Mute Technophile (FxM / FxF)

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Nimda Braxas

Nov 9, 2016
(This is the first time using this site, so apologies if something is out of place, or I'm doing this wrong.)

Things I'm Interested In / Brief Bits About The Character: In order to not waste your time, I'll go ahead and lay out some of my interests and information up front.
  • Nimda is a 21 year old female, is bisexual, and is definitely not a virgin, and will not be played as such.
  • I intend to play in at least a Modern+ setting (Modern, but with mutants, cybernetics, etc), including cyberpunk and sci-fi.
  • Nimda is Biologically Mute (non-negotiable), but she has a "collar" that she can use to communicate, though the voice that the collar projects is not pleasant to the ears by default.
  • Her Mutism stems from her severe muscle dystrophy, leaving her largely unable to move without assistance, at least not without severe pain. This is circumvented by a "Brace" she wears, something she made herself, that presses on various pressure points of her body and gives her enhanced strength. Without it, she can move, but not well.
  • I prefer to play Nimda as a mutant, able to see "through" and "inside" machines, though I'm willing to disregard this if it complicates more than it helps. Either way, she is a mechanic who is proficient in fixing general electronics.
  • I enjoy a mix of plot and smut, and given her backstory, typically more focused on character interaction than on smut.
  • As I'm more used to chat-based posting, I typically sit down for a while and do back-and-forths, so it may take me some time to get used to the Play-By-Post format again.

About Nimda: Due to the radioactivity surrounding Avalon, Nimda Braxas was born with underdeveloped muscles, including those of her vocal chords. In order to allow her to move around as a child, her parents (and their physician) had built her a brace that helped enhance the muscles she lacked. As she grew, this would need to be replaced, extended, and modified. Though Avalon wasn't really a "safe" city, there weren't very many outright crimes committed in broad daylight, which meant Nimda's parents could never have anticipated that, when Nimda was only 13 years old, that she would be kidnapped. With her inability to cry for help, and given that the brace barely allowed her a normal range of movement, she was an easy target, even more so when the brace was removed. Though her time in captivity was only for a couple of days, the monsters that caught her took advantage of her, leaving her brace just out of range, taunting her. It was during this time, trying to focus only on the brace and not the ordeal she was going through, that she realized she could see "into" the brace, see where it connected inside, and more or less gain a better understanding of how it worked. Eventually, the police had found where they were keeping her, but by then, they were long gone.

Not wanting to have a repeat of the incident, she was more carefully watched, and her parents commissioned a communication device for her, a large, bulky helmet that allowed her to "speak" using motions of her throat combined with a neural link through the helmet. Between this and the brace that covered most of her body, Nimda knew it was time to put what she had realized to work, trying desperately to block out what had happened entirely, taking the positive and running with it. Over the span of the next couple of years, Nimda had converted the brace and the helmet into a more light, honed brace that sat over her shoulders, ran over her back, and around her waist, with small pads that helped improve her arms and legs, using small electric currents to help stimulate the muscles that were there, and provide support to what wasn't. With these changes, Nimda effectively has above-average strength while wearing the brace. The helmet, on the other hand, was converted into a "collar" that connected to the brace-suit she'd made, resting around her neck in an open position when not in use, slamming shut when it was. By detecting small movements in her throat, she'd managed to make a device that could accurately relay what she'd intend to say, though in a very grating, shrill, and harsh voice. Sounding like it was coming through a radio, laden with a feedback loop, all while having unpredictable screeches and clicks, Nimda only tended to use it when others had forced her to; getting well versed at non-verbal communication, either by sign language, or by writing. Only her closest friends know that this collar actually has dials to improve its sound, giving her the ability to more-or-less change it to any pitch, range, and tone, allowing her to give off a more pleasant-sounding one, should she choose to.

Now an adult, she owns her own repair shop on the edge of town, willing and able to take on any job that comes her way, from the smallest handheld device, all the way to the largest of vehicles. Give her the time and the funds to fix it, and it'll get taken care of. Even with her power, it's still a matter of disassembling the device to the point she can fix it, taking the time to fix it, then putting it back together and insuring that it works well. Of course, a downside to her ability is seeing every flaw in a machine, and informing the customer of just how many things are wrong with it, often with them believing that she's making up more problems in order to extort more money. Despite this, she makes enough to have a comfortable living without excess, often using her extra cash to invest in devices of her own design, always aiming to improve her own life and others as best she can. When it comes to interacting with others, Nimda tends to come across as rather blunt; believing the worst in people as a given, and needing a reason to have her believe they're better than that. Anyone coming to her shop is someone looking to exploit her talent and accuse her of ripping them off, anyone hitting on her is looking for a quick fuck-and-dump, and anyone who just tries to be friendly is typically two-faced, especially when they hear what her "voice" sounds like. Despite this, among people she trusts and likes, she's actually fairly kind, willing to do things for friends that most wouldn't do if you paid them. Nimda is incredibly loyal, and will throw herself in front of those she cares about, should any harm be coming to them, given that the newer brace she wears allows her to typically be on par, if not better, than most attackers. Regarding the brace and collar: The brace stays on, almost all the time, only taking it off to shower and sleep. The front has two dial locks to prevent someone from simply removing it from her, though enough force could probably just rip it off of her. The collar is completely optional, and she tends to avoid using it, disliking the sound of it herself, but understanding the role it plays in her life.

Things I'm Looking For: I'm presently only looking for a long-term relationship in which Nimda reluctantly begins to interact with and trust someone new. I'm open to a wide range of personalities and characters, though original characters are far more appreciated than any sort of "canon" ones. Perhaps once this desire has been fulfilled, I'll open myself to other scenes of interest, but this is what I'm looking for. As stated above, I'm primarily interested in story-driven, though not one devoid of sex, but it must be earned through the narrative and feel "right".

(I will update this more tomorrow. Sleep calls for work.)
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