Celeana's 1x1 RP Request Thread (Dark RPs Wanted)

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Nov 19, 2016
Hello all! My name is Celeana, at least here on the internet. It also happens to be one of the greatest badass main characters in a book series. You get some cookies if you know from what book series my name adheres. Now then, I've been role playing for nearly ten years. I started eons ago on Gaia before it went to shit, and have been role playing on some private servers with a couple of friends off and on since then. I prefer text based role play to the tabletop stuff as I thoroughly enjoy writing and do it as a past time, and have even published a few independent poems. That said, I'm here because I want to role play more adult themes. I'm honestly craving some pretty dark stuff, focusing on the worst part of the human psyche. I do have some romance ideas but mostly I'm looking at the depravity of human kind.

When it comes to role play style, I much prefer third person point of view. Honestly, I will not role play in any other perspective and would definitely prefer if you played in third person point of view as well. I typically write a minimum of 2 to 4 paragraphs and have a firm grasp on grammar. I would like if I could get a reply back that is at least one paragraph and legible. Text speak within a role play is a definite no-go. OOC text chat is perfectly fine but that's about the extent of it.

I do have an F-List if you're interested. I'm for pretty much anything except vore, the cutting off of body parts, eating shit and vomit, and bimbofication. If you do have any questions about what I might allow, feel free to ask. I'm a pretty open person and I'd like to think I'm rather sociable. The worst I can say is no, or that I'm not interested. The same goes for whatever plot ideas or suggestions you might have. I'm game for a listen.

I do have some personal plots and generic pairings listed below. If any of them strike your fancy please contact me VIA PM only. This thread is for updates and bumping. I am willing to role play via Threads, PMs, and Emails, in that order and I will not be doing IM role play. Now I do have g-talk so we can discuss OOC there, but that's about the extent of it.


She just wanted to be a model and when an independent modelling agency comes into town, she defies her parents and decides to audition. The modelling agency was of course, a somewhat legitimate business, but a lot of the girls that the agency pulled, didn't become models, but rather, were forced into sexual slavery. Thinking she has won the opportunity of a lifetime, she shows up ready to model, only to be drugged and taken to a hidden facility. There she is kept prisoner until being auctioned off to the highest bidder. A virgin in the underground sex trade, after all, fetches a high price. Who buys her is up for discussion. A rich guy with a taste for sadism, a brothel owner that caters to high class clients. Whatever you want.

Debt Paid
Her gambling father has taken out way to many loans and the loan shark he owes the most to comes calling. In the middle of the night, the man is set to die until the loan shark sees the gambler's daughter and decides to take her as payment, with the promise of killing him or her if he ever dared come back. Now she finds herself as the slave to one of the richest, most brutal mob bosses in the city, and has to learn to survive or be killed in this world of glitz, glamor and murder.

She takes drugs to take away the pain, and he drinks to do the same. Both of them have a history of violence abuse and together are like fire and gasoline. Which one will fall first? Definitely a romance role play that also deals with abuse, poverty, drugs, and just a whole lot of other factors. Certainly one that can be complex.

When her mom died, she took over being the woman of the house while her father spiraled into depression over his loss. As the years went on, she grew into a beautiful young woman and her father couldn't help but note how she looked so much like her mother. One day, he finally snaps and decides that the only way of ensuring he not lose his daughter is by making her his, whether she wants to be his or not.

After the loss of their parents, a young set of siblings have only themselves to rely on. The older brother becomes a hard working young man, working whatever jobs he can to try and give his sister the chance at thriving. Neither one of them expecting to be drawn to each other in ways that were certainly taboo. Definitely a romantic incest relationship.

A man has an obsession with a young girl he has known all of his life and decides that the only way to protect her is to make her his, kidnapping her and imprisoning her and having children with her. He wants the perfect wife and mother, and he is sure this teenager who he loves will be the one for him. This one has the potential for a Stockholm Syndrome relationship.

Master x Slave
Father x Daughter
Older Brother x Sister
Uncle x Niece
Gang x Young Woman
Kidnapper x Victim
Arranged Marriage
God x Human
Vampire x Human
Shapeshifter x Human
Monster x Human

If there's nothing here to strike your fancy, feel free to send me a PM and we can chat about your ideas. Can't wait to hear from you!
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