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New Journey (Fancy & Nyarly)


May 5, 2010
Slowly, Randy wandered through the countryside, enjoying the sunny day. He was on the way to a certain town, which had a quite unusual reputation and, above all, population. But he didn't make haste. He had all the time of the world, after all.

Randy was a trainer. Or rather he wanted to be one. He had no pokemon of his own yet and no experience at all, but he was determined to become a trainer. He had a love for pokemon, as long as he could think, something that didn't wane as he got older. Leaving his hometown, he went on a journey to become a trainer.

He was a young boy of 16 years, with long brown hair, tied into a thin ponytail and blue eyes. He wore dark blue shorts, a white t-shirt and a green jacket.

Pretty soon, he could spot a town in a small distance. This had to be the one! There weren't any other settlements near it, so it was quite isolated. Randy grinned. His search was finally over. He was sure that he could find there, what he looked for. He walked a bit faster towards the town.
Ahead in the distance, the town was starting to come into view. Its many inhabitants could be seen rushing about. carrying on with their usual routines. However, there was something in particular about this town that made it stand out: it was home to a wide variety of Pokemon variants. Pokemon variants were so hard to come across these days, and that was why this town was so sought after. It wasn't necessarily easy to find this place, especially since it was in a remote location. It was a good thing Randy hadn't gotten completely lost on his way there. He wouldn't be able to see the little confrontation that was happening though...

"What the hell are you looking at? Don't make me punch your face in." There was a young Pokemon variant leaning up against a tree, crossing her arms over her chest. This one in particular was an Umbreon variant. She seemed to be around 18 at least, with short black hair and crimson red eyes. She wore a black tanktop that showed off her belly, and a pair of baggy blue jeans. Upon her head were a pair of ears that resembled those of an Umbreon, and she had a tail as well. A small group had approached her, surrounding her. "Huh? So looks like the brat's still spouting nonsense." one of them said. The group consisted of a few fighting and psychic type variants. Luna, as she was called, was known for getting in a ton of fights with others variants. Her infamy had gotten many of the others to try and get her out of the town. She sighed softly as she moved from the tree, ready to fight them if needed. She was actually one of the better fighters in the entire town. She just had a really nasty attitude towards the other people and to trainers especially. "If you want me to mess up your face, feel free to step forward."
Curious, what would expect him, he neared the town. He could already see some of it's strange inhabitants: Pokemon variants. Pokemon who looked like human girls, but with certain features of pokemon. He smiled. He finally found what he was looking for. He wouldn't be satisfied with ordinary pokemon. These variants however, as the precious rarities they were, were exactly right.

Randy thought back on the meeting with the strange woman. She was the one, who told him where he could find this town. He didn't believe her initially but couldn't take his mind off it. So he followed her directions and as he came nearer his hope grew. And now he could see that it wasn't a lie. Still, the woman never demanded something in return for the information and he had no idea why she told him about it. But he could think about it another time. Now there were more important things to do...

As he arrived in the town, the variants looked at him. Some frightened, some wary, but all curious. Randy wondered if they even knew about humans. Due to the isolation, it could be possible, that had no idea what he was. He wasn't sure whether he should say something. Maybe they wouldn't even understand him. In the end, he didn't say anything and just went further into the town.

After a while, he could see a small group of variants, standing around a tree. Beside the tree itself was a pretty girl, who had features, reminiscent of an Umbreon. She seemed to be rather aggressive, but something about her fascinated Randy. He went closer, watching her carefully.
The other variants started to close in on her. It was quite a sight to see, both make and female variants were ready to take her all at once. She didn't stand down at all though. It only served as a testament to her fighting capabilities. Luna grumbled softly to herself, cracking her neck and knuckles as she prepared herself. the look on her face seemed to be daring them to come at her. Soon, a couple of them came at her, both swinging at her. She easily dodged under it, grabbing their heads and smashing them together. While they went down, another trio tried their luck. She blocked off one of their punches, tossing them away, while the other two teamed up against her. One of them had managed to grab her arms, holding her back, but as the other threw a punch she dodged, making him hit the other. Using the opening, she quickly sent her fist into his jaw. This scuffle continued for a while, though she seemed to be easily subduing them. It wasn't long before they were all gasping for breath all around her. She still looked ready to fight though.
Randy watched in awe, the fight that was going on before his eyes. The Umbreon girl was obviously a very skilled fighter, taking on multiple enemies at once and win easily. At least it looked easy to him. When everyone around her was gasping, she looked like she wanted to fight more. He was scared, but his admiration was even greater. She was pretty, nimble and strong.

To make it short: She was ideal as his first pokemon.

Of course, that would be problematic. After all, he had no pokemon he could her with and his own combat skills were nearly nonexistent. Also, he had heard before, that there is a special way, with which variants had to be caught, but he didn't know what it was.

So, it was unlikely that he would succeed and he was frightened of her. But he couldn't just back away now. It was an ideal chance and he couldn't just let it go to waste. So he went nearer to her, but still in a distance.

"Hey, Umbreon girl!" Randy shouted, challenging. "I will catch you here and now, you hear?"
Luna crossed her arms over her chest again. I t didn't seem like this bunch would keep her entertained long enough. "Hmph, I expected more out of this. I didn't have any trouble at all with you." she muttered, only serving to bug them even more. There wasn't much they could do about her though. They couldn't quite match up to her fighting capability. This was no good. She was so bored lately, and this wasn't enough to keep her satisfied. for the moment she thought of just going home for the day, but then she'd still have noting to do.

"Hey, Umbreon girl! I will catch you here and now, you hear?"

"Guh!" She clenched her fist tightly as she turned to see where the voice was coming from. To her surprise, it came from that of a young human. It wasn't just that though. She was a bit annoyed that he'd refer to her like that. For them, it was a somewhat of an insult to refer to them by the pokemon they resembled. "What the hell? What do you think you're doing in a place like this? You're just another wannabe trainer trying to get lucky."
"'Trying'? I think, I'm lucky already. After all, I found a precious pokemon with you. My name is Randy and soon it will be the name of your trainer."

He had a cocky smirk on his face and pointed challenging at her with his index finger. He seemed to ooze with confidence.

But in truth, his confidence vanished nearly completely, when she turned to face him. From the beginning, he was aware that this was probably the dumbest idea, he ever had and now he was fully aware in what situation he brought himself in.

He had no chance. She would crush him without mercy.

But he couldn't just back away now. He had to save his face and at least fake his confidence. Still his eyes were wandering over the defeated variants, hoping that somebody would help him. Then again, he probably wouldn't have a chance even then.
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