A Spymaster's Work (Mountain Zaki x Vess)

Mountain Zaki

Aug 26, 2016
Malfor waited for the arrival of his boss at the local pub where he was told to meet. He was a tall man, around six foot three, with short brown hair and a well toned body. He had been a street urchin for most of his life, stealing and lying to get by. After a series of odd events he found himself in the service to the Spymaster of the Inquisiton, the one called Leliana. He enjoyed his job as it flexed the skills he was good out and he got to be around a beautiful woman quite often.

He downed his beer with a hearty sigh as he looked around, waiting for her to appear. She always seemed to just pop out of the shadows when least expected. He had important information for her involving the group that was now working for Solas...the Dread Wolf. He found it odd that they might soon be fighting people they once called friends, but that was just how the world was. He slammed his stein down, asking for a refill, content to get drunk until she decided to show.
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