All The Lights In The Sky (Amaril x Princess Pittooey)


Jun 21, 2015
Kamina City
Four years after the fall of Teppelin

Of all the ways the world had changed, the one Simon had the hardest time adjusting to was how bright it was all the time.

Back in Jiha, before that day when his whole life had suddenly turned upside-down, it had always been dark. With electricity such a precious commodity, the chief had never authorized building more lights than were absolutely necessary for everyone to get around; squinting through the gloom had been a habit people developed by the time they could walk. The first time he'd seen the sun, awed as he'd been by its beauty, Simon had hardly been able to keep his eyes open for more than a few seconds at a time before they'd started to sting. He'd gotten used to it soon enough, but even then, it had still gotten dark at night, the moon and stars shining just brightly enough to make him feel at home again.

Now, though...people were putting lights in everywhere. They seemed obsessed with it. Even at night, you couldn't walk through the city without feeling like the sun was still out. He couldn't remember the last time he'd actually needed his glow-goggles, even though he still wore them all the time.

He wished Kamina could've seen it. It would've made him smile.

With one last, flourishing stroke, Simon set down his pen and added his last bit of paperwork for the evening to the untidy stack in his outbox. Standing up, he allowed himself a luxuriant stretch. "O-kay," he announced, with a satisfied grin. "Think that's everything."

"Already?" Rossiu said drily, not looking up from his own papers. "I still have that whole set of case reports to go over for Legal." With his free hand, he jabbed a thumb at an overstuffed folder sitting on the edge of his desk. "I'm sure it'd go much faster if you--"

"For crying out loud, Rossiu," Simon groaned, "give it a rest, already. We're supposed to be celebrating tonight. Take a load off. Go spend the evening with Kinon--you can't tell me you two don't have plans."

"I told you," Rossiu said, "it's not like that." His face remained an impassive mask, his eyes following the tip of his pen as it blurred across the paper.

Simon chuckled and shook his head. "Sure. Well, anyway, I'm going to enjoy myself tonight, and you should do the same. If I hear from anyone that you're still here in half an hour, I'll tell Kinon you said you want her to have your children."

Rossiu's pen stopped, and he glanced up, a hint of fear in his eyes. "You wouldn't."

Simon just grinned.

With a heavy sigh, Rossiu bent back to his work. "I'll be out of here as soon as this is finished. Don't wait. I'm sure you have plans."

Simon's smile went from evil to proud. "That I do." Switching off his desk lamp, he crossed the office to the door and took his coat off the hook. "Don't work too hard. Later!"

"Goodnight," his vice governor said flatly, absorbed once more in his papers.


Simon was interrupted from staring out at the city through the elevator window by the door opening behind him.

"I still don't get it," said a familiar, rough-sounding voice. "Why can't we just put 'em in gunmen? They won us the war, didn't they?"

"Well, I don't know all the details," a deeper one answered. "I mean, I'm no engineer. But Ron says these grapearls are more reliable, cheaper to make, and easier to use, so--"

"Easier? No way!" Simon turned to see Kittan and Dayakka enter the glass-walled compartment, the former obviously riled up (as usual). "I got a look inside one. Who the hell needs that many controls? Walk, turn, punch, shoot--it ain't that complicated!" Abruptly, the legal affairs minister seemed to catch sight of Simon. "Hey, Simon, settle this for us. Why ain't we just building more gunmen for these kids?"

Dayakka shuffled uncomfortably. "Come on, Kittan, it's supposed to be a holiday. Don't make him worry about--"

Simon smiled and held up a hand, signaling not to worry. "It's fine. Anyway, I'm not an engineer either, but what Ron says is definitely part of it. Remember, we've all had lots of experience with gunmen--of course they're gonna be familiar to us. And the grapearls are a lot cheaper, which is important if we're gonna mass-produce them. Plus, with them being based directly on Gurren Lagann, they're projecting they'll outpace gunmen by quite a bit, once the pilots get the hang of them." His eyes wandered back to the window, to the view of the city lights below, getting closer as the elevator wound its way down the side of the parliament tower. "Rossiu says there's another reason, though. He says the people see Gurren as a symbol--it gives them hope. He thinks if they see basically a whole force of Gurrens protecting them, it'll do a lot to boost morale...make them feel safe."

Dayakka nodded. "Makes sense to me."

Kittan let out a derisive snort. "Whatever. What Ron and Rossiu want, they get. I don't see why people wouldn't feel safe, though. Still got us, ain't they?"

Simon was silent for a moment, images of Rossiu's disapproving face hovering before his eyes. "Yeah. They do."

The silence stretched on. Then, Dayakka cracked a grin. "Well, that's enough about work for tonight. How are you feeling, Simon? All set for your big date?"

Reflected in the glass of the elevator, Simon saw Kittan raise a curious eyebrow. It was all he could do not to facepalm. "Dayakka," he said through clenched teeth, "remember what I said about discretion?"

The agriculture minister glanced curiously at Kittan, and his eyes widened in horror. "Oh, crap! S-sorry, I--"

With lightning speed, Kittan leapt on Simon and threw an arm around his shoulders, leaning in uncomfortably close and grinning like a devil. "Simon, you dog! Planning a special night with Nia and not coming to your old buddy Kittan for advice? I'm hurt, man!" He laughed raucously.

Simon did his best to make himself small, his face burning. "W-well, Dayakka's actually married, so I thought he'd know--"

"Yeah, yeah," Kittan crowed, releasing Simon abruptly and practically throwing him back. "Never mind, buddy, Kittan's here for ya now!" Dayakka remained silent in the background, looking intensely uncomfortable.

A conspiratorial gleam filled Kittan's eyes as he leaned in again. "So, tell me," he said. "You and two, well, y'know..." He winked and made a 'giddyup' noise, elbowing Simon in the ribs. "Huh? Come on, gimme the dirt!"

Simon recoiled, his face somehow managing to burn even hotter. "Come on, man!'s...I don't..." He forced himself to stop babbling, grabbing hold of his thoughts and his tongue. "We're taking it slow, okay? I mean, I don't even know if she's into...that."

Kittan groaned exaggeratedly, rolling his eyes to the elevator ceiling and giving Dayakka a can-you-believe-this-guy look. "Simon, don't be dense. Of course she is. I mean, you seen how she looks at you? Trust me," he grinned, "I've had enough ladies give me those looks to know what they mean."

That caught Simon a little off guard. "Wait...seriously?" His mind flashed back to the conversation with Rossiu upstairs. Could it be that he was just as oblivious? He shook his head. "No, look...Nia isn't like most people. I mean, remember where she's from? What she was like when we first found her? She still doesn't know all kinds of stuff about how people live. I mean, what if she doesn't even know what sex is? Can you really imagine Lord Genome teaching her that stuff?"

"I really wouldn't worry about that, Simon," Dayakka finally spoke up. "I mean, I'm not one to eavesdrop, but I can't help but overhear some of the stuff she talks about with Kiyoh and Kiyal. I find it hard to imagine they haven't taught her everything there is to know, if she didn't know it already."

Kittan's face clouded, and he rounded on Dayakka. "You tryin' to say something about my sisters?"

Dayakka threw up his hands defensively, stepping back. "N-no! That's not what I meant at all! Just--"

As his old teammates fell to bickering behind him, Simon chuckled at their antics, once more staring out at the city. Before long, the elevator finished its long journey, and the three men stepped out onto the ground floor of the tower. Before he could get away, Kittan leapt on him once more, leaning in to talk in his ear. "Good luck tonight, buddy," he said with another grin. "If things go well, you better tell me all about it later!" Cackling, he shoved Simon away again, heading for the doors with a spring in his step. Dayakka paused long enough to give Simon a sympathetic look and a thumbs-up before following.

Standing by the elevator door, Simon fished his phone out of his coat pocket and flipped it open, pulling up his calendar. It was, perhaps, too empty for the governor of humanity's only existing city--he'd always leaned on Rossiu to make sure he kept his appointments. One event, however, was clearly marked for that night. Nia. Park on 14th. 18:30.

He'd memorized the time and place, of course. But he found it reassuring to check it again.

Smiling once more, Simon straightened up and headed out the front doors of the tower. The street outside was awash with light, music, cheerful voices, and people rushing about excitedly. Tonight was a special night: the eve of Liberation Day, the anniversary of the defeat of the Spiral King and humanity's return to the surface. Tomorrow, everyone would have the day off work by law; tonight, everyone was taking the opportunity to party. Street vendors lined the sidewalks; banners and streamers hung from the buildings. So great was the excitement that Simon barely drew any attention as he set off, the most being a small boy whose eyes went wide at the sight of him, but who failed to get his mother to look before he was gone.

Simon's smile broadened as he left the city center and the heart of the celebration behind, heading down smaller residential streets where most of the light and sound came from indoors. As he entered the park, even that faded away, leaving only the gentle glow of a few lamps that lined the footpath. Simon breathed deep of the evening air. Tonight, he planned to give all his attention to the most amazing thing in his life.

He only had to squint a little to see through the evening dark, searching for the reflection off a curtain of silvery hair.
So pretty. The city was beautiful at night, almost mesmerizing. So many lights, there had to be at least one new addition every night since they built Kamina city. Despite the fact that most of the beastmen had decided to coexist peacefully with the humans, it was hard to erase old habits for the humans who had once lived on the surface during the reign of her father. Kiyoh and Kiyal had told her lots of stories, things that made her heart sad. She was glad that they had stopped her father, but...there was a strange feeling of emptiness that plagued her when they had destroyed him.

She really wanted her father to stop doing all those bad things to the humans of his own will. If he saw all the wonderful things that they had accomplished in such a short time, surely he wouldn't have oppressed them for so long.

She had been thinking a lot about Lord Genome, more than she had in the last few months. Perhaps it was to be expected since it was the first anniversary of his defeat. Still, she couldn't be sad about this! She had to appreciate everything she had. Her new friends were wonderful, and so was Simon. Simon...she really wanted to so something special for him on their date tonight. She was still so confused though, when she asked the girls what to do, they just kind of...well their suggestions were strange to her.

She was told to give him a "real" kiss, one that would really make him hot. She didn't know what the purpose was in making Simon hot, wouldn't that be uncomfortable? He would like it, they said. Humans were so strange, but she wanted to learn them. For the sake of her friendships, and for Simon. She really did care for him and he had been working hard building this city. Plus, not all Beastmen wanted to coexist peacefully, he always had to make sure to help other villages outside of Kamina city that were being terrorized by the resistance. She wondered if he was really okay having all that responsibility on him...

She checked her watch, the sleeve of her new, long dress slipping away from her wrist to reveal the clock. With the help of Kiyoh, she hand sewed her new dress. It seemed more simple than her old dress, but it was elegant and comfortable. She was sure Simon would like it on her, and it was customer to dress up nicely on a date according to Kiyal.

Speaking of which, it was just about that time. She started scanning the crowd around her from him, and it didn't take long for her to notice him. Her eyes lit up immediately, and her spirits lifted. "Simon!" She cried out with joy before rushing towards him and embracing him tightly. "I missed you! How was your day?" She asked excitedly as she looked up at him.
Sure enough, she was impossible to miss. Simon's heart swelled at the sight of Nia, standing there in the lamplight; he knew he was probably grinning like an idiot, but couldn't have cared less. In the dimness, she almost seemed to emit her own glow, her porcelain skin and hair that shifted through a rainbow of pale blue, silver, and pink making her look like some ethereal moon goddess out of legend.

It was hard to reconcile--Lord Genome, the Spiral King, oppressor of humanity for generations, making something so beautiful. Not just in looks, but in spirit. Of course, if it was strange to him, he reminded himself, it must have been infinitely more confusing for her.

She heard or saw him approach, turned, and rushed to meet him; he met her embrace, lifting her a little off her feet as she threw herself into his arms. "Hey, sweetheart," he sighed into her ear. "I missed you too."

Setting her back down, but not letting go yet, he leaned in to kiss her. It was hard, so hard, to not just let go and mash his mouth wildly against hers, lick every inch of those satiny lips...but he managed, keeping it brief and chaste. Much as Simon loved every second he got to spend with Nia, there were things about it that were difficult, and confusing. Things he desperately wanted to do, but couldn't figure out if they were right. Even before the war had taken over his life, he'd never had much guidance when it came to women. Kamina had taught him some things, but he was...well, Kamina. Simon had never really figured out whether he'd understood women effortlessly, or not at all. And even with that, plus Dayakka's awkward, often vague advice since they'd begun dating, Nia was hardly normal. No one could guess what she knew, and what was strange to her.

"Today was okay," he said, setting aside his confusion along with the kiss. "Couldn't stop thinking about seeing you, though. How are you doing?" Finally releasing her, he glanced down to see if she'd brought dinner, his mouth watering at the thought of her cooking.
The warmth of his lips made her feel even warmer. No matter how many times they kissed, she still couldn't get used to it. Was this not a real kiss? Tongue, they said she needed to use her tongue. Before she had a chance though, he pulled away to answer her question. She was a little disappointed, but she'd just wait until he stopped talking to use her tongue.

"I'm doing very well, especially now that I'm with you! I thought about you all day, especially when I was making our dinner for tonight! I made curry!" She spun around so he could see her back and flipped her hair to the side so he could see her back pack containing two boxes, where she had packed their food. It would be nice to eat outside and watch the stars, although there were noticeably harder to see with all the lights around them now. So they would have to simply go to a better spot.

She giggled and turned back to face him, taking both his hands. "I'm so excited for tonight, and tomorrow! You've been working so hard, Simon. I'm glad you finally get a break now...when we get home, let me take care of you so you can relax." Nia gave him another bright eyed smile before leaning up, seemingly for another kiss. However, instead of her lips, he would just feel the warm wetness of her tongue, quickly lapping across his lips before she drew back. The smile she had on remained, innocent as ever. There, she used tongue. It didn't feel as good as kissing him though..
Simon couldn't help but grin as Nia gushed about her day--her enthusiasm was always infectious. Even at his worst moments, she'd always managed somehow to make him feel that everything would be alright. It was part of what had first drawn him to her.

For some reason, her talk about taking care of him made him blush, though she said it with the same innocence as everything she did. Sheesh, why am I turning into Kittan all of a sudden? He had no problem blaming his teammate for setting his mind on that track. He honestly hadn't had any expectations leading up to that night--all he'd wanted was to spend some quality time together, to enjoy the celebration and take their minds off the painful memories it dredged up. Now, though, as she leaned in for another kiss, he almost resolved to throw caution to the wind and just go for it, thinking it would have to be worth it.

That is, until she licked him instead of kissing.

As she drew back, he just stared perplexedly down at her, the wind suddenly gone out of his sails. Dayakka's words echoed in his mind. I find it hard to imagine they haven't taught her everything there is to know...

Another grin broke out on his face, and he laughed. "Uh...did Kiyoh and Kiyal tell you to do that?"
"Yes," Nia answered quickly, though her smile faded a little bit as she tilted her head. "Did I not do it right? They said giving you a real kiss would make you happy, and a real kiss requires tongue." She stuck her tongue out, rather cutely. She really didn't get it, and he seemed more amused than anything else. She supposed that was a form of happiness, but not what she expected. Maybe she didn't do it right after all, but all she could do was try again.

"I like the other way better, what we do with our lips. But I want to understand how to make you happy, Simon...Things are so strange, but I'm willing to learn, like always. I just want you to be happy. Especially after all that you've done for me." Her fingers clung to the jacket of his uniform, as more memories came back to her. Being cast away by her father was something she never understood, but she had accepted it. Simon had saved her from that graveyard, and she was so very grateful for it.
"Nia, it's okay," Simon chuckled, putting a shushing finger to Nia's lips. Things began to make much more sense, and much of the tension he'd felt evaporated. Whatever else she might have known or not, she clearly realized there were forms of intimacy they hadn't explored...and wanted to.

He felt his pulse quicken again, and once more, he almost leaned back in and went for it. But he stopped short. Imaginary futures flashed through his mind, of Nia looking at him with uncertainty asking him what to could he know? He hardly understood these things any better than she did. Before anything else, she had to know she wasn't the only one who was confused.

"I...I know you want me to be happy," he said, certainty draining out of his voice as he lowered his hand. "I want that for you too. But you don't need to do anything special to make that happen. You do it just by being you." He paused for a steadying breath, breaking eye contact and hanging his head. "There's...the kind of thing Kiyoh and Kiyal are trying to tell you about...I don't know much about that stuff myself. If you want to...figure it out, together...I mean, I'd like that, I think. But I don't want you to feel like you're not doing enough now. You do plenty."

He met her eyes again, his smile returned, though perhaps a little smaller. "For now, why don't we just do what we always do? So no matter what happens, we'll have something go well tonight for sure. And if we want to...try new things," he shrugged, "we can do that later."

He gave the hand he was still holding a reassuring squeeze. "You said there was a spot you wanted to go to. Want to show me where it is?"
Nia listened to his words carefully, never breaking her gaze from him. She was relieved to hear that he was happy with her doing things as she always did them, but it didn't stop her from wanting to do more. Still, his words really made her heart flutter with happiness. They could figure things out together, at their own pace. It made her feel a little better that he didn't know everything either, that they could learn each other and grow with one another. She didn't know how to do it, she just knew that she wanted to move things forward somehow. It seemed that he wanted that too.

She squeezed his hand back, and then gave him a single nod. "I wanted to leave the city for a bit, so we can watch the stars together." She told him before looking up at the sky. "I like the lights, but I miss the stars. Would you take me somewhere that we can see them?' She asked him softly before looking back into his eyes. " do make me happy, Simon. Happier than I can even put into words. That's why, I'd be happy to try new things with you. But for now, let's enjoy dinner?"
Simon gave an approving nod as he released Nia's hand. "Picnic under the stars. Sounds like a plan." He had to agree, it would be nice to get out of the city for a little while. Not that he didn't like it--how could he not, after fighting so hard to make it happen--but all the light and noise and crowds did get a little overwhelming sometimes. No matter how far he came, he supposed, a part of him would always be that boy who grew up underground in the dark and quiet.

If they were going out of the city, walking wouldn't be the most practical way. His car was parked nearby, and he turned to head for it--but then, he stopped, a better idea occurring to him. Truthfully, he wasn't really allowed to...but what the hell, he decided. Tonight was a special occasion. And he was the governor. It hardly seemed unreasonable.

"Don't tell Rossiu I'm doing this," he said to Nia, flashing her a mischievous smirk. Reaching into the collar of his shirt, he fished around for a second and pulled out the small metal pendant hanging from the cord around his neck: the Core Drill. Clutching it in his fist, he closed his eyes for a moment, focusing intently. They only had a moment to wait before the low drone of approaching thrusters became audible, growing swiftly louder.

The dark was pushed back by Gurren Lagann's flames as it descended, slowing down and coming in for a surprisingly soft landing at Simon's side--the ground hardly shook at all. It bent to one knee, bringing its head within reach, the segmented plating protecting the cockpit sliding open. Simon beckoned gallantly to Nia. "Should we get going?"
Nia giggled a bit at the site of Gurren Lagann. It was just like the old days, and even though they had been through a lot, Nia did feel a sense of peaceful nostalgia as she boarded the cockpit of the giant robot. "I see we're riding in style today." She said with a grin as she settled into his lap, snaking her slim arms around his neck. "I won't tell, I know how Rossiu gets." She thought he would relax, but it seemed like he was more uptight than ever. She supposed that was just his personality maybe, but she hoped one day he could learn to loosen up and have more fun. She wondered what he would be doing on his day off. Maybe they should pay him a visit to make sure he wasn't working.

As they traveled out of the city, Nia watched the sky once more. The further away they got from the lights, the better her view of the stars got. She almost seemed to space out, mesmerized by the beauty of the dazzling night sky. She had to blink a few times to bring her out of her stupor before nuzzling up to Simon. "We're far enough, I think. Just pick a comfy looking spot, and I'll take care of the rest."
Simon had forgotten how much he'd missed this; he couldn't stop grinning. The controls formed perfectly to his hands, every one of the staggeringly complex machine's tiny vibrations carrying through them, as if it was speaking. The thousand lights of the city receded into a web of brilliant pinpricks as they ascended, like a second set of stars, and there was nowhere among them Simon would rather have been. This was his home--not Jiha, and not Kamina City. Here, inside Gurren, he was free.

Having Nia wrapped around him certainly didn't hurt, either.

He let out an involuntary sigh as she nuzzled against him. "You got it," he said, blushing in spite of himself at her mention of 'taking care of the rest'. "Let's see..." Bringing Gurren to a stop in midair and scanning around, he spotted a little oasis with a stretch of open grass on one bank, offering a clear view of the sky. "There looks good," he said, pointing, before heading in to land. The thrusters kicked up dust clouds as they flew low over the desert, the ground shaking again as the mecha touched down heavily.

Bending down on one knee, Simon opened the cockpit, offering an arm to help Nia down to the ground. "What do you think?"
"It's amazing." Nia told him, accepting his arm and hopping out of Gurren. "It seems like ever since father was defeated, more spots like this are popping up." Before it just seemed like endless wasteland, with very few spots where wild life could flourish. Perhaps it had something to do with humans resurfacing, not that she knew how that would effect the earth.

She took off her back pack and unbuckled it, pulling out a large blanket and laying it softly in the grass. There was a little bit of a breeze she could feel with her hair, so she anchored the corners down with a few nearby stones. Then she finally started to unpack their dinner. One box was filled with still steaming fried rice, with onions and veggies. Then she unveiled the second box, filled with a hot delicious curry.

"Tada! Beef curry. I changed the recipe from the last time I tried it, I hope it's good." She told him as she reached into her backpack one more time. "Don't worry, I brought extra water."
The smell of the food made Simon's mouth water all over again. Perhaps a little too eagerly, he picked up the curry and dug in, paying no mind to the temperature. "It's delicious," he groaned, taking a seat on the blanket and helping himself to more. "Thanks for doing this," he said with a smile, pausing between bites. "You're too good to me."

Simon wanted to eat slowly and savor it, but as usual, his stomach overcame his willpower. Within a few minutes, his half of the picnic was gone. Wiping his mouth off with his napkin one more time, Simon rolled onto his back, propping his head up on laced fingers. "You were right," he said. "The stars are incredible out here. I'd almost forgotten." He almost asked Nia to come lie down with him, but made himself be patient. It would be rude to rush her if she wasn't finished with her dinner.
Too good for him? That simply wasn't true! However, she held her tongue for now, seeing him happily enjoy the dinner she made. It was hard to pay attention to her own plate, not while she watched him eat. He was so...cute? Was that the correct word she was looking for? Just the way that he ate her food with such enthusiasm, it was adorable. She had seen others eat like that, but only Simon made her heart flutter when watching him.

He finished way before her, but that was okay. She got through about half way to her plate, and she was happy to join him on the blanket, laying on her side with a huge smile on her face. "Yes, the stars are indeed beautiful. But seeing them reflected in your eyes, Simon...that's even more beautiful." She told him before scooching closer and pressing her form against his side. "I am so happy that we are able to stargaze like this, but even happier that we are able to do it together."
Simon happily returned Nia's cuddling when she lay down, moving one arm from behind his head to around her shoulders and hugging her close. Her words, however, made him give her a quizzical look. She's never been this forward... Once more, Kittan's voice echoed in his head. He couldn't help but notice how closely she'd pressed herself against him, how close together their faces were. Maybe I have been as oblivious as Rossiu...

That urge to kiss her rose again--but not yet, he told himself. "Me too," he contented himself with saying, returning his gaze to the sky.

The moon drew his attention, its crescent standing out against the smaller lights. "You know," he said, a memory surfacing, "Kamina told me one time that he thought we should try and go to the moon ever wonder what's up there?" He struggled to keep his thoughts on the question, and off what might happen if he let their faces get a little closer together, his hand wander a little further down her back...

If you want to hurry it up and get to the smut, just let me know XD I'm fine with whatever pace you like best.
"All the time," Nia answered with a smile. "Maybe one day we'll build a gunman that can fly up there and we can see for ourselves? Or what are the new ones called...grapearls? Maybe they'll be able to. We should do it for your big bro. He'd be proud." She knew that Simon wanted to kiss her, and frankly she had no idea why he was being so shy all of a sudden. She slid her body on top of his, not that she knew what that would do to him, and looked him in the eye.

"Simon, is something wrong? Am I do something that makes you not want to kiss me?" She asked him with a curious look. "Or do you just want to look at the stars tonight? I can do both, it's just that you keep looking at my lips. That means you want to kiss me, right?"

OOC: I can go either way, I like doing the smut at the right moment which it seems right now.
Simon was about to reply with something else about the moon...but Nia climbing on top of him pushed it straight out of his head. If he'd thought they were close a second ago, it paled in comparison to this. He was sure she'd feel his heart pounding where her chest pressed against his. It took a second to notice that he'd put both arms around her at some point, holding her where she was.

"I..." He wanted to explain, but suddenly, words seemed inadequate. Forget the perfect moment; forget taking it slow. Even if he didn't know what he was doing, he didn't care anymore. He wanted her, and that was all he needed.

One hand went to the back of her head, pulling her closer. Their lips met like before, but this time, Simon didn't hold himself back; he followed his instincts. He let his tongue brush her lips, caressing their softness, and when something told him to go further, to explore the inside of her mouth, he did that too, feeling out the shapes of her tongue and teeth. Every time he'd imagined doing this before, he'd always worried it would be awkward and clumsy, and maybe it was, but somehow, it didn't feel that way at all--it just felt right. Natural.

After what he guessed was a few seconds, though it could have been longer or shorter, he pulled back, breaking the contact. It was a shock to realize how short of breath he was. As he looked up into Nia's eyes, another grin broke out on his face. "I think it's supposed to be more like that," he said.

His cheer faded quickly as thought returned. "Was that okay?" he asked, suddenly worried. "I didn't really think, I just...sort of got carried away..."
Nia was beginning to understand what Kiyoh and Kiyal meant finally about using her tongue. When Simon probed her lips with his, something told her to open her mouth. As soon as their tongues meant, she felt her skin flush with something she could only describe as bliss. This kiss felt much better, and her eyelids slowly closed shut as she let him explore wherever he wanted while she enjoyed the taste of him.

When he stopped, she remembered to breath as well, and she only returned his grin with her own. Even when he expressed worry, she only shook her head. "That was more than okay, Simon. It was amazing...even if we weren't doing it right." She answered with glee as she ran her fingers through his hair. "I want to do it again." Even if she didn't mean it, in that moment the tone of her voice changed into something incredibly sultry. She didn't even give him a chance to respond, she only placed her lips against his once more. This time her tongue was licking at his lips tenderly, waiting for him to open his mouth so they could taste each other once more.
Nia's response was beyond Simon's wildest hopes. He'd imagined that she might laugh, and say she'd found it strange, but didn't mind it. What he hadn't expected was for her to look at him with that hungry expression that made his heart skip, and actually ask for more, in that voice so heavy with desire...all of a sudden, he felt like he was seeing something in her that he never had before, something that made him doubt whether she was really as incorruptibly innocent as she usually seemed. And he wanted to see more of it.

Then she was on him again, pushing her tongue into his mouth. He was surprised for a second, but quickly got right back into it, parting his lips to admit her and entwining his own tongue with hers. Nothing he'd ever experienced compared to this. He pulled her hard against him, and heard a muffled moan from somewhere; with some surprise, he realized it had been his.

It went on much longer this time. He never wanted it to end, but he knew it would have to--he needed more than this. He pushed her back again, just far enough to be able to talk. "Nia, I want you," he groaned. "I want you close..." Letting instinct guide him, he moved his mouth lower, kissing her jaw, then her neck, scraping his teeth against her velvety skin and sucking gently with his lips. She would certainly be able to feel how achingly hard he was, but he didn't care--in fact, he wanted her to, wanted her to know how she was making him feel.
There was a strange feeling that made her feel so warm, and accompanying that sensation was tingling between her legs. She wasn't quite sure what she was feeling, but that didn't matter to her. It felt good, and she could tell he was feeling good, which was all that mattered to her. She hadn't realize this new kind of kissing would feel so wonderful, and when his lips traveled to her neck, she moaned softly in response to signal to him that she liked it and she wanted more. "I want you too, Simon..." She panted softly, squirming her hips against him, grinding herself against the bulge in his pants. What was that? Why did it feel so good between her legs?

His lips felt so good on her neck, she wondered what it would feel like if he kissed other parts of her body. "W-what now?" She asked him as her hands moved up and down his back. "How do we get closer than this?"
If Nia kept grinding against him like that and making those sounds, Simon feared he'd go completely wild. He nearly attacked her neck, letting his mouth roam the perfect skin and leave behind more of the same hungry kisses, further up toward her jaw, then down nearer her collarbones, which, for some reason, he suddenly found endlessly fascinating. Why had he never noticed hers were so beautiful? He wanted to move further down her body, to see if there were any other spots he'd missed the same way, but the taste of fabric made him stop.

Thinking about her question, he moved his hands to her shoulders and gently pushed her to sit upright, moving with her so she was on his lap. "We can do this," he said breathlessly, shrugging off his coat and letting it fall onto the blanket. "I want to see you...all of you..." He wrapped his arms around her again, feeling along her back for the fastening of her dress, but it was frustratingly hard to find. "Come do you...?"

Erotica Rule #277: Awkward virgins must not be able to get each other's clothes off on the first try :p
Nia moved her hand to his with a warm smile and guided it to the side of her dress. He would feel a zipper underneath his fingers, and when he began to pull she unhooked the top half of her cape. It didn't take long for the fabric of the dress to fall down towards her waste. First he would see her cleavage, then the pink of her areolas, and finally her hard nipples came into view. Although her breasts weren't as the other girls, they were perky and would perfectly fit in the palms of Simon's hands. Before Yoko left Kamina city, Nia would sometimes compare her chest to hers, and she would wonder if they would ever get that big, however, she was content with what she had, especially when she saw the expression Simon gave her upon seeing them for the first time.

She didn't seem embarrassed, not even when she lifted herself up so he could pull the rest of the dress away from her hips. She was now just in her underwear, and she moved her hands to his shirt. She wanted to see him too, she was curious what he looked liked underneath his clothes. Fortunately for her, his clothes weren't as complicated.

Lol, good thing she wasn't wearing a bra. XD
The sight of Nia revealing herself held Simon transfixed. He felt as he had the first time he'd seen the sky--scarcely able to believe it, like he'd been blessed with a glimpse of something not meant for him, and had to etch every second into his memory as deeply as he could before it went away again. Then he felt her touch, and that feeling of unreality went away as fast as it had that moment Lagann had started to fall back to Earth. Except this time wasn't scary...or at least, not as scary.

Chuckling, Simon brushed Nia's hands out of the way and pulled his shirt off over his head, taking his goggles with it and casting both aside. He'd realized in the past few years that he'd always be more slim than muscular, but that didn't bother him, however much some of the others teased him about it, and Nia's lack of embarrassment put him at ease as well. Gently lifting her out of the way, his pants went next, leaving them both in their underwear.

He pulled her back into the same position, straddling his lap, fingertips unconsciously following her spine. The bulge of his hardness was even more visible under the single, thin layer of fabric now covering the last of him; he realized he was slowly grinding against her, and suddenly felt keenly aware of how little separated them now. He could feel heat radiating from between her legs--was that the sign she felt the same way he did? That would explain some of the language people applied to this stuff...

He forced himself to look her in the eye, instead of drinking in the sight of her body like he wanted to. "You're beautiful," he whispered.

The right thing to do next suddenly seemed less obvious--but instinct hadn't led him wrong yet. "Tell me if you want me to stop, okay?" he said, before going back to kissing her neck, and this time continuing lower, lingering again in the divets above her collarbones and then entering new territory. Wandering down, he reached her breast, sprinkling a few soft kisses over the silky skin before taking her nipple in his mouth. Exploring it with the tip of his tongue, he was surprised to find that it was actually stiff; curious, he felt at it a little more roughly, sucking on the soft flesh around it as he did. No matter what he'd heard from anyone else, Nia's body was foreign to him, and he was determined to learn everything about it if she'd let him--to feel every inch, learn how she responded, write it into his memory so no matter what happened, he'd never forget it. He couldn't see her face, but he kept his ears open for her voice, hoping he'd be rewarded with more sounds like she'd made before.
Nia seemed just as focused on his body as he was on hers. Sure, she had seen him with his shirt off occasionally before, but for some reason...well it just felt different now. She felt like she appreciated his body more, now that she was really looking. Sure, he may have been on the slimmer side, but to Nia, he was absolutely perfect. She couldn't help but caress his toned abdomen, the warmth inside of her growing even more intense thanks to their bodies now being even closer together with barely nothing stopping their most sacred of places from directly touching against each other.

She smiled when he called her beautiful, her cheeks beginning to flush at the attention he was giving her. She nodded when he told her to tell him if she wanted him to stop, but right now she couldn't think of a reason why. Everything they had done this far was pleasurable, and the sensation of his lips against her didn't feel any less so. She inhaled sharply when she felt his tongue against her hard nipples, but the suckling was even more intense. This caused her to squirm in his lap some more, and she didn't realize that she had gotten so wet she was soaking through her underwear and onto his.

"Oh Simon, that feels so wonderful." She breathed in approval to encourage him to continue. Once again her fingers found their way through his hair, and she lightly pushed him further into her bosom. So...the tongue felt good not only on her tongue, but against her other body parts as well?
Her moaning was music to Simon's ears, and before he even felt the hand on the back of his head, he redoubled his efforts, dragging the flat of his tongue over her stiff nub and sucking harder. He kept it up for a long few moments before pushing back against her grip and slowly moving across to her other breast, trailing kisses and gentle bites towards her other nipple and giving it the same treatment.

It took him a few seconds to notice the wetness starting to soak through his underwear. For an instant, he was alarmed, but the fact that Nia didn't seem to find anything wrong kept him from voicing concern. Was this just how women's bodies responded? No one had told him about it. Even so...something about it, how it felt against his skin, made his heart race.

He knew what part of Nia he wanted to explore next.

"Can you lie back for me?" he whispered, releasing her breast from his mouth. Moving his hands from her back to her shoulders, he carefully guided her off his lap and down onto the blanket, and knelt astride her legs. Bending back to her chest, he returned to kissing her, and this time continued further down. His lips wandered over her belly, perhaps a little faster than before, until they reached the line of her underwear. While they lingered around her hips, he hooked his fingers into her waistband and slowly started to lower it, forcing himself not to rush in case she wanted to stop...
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