faye's universe - looking both for men and women (NSFW)

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Nov 23, 2016

Welcome to my little universe​

Here are a few of my roleplay ideas. You will notice that most of my idea's are heavily plot driven. Don't get me wrong here. I love smut. I love erotic play. I absolutely adore getting into the steamy, sweaty, dirty abysses of lust, of passion, of desire. But I need a story. I like a ratio of about 50/50. Sometimes this leans more towards smut. Sometimes it leans more towards story. Sometimes the story will lead to a lot of smut. But... never forget the stories. Now that you are through this - off to my actual ideas.

Ireland, 18th Century. The setting is a steampunk version of the World. Travel, trade and mostly anything is relying on air-ships. Piracy is strong these days. Travelling is dangerous.
Science is able to replace parts of human bodies with mechanical devices by now. The "Smithes" are modifying peoples bodies - against good money. Artificial limbs, eyes and other organs are horribly expensive.
Workers in mines and the industries often get replacements - why would a miner need hands, if he can have mechanical, super strong shovels instead? - but they pay a horrible price. Usually they are modified after some gruesome accident, and now they owe their lives to their employers.

Our heroine (me) Mary Megan O'Flaherty originates from a worker's family. Due to her unique talents, Mary Megan completed a high education and became an inspector at the Dublin Police Department. Mary Megan has to go out there. Day after day. And examine the small and big crimes happening in Dublin's dark corners. Incorruptible, Inspector O'Flaherty enjoys the sympathies of the poor - her bosses are less happy with the young, courageous, stubborn woman.

One morning in May a dead body is being dropped off an airship, right upon one of the storage halls of ____ (you), the notorious businessman. You own a large company. And while your facade always has been legal, everybody knows you do a lot of business on the shady side of things. Handsome and wealthy, you never got onto the wrong side of an investigation before. Powerful people protect you - having taken your money, your services, your silence before. Now however you are confronted with Inspector O'Flaherty. And while Mary Megan is investigating the death of the unfortunate guy that happened to be thrown right into your posessions, our Inspector still eyes you with a lot of distrust.

Kinks: Seduction, passion, romance, corruption, slow sex, rough sex, oral.... the list for this is practically endless and can contain mostly anything. Though this story WILL need some romance. Wether our inspector is being drawn to the dark side (aka YC) or if you are being persuaded to come to the side of justice is not determined yet. *l* I mean... I want to play this. Not prewrite a story.

Since I'm tired I'll close this thread for today. I'll be back with more of my ideas soon though.

Welcome to Wonderland. Welcome behind the Looking Glass.
This is Underland. A place, deep inside the dark depths of a young woman's mind. Or is it? This is not Alice in Wonderland as we all know it. It's not even remotely as C.S Lewis wrote it.
No. This is MY Underland. Is it fantasy? Is it reality? Who cares, as long as the show is going on.
My Underland is a cruel place. A dark place. A lonely place. A place, where young women are alone with nightmares. With creatures. They fight their fights and they have long since lost their innocence. In this underland it is fight or get killed.

The Queen of Hearts is ruling the Kingdom of Underland. A cruel person she is, her court a place of debauchery and sin. Carnal pleasures are everywhere, decadence, lust, greed.... a place of luxurious food and dirty sex.

A place, everybody longs to be part of, to be in favour of the Queen and be part of her feasts and parties. As a guest.... not as a punishment.

Alison de Vries has not been invited as a guest. With her Uncle - a Hatter - not able to pay his taxes, Alison had been his compensation to the Queen. Alison however fled. Ran. Hiding away in the madness of Underland. Her only companions a rugged, floo-bitten cat, and her trustworthy knife.

Yep. I want to play a dark, lunatic kind of Alice in Wonderland. She isn't a "good girl". She isn't a heroine. She's mad. Lunatic. Crazy. A wild thing. She has suffered. She has fought. She has killed.
I don't know what exactly I'd like to play. Alison being - more accidentally - found by the Queen's Guard and brought to the Palace of Hearts? Her time at the court? Her time, trying to surive in Underland before that? All of these?


Somehow I have a rather strong craving for smut right at the moment. Less story... more action. So here are a few rp ideas.


We've known each other since childhood. We know each other inside out. There never has been any sexual tension between us, and even if we slept naked in the same bed nothing would ever happen. Just that this changed. Somehow. Nobody knows how. But we need to give in to this, as weird as it feels in the beginning.

Kinks: Totally open for discussion. This can go any direction, from romance, seduction, lovemaking to wild, raw, passionate lust, to hard-core kinky fetish sex... it depends on what we make out of this!

The labyrinth
Old Greece. Underneath Athens there is a labyrinth, inhabitated by a variety of mystical creatures. Every year, at the celebration of Vesta, a young woman is sacrificed, and pushed into the labyrinth. The priestesses watch the young womans struggle, the "hungry" creatures in the labyrinth making use of their sacrifice in various ways. Only the boldest of women are chosen as a sacrifice, those adventurous enough to survive the labyrinth. Females that are sexually responsive, that thrive on passion and desire, that breathe lust are thrown into the labyrinth and the Priestesses watch their every move, celebrating orgies in order to aide the young women in their quest for sexually satisfying the powerful creatures inside the labyrinth.

Kinks: Many. Mythical beasts, minotaurs, fauns, waterpeople, titans, snakes... whatever tickles your fancy. Rough sex, edging, forced orgasms, multiple orgasms, lesbian sex (as we'd be playing multiple characters here, the priestsesses should get some fun as well), double penetration, throat fucks.... yeah. I want it dirty here.

If you are interested, just shoot me a PM.
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