Looking for a Partner in Crime (M x F / F x F)

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May 27, 2014
Wichita, KS
Hey! So, just looking for a role play buddy, obviously. Can either be for sex or not, but sex preferred. But even then, I need something that is plot driven for the most part.

I'm open to most ideas for anything, although I like fantasy-, along with royal-based RPs. I would also like someone who is pretty grammatically correct and can write well, along with not minding or even partaking in longer, detailed posts with plenty of description. I'm also into female partners as well.

As for my likes and dislikes...

Vanilla sex (including virgin sex)
Light-medium BDSM
Chasing (I like usually my character being chased, more in a romantic/sexual tension kinda way)

Anything hardcore abusive
Scat or anything of that sort
Anything really hardcore overall

If there's anything else for kinks that you might like that I didn't mention above, I'd be willing to talk about.

Also, if you decide to message me, please do not simply go with a message of "Hey" or "You want to role play?" Please message me with at least some semblance of your own plot idea, or with a simple detailed reply to one of my ideas. I won't bother replying otherwise. Thanks.

I should add an idea I've had, to at least give an example of what kinda RPs interest me.

A Willing Participant:

MC is a princess of a rather big, but relatively peaceful kingdom, as is your YC, a prince of a neighboring ally kingdom. When another kingdom threatens the peace of both, our respective kings - who have been long friends - decide to make an official pact between the kingdoms by way of marriage. Thus, MC is engaged to YC. MC, along with her maids and ladies-in-waiting are sent to live with YC for a time before the marriage to ease into the transition. Secretly, MC has no problems with the choice, as they have admired and harbored feelings for YC since being young and playing together, but MC is stubborn and is a bit hesitant (to say the least) about the whole affair; along with playing hard to get. Thus ensues a story of antics as YC attempts to rein in MC, along with eventually returning the mutual attraction.

Besides a romance story, there can definitely be steamy scenes of passion in the future.
Another role play idea I've had...

MC is down on her luck financially, and finally relents to being a maid to try and make ends meet. YC takes notice and hires her on, and as a plus, as a live in maid. YC has been lonely for a while, working from home and having almost no social life, and when they see MC, sees it as a way to clean up the constantly messy house, as well as having some form of company. And their relationship grows from there.
Haven't bumped in a while.

Another idea:

MC is a princess, who when she was very young, had her kingdom invaded and taken siege by an enemy kingdom, while having her parents killed as well. During the siege, some loyal servants took the girl on her parents command, and hid her from being taken as well. Once things calmed down, and the enemy took over the throne, the servants brought MC out of hiding. Because the enemy didn't know what the princess looked like, she was relatively safe. The servants then went on to serve the new throne, taking the princess in as a fellow servant, to keep her safe within their ranks. She lives and acts a servant, but in secret, is taught about her lineage and lays out plans for taking back her kingdom.

YC is one of the enemy throne's princes, who has recently been arranged to marry a princess who moves in, and MC is given to her as one of her personal servants. YC has taken notice of MC in the past, becoming intrigued, and the interest only grows as she's taken on at a level closer to him. YC never held interest for his soon-to-be bride, and soon decides to pursue MC in secret, even if just a servant. MC however is constantly brushing him off, as her disgust at his father and kingdom, but nonetheless, is still ever curious about him, especially as he is far friendlier with the servants and peasants than his family. Will her curiosity lead her to finally accept his advances?
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