ALIEN (Foxxy x Kaybee)


Aug 2, 2016
CH/AP/L 2000 (Copyright 2120 by the WEYLAND YUTANI Corporation)
+REGISTRATION: 3367241(09)+
+CREW: 5+






LV-426. A dead planet, a lifeless rock, millions of miles away from civilized space in the Zeta2 Reticuli system. Geographical surveys conducted decades ago determined that the barren world was of little value and moved on. But CH/AP/L 2000, or as the crew referred to the onboard AI that ran the Dionysus' subsystems, Chapel, decided differently. The crew of five were roused from their hypersleep and sent down to the surface of the planet to investigate a strange, undecipherable signal. What the crew of the freighter discovered there surprised them. Ancient stone structures jutted from the ground, threatening to collapse after centuries or longer of the dead planet's harsh weather system. The architecture was alien and yet eerily familiar at the same time. Further searches of the area led them into an internal subterranean structure the scope of which was truly massive. However the crew had neither the time, experience, nor equipment required to effect a full search of the ruin. And a storm was setting in.

"Back to the ship." Mason, the captain's voice crackled over the crew's radios. The middle aged man had remained on the Dionysus, overseeing the external operation from the freighter's bridge. The crew knew him as a no nonsense operator, but at the same time, willing to earn their respect with hard work.

"I think we can get this door open." Kyle replied, the youngest of the Dionysus' crew, he was kneeling down in his EVA suit, inspecting a partially buried portal that no doubt opened up into a larger chamber. The helmet of his suit obscured the man's youthful features and dark, short hair.

"No time. Dust storm is about to hit in fifteen minutes, we need to be off planet before that, the Dionysus wasn't built for this sort of environment. Anyway, leave this archaeological stuff to the experts. We have a schedule."

"Alright." Kyle struggled to his feet in the awkward suit as he and the Dionysus' only female crew member made their way back to the ship. "Shame huh?" Kyle asked her "Was hoping we were going to see something exciting." He chuckled.

"Foster." Mason called out to the Dionysus' pilot back on he bridge "Warm up the engines, I want lift off as soon as those two are back on board."

"Roger Captain. Green on one, three and four. Engine Two is choking, must be all the dust. We can take off with three engines."

"Just make it happen Foster."

Meanwhile, in the bowels of the ship, far from the eyes of the crew, a shadow silently crept into the engine bay through a vent marked "ENGINE 2".
"Maybe..." Alicia replied, taking one last look up at the still-sealed door as Kyle pulled himself to his feet next to her. It was eerie, knowing that by every scan they'd made this planet was lifeless and yet seeing at the same time these massive structures dot it's surface. Too like something a human could have built, too clearly the product of design rather than coincidence.

She'd once had nightmares about coming back to earth one day and waking up from hypersleep to find the world empty. No plants, no animals, no people... Just like one of these abandoned expeditionary worlds.

She shook her head, turning away from the door and striding back down the hall next to Kyle. "We all knew this place wasn't supposed to have any real life on it and you can only get so 'exciting' with ruins after all." She smiled a little, thoughtful as she listened in on the radio chatter from the Dionysus, picking up the pace of her strides. "Come on, that dust storm isn't going to just wait for us to mosey our way out of here."

The ruins were intricate but the way they'd come thus far was relatively straightforward and they had taken great pains to clearly mark it with bright orange flags to indicate the way out. As they branched out their explorations of the ruins a more complex system of signals would be needed but for the moment something simple served it's simple purpose well enough, and it was only ten minutes steady pace that saw them returning to the ship in the end.

Airlock, Decontamination, then the dressing room, where Alicia finally pulled off her helmet, wincing as she had to lean forwards to tug the fringe of her blonde hair out of the neck of her suit where it had caught and stuck between the lining and her sweat. Slowly she peeled off the rest of the garment, revealing pale and slightly freckled skin covered only by a sports bra and shorts, not particularly caring that Kyle was still in the room. The Dionysus might have been a big ship but it was still small enough that life aboard rendered concerns like privacy and most forms of modesty somewhat moot, and she'd long since accustomed herself to not caring if she got ogled a little bit when changing.

"As a geologist, I'm sure they don't need my help for the engines so I'm gonna wash before I make myself useful okay Kyle?"

Palming the airlock change room door control, Alicia padded out on bare feet towards her quarters and the shower within, eager to cleanse herself of the lingering touch of the synthetic suit she'd been wearing for the past few hours. Never suspecting that she would be in more danger under the warm running water than she had ever been on the planet itself earlier...
Kyle climbed aboard the Dionysus' loading ramp with Alicia. He took one look back at the monolithic ruin before they entered the claustrophobic confines of the freighter once again. The airlock barely finished cycling before the freighter began lifting off the surface. Engines roared in a familiar manner as the landing claws retracted back into the hull of the ship. The Dionysus accelerated quickly to get above the storm and careened towards a safe orbit.

In the changing room Kyle slumped down on a bench, resting his feet. The young crewman made no attempt to hide the fact that he was watching Alicia strip out of her suit. She never seemed to mind anyway. He watched the attractive woman peel down to her underwear, Imagining his hands caressing that smooth body. It was a long journey and as always frustrations built up. Kyle would have liked nothing more than to have a naked and willing Alicia to himself. But that was unlikely to happen.

After a few moments he stood and began pulling away his own suit. The sooner he got back into hypersleep, the sooner he'd wake up in orbit around earth.

Mason was waiting for the two crew members as they exited the airlock. "I hope you two weren't hoping to go back down there. The way I see it we have first salvage rights to everything on that planet. But the faster we come back from earth with the right equipment, the faster we can stake that claim. I think it goes without saying not to tell anyone about this when we get back home, not your friends, not the company, noone, information has a way of getting out. If things go well, we might make some good money off this. Anyway, Kyle go have a quick look at engine two before you get ready for sleep. Foster can give you the run down"

"Sure thing boss. Alright I'll see you in a little while Alicia, just shout out if you need my help in the shower." Kyle said with a cheeky smirk.

The captain glared at Kyle as he left the room "If he starts getting on your nerves Alicia just hit him with a rolled up newspaper." Mason grinned. "Anyway you go take that shower. I'll see you later."


Something small skittered under the floor grates of the ship. Blindly following it's senses it crawled around in the dark looking for a host, a victim. The smell of human sweat was intoxicating to the alien lifeform. The creature followed the trail like a bloodhound. It stalked it's prey through the Dionysus, the rumbling of the ship's engines as it moved towards orbit concealing the telltale *clack* of claws on metal. The creature found it's way into a drain pipe, tangential to the vent it was in. Without warning, a deluge of warm water carrying the human's scent rushed over the creature. It approached the end of the drain, the source of the water, the showers, where a hapless Alicia washed down her naked body, oblivious to the terror that lurked only a foot away.
"I'll keep that in mind." Alicia grinned as she stepped across the threshold before the door to her cabin hissed shut behind her and she stepped towards the refresher unit. One of the perks of starships intended to be crewed by people who were awake for long periods of time was that a lot of the extra space was put towards their comfort so they didn't have to suffer in their relative isolation and nothing was more telling of this luxury than Alicia's shower. To be sure it was nothing special to look at, a detachable nozzle with a handful of settings and plenty of hot water were it's main two selling points really, but compared to a smaller ship it was heaven.

She stepped in, turned on the water, and gave a sigh as she leaned back, jerking forwards with a quiet yelp of surprise as her back touched the still-cool glass for a moment before easing back onto it and leaning into the spray, letting her mind wander as she took the head in one hand and started washing from her shoulders down, luxuriating in the feeling of renewed cleanliness.

A faint creaking of metal prompted her to look down for a moment, then around at the bulkheads, before shrugging and hanging the shower hose up again, closing her eyes fully this time as she soaked her hair in preparation to wash it. Ships creaked and grumbled all the time, especially when they were being worked on, and so she paid the sound that would have otherwise alerted her to the alien's presence too little mind as she worked her fingers across her scalp, humming to herself as the water dripped from the tips of her blonde locks and ran down the rest of her body to outline every curve under the overhead light.

Eyes still closed, Alicia knelt down and reached for the washing gel, preparing to soap herself up while still unaware of her vulnerability.

Now was the best chance the creature would have to strike...
The creature pushed the drain grate aside, the sound being camoflagued by the ambient noise of the shower and the rest of the ship. One horrifying appendage at a time reached out through the drain until the creature hoisted itself out onto the shower floor. It's long tail-like appendage coiled around Alicia's feet, the woman, eyes shut due to the soap running down from her hair, was oblivious to the threat laying right between her legs.


In the engine bay, Kyle was inspecting the failed engine. The Dionysus' computer informed him the engine had stopped due to "foreign materiel" but had no more information than that. He approached the ventilation shaft leading to the engine, flashlight in hand, when without warning the young man's foot slipped out from under him. He landed hard on his arse, and after taking a second to recover, reached down to see what had slipped on. Kyle's fingers felt something viscous and slippery, like some kind of lubricant. He held his fingers up to his face, the fluid was clear and shiny and it smelled almost... sweet? Kyle shone his light on the ground, spying drops of the same liquid starting from the engine vent and disappearing into the Dionysus' internal ventilation system "What the hell is this?"


The creature couldn't know it's trail had been discovered. But it didn't matter now anyway. As Alicia leaned down, the alien lifeform made it's move. Her hand came to rest on the creatures lubricated skin and in the moment of confusion it sprang into a flurry of motion. The creature launched itself scrambling up Alicia's body. In less than a second it had wrapped itself around her head, the long appendages holding Alicia in a deathgrip as it's body muffled her cries. It's lubricated skin would make getting a grip on the alien creature difficult, while it's powerful grip ensured no human could pry it off unassisted.

As the woman struggled, the monster went to work. Some long, slimy appendage, like a tongue, worked it's way into her mouth, forcefully pushing down into her throat. While the aliens long tail scanned over her body, running over Alicia's curves, the creature apathetic of the woman's attempts to remove it. The tail wrapped around a breast, squeezing it, while the tails tip nudged against her nipple in curiosity, before the tail moved on, snaking it's way down until the appendage found it's mark. It wrapped around her thigh, the bulbous tip of it's tail prodding gently against Alicia's sex, threatening to penetrate. All the while it's "tongue" wormed it's way down Alicia's throat, cutting off her oxygen supply.
Alicia's fingers were snatched back but instinct and the feeling of water still pouring over her head kept her eyes firmly screwed shut as she flailed at whatever it was she had just touched only for it to vanish from under her fingers. She gasped as she heard a rustle of displaced air next to her, felt rather than saw the creature fly towards her face as her arms came up too slowly to block it, her screams suddenly muffled as she fell backwards. Only the alien's long 'fingers' that had wrapped around her head saved her from a nasty skull fracture as her instinctive bucking to get away slammed her head against the hard tile of the shower wall, gagging as something pushed into her open mouth and down her throat, cutting off her air.

Caught by surprise and choked out like this, the blonde ended up on her back on the floor of the shower, squirming as she tried and failed miserably to pry the creature off her face. As the shock subsided, the realization that some appendage was trailing down her body reached her and her struggled redoubled, no screams, but a decent amount of thumping as she kicked the walls of her shower. The space age glass wasn't about to give under her kicking and so she could not shatter her way out of the stall but it was still a fair bit of noise as her hands roamed wildly, one still trying to pull the creature off her face while the other tried to grasp the whipping tail only to have it slip from her fingers every time she could get her hand around it.

Slowly, inexorably, it made it's way down towards her womanhood despite every effort, and as the alien's tongue thrust deeper and deeper down her throat, the lack of oxygen made her head spin, weakening her struggles with every passing moment as she fought against both the lack of air and the creature's advance, two battles she was slowly losing with every passing moment...

Someone... Anyone... Help me!
With every move Alicia made to remove the creature it simply latched on tighter, it's spindly, finger like appendages threatening to crush her skull. The creature's *tongue* meanwhile continued worming it's way into Alicia's body, deep down her throat where it stopped. The monster was far from done though as the appendage buried in the woman's throat began to release a warm oozing liquid. The substance served a dual purpose, first it contained the enzymes that would begin the host's horrible transformation, and secondly the chemicals within would heighten the host's sexual sensitivity. Something which would become immediately apparent as the creature's tail began prodding and stroking Alicia's pussy.

The alien monster needed it's host at the height of sexual climax to successfully complete the transformation. The fluid it was releasing into her body would make Alicia more responsive to sexual stimuli, it would make her entire body hyper sensitive to touch, and the attentions of it's tail rubbing her sex would certainly bring her to a quick, mind blowing orgasm.

At the same time the alien secretions would begin to transform her body, Alicia's breasts growing slightly and perking up, her muscles slowly expanding and shifting into a more predatory form. Powerful painkillers screted along with the transformative fluid making all this feel like nothing more than a slight tingling.

And all through it that tail kept working on her wonanhood, Alicia's own body betraying her as the alien organ felt every tremor and adjusted it's movements to be as pleasurable as possible. The throbbing tip of the tail stroked against her slit carefully but firmly, hitting her most sensitive zones as though it could read her mind.
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