Bad End Battle-Sisters (Kaybee x Mountain Zaki)


Oct 12, 2011
"It doesn't matter what will happen to us! We go with the emperor's grace and his hands guide our retribution!"

The roar of Heavy-Bolter fire drowned out even the constant staccato of orkish guns that filled the smoke-thick air. Venitus burned around them, it's districts alight with flames and rocked with screaming as the greenskins ran near-unchecked through the streets. Only the highest points remained untouched, the Spaceport, the Administratorum, and the Governor's palace at whose gates the trio stood. A handful of imperial citizens remained with them, a mere dozen compared to the thousands they had tried and failed to protect. The rest of the sisterhood was either dead or withdrawn from the city to their fortress-monestary to make a stand of their own there.

A shuttle remained that would take these civilians to safety, but there were simply too many orks for the Sororitas to go with them...

The Heavy Bolter fell silent and Sister Rosanne glanced up and back. A woman stepped forwards, a helpless fear on her face only to be shouted down as Captain Tiarrae took advantage of the quiet to punctuate her orders.


Another group of orks rounded the corner and caught sight of them, immediately charging up the hill with a warcry, firing wildly as they went. The civilians went as ordered, scurrying towards the starport pad as the Heavy Bolter Roared again, tearing into the greenskins with ease whiel Sister Sarael made sure to finish off any that didn't go down soon.

If they had no worries about ammunition, they could technically hold out forever in this sort of choke point, but ammunition was a very real worry. The Heavy bolter would run dry soon, and after that they would be down to their own boltguns, then power swords and chain weapons as they fought what they expected to be their last bloody stand at the gates of the mansion.

It never occurred to them for even a moment that this would not be where they met their end...
As the Battle-Sisters tore into the ranks of the Orks with their heavy bolter and boltguns, it seemed for every one they killed, three more greenskins took their place, a truly hopeless task for the three. Even in the choke point with their weapons, the sheer weight of numbers of the Orks began to overwhelm the Sisters. Green bodies filled every breach and hole and soon several greenskins were pouring past the sisters in an attempt to storm the Spaceport.

As the Orks swarmed around them, one of them in the massive horde cried out.

"Uumie Wimmen! Lets rape dim!"

A fearsome cheer seemed to roar out from the Orks as they overwhelmed the sisters, tackling them and forcing them to ground with their numbers alone. While many of the Orks stayed with the sisters, others poured into the Starport and Manor and slaughtered the men and began to rape the women. The cries and screams that echoed around them let the sisters know they had failed in their last task.

Still, they would be too busy themselves to notice themselves as the Orks bound the wrists and ankles of Sarael and Tiarrae together, immobilizing them. It seemed like the Greenskins had special plans for the Sisters. Once Sarael and Tiarrae were taken care of, Orks surrounded Rosanne their eyes full of lust as they licked their lips in anticipation. They had disarmed her for the most part, the only weapon upon her was her chainsword.

Emerging from the mass of green was an Ork that stood a head and a half taller than most and seemed much more powerful and well built than the others. He was Chief Mugstompper, and he was the leader of this Horde. He eyed Rosanne and chuckled before looking at Sarael and Tiarrae.

"Ya lissen ter meeb an obey, ya an yer sistaz git ter liv. Fail an weeb kills ya, noez?" he spoke in the strange way Orks spoke as he and his warriors surrounded the Sisters. It seemed like he was giving Rosanne a chance for her and her sisters to live, but the question now was, would she take it?
Even as the orks began to overwhelm their position entirely still the sisters struggled, faith and zeal driving them ever onwards. When the screams from further inside began to echo back down to them their mission changed from delay to vengeance against the greenskins, intent on taking as many with them as they could to repay the horde some small measure of the lives it had taken from the planet's citizens, but while Sarael and Tiarrae found themselves held and crudely bound, Roseanne still held her chainsword, and had cleared a space around her free or orkish flesh.

One back to a wall, her breathing came heavy, the sword's motor rumbling in her grip as she hefted it, narrowed her eyes, and paused for just a split-second at the demand as the hulking Ork Nob lumbered his way to the front, her sisters held squirming in his peons' grip.

"Frak you, for my faith is shield against your blandishments."

The mission had never been survival, and zeal overcame any fear of death they had once held long ago. Roseanne charged the chief, chainsword roaring in her hand as its motor spun up to full power and the clutch engaged while at the same time Sarael and Tiarrae renewed their furious struggling, angrily trying to wrest themselves from their captors grips.

Obey a filthy ork willingly? The idea was almost laugable. Death would be preferable to listening to the Xeno demands, and indeed, Roseanne hoped that the orks would kill them. After all, the cry that had gone up earlier did not bode well for if they somehow survived...
Mugstompper laughed as Roseanne charged at him. He lifted his crude bolter and fired a few rounds towards the charging sister. It seemed someone had actually taught this Ork how to aim those as one of the bolts forced her chainsword from her hand and the other was like a gut punch to her torso that brought her to her knees. The monster approached her and let out a laugh before bellowing at a cry of victory as his fellow Orks made sure to keep Sarael and Tiarrae nice and restrained for what was about to come.

Mugstompper stood behind Roseanne and pointed at the two bound sisters as he licked his lips, a sinister and unsavory grin on his face

"Ya twuu watch as meeb make 'er mi whore!"

With that, his strong and massive green hands gripped the front of Roseanne's tunic and tore the material apart with a powerful rip. The Orks let out a cheer as the human's large and lovely breasts and well shaped and sculpted body were revealed to them. His hands moved to grope at her mounds, digging his rough digits into her skin as he played and teased her rosy nipples, rubbing the nubs between his fingers as he licked up and down her neck with his hot, long and wet tongue, hit teeth digging into her skin at points to stop and sucking, marking her as his own.

All the while, she could feel a massive rod pressing up against her firm ass as he played with her. It was certainly no sword and or blaster...but surely with the size she was feeling, it couldn't have been his cock? That was the thought running through her head as the sheer girth and length of was pressing against her seemed to defy all expectation as he used one of his hands to tilt her chin to the side and forced his nasty lips against her own, his tongue lashing at her lips and trying to force its way into her mouth.
While the other two fought against their restraints as they watched, Roseanne struggled to rise, reaching desperately for the chainsword as Mugstompper paced around her. Fury boiled within her at the insolence of the brutish greenskin, the way he barely even paid attention after he'd shot her, the way he laughed and made his crude promises to her sisters, yet she could find no breath with which to speak it, not strength with which to stand, no weapon with which to deliver it, and as he took the front of her dented armor and tore it in two with a single tremendous pull, he took the last of her power away from her. Without the blessed plate and her weapons, she could no more hope to hurt the massive beast than a fly could hope to damage a land raider...

She still struggled furiously against his grip, but only the fact that he was more focused on pleasure than holding her in place allowed her to make any real semblance of effort, writhing and squirming as he gleefully toyed with her exposed breasts, teeth at her collarbone, nipping and sucking like some grotesque parody of a human lover.

It should have meant nothing, yet something in her responded. Battle-sisters were not always sworn to chastity as part of their vows, but Roseanne had never found men all that interesting anyways, nor women for that matter. Many of them were weak, cringing and deferential before her power and authority, and those that weren't were often disappointments in bed, never managing to make her feel much. Somehow this ork surpassed them, without her realizing it, assaulting her with strength that no other male had ever dared bear against her, yet also with a thoroughness that few had ever tried to match and none had ever succeeded at living up to.

Despite herself and even without entirely realizing that she was doing it in the first place, the Battle-sister's body began to respond to the stimulation, even as she realized that the thick hardness pressing up against her rear was not the ork's knee at all but rather his manhood, immense beyond anything a human could ever hope to offer. "N-no-mmph!" she gasped defiance, but her voice quavered, and her denial was cut off by disgusting orkish lips pressing against her own, a thick tongue slowly prying her own instincts to pry her lips apart and force it's way into her mouth, causing her to gag at the taste of greenskin saliva even though the sensation of that heavy muscle filling her oral cavity brought a trickle of wetness to her netherlips and a stiffness to her nipples.
The other Orks kept Roseanne's fellow pinned to the ground, forcing them to watch as their fellow was defiled by Mugstommper. The lead Ork laughed in the kiss as even his tongue dominated her own, his appendage forcing itself upon her own and making her drink his saliva at will. Soon, he tossed Roseanne to the ground, her back pinned against the dirt as he hovered over her, his hulking body giving her little room to move.

Soon, his face descended upon her breasts, his grin widening as he noticed how perky and hard her nipples had grown from the attention he had given her early. His mouth latched on as he sucked hard, like a newborn babe attempt to draw milk from its mother. Only he was quite more skillful as well as his tongue swirled around her perky nipple before his teeth began to grind the nub between them.

All the while, one of his hands groped her other breast, her flesh molding against his rough digits as he tugged on her nipple with his fingers. His other hand slithered down her muscular stomach and into her tights to feel her lower lips. He laughed as he felt wetness, his fingers rubbing against her labia and wetting themselves on her love juices. His fingers then sought out her clitoris and began to rub on her most sensitive nub quite skillfully before tugging on it roughly to see how she would react, assailing her body with much pleasure.
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