Letty is looking for Romance, Drama and long Stories! F x Any Gender

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Aug 25, 2014
Hello my dear friends, I do have a request thread with mostly smut related rps I often feel the need of a good drama or a good romance. You know those types of rps that could make legends here in Blue Moon. All stories here are things that I feel that could make a great book so I ask all of you to please if you are about to join be sure to be able to keep it long term. Also due to the fact that I want to keep records of these ones I want this to be played in threads on this site.

I am looking for people Lit to advance lit who can post minimun of 300 words per post. I want to better myself as a writer and these are the posts who will help me do so. Please note that although these will be plot focused that does not mean it will not have smex, it will NOT be the focus of this rp. Without further ado.... lets get this going!


Victim of Accident x Cop who rescued her
Survivor x Survivor
Student x Student (With some drama mixed)
Parents (Multiple roles) x Daughter with something wrong (illness)

Melody of Love (SFW)

YC is a new student in a school for the gifted students, all students who are on this school are giften in some form of another. Weather is on music, sports, arts or pure genius anybody who is accepted on this school is very lucky to be there. The school is very lax on rules, on their thinking if you are on this school is to make something of yourself not to fool around and do drugs. However three days after you arrive something happened, or rather someone happened.

As you are walking down the hallway you hear the most wonderful and sad melody of your life. The piano melody gets into your soul in a way nobody could. You move room after room trying to find out who it was who was creating this wonderful melody. You later find out that is a single girl in an empty room, there is no light whatsoever inside and she seems to be alone. You manage to see her blind walking stick and instantly understood, she is blind.

However how could she do such wonderful music, and what will happen when you discover that she is very sick, and performing in front of a grand stage is her last wish so she is walking really hard to do it before death claims her.

You discover her info through her best friend who will be another character I will play. (A secondary character though this is to further the story)
This will have an end but it will be a very long story, they will fall in love (if you want) and who knows what else.
I will also play secondary characters of the mother, father and sister
We can arrange on to how many secondary characters you will play.

Piano 1||Piano 2

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