- Joined
- Nov 15, 2016

Status;Open, Messaging Avaliable, Done For Now
first post: introduction
second post: rules / limits / contact information
third post: samples
fourth post: fandoms
fifth post: originals
sixth post : link to google doc with plots.

Let me just give a very warm welcome to all the wonderful individuals who decided to check out my thread and hope you can find something that will either suit your interest or you'll learn something interesting about the wonderful grade F roleplayer known as Aria Scarlet. Let me get some information out the way and then we get onto some juicy roleplay plots and ideas. I am 20 years old and i am a college student who lives in the pacific time zone, i am currently attending college but might be off for an entire semester since my school seems to be of a pain in the ass when it comes to grades and what not, i currently do a lot of writing and roleplaying in my spare time but my main passion is music. My dream is to become a trumpet or a saxaphone player and show people that just because i have a lot of health problems i can still do a ton of things.
Anywhoo, I'm around the range of literate to advance literate with some minor grammar and spelling errors. I am however using the app grammarly so my grammar might actually look a bit better then it used to and if not I apologize. I can post around 2-6paragraphs per post and am online mostly in the mid afternoon to late evening depending on school and other boring little details. I do both male and female roles but prefer to do the male role but it depends on which roleplay. I am fine with any sexuality so go ahead and hit me up.

What I expect from you
✩ Patience. I suffer from chronic health problems that sometimes force me to go MIA for a while. I also work irregular hours. I may not have time to reply every day, and sometimes replying may just slip my mind. Give me a poke if I don't get back to you within two weeks. I'll also give you a poke if you haven't replied in two weeks.
✩ Flexibility with characters and romance. If anyone's wondering, I tend to play seke characters more than uke or seme characters--a switch who varies between dominance and submission seems so much more realistic to me than someone who only dominates or submits. I don't care if you only play male or females roles or play the submissive role but please don't be a mary sue or a gary sue. Yaoi, Yuri or Straight is fine though I am better with Straight.
✩ No obsessive post nagging. Big pet peeve. I suffer from health problems and I have to go to college which forces me to have unusual hours. If you hound me about posting, particularly several times a week, I'll most likely get irritated and lose interest in our role-play.
✩ contact information and what it means to me You want to roleplay offsite on either emails or skype i suppose that works best since i am at school and depending on which of my school's i'm attending i might have internet access and I might not. is my skype while is my email address but if you have another means of contacting me, please let me know.
