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Final Fantasy VII: Fight for Gaia ..[Haru|talfryn]..


As you wish.
Sep 27, 2011
United States (CST)
Zack Fair, SOLDIER 1st Class, and in the employ of the Shinra Electric Power Company. Recent events had led to his promotion, and his teacher, one Angeal Hewley, had gone missing. Shinra was ready to pronounce him dead, but Zack knew better. Angeal wouldn't disappear without good reason. Sephiroth himself had told Zack to just relax, but the passionate SOLDIER wasn't one to sit idly by if his friends needed help. To hopefully calm his nerves, Zack headed to the church in the Sector 5 slums. He always found peace there, and Aeris was usually found there too.

Making his way out of the Shinra Corporate Headquarters, Zack drew a few looks, the huge Buster Sword on his back, but his uniform giving him away as a Shinra Operative. In fact, the only person that stopped him was Tseng. The disheveled look of the Turk told Zack that something was up. He'd never seen the Turk in anything except a prim and proper look and attitude. In fact, if he had to guess, Tseng almost seemed... drunk?

"Heading to the church again?" Tseng asked, his insight quite keen.

"Of course. I haven't seen Aeris in a few days and I think I should check on her." Zack replied. He had no reason to hide anything.

"She's actually doing very well. That flower wagon you built for her is really helping her pull in some money." Tseng informed him.

Zack had to admit that made him feel good. "Still keeping an eye on her then?" he asked, knowing the answer.

"It's my job. I told you that." Tseng said, now walking with him. The two men were given a wide berth, and it wasn't long before the church was in sight.

At one time the church had been magnificent, and even now that old spectacular architecture could be seen, though all around it was the ruins of the slums underneath the plate, the people with money living above those without.

"This is where we part company." Zack said, really not wanting Tseng to come with him inside. He valued his time with Aeris far too much.

"Be careful." was all Tseng said before he took his leave, the helicopter employed by the Turks setting down in a cloud of dust and then lifting off with Tseng aboard. Zack turned toward the church and pushed open the door, slipping inside. The sunlight streamed in through the hole in the ceiling, and Zack called out.

The days beneath the Midgar plates within Sector 5 were different when she could anticipate something special. It wasn’t that the stale fluorescent lights became brighter, or the air less stagnant, the people less bitter. Those things remained the same at all hours and in every day of the year. But her heart was happy. Excited. And the testament to that mood was actually palpable in the only place where life did exist beneath the slums.

Within the quiet, abandoned church, the skylight that marked his first visit continued to pour its gentle warmth over a fertile patch of yellow flowers. They had been seeing one another for a year now, but she always prepared for him and considered every time special. She wore the pink ribbon that he had bought for her the first time, and since then had also acquired pink slipper shoes as he had suggested more of its colors in her wardrobe.

While she waited in the church for Zack to arrive, the girl tended to those flowers, humming to herself and the plants as the watering can showered the new blooms. They filled the entire church with their fragrance.

When he arrived, the calm air shifted ever so slightly, a tremor that rippled softly through the open space like a petal upon the water. A familiar voice soon flowed through, and from her stooping, Aeris stood straight before whirling to see him at the tall doors, the end of her spiral braid flipping over her shoulder.

“Zack!” She said it as if she was surprised to see him. In part she was, not having known what time he would actually come. The watering can was set down quickly, just a bit of it sloshing over the edge to catch the edge of her pleated white skirt. She ran down the aisle to greet him, skillfully avoiding all the little holes and upturned planks of wood she had navigated for years.

Without any more warning than her bee-lining, she leaped at him to catch him around the neck in a full embrace. “I missed you soooo much!” Her ear pressed to his before her head turned to plant a to kiss his cheek. “You missed me, too, right? How long can you stay this time?”
Zack's bright blue eyes, those Mako-influenced eyes, pierced through the dim lighting of the church, the only light filtering in from above - just below the Mako reactor that he'd fallen from, crashing into Aeris' little corner of Sector 5. It hadn't been that long ago, but already he felt as if he'd known her for years. He smiled as she ran down the aisle, the pink ribbon he'd bought for her already tied into her hair. Aeris was always a sight for sore eyes, and now was no exception. Her bright and cheery attitude always helped to bring his mind off the heavier thoughts of his job.

Arms wide, Zack caught her in a hug, her slender form molding to his as if made just for him. Her feet left the ground and Zack whirled her around, laughing softly at her exuberance. "I finally managed to get away for a little while!" he exclaimed, his duties often keeping him away from her for days or even weeks at a time.

The kiss on his cheek sent a warmth through him, and Zack slowed in his motion and set her down on her feet, his eyes finding hers though his arms stayed about her girlish figure. "Of course I missed you! You promised me a date last time, and I've been looking forward to it!" he said with a smile.

Finally his grip on her loosened a little and he took her hand, smiling brightly at her. "You should have me all day, and maybe even tomorrow unless an emergency comes up." he informed her. Knowing she wasn't a big fan of violence Zack removed the sword from his back and leaned it against one of the pillars near the door.

Keeping hold of her hand, simply wanting to feel her touch now that he was with her, Zack turned to look at the large patch of flowers thriving in the sunlight. "Those look like they're doing really well. I ran into Tseng on the way here and he said they've been selling. Operation Midgar full of flowers, wallet full of money is in full swing!" Zack looked over at her with a smile.
He felt warm and strong as he caught her embrace and returned it with the same unspoken fervor. Even as her feet returned to the ground, she leaned upwards against him on the point of her toes with her palms resting over his chest. Her emerald eyes smiled with her at his response. For all the many missions and places he traveled to and had to do, the little details were at the forefront of his mind. Things they had said, shared, or promised. It always helped to know that he looked forward to and thought as much about her as she did him.

While the wreathe of his arms slipped away, it was exchanged for the link of their hands. The girl intertwined her fingers with his after tugging off his glove, if he so happened to continue wearing them. Just like with the resting of his sword against the wall, they wouldn't necessarily be needed. Especially not for something like a casual date. She wanted to touch him too, skin to skin.

"They are doing well," she assured him, returning his gaze. Perhaps Tseng had seen her selling a full bouquet the other day for an anniversary gift. It was more than she had sold in an entire two weeks. "I suppose they would sell even better above the plate. People down here don't have much in their wallet to begin with to be able to fill mine. But! I've made enough to spend on our date tonight. Whatever you'd like to do."
Zack made no complaint as Aeris tugged off his gloves, as he wanted to feel her skin on his own. His bright blue mako-infused eyes met her emerald ones, and the SOLDIER could not help himself as he bent closer to her and kissed her cheek softly. As she led him toward the flowers she said she'd be paying for their date and Zack pulled her up short.

"Whoa whoa! ShinRa pays me more than enough to take care of things when we go out! Besides, I got a nice little raise when I made First Class!" he said. There was no bragging about things with Aeris, but he wasn't going to have the lovely girl from the slums pay for things when he made plenty of money.

After thinking a moment Zack said, "Have you ever went to see the play LOVELESS? Genesis talks about it all the time, and I'd kinda like to see what all the fuss is about." There was a pause and then he said, "After we go grab something to eat of course." It was said with a grin as he squeezed her hand.

Just then his handset went off and Zack sighed, flipping it open. The new mail was from Kunsel and it explained that there was a problem at one of the Mako Reactors, the one in Gongaga, Zack's hometown. That is he heard anything else, that he'd let Zack know. Closing the handset Zack turned to Aeris with a smile, "You still have me for the evening!" he said cheerfully, and grabbed her to spin her around.
She couldn't help but to laugh softly at his determined insistence to take care of any tab. While she was more than willing to contribute, and did want to repay the favor at some point in any way she'd be able, he convinced her well enough. It didn't seem he would budge on the issue regardless and she could let herself be pampered just a little bit. The money she saved could help her mother, and also kept open the possibility of some sort of gift she might be able to get for him later for all he had done to help her.

Blinking expectantly at what he might propose as far as the rest of their day would go, she wondered about the title of the play for a moment before shaking her head, braid swaying. "I haven't heard of it. The name sounds a little sad, doesn't it? I'm sure its good if your friend like is to much, though." She noted with an amused thoughtfulness. None the less, she readily agreed to the idea and would be happy to accompany him if it was something his coworkers also liked. "Actually, I've never been to a play before. It'll be fun! Now, what should we eat first..."

While Aeris mused over the possibilities and food options, their choices numerous but the actual places that were edible less diverse, his phone rang. She couldn't help the small clutching of apprehension in her chest that he'd have to go as soon as he came. If he did, she was already steeling herself to see him off with a smile. Fortunately it wasn't the case and she could quietly breathe a sigh of relief.

"Oh! That's great!" Visibly happy, she spun on her toes with him and shifted her weight so that she ended up nestled up against his chest to steal a kiss on his lips by the end of it. "Okay! Let's go! Dinner and a show." Interlacing her fingers she laughed brightly as she began to lead them quickly out from the church and towards Sector 6.
Zack knew that Aeris had to feel that bit of apprehension, that nervousness that he might be snatched away from her. Luckily that was not the case and the small affection as she hugged him was more than enough reward. Though she led him along, Zack did grab his sword, the soft metallic clang as the magnets on his baldric held the sword in place. He ddn't want to be without his weapon, no matter the circumstance, and he was still on call.

"How about we pick up a few things and have us a nice picnic in the park?" he asked, giving her hand a squeeze. The taste of her and the feel of her lips on his lingered in his memory, and the softness of her hand in his was quite the thrill for the young man. He had fallen head over heels for her, to be sure, and she could lead him as she desired.

Picking up a bit of conversation from earlier Zack smiled and said, "I agree. I think the title is a little sad, but Genesis quotes it all the time. He has this little book he carries with him you know, and reads from it constantly." Zack said, not really annoyed but trying to sound like he was. Without much thought to the action, Zack lifted her hand to his mouth and placed soft kisses at the end of each finger, his bright blue eyes on her green ones.

He noticed the ribbon in her hair, the first thing he'd ever bought her, and how she wore it every time he was around. It was nice, and he appreciated the gesture. Passing by one of the few grocers in the slums, Zack motioned to it. "I bet we could pick up a few things here if you like." he said.
A picnic had been a wonderful idea. She was eager to nod her agreement to the notion as they went, and even couldn't help but to pause a moment in her steps when he kissed her hand. The feeling of his lips against the sensitive pads of her fingers sent little tingles through the entire length of her arm and even into her chest. It was a sweet gesture, but somehow despite the simplicity of it, it was also a very intimate one. She was afraid that her hands smelled of the earth from her tending in her garden. Fortunately he did not seem to notice or note anything to do with the notion. ​A soft blush had crept over her cheeks as a result of it all though, and she attempted to partially veil it with the long fringe of her chocolate brown hair as she demurely continued alongside him.

"Let's see, for a picnic... We should get some sandwiches. And fruit, too." Aeris mused out loud as her gaze followed the direction of his indication. It was a grocer that she and her mother often stopped by, with modestly fresh shipments so long as they arrived on the right day. Every now and again they'd get lucky, but it was the same with everything else in the slums. She had never thought of looking for components for a picnic, however, and was curious to see how their stock would all add up in order to make for a great one.

She only released his hand when she required both of her own to touch and evaluate the fruits, turning the golden red apples in her palms. They were sweet smelling but weren't too soft to the touch, and she rifled through two or three of them before settling on a pair that she passed to him to hold.

Since it was rather short notice to make a sandwich on their own, she simply made a beeline to the section that sold prepacked and made lunches. Checking the date before anything else, she selected a turkey and roast beef pair of cut triangles for herself before holding up the same and a chicken salad sandwich up for him.

"Or.... do you like tuna?" She wondered, puzzling over the surprisingly diverse array of sandwiches. "It looks like they've even got pasta and a place to heat it up by the cashier. That's convenient..." She had never quite noticed those little details when she could eat or fix something simple at home. Her mother seemed to consider everything else junk food.
Zack noticed the blush and smiled to himself, and then outwardly as well, liking that he could make his girl blush so easily. She tried to hide it though, and Zack simply held her hand as they walked along. "Sandwiches and some fruit sounds great. I'll let you pick." Zack told her, and as she checked out the apples, he moved to a refrigerated area and grabbed some sliced watermelon. It wasn't a picnic without some watermelon. As Aeris held up the sandwiches he gave her a grin and a thumbs-up, snagging the watermelon and then going back to her side.

"I like tuna, and chicken, and ham, and turkey, and..." Zack started, grinning. There really wasn't hardly anything he wouldn't eat. "I didn't see any Banora White apples. Too bad. They're really good." he told her, having tried some not long ago. "Pasta?" he asked, and saw then what she was talking about. They even had cups of soup you could heat up too. "Grab whatever you like. I'd rather have too much food than not enough." he said and Aeris knew why.

When Zack had started seeing her, now and then he'd bring food to some of the children. It had started as small gestures, but Zack now had quite the reputation in Sector 5, and he was quite welcomed. Still not viewed as a resident of course, being from above-plate and not even from Midgar originally, but he was nice and well liked.

As the duo looked over some of the offerings, a young man came running into the shop. "Monsters!" he exclaimed breathlessly. "Out close to the park!"

Zack shot Aeris a look. "I should go take care of that before someone gets hurt." He bent and brushed his lips across her cheek. "You can help if you want." he said, already knowing her healing powers.
Having gone to grab a basket and then returned to pick out a few more food items together, the sudden interruption of the quiet perusal was sadly not all that uncommon or completely unexpected. Aeris straightened, her lips pressed into a frown as she exchanged glances with Zack. He was quick to react and respond to the man's sudden notice, even passing a brief kiss to her cheek as he began to excuse himself.

"I'll help," she told him without hesitation, her emerald gaze resolute. She would have gone to see how she could help anyone even if Zack hadn't been there for that matter, though it might have been a bit more difficult. And mostly consisting of running away or getting the children in the park out of the area unscathed. Setting down the basket where they stood, she quickly led the way out.

"Show us where the monster is!" She bid the young man, pressing him onward ahead of them. Her hand checked back at her pink ribbon tied above her hair, noting the familiar presence of the materia she kept hidden that lent its inspiration for her abilities. While hoping that Zack wouldn't be injured or in need of healing even during a time like his day off or on their date, she was there to support him in anything she could.
Zack looked at her as he quickly pulled on his gloves. "Alright, but you stay behind me. I don't want you getting hurt." he told her. He had seen her healing powers, and knew they were quite formidable, so he had little problem with her going since so long as he could keep her unharmed then this should be a piece of cake.

Running from the shop and heading along the street toward the park, Zack could see people running away from the playground area and soon the monster was in sight.

"A malboro! I wonder how it got into Midgar?!" Zack exclaimed, drawn his sword. "Be careful of it's breath!" he informed Aeris and he would make sure the last few people were out of the area before he would approach the beast from behind, his sword flashing as he sliced at the tentacles writihing on the ground.
Nodding at Zack's instruction, Aeris followed close behind him knowing full well that she would still get involved. If it meant helping or protecting him from anything more dire or serious she was willing to do anything, really. Whatever was in her power to do. For the time being, if that meant supporting him or just being by his side, then she was all too eager to do so.

It felt odd to be running into danger away from the flow of the crowd that was obviously frightened and panicking. If she had not met Zack or been with him, would she had run away with them, too? Despite the brazen courage, however, the sight of the creature that Zack called a Malboro was honestly bigger and badder than she might have ever expected or encountered before in the slums.

Aeris stopped a safe distance as Zack went forward into the park and began his first attack on the Malboro. Between watching him and checking to make sure that no one else was stuck or trapped in the area, she tried to clear her mind and energy for drawing on the materia she wore at any moment's notice. The first swing must have severed some of the creatures tentacles, because it roared loudly in a way that nearly made the air vibrate as it reared up and swung around, swinging thicker vines at its attacker.

"Zack! Above you!"
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