sure and Nero was going to give it back if he could there was no skin off his back if the other's feelings were hurt by some words. No, instead Dante went and made it worse. He stood by Nero which to some might not seem big but it was to a demon blooded. The fact Dante stood right next to him as if sizing him, but not looking at him made Nero nearly loose control of his temper. It was as if Dante was silently saying I am bigger and stronger... so bow down. The elder might have not meant it that way, but it sure came off that way making Nero internally snarl. He could feel his chest tighten and body flex a little. Watching Dante start to walk once more towards the door he stayed silent and would have let the elder go if Dante had not made that last little taunt. That snapped it the back of whatever hold on Nero's temper he had. However there was no cry of attack in-fact Nero was different in many ways and that was one big one. His fighting had changed to something less up-front to something much more... wise.

Now Dante might wonder why the kid was so easy to make jump, but fact was Dante added to it. Dante wanted a fight and he had been putting off that scent which Nero having more demon out then normal could pick it up. Mixed with the blatant disrespect and show boating and Nero's already on edge state was one big mix for trouble... it just needed a light to make the fuse go. Dante had lit it which was what he was to find out. Before Dante could get out the door Nero had moved faster then humanly possible an landed so he was braced on the double doors a foot on either one, off the ground like he could climb on the wall even. Left hand down to brace him as well while his right Demon arm pulsed and a snarl left him as he looked right at Dante and his eyes, they were off. Solid blue now and the fact he had hit the door so hard the steel framing cracked as did the walls to either side. It did not take a rocket scientist to know Dante had about two seconds to dodge, duck or block the incoming attack Nero was going to toss right at him.

Dante would get a hit of the scent coming off the kid. Confusion, anger, hate.. none of it good. Nero had more control over his demon side for sure a few years ago he would have triggered now he was still mostly human, however raw emotions never mixed well with demon born. No waiting Nero launched off the double doors and swung his right arm sending a phantom energy clawed arm right at Dante in an upper cut. Still no cry though, Nero was oddly calm, yet determined to fight.
Of course Dante didn't feel the need to keep an eye on Nero. When they last saw each other, they had established some line of respect. Or so Dante thought. It was clear that Nero wasn't very cool, calm and collected. What precisely about the devilishly handsome red coated man was crawling under Nero's skin was a mystery to Dante. While following society's rules and structures were never Dante's strong points, he also very rarely lost his own cool. A patented cool of such intensity that Dante was like ice. Everything he touched was instantly cool. Heated demons battling for their lives could never melt Dante. And yet, here was Nero. Not all too unlike Dante in terms of body makeup, but the boy just couldn't seem to control himself at times. It wasn't a very appealing attribute. Surely he didn't make his friends this way.

And yet, here he was. Launching himself with whatever speed he could muster just to keep Dante from accessing the Gym doors. Instead of preparing for a fight, Dante stopped and rest his hands on his hips. Raising an eyebrow, it was clear that Dante wasn't sure how he managed to aggravate the boy. He was acting too much like a demon. With the uppercut coming, Dante the the boy see his cocky smile before the fist slammed into his chin. Though Dante's chin rose and his face was no longer at a visible angle for Nero-It was apparent that Dante made no attempt to stop Nero's uppercut. Before Nero could retract his Devil Bringer(His Demonic right arm) from Dante's chin, Dante seized Nero's wrist with his gloved left hand.

Dante's powerful grip was likely no surprise to Nero as Dante guided the fist back a few inches. As he did this, Dante returned to looking at Nero-This time with a serious look. In an instant, Dante began to lick his teeth before smiling. "No blood yet. My turn?" He taunted a bit before raising his right fist. "This time, no Kitty gloves." Another taunt as with intense force, Dante activated his Devil Trigger. His red Demonic form stood before Nero after the blast of Demonic Energy shocked through the room in all directions. A tighter grip on Nero's Devil bringer this time as Dante proceeded to smash his right fist into Nero's chest over and over a countless number of times in what must been an instant.

Releasing Nero's Devil Bringer, Dante's deep voice let out a bellowing "Quicksilver!" Before a jump kick so fast was launched directly to Nero's upper chest. Aimed specifically at his lungs, Dante put more than enough force into the kick to send anything flying through the Gymnasium doors. If Nero didn't somehow evade it, Dante would release his Devil Trigger. Returning back to his human form before stepping through the Gym doors after the launched Nero. Likely to inspect the sort of damage that must have been done to the building, and also to see if Nero survived the volley of intense and fast attack alright. Though, unless Nero was in a serious condition, Dante was more than likely appearing a bit excited by the sudden fight.
Dante moved so fast Nero was stunned looking at the man's demon form. He gasped though at the speed Dante could move at then again was he truly shocked? Nero felt pain fire through his entire body multiple times and in multiple areas he could not even think. He scent would shift into cocky turf claiming into straight up panicked. He Devil Bringer glowed some shielding his body something was wrong clearly Dante had no plan of letting up. His chest then exploded and blood filled his chest making him cough, good thing he healed ungodly fast. Then he felt himself be kicked through the door and that snapped his humanity out and devil in.

Dante on walking out would get hit so hard he went back into the gymnasium. Nero was glowing a blue demon arua around him. Snarling Nero panted out." I swear to God.... it's your fault." He jumped at the other hitting Dante several times in the arm or at least that's what his claws were aimed for he was unsure he hit. Clearly he Nero was distressed about something. He started to growl his voice deeper." They kicked me out of my home!" He roared eyes flashing as he looked at the older man." I fought to save them, because of you... if you had stayed away!" Launching himself at Dante he got in the other's face." I have no home and it's your fault!"

If Dante had more physical strength Nero was faster. He tried landing on Dante to land a hit." And you fucking laugh at everyone!" Nero was pushing to far now if he did not calm down he clearly was at risk of letting the Devil Trigger get too strong. Dante would smell panic off the kid, clearly Nero knew something was wrong, but could not focus to stop it. He managed to get a hold on the elders coat still mad." I didn't even want to come here!" He said Devil Bringer pulsing." Not that you'd care." Then he said in a cold voice." From what I hear you didn't even care when your twin died." Oh, now he was taking off the kid gloves.
Dante didn't really know how to respond to the obviously emotionally unstable boy. Few would make note of how compassionate Dante really was inside. Especially because of his crude style of confrontation that he loved to use so much, it could be easy to confuse Dante for a man who just loved to kill and fight. This wasn't true at all. Of course, any opportunity to test himself physically, and try out his array of toys he'd pick up along his various adventures was always exciting. But, at the end of the day, Dante did it tl rid the world of demon scum. To make the world a safer place for humans, the race of people that his mother belonged too, that his father sacrificed everything for. Dante's heart was, after all, the true source of his indomitable might. So many demons failed to see that. And Nero's little fit was precisely the opposite of the very notion that unlocked the power of the demon Sparda in his offspring. Rage for rage-sake, Nero was experiencing a very superficial power boost.

Dante didn't really have to say anything. Surely his words weren't going to convince Nero of the folly of his thought process. There was nothing about beating the boy to a pulp that would safe him from his anger. Which is why, as Nero followed Dante back through the door, got over him, and proceeded to whale on him-Dante laid beneath him. Punch after punch, blind rage fueling him, Nero was far too weak like this to present any amount of threat to Dante. Sure, he was slipping over to his demon side. Before, with their adventures all those years ago, it was his drive to save the girl that made him stronger. When he was protecting something he held dear.

This rage was blind. The same superficial powerup that 'order of the sword' cult experienced when they became demons. Dante could even remember his fight with that particular man with tanned skin and brown hair and glasses. How he described to him after the fight that it was Dante's humanity that made him strong, and in becoming a demon, his opponent gave up the ability to achieve that strength. Nero might not know it, he might never even conceive it, but his rage was no different. Even with the comment about Dante's brother, he just lay beneath Nero. Looking up to him, a somber look that was unusal for Dante. Sure, Nero felt unyieldingly more powerful than he was before. But, Dante didn't need to tap into any of his Devil Trigger durability to survive his assault. Just a slight line of blood running down Dante's left cheek as he continued looking into Nero's eyes.

Of course this wasn't very respectful of Dante. Not giving it his all against the unruly boy, this would certainly be an insult in the eyes of a Demon. But, Nero wasn't a Demon. Nero was more human than Dante was, and the look of concern Dante gave to him was an act Dante would never give to the evil majority of demonkind. Not a word left Dante as he made no move to slow Nero down, to pay him back for the shit comment about Vergil. If Dante knew anything about Nero-The boy was ultimately a caring soul when he had his wits about him. Whenever the boy regathered his humanity once again, Dante was certain his guilt for this would sting more than any Rebellion being jammed right through his chest.
It took over ten minutes but Nero calmed down and something hurt horribly. Some part of him knew this was wrong and he needed to stop. Mid swing he stopped and his human side got enough control to spin his Devil Bringer on him the claws hitting his gut. Nero let out a sound of pain but it was not a simple wind getting knocked out of him sound it was a sound that he had done damage. The blue glow left his body and eyes all at once. Looking at Dante he was confused why the other has not fought back at all that confusion was soon replaced by pain a lot of pain. Tasting iron in his mouth Nero backed up and tried to get room between them.

It was about two seconds maybe three and then he could not stop what came next. He vomited hard. Blood came from the amount of internal damage his Devil Trigger had done to him mixed with his own self inflicted wounds. He started choking a little then stopped he was gasping for air. Completely forgetting Dante was there he tried to move but instead fell to his knees. His body too tired to heal itself fast enough at the moment. Looking at Dante then he looked away. He felt his head and limbs getting heavy from the blood loss. Nero did not ask for help he did not deserve it not after what he had just done. He hated being a half breed at times even more so he hated what happened when he lost control.

Dante would possibly pick up the scent Nero was screaming otherwise the just blood. Pain not that physical pain you get from being beat up. No, this was raw pain of loss. Nero had lost the only home he had know and it hurt he wanted to blame someone but there was no one to blame which made it worse. Pain from having lost control at a simple snide comment and guilt. Nero shook his head being it was getting foggy. Damn it he needed to heal or risk something bad happening. Carefully he stood up and using the wall to support him he managed to walk a few steps picking up Red Queen and putting her on his back. Then he tried to locate Blue Rose but his head was spinning again.
It was a painful thing, realizing that as he got older he'd unintentionally become almost too wise. Almost definitely cramping his legendary style. While not obtusely prideful, never being selfish enough to pull it off, Dante did find some sort of worth in being the smart mouthed cocky hired gun. What was he becoming now? A silent protector? How lame. He didn't know what tasted worse, the bitter taste in his mouth from that realization, the blood in his mouth, or the scent of Nero having some sort of mental breakdown. At least now the boy wasn't continuing to pummel Dante, and instead retreated to vomit blood. Of course the older demon born knew that particular sensation well. He wasn't always so cool himself, so powerful himself, there were vast moments of weakness in Dante's past for sure.

Opening his blue eyes after a good, long moment of thought, Dante looked to Nero. Dante, himself, was laying on the ground still. The accumulated mess of being punched by the one fist mlre durable than either of Dante's own, he wore it still with no attempt to clean himself off as of yet. In with his previous moment of thought, he didn't really know how to handle this disturbed boy now. The closest he ever had was his brother and that took care of himself for the most part. Sure, Dante's handled Nero before. Taking the boy on, one on one, more than once before. But now, for reasons Dante couldn't really fathom, Nero appears to have long-since lost all of his marbles.

Before long, Dante's mind wandered to the pizza he must have had waiting for him on his desk by now. Finally, something to smile about. And besides, those inherit Sparda's power are extremely rigorous, so Dante really foresee any reason to believe that Nero wasn't going to ultimately be fine eventually. Then again, Vergil didn't exactly come around. A frown made it's way back to Dante's face again. What the hell was with this thick fog of doubt that surrounded his heart now? This was Nero, afterall. To Dante's knowledge there was only one weapon known to man that could ever damage his Devil Bringer. That was Yamato. A sword of immense importance and power that could distort space itself and was used to destroy the hell gate, and seal the door between the human world and Demon world by his father. Even without Dante's help, Nero should fine-Right?

Dante got to his feet slowly, human speed for sure. His gloved hands patting away the accumulated dirt and whatever drops of blood that freely leave his chest before accepting that he wasn't going to be completely clean anyway. Without making any sort of move, look or sound with his mouth for Nero, Dante began to make his way for the Gym doors. The thought of the cheese and sauce first reaching his tastebuds before being followed by all of those toppings, excluding olives of course, it was just too mouth watering. That wasn't more important than Nero's problem, but Dante wasn't going to be doing the boy any favors by staying anyway. How was he going to figure out his own path in life if Dante proved to just overlook everything he says and does? Feeling guilty sucks, but Dante was sure alleviating the boy of the mess he made too easily could only serve to compound the problem further.

After all, Nero must have been pretty messed up to begin with if he didn't try to whip out Yamato on him. Jesus fucking christ. That sword could cut through anything, absolutely anything. Regardless of how shitty of a week Nero was having, if that boy introduced Yamato to Dante's skin instead of his fists, Dante would be in many many many pieces right now with next to no effort required. Then again, Dante didn't remember seeing Yamato on the boy. Finally with the doors open just a creak, Dante's eyes shot open wide. He entrusted Yamato to Nero the last time he saw him. Why wasn't it here with him? At best, Nero left it wherever he was staying the night, at worst...-Dante turned and looked to Nero intensely. "Where the Hell is Yamato?!"
Don't be a wise ass... don't be a wise ass.... just don't. Nero silently chanted in his head when Dante asked where Yamato was. The look on the older man's face did not make it hard for Nero to concentrate and focus on the question. Damn, Dante could switch from wise ass to somewhat of hero fast. Nero sighed and looked at Dante over his shoulder. It took Nero a few moments, but he finally turned and faced the other man. His eyes seemed glassy but then they started to glow as did Devil Bringer. Not like before this was more a pulse.

Holding Devil Bringer out to one side there was a sharp flash and Nero winced. When the light faded Yamato was in Nero's hand." Didn't ever want to use it again. Too.. strong." Why was he explaining himself? He just let it slide and walking carefully to Dante he held it out for the elder to take back." I won't need it again. Plus it's yours." Inside Nero was sure he was going to be sick again and soon but he hid it as best he could. Devil Trigger wore down the human side physically unless the one using it knew what they were doing. Nero did not. He had no training of any kind, had no guide lines at all and judging by the way he was acting he did not care to much.

Granted Nero also was highly self destructive right now. It was not that he did not care it was he did not know what to care about. He smiled faintly though as he added." The Knights wanted it, but I told them you took it. Kept it hidden in my Devil arm as its called.... thing was good for once." He smiled a little looking back up at the other. He then spotted Blue Rose. Making sure Dante took the blade back he then grabbed his fire arm from the ground." As for your work don't worry... a lot of people here think I'm you... so I left it at that. You'll get money soon." He put Blue Rose away and started walking out.
Dante wanted to hide behind his own hand when Nero revealed that he could hide Yamato that way. And yet, he didn't cover his face for a facepalm or turn to walk away. Dante smirked as Yamato was presented for him to take. Without missing a beat, Dante raised and extended his right hand as if to take Yamato. And yet, when it would come time to clasp his hand around the scabbard, Dante instead pushed Nero's hand back towards him. "I left it with you for a reason." He turned and began to walk out. The tail-end of his twin-tailed red coat would dance about at the back of his legs in that way it always did.

To the comments about Nero working jobs as if he were Dante, this made Dante stop in place. His eyebrows furrowed together and his smile vanished. If Nero didn't have his home anymore, why would he do the job that Dante does and have the costumers pay out to Dante's account? Especially if Nero hated him. With all that talk of it being Dante's fault, even if it weren't, clearly he wasn't doing it because he was just that much of a good guy. "That doesn't make any sense." Dante made his stance on the topic clear. There were plenty demons out and about, plenty of mercenary work to pick up in any direction. Why come Dante's way if he wasn't going to try to get revenge for the supposed things Dante did?

The broad shoulders of Spara's only living son would roll beneath his red coat, their action forming a shrug. "Bah. Don't worry about it. I've got a pizza waiting for me." He spoke with his smile returning, tossing half a look over his shoulder. "Come on. I'm sure after all this work tonight, you could use a slice or two." Dante invited before looking forward and beginning his path toward his humble office/home. The dusky school building riddled with the hell hound corpses just wasn't a good place to stand around and chat, clearly the duo needed a more home-y atmosphere. In his mind, Dante noticed the sheer amount of speed Nero was picking up as he aged. It reminded him of Vergil, a bit. If it were a race, he wondered who would win if they could have Vergil back for just one day. And then Dante would let his mind wander to happier thoughts.
Watching the older half breed Nero waited then spoke once he was done still sounding tired." A lot of things don't make sense. I figured you'd be use to that. Plus how would people act if they found out there was another half breed running around among them? Probably poorly." Devil Bringer glowing Yamato vanished again. The younger man followed him once he was sure none of the hounds were just playing dead being they could be like that. He was still shorter then the red clad son of Sparda, leaner and less muscled by a good bit. Nero was silent as he walked along with the other not knowing what to talk about.

Compared to Fortuna the city that Dante called home felt darker. Not an evil darker just darker. Fortuna had been built with white and tan stone and was surrounded on three sides by water so the sun bounced off almost everything. This city Dante called home was built with steel, wood and other such things. The buildings stood higher then those in Fortuna and for the past few weeks Nero had been here there had only been one day not overcast. So yes, Fortuna seemed brighter which to Nero was sort of ironic. He could easily keep pace with the older man and even though Dante had mentioned food Nero figured he probably would not be able to eat much, another side effect to getting use to his less human half.

Nero's demon half was in that weird teenage phase so to speak while the young twenty four year old had already matured demons worked differently which then by reason meant half breeds did as well. During the maturing of his demon side Nero would probably be uncomfortable in more ways then one, physically would be the most common being it would be easy for him to Devil Trigger, sexually as well, mentally and heck possibly emotionally, only time would tell. Granted he knew almost none of this though he had noticed his body being in pain quicker and the feeling of tiredness being a near constant recently.

Not stopping Nero could not help but smirk at the neon sign above Dante's door and then followed the other into Devil May Cry. However he did not take his boots off he did remove Red Queen and Blue Rose along with his jacket. Carefully setting them aside. Dante never having seen how far Devil Bringer went probably was not shocked to see it was all the way up to Nero's right shoulder and judging by what one could see might be able to tell it ended around Nero's right shoulder blade. Without the blue glow it appeared more red, though the claws remained. Nero seeing the pool table walked over and started setting up a game.
Nero wasn't getting on Dante's nerves, it wasn't easy to annoy Dante when he was in the right frame of mind. At the same time, he couldn't grasp at what the boy was saying all that much. Frankly, he didn't seem to do his research. In Dante's mind, he was very certain the prospect of Nero setting out to be his own gun for hire would have worked out just fine. If Dante was as thin-skinned as the other male, the lines he dropped about Dante and the whole 'another half-demon' thing would have warranted some sort of response of the annoyed variety. And yet, Dante continued walking. The pizza on his mind had been quite the source of motivation.

When they began to approach the door beneath the neon sign 'Devil May Cry', Dante would find his smile. What a long night. And he only put down one stupid hell hound. Certainly not an impressive kill count, Nero had him beat. Nothing to complain about, though. Dante was going to get his pizza either way. After he unlocked the door, the oddly moody Nero made himself at home without any goading. That made Dante smile a bit more. Leaning against the couch was Dante's typical guitar case and it was open. With two simple motions, Dante tossed Rebellion and then both of his guns toward the case. First the hilt of Rebellion bounced off the floor along the way, causing it to slant just right before slapping into it's place in the guitar case. Ivory and Ebony's clash into the case caused it to pivot in place and the lid to the guitar case slammed shut. A display more impressive for someone first meeting Dante, as he's performed significantly more impressive displays of hand eye coordination in the heat of the moment. The guy can shoot other people's bullets out of the air with his own.

Not wanting to pull off his red coat, Dante just pulled up his sleeves to tightly hug around his elbows before turning and sitting upon his unusually empy desk with a simple leap. The shop was quite the fun little place for Dante, and perfect too. Most of the peculiar weapons around his office were collected along the various jobs he's taken in his long long career of Demon hunting. One in particular was a demonic looking brief case that would sit atop the refrigerator like a normal man would place his keys. That briefcase in question was particularly useful in Dante's adventure when he first met Nero. Hard to imagine, he was even more swamped in emotions then. Poor boy. Though, in his defense, the orphan had to lose a friend and fight to save a woman he loved. Dante's eyes narrowed as he turned his head in Nero's direction. "A game of pool? Are you playing with yourself?" Dante grinned, distracting himself.

With another leap, he left his desk and started walking for the door. Opening the door just as a man approached the door, Dante immediately signed the paper and took the pizza. "Sorry, no tip!" He added shutting the door as a final motion in his pizza retrieving flurry. Poor human guy had no idea the interaction would be that fast. Stepping away with the pizza, Dante grinned to Nero. "Right on time." Dante would mutter as he made his way back to his desk to set the pizza down. Popping the box open, Dante immediately frowned. "Who puts olives on pizza?" He commented with his eyes narrowing before snatching a slice from the box and quickly devouring half of that slice. "At least it's still hot!" He noted, turning to Nero before making his way to the pool table. "Go on, then. Have yer fill." He invited Nero to join him in the pizza eating.
One might take the stunt Dante pulled as showing off Nero sense he was calmer now just found it interesting as hell. Granted he also was not too shocked. Listening to the other Nero normally would have snapped or blushed at the joke of 'playing with himself' instead he looked at the other shrugged his shoulders and said." It helps to pass the time." He finished setting the balls and then removed the triangle carefully before going to grab a q-stick. Getting some chalk Nero stayed silent as Dante grabbed his pizza. Poor man delivering it was all Nero could think to himself. Setting the chalk down he fired the first shot breaking the balls and getting two in right off the bat. He had been hustling when he was not hunting.

At Dante's question on olives made Nero chuckle and said." Some people might ask why you wouldn't want them. Me I don't care food is food." He hit a few more then shook his head at the offer." I haven't been hungry you eat what you want I'll grab food if I need it." He stayed playing pool seeming calmer now that he had vented and gotten some steam out. His Devil Bringer glowed then and he flexed his hand and looked at it. It was hurting again walking to the kitchen he turned on the hot water on and started to rub it along the arm until the pain relaxed. Probably hurt from how much he used it earlier in the day.
Dante didn't want to pretend like he knew what Nero was really going through. It was clear that these, changes Nero was going through was very abnormal in Dante's experience. He didn't really know what it was like to not know his mother or never know anything about his father. Sure, he's been without his mother long before he was an adult, but Dante knew Nero was an Orphan. If it were not for Nero's peculiar relation to Sparda and the way the boy fixed Yamato when those other men could not-Maybe Dante would have retrieved Yamato and left Sanctus without another look in Nero's direction. Why he had to look so deeply into Nero was a question without a real answer. He didn't want to leave the boy alone, sure. But he had friends, and a woman he loved. That appeared to have gone sour, but Dante didn't know it back then.

Now Nero was here. Yamato was here. Every decision Dante made back in Sanctus could be reversed now. Sure the boy wasn't wicked pleasant. Dante wasn't going to shift gears and become an uncle to the boy. He didn't know a thing about family in that direction. Sure, he had his brother and mother for a little while. But, Dante was the youngest. Not by much, but Vergil sure used to remind him of that. Frequently. In earnest, Dante missed it. He'd give it all up. Rebellion, Ivory, Ebony, his strength and speed. All of it. But it wasn't productive to think that way. A folly of the human heart: Regret. Dante took a few more bites of his slice before it completed it's vanishing act. Licking his fingers clean, he reapproached the pool table.

"You know, it's the darnedest thing." Dante began, a bit of his coy tone slipping back into his voice. "I'll lose any game of pool I bet money on. My luck is the worst." He continued, picking up a chalk cube and playing with it a bit between his hands. He leaned against the pool table, his lower back against it as he faced in Nero's direction. "I can't just sit around and pass time like this idly. Idle chatter can be fun if you're good at it. But, I need to do something!" Dante complained light-heartedly. In a way, he backhandedly mocked Nero, but it wasn't very direct. "Got anything else in mind? Maybe we can go shooting? Nah, that'll wake everyone up. Damnit."
Nero listened to Dante quietly and then looked over at the man when he mentioned luck. " Bad luck must run in our kind. I get kicked out of Fortuna you can't win pool. So where's your girlfriend? The blonde girl?" Nero had assumed that Dante and Trish had a thing given they were working together when he saw them last. Nero stopped and closed his eyes after a few minutes then opened them once he was sure he was calm. Random anger sometimes flared the recent fight made it easier." Sorry..." He said then grabbing the eight ball he tossed it up and down." Honestly I didn't know you were in this city just was going from city to city when my welcome was up in one I moved on to the next."

He pointed to his Devil Bringer." This got me into a lot of trouble people thought I was possessed or tainted." He shrugged and then smirked though when he heard the door open sure enough the leather clad blond came in. She stopped and looking at Nero looked at Dante." I was coming to tell you we might have a visitor in the city.. looks like you found them already." She walked over to the silver haired, red clad son of Sparda." Mind watching something for me? I'll make Lady remove some of what you owe her for it."

Nero walked to the couch as not to be rude. He was a smart ass kid but the last few months had mellowed him out a lot. Plus he was finding funny both Dante and Trish wore leather. He had jeans and his red shirt was more swade top was not considered true leather. Trish looked at Dante waiting for am answer.
"There isn't enough of us to call us a kind." Dante had a more jovial, interested sound to his voice as he took his chin in his hand. He thought to himself on that part of the conversation he introduced. Did Nero think they were alike? In truth, if the whole demon to human genetics thing could be diced up like pie, Nero was clearly just as different from Dante as Dante was from demons. The peculiar part was Nero's arm. It was a lot more sturdy than Dante was, for sure. And, the thing was just as useful as, if not more useful than, any one of the strange weapons Dante picked up on any of his journeys. Conveniently packaged into the boy's arm. Dante could imagine whipping Rebellion about so freely if he had a hand like that. For a moment, Dante looked to the strange demonic hand of Nero without saying a word.

When the word 'girlfriend' dropped, Dante's expression and body language shifted in a blink. A smile on his lips as he looked to Nero now. As soon as Nero's sentence, Dante responded in his natural smart ass way. "Don't sound so jealous." His smile widened to show his teeth as he teased Nero, shaking his head to the boy's sorry response. Dante remained by the pool table, arms crossed now as he watched Nero's move towards the couch. "No one's going to be getting rid of you here. You fit in." Serious again, Dante let his eyes roll over his desk across the room. "Might not be a palace, I can't buy a whole bunch of junk food everyday. But, you can stay as long as you'd like."

As the Blonde began to enter the Devil May Cry shop, Dante didn't even turn around. "Speak of the devil." He muttered with a smile, shifting gears again. Normally, a younger Dante would he more consistently asinine, wise cracking, or quicker to pull a trigger. With this whole Nero situation, and years more experience under his belt, he couldn't make heads or tails about what to do. Hopefully the introduction of whatever Trish was here for would be enough to get him back on track. "Hmm? What do you need ke to watch? And how much debt are we talking? I've got a little reunion going on here." He found it easier to stick to his 'smart ass' attitude, looking to Trish.
Dante also seemed to be able to go with the flow and rarely ever seemed phased anymore. Nero would reply to his comment in 'type' or 'kind' later after the blonde lady left. Trish rolled her eyes at Dante and would have made a comeback but then paused seeming distracted. There was a clear scent in the air. Not anything she would say was bad it was... sexual? Arousing? Demon? Odd? Yes, damn it. Trish knew what the problem was and it probably was why Nero had even wondered to this city. Oh, Dante was going to get some interesting events and is was going to be a bitch. She then moved and set a pouch of blue silk on the pool table.

"There is an amulet in there that if the wrong hands.... well let's say it's strong enough to raise Mundus back from where you tossed his, ugly ass." She then looked at the other and said." I'll have her take one third of what you owe her and if she tries to say no... I'll remind her how much of a pain it would be if someone of that power returned from his burning hell." Knowing he would say yes, being he was a suckered for keeping people safe Trish then turned and headed to the door. She needed to leave for a few reasons." I have another job I'll be out of contact for a few days." She called then left. She also left because Nero smelt the way he did. She knew Dante might not have picked up on it yet because it was not overly strong and Dante had a lot of self control. Still the events of the next few days could hold interesting.

Nero was on the couch still and laid back eyes half closed. To describe the scent coming off him was not easy. Demons like wolves or other animals had a way when it came to being of mature age. First pain, a good amount of raw emotions and last sexual drive. Nero did not even know his body was responding the way it was and every half breed was different. What Dante experience for the stages of maturity of his demon side could have completely been different Dante could have been constantly in physically pain and had no sexual drive. It was like a second puberty but worse because it was the demon half.

Still none the less Nero's scent was going to only grow until something or someone was claimed by him or claimed him. Basically like mating, but it was not for life though it could be. The scent would make other demons around him overly agitated and horny. As for of it would work on another half demon was unknown. It could not work or Dante could notice it and ignore. Hell Dante could tease the shit out of Nero. Still the younger half breed had no clue this was happening and just laid on his back arm lazily a crossed his eyes.
"Guh-Fine." Dante grumbled a bit, following Trish to the door as she made her move to leave. He stopped her from leaving as he gripped to the door and began to whisper to her. "Whatever you're going to be up too, I want you to make your way back our way soon." Still, he didn't keep her from escaping them as it wouldn't prove to be helpful in the immediate future. As she left, Dante smiled a bit and looked over to the pouch carrying the amulet that Trish left for them. What a curious amulet. Dante's brain started to mull over all the different possibilities that may be possible with the amulet. Did Trish plan on selling it eventually, is that why she put so much monetary value on it's protection? She didn't necessarily say that Dante couldn't make use of the Amulet while she was away. He had to keep it away from cultists, sure. No raising Mundus, sure. No one would have any fun with that three eye'd mess being free again.

With a grin, he crossed the room to pick up the pouch and remove the amulet from it. Tossing the pouch to his desk, Dante let the amulet dangle in front of his face. He could just taste the maleficent energies seeping out of the damned thing. What was the origin of this power? It was demonic, of course, but was this created by some Demon's ability? Was there a creature sealed inside it? Was the power sapped from the bodies of numerous demons? Either way, as much as he cares about Trish, Dante had no intention of returning this Amulet to her in the state that it is in now.

Dante stepped over to the side of the couch that Nero's head was laying on. Watching the silver-haired younger part-demon lay in a lazy sort of relaxation would bring a warmth to Dante's heart. He was aware of Nero's problem, but he didn't understand it. "Hey little buddy." Dante whispered as a curious glow took over his almost too excited face. "Let's do something a little exciting, shall we?" At a normal volume of a voice now, Dant'e's finger tips slowly brushed the silver bangs off the side of Nero's arm. "I bet it'll make you feel lots better." He wasn't entirely sure of that. Any number of things could happen. Taking the amulet into his hand entirely, Dante tapped into his devil trigger to start peeling away at whatever protection or seals kept the evil power inside the amulet. A red and purple energy took to highlighting his fingers and wrist, forcing his devil trigger hand to manifest. "Just take my hand here, and follow my lead. Take it all, okay?" He held the glowing hand over Nero for him to do as instructed.

Prepared for nothing, Dante couldn't possibly predict the actual outcome. But, he was certain that the energy inside the amulet would serve to make Nero much closer to Dante's level of power at his finest, possibly stronger. He didn't have any doubt that it would hasten the problems Nero was experiencing, and if he could overcome them, end the suffering he was going through a lot sooner. "Don't be a little chicken." The possibilities of an entity in the amulet taking some sort of control over Nero was there, or maybe the power making him do things out of character. Dante was sure he could handle whatever he'd get up too.
Nero had just about fallen asleep not hearing the last half of Dante's conversation with Trish. Inside him though his demon half felt the power of the amulet when it was slipped from the back. Nero felt his chest tighten and a low purr sound almost left him at the feeling of raw power being so close. Raw power much like a drug, but possibly better. He did not hear Dante moving a crossed the floor towards him, brain humming with the want to reach out and grab that power for himself. The Devil Bringer started to pulse and glow brighter blue the closer Dante got making him feel heat off of it more. Finally though he could tell Dante was right above him, still though he forced himself to stay still and not move, unsure of what to do.

When Dante touched him the power coming off the elder made Nero shiver just a little. If his eyes had not been covered Dante would have seen the faintest glow of red in those blue orbs. At Dante's coaxing and taunting Nero got up slowly into a sitting position. Part of him told him this was a bad plan and the other half wanted to just jump on the older man and try to take the amulet. Turning finally Nero looked at the other and asked him. "What is it Dante?.." He trailed off a little now seeing the power seeping off the other and it made him stiffen, but not run. Granted his eyes did dilate so more of the pupils showed nearly covering the blue of his eyes. The smell off power flooding his senses and making a soft growl leave him. Dante might be getting more then he asked for, because Nero could always just try to fight him for the amulet if his Devil Trigger snapped enough.

After the day's earlier events though Nero had more control and thus could keep himself from leaping right for the other. Staying calm Nero did as the other had said and took Dante's Devil Triggered arm by the wrist. To say the feeling that hit him was intense was mild. Heat first almost painfully so started to flood through his entire body making him gasp at first. Then a sharp sounding growl left him turning into a rumble as the pain grew both deeper and stronger. Nero looked right up at Dante eyes now red, Trigger suddenly taking over and the force of his grip growing tight enough it would have snapped any normal man's wrist. With super human speed and strength Nero suddenly pushed Dante into the wall grip still on the other's wrist. It was easy enough to tell Nero was out of focus and this was more instinctual response on the demon half's part then the boy's. Still he did not try to hurt Dante.
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