RP: Twilight : Teardrops [ Horror_Show & Takashi]


Feb 15, 2010
This hiss of the tires over the wet tarmac was lost under the sound of the pounding bass music. Cadence was in the passenger seat of an older Jeep Cherokee. There was two other’s in the car, the driver and another in back seat. All three of them were young adults on their way to a movie. Even if Cadence had been paying attention there is nothing she could have done to prevent the horrors of what was going to happen next. She barely had time to scream out before the air bags knocked her back. The Jeep had hydroplaned and tumbled over hitting a cement barrier. That barrier kept the car skidding until it fell over the side of the road down a hill. The jeep had flipped so many times Cadence was disoriented. She could taste metal in her mouth and still hear the rain pounding now over the collapsed roof. She could make out her two friends screaming her name. The guy had done his best to break free from the broken seat belt.

Minutes later all Cadence could remember was red and white flashing lights as she felt so many people around lifting her onto a gurney. An oxygen mask had been placed over her mouth and nose. There was so much pain that her nerves were going numb. Her first thoughts were if her friends were ok but she couldn’t move, nor speak. She and her two friends were rushed Forks Hospital.

The three of them were rushed into the ER. Cadence was in the worst condition. All the staff that could be spared was sent to the emergency unit. The chief doctor Dr. Cullen, chief doctor was also pulled. He would immediately see the condition and bark orders. He would instantly see the girl was losing blood from an internal shoulder wound from shards of glass, she had a broken leg and a sprained wrist, not to mention lacerations across her face, arms and legs.

Cadence would be squinting from the florescent lighting of the hospital as she was being pushed into an operating room. Her eyes would briefly meet his. He was young, he was brunette, and he was handsomer than any movie star she had ever seen. He was pale, though and tired looking with circles under his eyes. His eyes looked concerned. She didn’t want to stop looking at him but felt his hands go over her eyes and everything went black.

Dr. Cullen had been saving in his office when he had heard the sound of nurses rushing past, and people calling out. He managed to make it to his door before someone approached him. He could hear what they were telling, thanks to his enhanced senses, but he was forced to play it off as if he didn't know, so no one suspected anything. When he opened the door, a nurse was just about to open it. "We need you down in the ER," as they started quickly walking together, she kept speaking, "Car wreck, three people, all injured. The girl was the most injured, suffered a broken left that we can tell so far, and some lacerations." All of this made him nod slightly, already thinking of who he would need in the operating room with him, and what all he could do to make this easier for the woman, when she woke up.

When he walked in, he grabbed a mask, and gloves, quickly putting then on while looking at her. He had been shocked when he first enetered the room. She smelled different than any other human ever had to him, like She was someone the most appetizing human he had ever met. He recalled what this was nearly instantly, and internally sighed. He wouldn't let this effect his work, no matter what, he had to make sure she was alright. He had to do his job, and for that, he couldn't let his singer effect him. That was easier for him than it might be for others, as he had been a vegetarian for years, and his gift of compassion for everyone served him well in remaining calm, and collected.

The man met her eyes, and felt stunned. He put his hand over her eyes, and gently closed them, the medication they were already pumping into her would ensure that she fell asleep. Then he got to work. It was a Not an easy feat. She had suffered quite a bit of damage in the car wreck, while the two men came out significantly less injured. He almost felt it was unfair that the driver was less insured than hee, but he wouldn't wish pain on anyone. After the surgery, and she was in ICU, just as a precaution, he decided he would help her out. Her medical records, and information about her made him doubt her insurance would pay for this, companies always tried to find an easy way out of everything it seemed anymore, but they would definitely make her pay for some of this.

So, Dr. Cullen paid for it himself. He wasnt sure if he was doing this to be nice, or if somewhere, in the back of his mind, it was because she was his singer. A human with blood that uniquely called out for him, almost as if it sang to his senses. It was odd, and he had no way to explain it to anyone, but it was simply a phenomena that happened on very rare occasions.

When the woman woke up, he would be right outside her room, talking to a nurse. "Dr. Cullen, this is a bit strange for you. I dont believe I have ever seen you pay for a patients bill. Do you know this girl?" She asked.

The tall doctor shook his head, his brunette hair shaking softly, being disheaveled from the days work. "No, I've never met her, but she needed the help." He lied, an uncharacteristic action. "I simply wanted to help her, but lets his keep this between us. I dont want it getting out that inpay for anyone who might need the help."
The young female had been medically sedated for hours in ICU after the operation. The driver known as Chase had a minor concussion and some stiches in a few places and the girl in the back seat had luckily only suffered a broken arm. Both of the other two were discharged earlier in the morning. Cadence family which consisted of her mother and father, who were separated and in other relationships were all there, 4 in total. They had put away their differences to be there for her. They were very thankful for Dr. Cullen. Her father kept trying to figure out how everything had been done and already paid for. They would have been in debt for years trying to pay for it but it could have been done. They had no idea Dr. Cullen himself had paid for the surgeries and had plan to cover treatment afterwards.

Cadence had finally stirred from her induced coma. She felt slightly nauseated but was giving more IV medication. She had noticed her arm was bandaged and in a sling, her left leg was in a cast and propped up. She ignored all the lacerations and bruises all over her body. Her parents ravished her in affection which she silently accepted. Her mother was in tears. Her father was already bitching about having Chase’s license ripped from him.

“Dad it was raining, we were on a back road….” She protested with a pathetic weak sigh.

Her mother whispered ways of spoiling her as soon as she got out of here. The only positive thing is she would get to take a break from school but would have to play catch up or do home schooling. None of them knew that Dr. Cullen planned to have her walking quicker than they thought, it would weeks instead of months. He was going to help her body heal faster.

All of her parents and their significant others had stayed throughout most of the day. Her Dad’s girlfriend had brought her some fast food before heading out. She was positive her family had talked to her doctor but she hadn’t actually seen him. She was happy to have silence and was propped up eating a double bacon cheese burger and loaded fries. A little color was coming back to her face.

She didn’t know she would get to meet the man who saved her and would be forced to get out of bed to walk, it had only been hours since she was in surgery the night before. But the path to recovery was to start it immediately.
Carlisle didn't expect the woman to be awake when He was speaking to the nurse, but he did expect her to wake up within the day. He had spoke briefly with her parents, making sure they knew she was alright and that they wouldn't have to sorry about the expenses, they were covered by a private party. He had also encouraged them to allow her to sleep as much as she could, at least until he arrived to start her physical therapy. So far it seemed they had complied to his wishes, and it seemed that the parents did deeply care for the woman, which made him happy to see. He often felt humans wete too obsessed with themselves to see others, but when they proved him wrong, was when he truly had faith in the race.

Once his conversation was done with the nurse, he entered her room, and noticed her awake. That Let him know she was going to be a tough one, so she might just be able to handle the physical therapy that he was going to give her. That was a good sign. "Good evening, I'm glad to see you awake. I am Dr. Cullen, and I will be your primary doctor while you are here." He smiled at the parents, and because the woman was old enough, he motioned for them to leave. He felt she would need to make decisions on her own, to make sure her heart was in this. She would recover better that way. "Please, I wont be long." The father wasnt happy about this, but he was in desperate need for some coffee. So he sighed and kissed his daughters forehead before leaving.

Once they were gone he took a seat beside of her, on a blue chair that was supposed to be cushioned, but years of use had worn it down, and you could feel the hard wood seat plainly. He would have to get these replaced, they weren't good for the people who came in to see their families. "It seems you have more energy in you than I had expected, and even woke up earlier. I am glad to see that, I was worried you might sleep all day today as Well." He said, making some small talk before he discussed her treatment options, he always liked to become friendly with his patients, getting to know them to strengthen the relationship between them. The better the knew one another The more comfortable they would be with him, which would allow him to do his job much better than normal.
Cadence family had motioned if they could quickly come back in. Both her mother and father and her mother’s husband came in to say goodbye for the night. They thanked the doctor politely and left the two alone to discuss her injuries and treatment. Cadence listened but was still a little shocked at Dr. Cullen himself, he was ungodly gorgeous and something about him was very intimidating. She had a hard time focusing on what he was actually going over. It didn’t help she had been heavily sedated for so many hours. She kept looking at him awkwardly and would quickly advert her bruised eyes.


Suddenly he had mentioned something about psychical therapy and was up in less than a second getting her hospital bed ready to be transferred somewhere else. Cadence was confused, it had only been a day since she was in a brutal car wreck and her leg was broken. She didn’t have time to speak before he was pushing her bed down the hospital corridor. Other nurses frantically walked with him asking questions. He ignored them and took her into an elevator. The nurses were left looking stunned and a little offended, he wouldn’t speak of his plans or invited for their help. As the doors closed Cadence rubbed her eyes looking up at him. He was still in scrubs, and tennis shoes.


“You know I can’t walk right now? Right?” She asked alarmed as the elevator door opened and he continued pushing her effortlessly down the hall into an open area, a small gym area made for psychical therapy. It was empty because it was nighttime. She watched as he turned on some lights and monitors. He hooked a couple of monitors to her wrist, forehead and chest. She was starting to get worried.

“I can’t walk Dr. Cullen….please don’t make me get out of bed right now. Can I have a few more days of rest….” Before she could finish her leg was being gently lifted down to the bed and taken out of its straps. She flinched as a shot was jammed directly into her thigh. It stung but only for a few seconds. It was adrenaline.

It would only take seconds before she felt her heart racing and her breath getting heavy. She felt him left her arm easily over his shoulders and he was really crouched being so tall to adjust to her height. He was holding her up. She couldn’t understand how he was holding all of her weight up so straight without any trouble, her weight was strictly on her good leg. She felt the rush of the adrenaline and was forced to put pressure down on her foot of her injured knee. Her eyes filled with tears and she gasped out in pain.

“No…I can’t, it hurts….please.” She cried out, her mouth was quickly creating more saliva and snot as she was forced to bend her knee. Her weight caved after it bent but she was supported by his weight. “Fuck!” She gasped out and was digging her nails into his neck and side. She also wouldn't realize how her blood, boiling and racing through her body as she was experiencing so much pain was singing out to the man so close, holding her, who was in control of everything right now. Her life was in such danger, any minute her life could be drained from her. It would also be an adrenaline rush for him as well.
Carlisle wasnt being gentle with the woman, only gentle enough to ensure no more damage was done. Which was why he was supporting her weight, helping to alleviate some of it from her bad leg. The whole time he was holding her up, and gently goading her into moving, was like torture for himself. The smell of her blood was singing to him, and she was more tempting to bite into than any human had in, possibly his entire life as a vampire. The adrenaline wasnt helping any, making her blood rush through her veins, and her heart beating faster. If only he could take a bite...but that one bite would either kill her, or make her into What he was, if he wasn't careful. So it wasnt worth the risk to him. He would have to just ignore her blood, as he did every other human.

"Its alright. Just move your leg, I've got you, and I'll help until you can do this on your own." The man said, his voice calm and patient with her, unlike his demeanor was with everyone else just moments ago. He was hurting her yes, and this was probably too early to start physical therapy, but he was sure it would work. He could tell she was a fighter, and as long as he wouldn't allow her to put enough weight on her leg that it would rebreak it, then she would be fine. She would just have to survive the intense pain for now, and learn to ignore it until it went away. The man was sure She, of anyone, could do it.

One she was up, he started leading her a small distance to wall, and then a small distance back. "Come on, Don't let me do all the work. You still have one good leg." He encouraged as he walked her about five steps from her bed, and then he would turn her around, and on the way back, he was making her do a little more of the work. He wouldn't lead her, he was letting her lead him, and wall him back at her own pace.
The amount of pain the young female was enduring was the most she ever had. In earlier years she had sprained an ankle, broken a little toe playing soccer but they were all minor compared to this. Her knee had been broken and was put back together with metal rods. It was the highest technology, he paid the extra cash out of his own funds to make sure anything and everything could be done. Otherwise he wouldn’t be forcing her to walk if he didn’t know her knee couldn’t handle it, her knee was mainly bone and non-breakable metal. It also didn’t help her wrist was broken but he was holding all of her weight, it almost seemed inhumanly impossible.

Right now her adrenaline rush was overpowering the pain so she could struggle to move. The amount of pressure he actually let her put on her knee was so little, but enough to get her muscles working, her knee bone slightly moving. After a couple times back and forth her adrenaline was fading leaving her limb in his arms and she pitifully and agonizing cried out, luckily into his chest so it wasn’t loud.

The young girl had probably never been so vulnerable and dependent on somebody, had never been so close. As she cried out into his chest, she could feel the fabric of his scrub shirt and the tee underneath, his thick scent which smelled of fresh laundry and men’s cologne. Even if her state of unbearable pain, everything about this man drew her in. His smell, his looks, his touch and her mind, her young mind was overwhelmed with the amount of pain.

It wasn’t long before she was being carried bridal style with a hand to stabilize her knee. She was placed back onto the gurney and she watched as he administered pain medication into her IV, more of a dosage than he should give a human, but enough to sedate her and make her numb. Her breathing was heavy, her bruised eyes tearful as she dilated and became glazed. She would stare into his eyes until she faded.
Carlisle was amazed that she managed to handle the pain as long as she did, and even as he helped her walk back and forth for a few rotations, he was wondering how much longer she had in her. He wasnt surprised when she finally reached her limit, and collapsed into him, and had her scream of pain. He held her against him, allowing her a moment of her vulnerability. His eyes closed as he could smell her blood, she was so close to him. It was an agonizing few moments for him, but finally he was able to help her back into her hospital bed.

The man's golden gaze never left hers as she was fading into unconsciousness again, he watched as her eyes became glassy, and then finally the pain would subside as she went out for a while. He took that time to transport her back up to her room, walking the bed himself. The entire trip was spent taking shallow breaths, if he breathed at all, so he would be able to handle her scent. As soon as he had her in her room again, he left the small room, and went back to his office.

As soon as his door closed he took a deep breath, breathing in the fresh air, without her scent. It room him nearly two minutes, before he was able to sit down to start working. He got most of his paper work done, and then grabbed his phone, sending his family his usual text, that He would be working late, so dont wait around for him. Which would leave Edward oncharge of the family, as the second in command.
Cadence had slept in once again a drug sedated coma until she awoke the next morning with nurses in her room checking her vitals and bringing her breakfast. Her family was once again there. She was thankful but kind of in a shitty mood remembering some of yesterday. Her family stayed with her half the day and then left when she kindly told them she just wanted to rest. The doctor had told her family she would be able to go home within the week. What her family forgot to mention was he personally continued her treatment. He wanted to do her psychical therapy himself and be her doctor. He could do it at his house or come to hers, it would be a combination of both.

Cadence had finished lunch and was just watching the nurses and staff busy outside in the ICU hallway. She kept thinking of as much as she could remember. Moments before the crash, being rushed into surgery and seeing Dr. Cullen. Something about his gaze, he never let his eyes leave her before she passed out. When he introduced himself and seemed intimidating and then ripped her out of bed to walk last night. She couldn’t believe she could even use her broken knee hours after surgery. The pain was excruciating. Today her leg was already in an exercise machine that gently stretched her leg in and out, it didn’t hurt as bad as she thought. She couldn’t get her mind off the doctor, she was kind of irritated but infatuated.

When she saw him enter, looking fresh and handsome as ever in his typical scrubs and tennis shoes she just sat there awkwardly in the hospital bed. “Great…. your back…..you going to force me to be in agonizing pain so I have to pass back out afterwards?” She bluntly snapped without being able to stop herself. Hopefully he would be amused she was showing her true colors.
Dr. Cullen had dealt with his only current patients parents early in the day. They seemed nice enough, and he had heard that when his nurse told them that she was going to be going through physical therapy for a while, but it was already paid for, They had been shocked. He knew they probably could have gotten the money by borrowing, or maybe if they sued someone for the wreck, and that was only if they managed to win, which was unlikely. They wouldn't have to worry about it though, he was fully willing to pay to take her through it, and he was going to be the one who oversaw her therapy as well, and approve what was alright to do with her. He has approved some stretches and use of some equipment to help her gain strength back, but he was going to be the one who oversaw her walking. Personally.

Which is what he was seeking as he entered her room a little later. She was awake, and seemed to be doing better than she had last night, and even seemed to have some of the feisty side of her coming out again. He has already heard what she was like when she wasn't injured, or drugged up from her parents, and a few people who happened to know her from various locations. So her personality, while still a bit shocking, didn't throw him through as many loops as it would have if her mother and one of her friends hadn't prepared him for this. "I am only trying to help you. It is unfortunate that it seems to hurt you as much as it does, but you are a strong woman, so you will be able to handle this. I am sure of it." He said.

Then he was pushing her bed down the hallway again. This time everyone had learned from his first time, not to speak to him. He took her down the hall like he was determined, and like he had a purpose to be there. He took her to the gym like before, and put the brakes on her bed. "Alright, are you ready, or are you prepared to run from this?" He asked her, a questioning, inquizzical look in the mans eyes.
“Run….” She looked up at Dr. Cullen making a weird sarcastic face, “How in the hell am I supposed to run….I can barely walk.” She snapped as he was waiting for what looked like permission. His amber golden eyes burned into hers and she got lost. She literally sat there in the hospital bed awkwardly looking at him for it least a minute and he did nothing. She finally blinked and nodded. He put down a bed railing and she easily wrapped an arm around his broad shoulder. She felt the pain and she immediately clenched her eyes and gasped out, turning her head into his chest. “F-f-fuck.” She mumbled, holding her breath. He was once again holding most of her weight. “It hurts….” She whined but felt him forcing her to move. She obeyed and thought her knee would break again. Every stepped she let out a hard breath and a soft moan of pain, her voice quivering.

She did three sets walking back and forth before she collapsed back into his arms. When she saw him pulling out a pain injection she shook her head, even though her face was flushed and she was exhausted. “No….I will sleep till tomorrow….no sedation.” She said, not wanting to sleep. Once she was put back into the bed, it was obvious she was fighting the throbbing sharp pain. She was gripping the railings of the bed silently crying.
Carlisle was Not surprised at her objection to running any time soon, but he wasn't actually planning on doing that as early as he told her he would. For now he had to make sure that she was able to handle her weight on her knee before she would be able to run. After the pain she had been in yesterday, he was not surprised that she was so relunctant to do this again this day, but she was taking it better than he thought she would. He was very proud of her, the more he worked with her, the more he realized he hasn't made a mistake in believing in her. He was just partially worried that her knee wasnt as strong as he thought it was.

Again, she proves him right as he walked her for three rotations. She did as good as anyone else could have, and then some. He could hear her knee with every step of hers, but he could tell from the sound of it that she was doing alright so far. Finally she couldn't take it though, and he easily helped her to the bed again. As he was pulling out the pain medication she turned it down. He gave her a look for a moment, his eyes staring into hers as he considered what she had said. "Alright." He said, and then hauled the bed back to her room, and set her where she was supposed to be all day.

"You are making progress already, three rotations isn't something just anyone could do after an injury like yours." The man said as he sat in the chair, and looked over her files. He took a few notes of their work today, reading about what the nurses have been doing. "When do you think you will be prepared to run?" He asked her, curious about what she would say about it.
Cadence was in tremendous amounts of pain. She was almost starting to regret the fact she refused the sedative. He sat across from her looking at her files from a tablet. He had complimented her for what she had already accomplished and asked when she thought she would be able to run. She made a face and shook her head furiously.

“How about when I’m not in fucking agonizing pain!” She snapped. It wasn’t long before she watched him without any consideration to her wishes administered a pain reliever into her IV. It made her feel a little groggy but didn’t knock her out and took the horribly throbbing away. She watched him hover over her as he bit the needle with his mouth, easily popping out the cap, it was kind of hot. In her drug state she just bluntly stared at him with no embarrassment. Something about him was so deathly intimidating and inviting.


“If I run will you stay mine….” She asked very groggily, she went wide eyed and tried to fix her sentence structure, her pale face slightly burning red. “Stay my-my damn doctor.” She stammered under her breath annoyed with herself. He would pick up on so many things she would be ashamed of, her breathing was elevated, her state of mind sedated but thinking of him, her pulse and heart rate was getting higher and higher.
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