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Sorority - initiation


Nov 5, 2013
A place in Wales that you can't pronounce
Julie had joined the ALPHA OMEGA sorority and, after only two weeks as a probationer, been given an initiation task in order to become a full life member and, possibly, a future president. There was just one problem: the task required her to have sex with her father. And the president, who had chosen the same task, had advised her to perform it as soon as possible.

With trepidation, Julie arranged to return home for the weekend, wondering how she could get her father on his own for long enough. But to her surprise she was met by her mother who told her that she was going to be away overnight staying with Julie’s uncle while his wife was away and would have to leave Julie and her father on their own.

‘Don’t worry,’ she told Julie as she gave her a farewell hug, ‘Mike has missed you. It will be good for you to have some time alone together.’

With that, she had grabbed her overnight bag and driven off, leaving Julie with her father.


As Julie made her way slowly to her father’s den, her mind was a confusion of thoughts. There were her feelings for a start. She had never, ever, thought of her father in a sexual way. She’d heard him and her mother fucking, of course. They made no effort to keep quiet or conceal what they were up to. And like any other teenager, she had wondered what they looked like when they were ‘at it’. But thinking of coming onto her father, no, that had never entered her head.

And then there was him. How would he react even to a hint that he might have sex with his daughter? Would he be disgusted, repulsed? Her friends were all convinced that their fathers fancied them. Julie was sure they were wrong. OK, he’s caught glimpses of her through half closed doors, but that was inevitable when you shared a home. And he had pressed against her as they were going through a door sometimes, but the same thing had happened with her mother. No, that was just all part of the minor inconveniences of rushing around without watching who was going the opposite way.

But worst of all, there was her mother. This was going to be a complete betrayal of her trust in her husband and her daughter. The thought brought Julie up short, just outside the door to the den. What had she just thought? Yes, that was it, she had thought that it was going to be a betrayal. Not that it would be if it happened, but that it was going to be. In her mind, she was committed. But still she had no idea of how to go about it.

At last, her mother’s advice came back to guide her. ‘Trust your instinct.’ That was what she had told her when she set off to university. So that is what she would do.


‘Hi, dad,’ she announced breezily, setting down next to him on the sofa. ‘It seems ages since we were last together.’

‘It’s only been a few weeks,’ her father replied. ‘They must have flown by, what with all settling into your studies and making new friends.’

‘Sure,’ Julie agreed, ‘it’s been hectic, but I’ve missed you.’ She snuggled close to him, her thigh pressing against his, feeling his muscle through the thin cotton of her dress.

Her father put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. She rested her head on his shoulder. Her warm breath was trickling across his neck.

‘I don’t mean in a childish way, not like when I went off to summer camp.’ Would he get the hint? She didn’t want to make it too obvious, although she knew that sometimes that was necessary if a guy was to get the message that you were interested.

‘What sort of way then?’ he asked.

‘In an adult way. It’s difficult to describe.’ She felt she was floundering. Maybe she should have approached this more subtly. But she didn’t have all weekend, only the rest of today, and of course tonight.

‘Well, that’s because you’re not a child any more. Just try to explain,’ he suggested, as he always did when she was struggling to say something complicated.

‘Oh I don’t know,’ Julie sighed and saw her breath make his shirt billow. ‘It’s inside, low down.’ She rested her hand on her belly and moved it slowly downwards. ‘Deep,’ she added, avoiding looking up at her father’s expression.

Her father coughed and shifted his position slightly.

‘You must have made new friends, though. Aren’t there any guys you fancy there?’ If her father was trying to divert the conversation, he only had the opposite effect.

‘No.’ Julie’s voice was firm. ‘To be honest, dad, I find guys my age immature. I always have.’ She rested her hand on his knee. He didn’t move it and he made no attempt to get off the sofa.

This seemed so easy, but whatever Julie said about lack of interest in guys her age, she had plenty of experience at knowing how to handle them. Her instinct told her to back off and let her words take root.

‘Do you fancy a coffee?’ she asked, finally looking at his face. He was blushing. She was sure he was blushing.

‘Yes,’ he replied after a few moments, ‘yes, that would be a good idea.’

‘I’ll make it.’ Julie pushed herself off the sofa and headed for the door, swinging her hips just a little more than usual. ‘Don’t go away,’ she spun round and was sure her father’s eyes had shifted quickly off her bottom as she did so. ‘I’ll be right back.’


Julie returned with two mugs of coffee and carefully placed one on the floor beside her father, bending slowly so that her dress fell open. When she finally straightened, her father’s face seemed flushed. She settled next to him on the sofa, pulling her legs up under her in a way that just happened to push her dress up her thighs. She kept her eyes down, allowing her father’s eyes to take in the lightly tanned thighs. She felt sure that every time she looked up he had just diverted his eyes.

Having drunk half their coffee in silence, Julie took the initiative.

‘Dad, what would you like to do today?’

He stared at her in bewilderment, as if she had read his thoughts.

‘’Do?’ he stammered, ‘what do you mean?’

‘I mean,’ Julie hid her smile, ‘if I weren’t here, what would you have done? With mum away,’ she added, not wanting that to be forgotten.

Her father’s relief was obvious.

‘Well, I’ve been planning to move some of my stuff into the attic, when I had some time spare. Perhaps you could help with that.’

‘Good idea,’ Julie replied putting down her cup. ‘You pull the ladder down. I’ll go up into the attic and you can pass me the stuff you wanted stored away.’

With the ladder secure, Julie scrambled up, her ass in the air, allowing a view up the back of her thighs. As soon as she was in the attic, she hung out and spoke to her father.

‘Right, dad, you pass the stuff up and I’ll store it away.’

He went off obediently, returning with boxes which he passed to Julie. Each time she leaned out, her dress fell open and her breasts bulged forward. Each time, her father was anxious to ensure that she had a firm grip before letting go. After an hour, the work was done and Julie began to descend the ladder. When she was two rungs from the bottom, she twisted, slipped and fell into her father’s arms. She slung to him tighter than she needed and he held her longer than necessary. Finally, they broke apart.

‘It’s certainly dusty up there,’ Julie announced, brushing the dirt off her dress. ‘I need a shower.’


A few minutes later, her father heard her calling. He hurried to the bathroom to enquire what she wanted.

‘Sorry, dad, ‘I forgot to get a clean towel. Can you pass me one, please?’

When her father peeped round the bathroom door, his daughter was standing in the door of the shower, water dripping from her body, her eyes closed, her arms outstretched for the towel. Her rushed forward and enveloped her in it. She opened her eyes and grinned.

‘Thanks, dad. It won’t take me long to dry myself off. Then we can decide what to do next.’

Her father fled.

Ten minutes later, now dressed in a t-shirt and shorts, she found him in his den. Again she settled beside him, but this time she was sure of where she wanted the conversation to go.

‘Dad,’ she began, ‘I feel like there’s something you want to say to me. I’ve felt it for a while,’ she lied, ‘but today I feel it really strongly. Why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind.’

Her father’s expression mirrored his inner turmoil.

‘It’s difficult,’ was all he could manage in the end.

‘Just try,’ she replied, turning his own advice against him, but without success.

‘How long has it been?’ she prompted.

‘Long?’ he didn’t seem to understand. ‘How long since what?’

‘How long since you’ve felt like you do?’ she probed.

‘I don’t know what you’re getting at. What are you getting at?’

Julie moved closer and rested her hand on his thigh, just above his knee.

‘We both know what I mean, dad? We’re adults, like you said earlier. So we can have an adult conversation. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. And,’ she moved closer as if to whisper, ‘I won’t tell mum, promise.’

He swivelled towards her, which somehow left her hand higher up his thigh.

‘Just what are you imagining, Julie? Just what idea have you got into your head?’

She held his gaze steadily, silently defying him to break the contact; her hand pressed against his thigh.

Finally, he let out a long sigh.

‘OK, Julie, I guess there’s no point denying it, although I’ve tried denying it to myself for so long.’

‘There’s no need to deny it anymore,’ Julie reassured him, her hand now squeezing his thigh. ‘It’s only natural to feel like you do. I’m not a child any longer,’ she reminded him.

He nodded and thought for a while before continuing.

‘You know how I feel. I tried to conceal it, but was frightened that you or your mother would notice.’

‘Notice what, dad?’

‘Notice that I found you attractive.’

Julie held his gaze again. There was, she was sure, more to come. In the end, he gave in and it all came out.

‘And that I kept watching you, hoping to catch glimpses of you when you were dressing in your room or when you were in the shower. I’d bump into you to feel your body pressing against mine. Feeling like this is wrong, so wrong, I know it, but I can’t stop myself,’ he added pitifully.

Julie pulled herself over to snuggle beside him, her hip pressing against his, and moved her hand to rest on his chest, her fingers sneaking into his shirt to stroke his chest hair.

‘No, dad, you mustn’t blame yourself. It’s natural, like I said, you’ve not done anything wrong. Honestly. Don’t beat yourself up about it.’

Her father sighed and closed his eyes. When at last he opened them, he put his arm round her shoulders and pulled her close.

‘But what about you? How do you feel about me now that I’ve confessed?’

Had he really not understood, Julie wondered, or was he just waiting for her to reciprocate and commit herself? It was only fair, after all, although she had no intention of admitting her real motive. But that was no reason not to tell the truth.

‘I used to hear you and mum, at night, when you thought I was asleep. I’d hear mum groaning and crying out things. The guys I’ve been with, they’ve never had that effect on me. Thinking about you, and seeing you again, well it’s made me realise that I want to experience how mum feels. I want some of what she’s getting. I’m sure you’ve got enough to share it with me.’

Her father’s face could not conceal his delight.


Julie knew this would be the most difficult moment for her. The moment when she had to go through with her initiation task by having sex with her father. It was against all her instincts as his daughter, but her instinct that she was destined to be a leader of ALPHA OMEGA was stronger. She hooked her leg over her father’s thighs and levered herself on top of him, using her arms round his neck to pull herself up so that she could kiss him.

They had kissed before, but never like this. Both were tentative at first, their lips merely brushing against each other, but soon they were biting each other and their tongues were tangling in an erotic dance. It was Julie who broke the kiss and pushed herself onto her knees, freeing her hands to unbutton her father’s shirt. He lay back as her fingers wove their way through the mat of his chest hair, her nails seeking out his nipples. He moaned softly as she pinched them and groaned when she sank over them and bit hard before bathing the sore flesh with warm saliva. His hands were stroking her thighs now, but almost absent mindedly, as a way of keeping them occupied while he savoured her attentions. She slipped back to slide to the floor between his legs, her tongue tracing the line of his hair down to his waist. Her hands unbuckled her belt and he helped her as she struggled to pull down his slacks and shorts. She looked up from under her lids as her tongue progressed on its journey through the tangle of sharp black hairs before it reached the base on his cock. It was still soft, but growing as she licked it, her eyes still holding her father’s gaze.

As he steadily stiffened, he reached over to grab hold of her t-shirt and pulled hard. She raised her head and he fell back as the shirt flew free. He lay staring at her bare breasts. She rose on her knees and pushed them forward. They were not large and never would be, but she consoled herself that they were pert and would stay that way when those of her big-boobed girlfriends were sagging and swinging. He licked his lips and reached out for his first touch.

The moment his hand made contact, she knew that she had been right to want what her mother was getting. His touch was not like the fumbling and grasping of some unfamiliar object that was so often how the boys she had been with had treated her. His grip was firm and sure. He knew what would give him pleasure and how to give her pleasure. As he rolled her breasts in his hands and twisted and pulled at her nipples, she knew that this would end for her as it did for her mother. But that was something best not to dwell on. She pushed the image of her mother into the back of her mind and pulled her father’s head close to hers.

‘Dad,’ she breathed into his ear, ‘show me how a real man fucks.’


Her father released her breasts, bent over her and scooped her into his arms. Kicked his clothes off his feet, he carried her out of his den, up the stairs and into the master bedroom where he threw her on the bed. With one swift tug, he had her shorts off and flying across the room. As Julie sprawled against the pillows, he dropped to his knees and buried his face in her crotch. His hot breath trickled over her belly, as he began sucking her pussy, his tongue delving between her lips and lapping around the entrance to her cunt.

Then his teeth snapped, biting hard on her clit, and she shot upright on the bed gasping for air, only to feel his saliva bathing her soreness away. She relaxed back onto the pillows.

His tongue and lips were working her pussy again, soothing and relaxing her, although beneath the calmness she began to feel something stirring inside her, deeper than she had experienced before. Like a wave way out to sea slowly moving towards the beach.

His hands were moving now, floating up her thighs and pushing under her buttocks, kneading deep into her muscles. Once again, his teeth clamped onto her clit, bring her off the pillow with a gasp. Then just as suddenly, his bite was replaced by the soothing flow of saliva. His hands were still under her buttocks, but now the tips of his fingers edging into her crack. They slowed their progress as her body tensed, unused to attention in that area, before advancing again as she became familiar with their presence and the sensation they were generating.

As suddenly as before, his teeth snapped on her clit and, a fraction of a second later, a finger penetrated her ass. She shot upright again, a scream of surprise bursting from her: ‘NO’.

This time he did not release her. His teeth ground into her and his finger moved around within her, circling, circling.

Finally, his finger withdrew and his grip on her clit relaxed. Slowly she sank back again until …

Each time he snapped his teeth, the bite was sharper and lasted longer, his teeth grinding and pulling, and more and more fingers penetrated her ass, pushing it open as they circled and probed. Each time when he relented, she relaxed more. Intensity sensations followed deep relaxation that followed intense sensation. The rhythm built, she could feel it building. That wave was coming closer, slowly, almost imperceptibly, but definitely closer. She was an observer, feeling what was happening to her body, not making any attempt to give her father pleasure, content for him to satisfy her.

Her clit was throbbing now even when he wasn’t biting and she had become accustomed to the continual presence of his mouth on her pussy and his fingers deep in her ass. She barely had time to register what was happening when he withdrew his fingers, rose to his knees, pushed her thighs apart and, in one thrust, penetrated her. She screamed as his thick cock forced its way inside her, stretching her further than she had ever felt before. She was sure he was tearing her as he worked in and out, in and out, poised over her, his hips pumping, his chest heaving from his exertion.

She clawed his chest, digging her nails deep and dragging them down through his hairs, pleased to hear him moan as she scratched at his nipples, again, and again, just as he had attacked her clit. Then she flung her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs round his hips. She was hanging from him now, admiring his strength as he continued thrusting as hard as before me. Pulling herself up, she began kissing him. He struggled to breath, breaking the kiss to take in gulps of air, before meeting her lips again.

She was so absorbed by the sensations of the moment that she had forgotten the wave. But suddenly she became aware of it now. Approaching. Fast. Each time her father thrust hard into her, muscles were rippling deep inside her belly. Each time his cock stretched her open, her spine jangled. And her brain, her brain; she no longer experienced the world as she had before. It was like she was on a trip, some hallucinogenic trip, not that she had much experience of drugs. A giddy feeling.

Her mouth was moving. She was speaking, whispering, cursing, shouting. She didn’t know what she was saying, only that it was disgusting. The worst words she had ever used, the dirtiest words she had ever heard. Just words. Not sentences that made sense. Nothing was making sense any more. Her stomach seemed permanently in spasm. Her vision was blurring. Her body was aching to finish, for all those pent up sensations inside her to burst out. But deep inside her, her body was registering a problem. Somewhere in a corner of her brain, her mind was understanding and trying to communicate.

It was like there was a plug holding her back, a switch that had not yet been thrown. Vaguely she became aware of metaphors and of her teacher warning her not to overuse them or mix them. She could see her face as she commented on the story Julie had written. Right there, in the middle of being fucked by her father, she saw that middle-aged face and wondered what she would think if she could see Julie now.

‘Daddy’ she cried, using a word she had not used since she was 10, ‘daddy, I can’t cum, more, I need more.’

Her father understood. He lifted his right hand off the bed, supporting himself and his daughter now on just his left arm, and grasped her by her ass. His fingers poking around her ass, circling, probing, penetrating. Yes, this was it. How had he known? But this was she needed.

Her body shook as her mind whirled. She clung desperately to him, arms tight around his neck, legs around his waist pulling her close into him. Somewhere from deep inside her, a howl began and burst out of her throat. A visceral howl. The sound that echoes through a forest or across a plain as the male of the herd takes his chosen mate. A noise that tells all his rivals of his power, his prowess and his virility.

As the howl faded, the waves subsided, quite suddenly, leaving her weak, barely able to cling to her father. And then he collapsed on top of her, crushing her. He had cum. She hadn’t heard him, hadn’t even felt him. But the hot wet sensation of fullness deep in her cunt told her that he had dumped his load, a big load.

‘That’s was great, dad’ she gasped when she had recovered sufficient breath, ‘can we do that again?’


When her mother returned the next day, Julie tried to behave as normal, terrified that something either she or her father said or did, some look, some gesture, the odd word or touch, would give them away. So she was apprehensive when her mother came into her room.

‘How did it go, with you and your father?’ she asked, settling down on the bed.

‘Fine,’ Julie replied, as casually as she could. ‘It was good to see him again.’

‘I’m not talking about seeing him again,’ her mother replied. ‘I’m asking how it went.’

A knot formed in Julie’s stomach and her chest tightened. It was as if her mother knew what had happened. Surely her father hadn’t confessed.

‘It went OK,’ she tried to sound matter of fact about it. ‘I helped dad sort out some stuff and store it in the attic.’

Her mother smiled.

‘That’s good. He needed to get that stuff out of the way. But I’m not asking about that. How did you find him, you know, in bed?’

Julie could not conceal the surprise on her face as she turned to her mother.

‘What?’ She barely knew what to say. ‘Just what are you suggesting?’

But her mother laughed.

‘Julie, come on, I know why you came home. That’s why I made myself scarce for you.’

Her daughter did not know what to say. All she could do was to stammer, ‘What, but how, I mean …’

‘I joined ALPHA OMEGA too,’ her mother explained. ‘I had to go through the initiation, so I know the sort of thing it involves and when you rang up and said you were missing us, I guessed what was going on and left you and your father alone.’

‘But how did you know dad would agree?’

Her mother laughed. ‘Julie, he’s hardly been able to take his eyes off you since you got your first bra. I’m not complaining,’ she added quickly, ‘it certainly rejuvenated our sex live.’

‘So,’ Julie was struggling to take this in, ‘you’re telling me that you had sex with granddad.’

Her mother shook her head. ‘No, dear, there are five envelopes, at least there were in my day. The one I chose told me to fuck my brother.’

Julie’s mouth fell open. She had never heard her say the F word before and the idea of her mother and uncle …

‘Are you telling me that you and uncle …? Did you, have you, I mean do you still …?’

Her mother pulled Julie close. ‘That’s why I visit him when his wife is away.’

‘How do you feel about me and dad, about what we’ve done?’ Julie asked. ‘And how do you feel knowing that I’ll want him to fuck me again and again.’

‘Well, dear,’ her mother replied, ‘we’ve both been initiated, so we’re sisters now. We’ll just have to share.’
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