Heya seeking F/F M/M Futa. Incest and non incest Ideas.

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tiffy collins

Jan 23, 2012
hello my Name is tiffany. I am a Bisexual female open to Diverse combinations. I Play Female or Male With out any trouble. I enjoy all sexual Pairing's. Male/female female/female Male/male and I am interested in Futa. All my ideas can be converted to Male/male or Female/female or add a Futa. Also I dont care if your RL gender is Male or Female. As long as you can play the role its all good.


If I dont message Back after a couple of days please send a reminder. Its Possible to forget and a reminder is always Nice. I will try and do the same Myself.

I am posting 14 ideas (7 incest 7 NON incest) Girls and guys welcome. I am willing to tweak Ideas and play around with them.

I prefer to RP in PM. I am into Sexuality but I like a lot of Plot as well, and Char development. If you have any ideas you want to run by me feel free to contact me. I will play almost any Incest Idea if it is rational.

again PM....PLEASE! I may not look at this page often so please PM me don't just post on here...however a bump is always appreciated.


1- Bored teen makes a joke sex add with best friend

(A couple of Teen Girls make a joke Video)

2 15 year old Girls are Bored surfing the Net. They Find a Sight where people 18 and up can Make online Sex Adds seeking like minded people. The Girls could be Drunk or sober. They could be Lesbians or just experimenting. They Have sex on Camera Posting the video. They say there seeking older couples orgies and wild sex. They give a fake email and a fake City and state and phone number. They are only bored and Joking they dont want to be Found for real.

A local Married Couple in an incest Based Family find the Add. They recognize the Girl and decide to test if they could add her to there fun. They Begin to Hire her to clean there Pool and Chores around the house to make some extra Cash. They Have there teen Son Seduce her so they begin to date. (The Son already has regular sex with his Parents). How this continues i would love to see!


2- Goth girl found her self a demon.

(Teen Goths summon a demon without meaning to)

In a bleak grave yard on a quiet night in a small town. Several girls and boys goths most of whom are just bored teens. They use a summoning kit found at an Occult store next to Tarot Cards. They conduct the ritual planning to Have a little scare and a laugh. They will feel like such bad asses being half naked in a graveyard. They have a chalice with Blood and everything. Just have to pretend they dont know its Juice. What no one expected is the ritual worked!. They called forth a lower Powered Demon. All of them run screaming as soon as they see it.....All but the youngest of there number. His gaze falls on her.....by morning she will be his loyal servant. He cant stay in this world long. He will need sexual sacrifices to strenthan him. She must seek out sex in order to fuel her master. Men women does not matter at all. The more she feeds him the longer he can exert himself in our world. She will begin bringing him play things for him to enjoy and grow stronger......In return he gives her powers of her own.


3- The Path to a man's heart is his Sons Cock

(A teen Girl seduces her Teachers Son to get to her teacher)

A 15 year old Girl find's herself attracted to her teacher. (could be turned to preacher or Other leader role) She tries Flirting with him. Wearing low Cut Tank tops and calling him over to look at her work. So he can look right down her Shirt and her Breasts. But she realizes a married Man wont give into a student that easy.

So she goes after his Teen Son. Seduces him Lures him to her House and has sex with him. She begins to date him. He is thrilled Dating one of the hottest Girls in School. But has no idea she is Using him. He invites her to his House. Where she can get alot closer to his Father. Now out side of the Setting of a class room. She can parade herself in Skimpy Bikini's. She can have Loud Rough sex with the son. While knowing his Father can hear them. She can seduce the Father by making the son a very very happy boy friend. She will make sure the Dad walks in and Catches her Naked sucking the Son's Cock. But while the wife is home she plays perfectly sweet innocent an ideal Good girl for her Son. So she is manipulating everyone in the house and her Ed goal is to get her teacher to fuck her just as hard as he can.


4- Teen Teriminator on a mission

(A 15 year old Looking Terminator sent back to our time)

this is an Idea I have been Craving for a bit now. I wanted to do an Idea Based on a Terminator. It would Star a Teenaged Girl Terminator. Think Cameron from the Sarah Conor Chronicles. But with a different Look and Personality. I am thinking an Advanced Prototype Infiltration Terminator. New Software Upgrades to Adapt to any Infiltration situation that her Mission Demands.

She was Sent Back in Time to complete an Infiltration Mission. When she gets Badly Damaged she needs Help in repairing herself. She would seek out an Older Grad Student with Access to a Goverment Lab. Her Goal is to Seduce him away from his Girl Friend or Wife. Then convince him to Help her gather Supplies. She does all this Under the Guise of a teenaged Girl.

As her Plan Unfolds she Finds her advanced Programming Adapting to new Sensations. Kissing Sex Romance Concepts she was never Programmed to Handle. She slowly Finds herself Experiencing Emotions for this Man. In Time she tells him the Truth. She needs his Help to perform the repairs anyways.

I think this could be a very fun Idea. It could be a straight RP or a lesbian RP.


5- Bad Bad Mommy!

(A teen girl warns her BF her Mom is very very Horny and cant be Trusted)

A virgin teen girl raised by her Priest Father. But After her dad Died she was forced to move in with her Mom. Her mom who has been a stripper. And even done some Porn. The girl warns her BF not to trust her Mom. She is Seductive and manipulative. Still he never expects the depravity this Mom will engage in order to seduce him into her Bed. Nor would he believe just how many Women Serve the Mother.


6- My sister and me...or is me

A teenage girl about 15 or so with an older sister. she steals her sisters Car keys and decides to go on a joy ride. After a few times of doing this she is pulled over for speeding. Being young and scared she pulls her sisters License out of the dash board. Pretending to be her own sister as they look a lot alike. The cop gives her a ticket thinking she is over age and was just speeding. The girl goes home terrified that when her Sister find's out about that ticket she is dead!. Until the next day when the cop calls her Cell phone and asks her out on a date. She knows this is wrong she is 15 and he thinks she is her sister. But if she goes maybe he can destroy that ticket. So she goes. We could say the cop has a son who is in her School as well. Just to add some complications (she may not know this)

what will she have to do to clear that ticket? Will they begin a relationship him not knowing that her name age job are all lies. Will the sister ever find out?

7- Hunt for a Goddess

(the greatest Mystery of the Century and no one knows how simple the truth is.)

This is a modern day RP that began over 2000 years ago. The Greek and Roman and Egyptian gods as well as a dozen other Pantheons Ruled the world with absolute and unquestioned fear and Power. And then some Mortals in an Act of resistance spread faith in a new God. One single all powerful God. One based on Mercy and love. It was a lie there was no God. But thousands of terrified Bullied Followers joined the faith. And then Millions more. They hunted there former Gods one by one. Many fell to the mortals there Powers degraded by lack of Worship. Others took there own Life rather then be Killed. Others Gave up divinity to live and Die ammoung Mortals. And yet more chose to Hide in remote places protected by there strongest most devout servants. One of these was The great Aphrodity. (or some other Simular Goddess). She planned to stay entombed and Hidden until the Mobs stopped hunting her. Then to be Freed and restore her base of Power.

But as the centuries pass her followers died or moved on. And she was Forgotten a relic of a long lost age. Untill today when a dig in a remote Arctic region discovers a perfectly preserved Naked Woman's body. She is Attractive...no more then that she is the most Beutiful woman any man has ever seen. No matter who looks at her what they see is there ideal Image of Female perfection. And more odd still she appears to be alive. Her heart beats her blood Flows. Her nipples even stand Hard. But no attempt to wake her meets any positive results. Her body seems Indestructible. Soon enough she is displayed to the world as the greatest Mystery of the era. Billions around the world look her up online the Mystery Body found in the ice. Millions travel from around the world to see her Body. And many cry at her sheer perfection. (Many others have less Noble reactions) Yet still there is no indication that she will ever wake up.

As cults begin to sprout up around the world to worship this Body. The Catholic faith is loosing Numbers and Power as worshippers flock to this new Faith. What no one knows......is that 2000 years trapped has weakened the Goddess. When she was untombed her soul her Powers were cast away in a confused lack of Comprehension. They soared around the world unsure of who or what they were untill they Finaly found a vessel. A 15 year old Teen girl from a small town.

Her body was Taken her mind cast asside. But as damaged and degraded as her Soul had become the Goddess could not remember who she was. And came to believe she was really this 15 year old girl. Her powers seemed to affect the world around without her even knowing. She was quickly becoming the hottest girl in the county. But for all of that she was sure she was just a normal Teen girl. She was as Amazed by the Ice woman as anyne else. And never dreamed she was conected to that.....

As time Passed and more followers prayed to and worshipped this Body. The power of beliefe and Faith began to repair to mind...

How long before she began to realize who she was? And how would she be able to restore herself to her True Divine form. And what will happen if more Bodies are latter found in other Remote places. Now that people know where to look. Will our Goddess be in for a Gods War?


1- Water Ration leads to power struggle in a family.

(A water ration forces a family to share in order to conserve)

During a Water Ration the Goverment Suggests measures to conserve water. One idea is to share showers. The Parents of a family figure this is fine after all there Teen kids are Brothers and Sisters. Not like there going to do anything right? What follows is a series of Struggles for the shower. We could start with an Older brother forcing his Sister to sit on the toilet cause he refuses to share. When she tries to get in he Pushes her away. So she begs him to let her in. He will let her....but for a price. How bad does she need a shower? This could also be bigger sister little brother. And I would love some sister sister roles. Brother brother as well. We could also add Daughter and Daddy. Mom and Son daddy and son. They dont all have to be sexual some could just be...sensual. The Dad resisting his urges but shocked at how sexy his Little girls Body is. Maybe he leaves the shower. Pulls his wife into bed and fucks her hard!


2- Sexsomnia

(A real life sleep Walking Condition makes great RP)

a medical condition that results in a specific Kind of Sleep Walking. In this Case the person seeks out sex or sexual Acts. Often they seem Fully aware of what they are doing as well. They have open eyes they can Talk and Walk. Drugs Booze stress or Being Horny are natural Causes of Sexsomnia.

My Plan is a 15 year old Girl who has been sleep walking for years. Without warning her Night time Walks take on a very different tone. I was thinking people in her family would begin to use her. Touching her teasing her guiding her to a bed. Her sex starved father in a stale marriage. Her bored mother desperate for something new. Her virgin teen brother. Or maybe just an older Horny Brother. who just wants sex with anyone. Maybe even her Sister looking to explore her own desires.

During the day she remembers nothing. She wakes up in her own bed only naked. But at Night she is the Family play toy. As time passes father and Mother each find out what the other is doing. Brother and sister as well of course. Soon enough they are learning to share the young girl. Finding ways to get her horny during the day as well. So she will have a higher chance of sleep walking that night. Maybe even Drugging her or finding ways to get her Drunk.

Oddly enough it makes the family closer. Mom and dad's stale Marriage is alive and Intense again. Everyone gets along much better. Even the sexsomnia girl is less stressed more relaxed and better off.


3- Mom or big sister sold me

(An ageing Call girl uses her daughter or sister. So she does not loose her Lifestyle. Untill her daughter Turns on her.)

a girl in her 40s (younger if she is used as older sisters. Lives in a nice apartment. She has nice Clothes a nice Car she lives Well. Yet no one around her is ever Sure what Work she does. She is a High Class Call girl. Only she is starting to Find her Primary Client a wealthy Powerful Man. He started to Hire this girl when she was 16 and Now he is Growing Bored of her. She is no Longer stunned by his Life style. She is not as attractive as she used to be. When he is At her House One day, her Daughter who lives with her dad (15) Visits un announced. This could be turned into a little sister easily. The younger girl has no idea her Mom is a call Girl. Or that this Man just fucked her for Cash. The man begins to Talk to her and Finds he is Attracted to this Little girl. He tells the Mother in private that unless she gets her little Daugher in his bed in 1 week he will take away everything she has.

The Mother aranges a Trip for the Three of them. Then Gets her Daughter Drunk and Vulnerable. The younger vulnerable girl falls prey to a more experienced older man. She has no idea this was pre planned or she was set up. But after a taste of her youthfull body the man craves more!. The Mother convinces her Daughter (or sister) to move in with her.

Eventually the young girl learns the truth. But by then she is drawn to the wealh and power like a moth to flame. Making love in Paris under the stars. When a few weeks before she never even left her state. Then the power begins to shift. She realises it is not she who needs her mother.....it is her mother who needs her........


4- A family vacation to a nudist resort.

(Family trip to a nudist resort leads to all sorts of adventures.)

This would be the Tale of a family a brother a sister a mom and a dad. The youngest Daughter is just turning 15. And for her Birthday she learns she is old enough to attend a nudist resort. The parents have gone before. But this would be the first time they have Taken there Daughter or son with them. At this resort sex can not be conducted in the open. But there are private stalls all over the area for quick get togethers. No restrictions or limits of any sort.

Wont you come explore this with me...


5- My daddy my god!

(A teen girl Led into Corruption sex And Drugs by her Daddy and never knows it.)

A story of a young girl with a boring life. A dad with a boring job a mom with a boring job. Sister's brothers all well off if not filthy rich. Her boy friend is a good boy with solid plans for the future. Until her Life begins to Turn Upside Down. It starts with a new Best Friend a Bad bad Girl that shakes up her Life. She gets them into Mountains of Trouble. Getting them arrested and into Bad situation. She is slowly corrupting this innocent sweet young girl.

This all being part of a plot. Her boring daddy is in secret a cult over lord. He is pulling all the strings to corrupt his baby girl. His end goal being to turn her into a bisexual wanton slut....HIS slut!. Daddies obedient sex crazed cock hungry queen. She will rule from her sacred position at his feet with her mouth full of daddies cock.

of course this is a long slow road of little temptations and corruptions. It would be easy to just gang bang her....easy and boring. Lets tear down her safe happy world. Let tear away right and wrong morality. Lets fill her mouth with pussies and cocks till she begins to beg for them.


6- Daddy made a mistake

(A family vacation leads to a drunken mistake)

In this Fantasy a father Mother and Daughter. (We could add bothers sisters if needed). Go on vacation to visit Family. With so much Family crammed into one House Sleeping conditions are complicated. But when it is settled who will sleep where and with who. The Father and Uncle go out drinking like old time. A fight between 2 Cousins forces a change in sleeping rooms. And the Daughter ends up in the bed her Mother Would have been in. In the confusion no one remembers to call the father/uncle.

This could lead to one of 2 fun situations. When Father and uncle return home drunk off there asses. The Dad goes to the room he believes his Wife is in....and slides into bed naked feeling up his daughter. They have sex in a pitch black room him thinking its his wife. The daughter knows the Truth of course but Always secretly desired her Daddy. In the Moment she gives in not thinking of the Future....After that we deal with the fall out

or the uncle sneaks in planning to continue a long standing affair with his brothers wife. And does not know its really his teenage niece he has slid into bed with.

in both cases there being drunk is a main reason not to notice the differences in wife/daughter. By the end they may work it out but not be willing to Stop by then.
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