Who Needs a Robin When You Have a Harley? (Foxxy x RoleplayMaster)


Aug 2, 2016
Harley sighed. Here she was again. Another bank robbery with her beloved Joker. Oh you'd think they'd become routine by now, but somehow the Joker, HER Joker, always seemed to make things interesting. That's why she loved him more than anything in the world. Like this time, he didn't just rob the bank with his goons like any of those other Gotham losers would have done, he bought along a bomb to make things exciting. A really BIG bomb. Maybe enough to level an entire block. Easily enough to destroy the building. It was kind of a shame really, where would they rob on their dates if the Gotham City Bank was destroyed? Of course when Harley asked, Mister J just said "You're thinking too short term Harley!", whatever that meant. But she trusted him to make things exciting.

It's just a shame he seemed to get bored halfway through. Now Harley was tied up next to the device. She thought it was just a joke at first, her Joker loved jokes, obviously, she thought he would come back and let her go and they could make a getaway together. Five minutes had passed since he left her there. The bomb's timer was set to ten minutes. This joke wasn't funny anymore! She was starting to think he didn't want her anymore.

Another minute passed. Now Harley was certain.

Another minute. Now she was mad.

"You good for nothin...!" She struggled against the ropes, to no avail. Mister J sure knew his knots. Harley glanced up at the timer on the bomb, just under three minutes before it blew.

"After everything I done for you!" She struggled again. "You better not expect me to come crawling back this time!" She twisted and turned, trying to find any way out. but her efforts were fruitless.

"We're Over! And your jokes were never funny anyway!" She imagined The Joker would be devastated if he heard her say that, he'd probably try to kill her... oh wait... he already was. Harley screeched as she struggled to get free before giving up and slumping over.

"Well come on. We both know your up there B man. Hiding in the rafters or something. You're always on Mister J's tail... well... you're not going to leave a girl waiting are ya? Just... Just get it over with already. Or don't... I don't even care anymore..." Harley leaned her head against the bomb, which now had only two minutes before it exploded. This was the last straw. If she got out of this, she would make The Joker pay.
Bruce groaned, head pounding hard from the hangover he was suffering from. Being Batman had it's costs. Sometimes, he suffered from bruises, broken bones, and other assorted injuries his many villains provided him. But he found that the worst nights were the ones he had free. Because that meant being Bruce Wayne - Billionaire Playboy of Gotham City. He had to keep up appearances of course, so no one believed that he and the Bat were one and the same.

An urgent beeping sounded from his watch, signalling that the Bat was needed. A pained groan came from the rich man once again. "Just twenty four hours for myself.. that's all I ask." He mumbled, shuffling to the bookcase. A simple pattern of book pushes later, and the elevator to the Batcave revealed itself.

Alfred, his trusty friend and butler, was waiting for him at the bottom of the elevator. Now suited, the older man explained the situation. The Joker and Harley Quinn are robbing Gotham Bank. He also appears to have a bomb, so speed is essential." Alfred explained. The Batbike was already waiting, the fastest option to get to the bank.


Speeding throughout traffic was the easy part... Bruce hated bombs, as each one was different. And a few of his adversaries, like the Joker, were smart enough to switch up the formula from time to time. Meaning harder to crack and stop the explosion. Soon enough, the Batman arrived at the bank, surprised to see Harley tied to the bomb. A large hole in a nearby wall showed where the van crashed through, revealing the nice ocean landscape the bank held.

"Funny man, Joker, isn't he?" Batman muttered, unsure if he was talking to himself or to Harley. Approaching the bomb, he knew it would be hard to stop. It looked like a comical bomb with the fuse running down, except the fuse only served to display the time remaining, and did not actually trigger the bomb. There did not seem to be a good way to crack it in time.

Cutting the clown prince's partner off of the bomb, Batman heaved it onto the Batbike. Adjusting certain settings to auto steady and to drive straight, the bike soon sent the bomb, and itself, into the nearby ocean. "Three... Two... One..." Bruce counted off, approaching Harley. "Hands behind your back." Batman instructed, just as the bomb exploded, creating a very impressive splash.

Tying up Harley, it was now time to wait for the Batmobile to arrive from the Batcave... Damn, these 'Bat' adjectives could get annoying. To ensure Harley would not attempt escape, Batman's hands gripped her bound wrists, his foot pushing down on her knees. This would encourage the woman to kneel, before he pushed her the rest of the way down onto the ground. From this position, it provided him with a nice view up her skirt.
Harley wasn't even surprised when the bat sped in on his jet black motorcycle through the hole in the wall where Harley and The Joker had driven through less than fifteen minutes earlier. "You sure took your time, it's rude to keep a girl waitin ya know!." She said as Batman cut her loose, not even making a token attempt at struggling. What was the point? The Bat always won, she always lost, and she wasn't really in the mood for one of his beatings, there were other things on her mind now, like how to get back at The Joker. She watched as Batman disposed of the bomb, the device exploding far away from the building, disintegrating the bat bike. Of course she knew he'd have another one next week. Some things never changed. Then he turned to her.

"Oh? Gonna tie me up? You sure know how to show a girl a good time!" She remarked, too bullheaded to let it go without at least some attitude, but unexpectedly Harley didn't resist physically, happily turning and holding her hands out behind her for Batman to tie her up. She didn't resist when he pushed her down to the ground either, ass up in the air. "No need to be so rough ya know! I've been through enough tonight. But I guess you wouldn't understand."

Harley turned her head as much as she could to look back at the Batman, noticing him looking at her rear end. "Oh you like that?" She shook her nicely shaped ass teasingly, the tights Harley wore leaving almost nothing to the imagination. "I thought you only liked little boys B man, think you can handle a woman? Looks like I'm single now in case you haven't heard, don't think I'm some sorta slut or something though, you'll have to take me out to dinner first, maybe rob a jewelry store? But I'm sure you know how to show a girl a good time. Hell maybe I was wrong about you. Well I know I was wrong about him." She trailed off at the end, speaking as much to herself as she was to Bruce. "I guess I was wrong... about everything. But I guess you don't care."

Harley looked back at him again as she heard the familiar roaring of the Batmobile off in the distance. The Joker always talked about Batman, even when they were alone. He was obsessed with the Bat, something beyond hatred. Even when she was still plain old Harleen Quinzel, she could never understand the source of the Joker's obsession. But, if she ended up with the Bat, Harley knew it would make him mad. An interesting idea, would Batman even fall for a girl like her? She shook her ass again, watching his reaction.

The moment was interrupted however as a powerful black vehicle came screeching through the hole in the bank wall, coming to a perfect spot, sirens off in the distance indicated that the police weren't far behind the bat mobile.
Batman was silent as Harley rambled, listening to her complaints and playful teasing. He never moved, not making any visual confirmation on whether he liked what he saw. Sure, he could reply in a sarcastic manner, but his head pounded way too much to think of anything witty.

"Get up." he muttered as the car approached, the back of it open and waiting. The back of the batmobile was where he could hold prisoners, with seats that resembled a rollercoaster ride. Pulling Harley into one of the chairs, he pulled the railing over her. It was in a 'Y' shape, so bars ran over her shoulders and met with one vertical bar at her chest, and rested between her legs. Her hands were still behind her back, which would have been slightly uncomfortable. Soon, the door shut, and she could hear the Batman enter the driver's seat.

Unable to see, Harley could only feel the vibrations of the speedy car as it raced throughout Gotham. One thing she would have noticed was how the bars of the seat strongly shook, especially when rounding corners. As it pressed tightly against her body, it would have felt incredibly stimulating to her pussy and nipples, which were all pressed against the bars in question.

Eventually, Harley's vision would brighten, revealing a waterfall. It was the entrance/exit of the batcave, but the door was shut, so she would be unable to tell that was what it was. A bag was pulled over Harley's head now, hiding the rest of his cave while Bruce pulled his prisoner throughout the area, before pushing her onto a bed. Bag removed and bindings undone, Harley found herself in what resembled a bedroom.

"This is your new home. I no longer trust the Arkham Asylum system, so I am testing to see if this is a better way to house the scum of Gotham. You'll be treated well, as long as you behave." Batman's voice echoed around the room. "Your room is one-way glass, meaning I can see in, but you cannot see out. You have a bed, and you have books." He continued, but soon, his voice died down. He wanted to see how this would work...
Harley didn't complain as she was forced into the Batmobile's prisoner seat, knowing it would be a long ride to Arkham, time alone with her thoughts. Although as the vehicle began tearing through the streets of Gotham, Harley found herself more than a little distracted. The harness pressed tightly against her pussy and nipples, letting Harley feel every vibration of the road coursing through her body. She panted softly as her pussy slowly grew damp, now grinding as much as she could against the firm harness.

Unfortunately the batmobile came to a stop before Harley could finish. Great, now she had several hours of processing at Arkham before she would finally get the privacy of her own cell. Except when the door of the Batmobile opened up, it became clear that Batman hadn't taken her to Arkham Asylum. Before Harley could get her bearings, Batman dragged her off with a sack over her head, dumping her into the cell, which was luxurious compared to the one she would have gotten at Arkham.

"Where am I? You take me to your little bat hide-out B-man?" She snapped before Batman explained what was going on.

Harley took a moment to calm herself, looking around the room. A well supplied bookshelf, a bed, and a mirrored wall that Batman was no doubt watching through this very moment. In a sudden fit of rage she screamed, whipping a hard cover book from the shelf right at the one way glass, which of course did no damage.

"Hmpph. So you like watching do ya? I'll give you something to watch Bats."

Harley threw herself onto the bed, lying on her back. She was stressed out, and there was only one thing she could think of that would make her feel better. The ride here got her wet, now she'd finish what the Batmobile started, and if the Bat wanted a free show, then good for him! Harley kicked off her shoes and pulled away her tights and panties, revealing her already wet pussy. She reached down with one hand, rubbing herself, swirling her finger in a circular motion over her clit and letting out a moan, producing a wet squelching noise with each motion.
Batman stood right outside Harley's room, watching to see what her behaviour would be like. Would she try and escape? Throw a temper tantrum? Cry? Surprisingly, none of those. Instead, she... began to touch herself. Bruce wanted to turn away from that sight, one of his rivals touching herself and moaning... but it was so enticing.

There was a stark contrast between Harley and the women he often went home with as part of his playboy cover. Other than the obvious in terms of looks (both as beauty and the existence of a costume), Harley seemed to have a more natural beauty. The make-up as part of the clown look didn't diminish her looks, and didn't improve them either. And even without the enhanced looks, Harley looked better than most of the women he had been with...

Then came the sexual differences. Harley was soaking wet, and every motion brought loud, wet noises from her cunt. Bruce's partners were often quiet, both with their voices and just the noises their sexual parts made. It was a new experience to see a noisy pussy, but not a bad one.

Eventually, Bruce pulled himself away, only to find himself looking at Alfred. "What should we be doing with the lady?" His elderly voice asked, a slight tone of disapproval showing from watching Bruce watch Harley. "For now, just get her some lunch. A simple sandwich, that's all." Alfred nodded and disappeared to go make a sandwich.

He soon returned, sandwich in hand and mask on his face - Harley did not need to know Alfred's identity, because that would link Bruce Wayne to Batman. Opening the door, Alfred entered the room, it locking behind him. Harley was still touching herself when he entered. "Lunch, madam Quinn." Alfred croaked, offering the plate to her.
Harley continued masturbating, rubbing her pussy and clit furiously as she tried to bring herself to climax, moaning loudly as she did so. She was on the edge of an orgasm when suddenly the door opened without warning. Quinn almost fell off the bed as she scrambled to cover herself from the stranger, managing to cross her legs and turn away, still panting, her pussy aching for the final touch that would let her climax.

"Don't you know how to knock old man!?" She huffed.

"It's not nice to enter a lady's room without announcing yourself."

As Harley composed herself she looked at Alfred, the mask concealing his identity. "Who are you anyway? The bat butler? Well I aint hungry! Tell the B man that kidnapping a girl aint okay just because he makes her a sandwich after. When's tall, dark and pointy eared going to let me go anyway? Can't he see I'm under emotional stress?"

Harley Quinn threw herself back on the bed, sighing loudly, before propping herself up on her elbows. "Oh I know. He wants me to rat out Mister J doesn't he? Well tell him he doesn't need to go to all this effort, I'll tell him everything he wants to know. I'm done with that loser! I'll do whatever I can to make him suffer for everything he's done to me!"

She jumped to her feet again, holding her fingers under her chin ponderously. "Hmmm, maybe i should join team bat. What do you think old man? Would I look cute in that tight little robin outfit. What am I saying, of COURSE I would." Harlie arched her back slightly, her round ass peeking out from under her skirt. "I bet the bat could use a woman's touch, or maybe he really does like little boys? No wait, he prefers cats doesn't he? Well whatever, you tell him that if he's going after Mister J then I'll help out. I'm done with him."
Alfred remained silent, seeming unamused at everything Harley said. He could be very responsive if he wanted to be, but with Bruce's enemies, they deserved the silent treatment. When Harley seemed to have calmed down, Alfred placed the sandwich on the bed, leaving plenty of crumbs on the sheets. The plate remained in his hands, as she could use it as a weapon if she kept it. "Enjoy." The old man replied dryly, before leaving the room and locking the door behind him.

Batman was waiting, eyeing Harley curiously through the one-way glass. "Master Bruce, Harley would like me to tell you that she will tell you everything you need to know about the Joker." Alfred repeated. "Yes, I know Alfred, I was listening." Came the annoyed reply.


Three hours later, Batman returned to his prisoner, watching her for a moment, before entering the room. Sit back on the bed, hands where I can see them at all times. Make any sudden movements, and I will make sure you regret it." he instructed Harley, sitting down on a chair he had brought with him. "Now... tell me something valuable that I can use against your boyfriend. If you please me, you can request something to entertain yourself, as long as it is possible, and not dangerous."
Harley Quinn sat at the edge of her bed, ignoring the sandwich as though it was a person who'd insulted her somehow. After several minutes however she relented, sighing and laying back on the bed. She picked up the sandwich and plucked a book off the shelf. A psychology journal, obviously the contents of the bookshelf had been tailored specifically to her. She thumbed through the book with familiarity, flashes of her past life as a doctor and a scholar coming back to her. But Harley Quinn wasn't Harleen Quinzel anymore. She hated that stuffy boring psychologist she used to be, almost as much as she hated the Joker and his stupid face!

Harley dropped the book on the ground and placed the half eaten sandwich aside, turning to a comfortable position on the bed, her bare ass pointed out towards the one way mirror, and tried to fall asleep. Maybe when she woke up this bad dream would all be over. Alone with her thoughts, Harley thought of everything she and the Joker had done together. He showed her a whole new world, the chaos of a violent crime that could awaken hidden passions inside Harley and make the world her stage. Now it looked like that time was over. What would she do with her life now? Well ,she had plenty of time to think about that after getting revenge on the joker.


Harley turned with a start as the door to her cell opened again. She had been drifting in and out of sleep, still conscious enough to hear the heavy latch on the door open. Harley's feet were pointed towards the door, as Batman walked through he would get a good view of her pussy and ass before she sat up, crossing her legs again.

"What do you want B man? here to apologize?"

When he gave her instructions, she opened her mouth, about to give a snarky comment, but hesitated, and then surprisingly, complied, sitting back, hands at her sides.

"He's NOT my boyfriend Bats!" She snapped. "But I can tell ya what you want to know. I know where he's hiding out, under an old warehouse by the docks. I'll even tell you which one, but you said you'll give me some entertainment. how about a kiss?" She laughed.

"Don't pretend like you have dreamed about it B man. Must get lonely with only that kid around, and that old guy who make sandwiches." She crossed her arms and smirked, finding some enjoyment in toying with the Batman "Lucky for you I just happen to be on the rebound. So how about it? Give me a kiss and I'll tell you exactly where to find Mister J."
Bruce stared at Harley, a little surprised at the request. A kiss? Well... she did seem the flirtacious type sometimes, so it actually shouldn't be that surprising. Thinking it over, he shook his head. "I meant something in here, like an item of some sort. A book, a magazine... If the information is good enough, you can get something bigger, like a TV. I want to help you become a useful part of society, instead of encouraging the behaviour that the Joker liked. But to help you, you need to help me." Bruce told her. "It could even be something like a toy. A stuffed animal or something..." When he said toy, his mind immediately went to the image of Harley touching herself, now with a dildo instead of simply her fingers.

"You can also ask for food of some sort, or a service like a shower." He finished suggesting things, waiting for Harley to reply.
"Hmpph." Harley crossed her arms and looked away. "You're no fun you know that."

She considered holding out, not telling Batman where the Joker was. But the thought of Batman breaking his bones and knocking his teeth out was just too tempting, and she knew he'd leave his hideout if she waited too long. And she thought about what Batman said, "A useful part of society". Even after all this time the Bat still thought people like her could be reformed. How is it that Harley's number one enemy seemed to care more about her than her lover? She felt stupid for staying with the joker for so long.

"Fine. I want to take a shower. And get your Bat Butler to dry clean my clothes." She tugged at the skirt she wore. "And I'll tell you where he is Bats, but you have to promise to knock out every tooth in his ugly face! He's at Warehouse 7 on the old South Eastern Wharf. But he won't be there for long."

She leaned back, arching her back and pushing her chest out, her perky breasts threatening to pop free of her skin tight outfit. "No peeking on me in the shower though you hear." She giggled. "But that kiss is still on the table if ya want it Bats."
Rolling his eyes, Batman nodded and stood, approaching a corner of the room. A few seemingly random gestures on the wall soon made a shower head pop out of the wall, and a curtain fall from the ceiling to prevent water spraying on her belongings. "When you disrobe, leave your clothing by the door so it can be cleaned." Batman instructed, before leaving the room, and the cave, rushing off to find the Joker.


Meanwhile, the so called 'Bat Butler' seemed to have an interesting sense of humour. Harley's clothes were cleaned, and now a mannequin head with a bat mask rested on her pillow. Beside it, was a note that read:

For that kiss you requested. You won't get the real thing, but this is the next best option.
~ The 'Bat Butler'


Half an hour after Harley's shower finished, the Batman returned. He pondered how to get through to Harley. Get closer to her and learn why she chose the life of a criminal, and eventually chose to play a game with her. Chess would be an easy way to also assess her intelligence and strategy.

Entering her room once again, Batman brought a chair, a table, a chessboard, and a small container. He set everything up and handed the container, which held one of the Joker's teeth. "He got away." he told her, sounding a little bitter at being bested. A long cut ran along his face, with a rip underneath the eye socket; the Joker clearly got a good swipe in with his knife.

"I thought we could play a game of chess, so I can learn more about you." He suggested, making the first move since he was the white side.
Harley watched as Batman activated the shower. Always full of surprises, she wondered what else this cell was concealing. After Batman left the room she stood up, pulling away the rest of her tight outfit and leaving it in a pile by the door. She stood under the shower and turned the water on, making it as hot as she could stand. The hot water ran over Harley's body, following the contours of her large, perky breasts and trailing down over her thighs and bubble butt. Her white face makeup started washing away, showing her pale, smooth skin beneath. Harley took her time, taking a long, relaxing shower, it had been a hard night for her after all.

When she stepped out of the shower, she saw her clothes folded up on the bed, cleaned and dried, that butler sure worked fast. Next to them she saw the mannequin head. Harley crossed her arms and sneered at the lifeless item before putting her clothes on. Then, out of curiosity, she took the bat mask off the mannequin, holding it up over her face and looking at her reflection in the mirror with a smirk, before tossing the item aside. She then jumped on the bed, trying to get some more rest before Batman returned.


It didn't take long. Harley looked up as the door to her cell was opened. He could see the damage the man had taken, knowing it had been her ex lover, a fan of knives. But Harley was surprised to see Batman bringing in a table and chessboard with him, setting up the pieces, before handing her a small container containing the Joker's tooth, stained with blood. Harley smirked, "I hope you hurt him good."

She sat down opposite Batman "You want to play chess? Gee you sure know how to show a girl a good time." She said sarcastically, but went along with Batman for now. She contemplated her move, not being much of a chess player, but suspecting there was more to this than a simple chess game, was he trying to psycho analyze her? How cliched.

Harley leaned over the table, purposely giving Batman a clear view down her cleavage, before finally moving her piece.

"So how long are you going to keep me here Bats? There's better ways to ask a girl out on a date than keeping her in your basement you know."
Making another piece move, his eyes trailed from the board to the cleavage, finally to her face. "This is my alternative to Arkham, and you will be my experiment. I'm hoping eventually I can let you go, and you could work in Gotham as a citizen, not a criminal." He explained.

He gestured to her chest, and the obvious attempt to show her off assets. "Why do you do that?" he asked. "Show off your body in that way? Are you trying to impress me? Does it make you feel more confident, or just better about yourself? Or something else entirely? Are you in some way attracted to me, or do you want something to happen between us as a distraction for everything happening?"
"Don't try to psycho-analyze me B man." She said angrily, moving another piece. "What would you know about it anyway? You have no idea what I'm going through. The only man I loved tried to kill me. We were always trying to kill you, but even YOU care about me more than he did. How many times have you saved my life? Hell, you're probably the only one in the whole stinkin city who cares about me. Imagine that. The only man who cares about me is my worst enemy. How am I supposed to feel about that?"

Harley turned away, her tone growing sullen, "But you're everything Mister J isn't. I don't know, maybe I do want to get with you, maybe just to hurt him. He always talked about you, even when we were alone. He was obsessed with you. He paid you more attention than he did me."

"Or maybe I just like you, who knows. Maybe I want to try something different. Maybe I'm just messing with you. Hmpph." She turned away from him and leaned back on the table. "This game is stupid anyway."

She tilted her head all the way back, looking up at Batman. "So why don't we talk about your feelings? Why do you keep helping everyone that tries to hurt you? Why always so dark and brooding? What's with calling everything *bat*? You can tell me, I'm a trained psychologist remember."
"I hope that someday soon, you can learn to become independent. So much so that you don't need the Joker, or myself, to make you happy." Batman commented. She never completely answered him on why she had an interest with him, but he moved onward.

"We don't talk about my feelings since we don't need to. I'm completely sane, which is why I dress up as a bat every night and fight crime." a small smirk appeared on his lips, a light joke. "There is nothing sane about committing crimes, which is why I target your feelings. I call everything 'bat' as that is my thing, just like how the Joker enjoys clown-related gadgets." The man answered.

"I want to see something... I will not move, unless you try to harm me or remove my mask. If you could have whatever you want, do it now." He offered. She could show him whatever she wanted, or even touch him however she liked. She could even get that kiss she requested earlier.
Harley stared the Batman down as he made his proposal. At first she couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. Why would he do this? What did the Bat hope to gain from letting Harley have what she wanted? She turned back around, her body facing Bruce now and looked him right in the eyes, trying to read him, but the stoic man gave no outside signals as to his intentions. He was calling Harley's bluff though, no doubt, to see if she would really kiss him, or more.

"Whatever I want hey?" She bought a hand to his face, gently stroking down his strong jawline with a single finger. Even with the mask on she could tell he was handsome. She leaned in close, close enough to feel his warm breath as he exhaled. Harley didn't know what she wanted. Talk was easy, but now that she was given free reign, even she wasn't sure about what she really wanted. Her and the Batman? Was it even possible.

Finally, after several moments of uncharacteristically silent contemplation she took the plunge, leaning in across the chessboard and pressing her lips against Bruce's. Her hand rested on the back of his neck as she kissed him for several seconds before pulling back. She'd never thought she'd be here, kissing her arch nemesis, but now here she was, and it wasn't too bad at all. She considered going further, seeing how far Batman would let her go, but didn't want to pus her luck just yet. Maybe she was just on the rebound, but for some reason she suddenly found herself wanting to earn Batman's trust, maybe even respect. Not that she'd ever admit it.

Harley leaned her elbows on the table and cupping her head in her hands, looking up at Batman. "Well there ya go, what does that tell you? Besides the fact that I'm a great kisser."
Harley was silent, and for a moment, Bruce believed that she was stumped. But that proved to not be the case, as soon, he felt her lips against his own, her tongue searching his mouth as she held his head. It took a few moments, but before she pulled away, she would feel him respond slightly to it, as if he was enjoying it too.

At the question, he pondered quietly before responding. "It tells me that out of everything you could have done, you wanted me for some reason. You could have tried to escape, could have swore at me, attempted to kill me before I stopped you, but instead, you kissed me. It's... an interesting revelation." The Batman told her. Tasting his lips as he stood, he nodded to her in a farewell, before leaving the room.

A few minutes later, Alfred returned, masked once again. In his hands was a plate of steak and chips, but no utensils, meaning she would need to use her hands. He still did not approve of her, so just like at lunch time, the food was carelessly dumped on her sheets, before he left the room.


Hours later, when it likely would be close to bedtime for the woman, a note was slipped into her prison cell. It read:

As a reward for good behaviour, here is a bit of entertainment. Tap the following tiles on the row just above the bed, on the wall: 3, 5, 3, 2, 5, 1.

The tiles on the wall were the same as the rest on the wall, with no discernible difference between the rest of the tiles. But if the tiles were pressed in that order, a compartment would open, revealing a bunch of random sex toys. He knew she had urges, and he would not watch while she had her release. But he knew she needed that release, if she was to stay content.
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