Let's Play~ mxf

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Nov 15, 2016
Hello lovelies~ I'm Vi, or Viv; a twenty-something year old female living in the USA (PST time zone). I have roughly thirteen years of roleplay experience, though I've only recently begun to dabble in erotic rp. This thread is laid out as follows: status, rules, kinks (post one) / plots (post two) / current roleplays (post three). Enjoy!


Seeking new partners! Would really like to just jump into something quick and smutty, and detail heavy. Good God, don't just stick it in and run.


Literacy is key! Give me details! I don't need a novel, but one-liners will make me sad. Two paragraphs minimum would be delightful.
Let's chat, plot, and be merry! We don't have to be bffs, but we can at least be friendly. This doesn’t have to be a serious affair!
I will rp on-site only, via pms or threads.
I'm looking for smut heavy plots! There has to be some semblance of a story, but smut centered, for sure. Also, short term or long term; I have no preference!
I normally only have time to post IC on weekends! I have a life, and I suspect you might as well. I can be patient for you, so please extend the same courtesy!
If I don't respond for a while, feel free to send me a poke. Maybe I forgot, or missed your pm, or am just feeling lethargic, or who knows.
If you're interested in contacting me, PM me! Don't post in this thread, as I will not see it (probably).


Dominate me. This is my BIGGEST kink, and thus a must. I loooove playing the vulnerable, submissive female to your older, larger alpha male. Good God, please. But please don't take this to mean I play a dead fish. No, no.
Some version of non-con is HEAVILY preferred, whether it be rape, reluctance, corruption, blackmail, coercion, etc. If you offer some romantic, vanilla fluff, I'll always turn it down.
Darker themes, oh pretty please. However, no vore, gore, scat, watersports...you get the idea. We can be dirty, but let's not get nasty.
My sexuality preference leans heavily toward mxf, but I can also do fxf or fxfuta.
I don't mind modern settings or pairings, but fantasy and historical settings/pairings are serious turn-ons (like, hot damn). Following this, I love beasts and monsters, and opposing races - angel/demon, monster/human, etc
DETAIL, DETAIL, DETAIL. I love to get off on this sort of writing, so...please. And I'll return the favor~

Wolf x Red Riding
MC, “Red Riding Hood”, has a boyfriend who lives deep in the woods, and she visits him regularly. YC (who can be a werewolf, a humanoid wolf beast, etc) watches her route, and takes interest. Deciding on some fun, YC gets MC’s boyfriend out of the way (kills him, stuffs him in a closet, etc), and when MC stops by, YC impersonates her bf (turns off the lights, tells her he's wearing a fur suit). MC is intrigued by the attempt, and plays along, engaging in passionate, rough sex. Only after does MC learn she fucked the wrong man, and YC isn't ready to give her up quite yet.

Religious Official x Gypsy
Inspired by Hunchback of Notre Dame, I'd like to explore what would have happened, if, during the pivotal point of "Choose me, or the fire." MC chose YC, as opposed to a fiery death. We don't have to use Esmerelda and Frollo! In fact, I'd rather we use OCs, but ya know...similar setting and whatnot. If you've never seen the movie, let me know and I can explain further!

Religious x Demon
I think it would be beyond hot if a demon took a nun. Or a devotedly religious woman. So many scenarios, we can discuss!

Brother x Sister
Brother forces himself on his sister. Maybe they're twins? Maybe he blackmails her? Maybe she's a stuck up bitch, and he's tired of her shit?

YC breaks into MC's home while she's sleeping or showering. I'd prefer it be more than a random break-in; maybe YC is a jilted ex, or an obsessed stalker, or even her brother? Many possibilities!

Dream Craving
I've had this image in my head for quite some time: A girl wakes, blindfolded, wearing only her underwear, and lying face-down in an unfamiliar bed, her hands cuffed above her head to the headboard. Who is she? Why is she there? What will happen next? This idea can stand alone, or we can combine it with another plot idea.

'Red River' Inspired
I love the manga 'Red River', and am interested in either using a similar (and shortened) concept, or something loosely inspired. Or, take a look at some of my favorite scenes, and we can brainstorm an idea based off of one or more! o1, o2, o3, o4, o5 If you're read the manga, and have a favorite scene of your own, let me know!

More will be added! However, we don't have to stick with my plots - feel free to suggest your own, or tweak mine! I look forward to hearing from you~

Erotic Dance
adventurer & village girls
WriterOfThings pms

How Much Coin For Your Bar Wench?
adventurer & village girl
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Fall From Grace
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