Digimon: Suprise Evolution (MewMew & BrightChaos)

May 6, 2016

Daniel appeared in the Digital World the a flash of light. Standing in File City his brown eyes looked to the Colosseum that towered over the rest of the town. Several Digimon went about their business in the city. But it was more empty then normal.

He walked to Meramon's Restaurant where he had arranged to meet his partner. The Tamer had saved up plenty of Bits to feed her to make sure her energy was up before heading into his next fight. He saw several other Tamers there with there partners. Maybe it wasn't such an original idea. He have a friendly wave to some of the other Tamers. Most acknowledged him but one black-haired boy ignored him completely barely giving him a glance before he left.

The blond-haired teen went ahead and handed his Bits to the flame man Digimon knowing it would be a few minutes before the food would be ready. He walked back outside. He took out his Diviced and reviewed his items and her stats one last time to make sure he hadn't made any mistakes.

"Now where is my Togemon?" He asked himself checking the clock on his Digivice before putting it back in his pocket.
BrightChaos said:

Daniel appeared in the Digital World the a flash of light. Standing in File City his brown eyes looked to the Colosseum that towered over the rest of the town. Several Digimon went about their business in the city. But it was more empty then normal.

He walked to Meramon's Restaurant where he had arranged to meet his partner. The Tamer had saved up plenty of Bits to feed her to make sure her energy was up before heading into his next fight. He saw several other Tamers there with there partners. Maybe it wasn't such an original idea. He have a friendly wave to some of the other Tamers. Most acknowledged him but one black-haired boy ignored him completely barely giving him a glance before he left.

The blond-haired teen went ahead and handed his Bits to the flame man Digimon knowing it would be a few minutes before the food would be ready. He walked back outside. He took out his Diviced and reviewed his items and her stats one last time to make sure he hadn't made any mistakes.

"Now where is my Togemon?" He asked himself checking the clock on his Digivice before putting it back in his pocket.
Togemon sneakily went behind her digimon tamer quietly before bellowing out, "Boo!"

She had hoped she would scared him but the vegetation digimon wasn't so sure if she was very scary or not. Look at her she is little and cute cactus! There's no way she could possibly scare the tramer! Well it couldn't help but to try!

"Hey Daniel, how are you?" Togemon asked the blonde. It has been so long since the last time she saw him. The digimon missed her partner terribly. Unable to contain her emotions, as if on cue, Togemon ran over to Daniel, pulled him into a warm embrace.

Daniel was surprised for a second but quickly recognized the voice.
“Togemon!” he said amused laughing.

“Since when did you get so sneaky?” He asked spinning around to see his partner. She was just like he remembered her from his last trip to the Digital World. He smiled warmly at seeing her after several weeks of being away.

“I'm great.” He answered. Then he felt her hug. As emotional as it was...she was still a cactus and her needles felt very unconformable.
“How's it been...” He said stained struggling to hide his discomfort from his boxing glove-wearing cactus Digimon.

“Your meal the ready.” The Meramon said politely motioning to a table.

“Lets' eat up. The Colosseum is hosting a tournament soon so we can see how strong we've gotten!” Daniel said excited for the next battle. The food was the ham-like meet on a bone and mushrooms, and a steak.

He noticed the black-haired boy was already leaving. Did he have a match soon too? Daniel took a bite of the meat to make sure it was good and juicy.
“They grew it well this time.” He said now accustomed to the fact that the Digital World could grow meat.

Togemon just smiled at Daniel as he laughed and was happy to see her.

"I learn from you of course!" Togemon winked, knowingly. Nothing really has not changed about Daniel aside from the fact that he is taller now. Togemon felt like it has been an eternity since she last seen Daniel! She was so happy to see Daniel she could't but want to tear up just upon seeing him.

"Likewise!" She replied. Ever since Daniel left several weeks ago, the cactus digmon was doing well, notwithstanding, the fact she missed her partner of course. She wanted to show him how much missed him by pulling into a tender embrace however by how he reacted — it appeared that he wasn't finding their hug very enjoyable. "Uh oh, I am sorry, Daniel! I didn't mean to hurt you!" Unmistakable Daniel was in pain because her needles penetrated his skin not mention hugging her didn't feel very pleasant. Sometimes she wished she was a different kind of digimon so she wouldn't have to worry about hurting her partner. "I been good." She said, happily.

"Oh boy food!" Togemon loved Daniel of course but she loved food more! The cactus digimon merely nodded at Daniel as she grabbed her portion of her food, begin savagely begin to devour it. "Yum yum~!" Togemon singsonged, jovially.

She continued to eat her ham, all while, noticing, Daniel attention was elsewhere — more like his attention was on a black haired boy who was leaving. Togemon could not help but wondered why yet decided to finished her portion of ham first before asking questions. "I know, we are starting to grow a lot meats now!" Togemon informed Daniel.

“It's okay.” Daniel said pulling a loose spike out of his shirt and sitting it on the table not wanting her to feel bad.

“Yeah the meet farm has been doing great.” He said casually before getting back to his food.
After the other kid had left Daniel ate his share quickly eager to get to their match. After their feast was complete he thanked Meramon and lead the way to the Colosseum.

There were plenty of other Digimon waiting outside chatting to eachother while waiting for the fights. Some even watched them into the large building. He walked up the Greymon at the reception desk and checked in. The large dinosaur typed at the computer uprising well with his claws.

“Your challenger is already waiting for you. Room 3.” Greymon advised. Daniel nodded and went to the room. He walked the bridge to the arena stopped on the outer edge.

The black-haired boy waited and behind him stood a demonic looking dragon with four red eyes. The Devidramon snarled stepping into the arena. Daniel paused worried for a moment. Devidramon was a dark element and would have an advantage against nature typed. Did his guy have more then one Digmon and was spying to see which kind of Digimon he had.

He slightly clenched his fist feeling alittle angry. But it was to late to back out now.
“Are you ready Togemon?” He asked selecting an item from his Digivice. He sent an Attack Plugin to her as soon as the announcer called “Fight!” to help even the odds.

"Don't look into his eyes." He added quickly remembering Devidramon's Red Eye attack.

Togemon knew Daniel was reassuring that it was okay she spiked him but the cactus digimon only felt worse for what she did -- so much so that she wished she was a different digimon altogether.

"True but you know what is also great?" She asked her partnet. "Just seeing you all and itself is marvelous!" She chirped, happily. Togemon wanted to hug Daniel again yet she was afraid that if she did she might end harming him again and she definitely didn't want to do that.

Togemon walked alongside Danial to the Coliseum. Whereupon their arrival, there were multitude of digimon and digidestined alike with their partner digimon who were either participating in the tournament or watching the event.

After being checked in by the receptionist, Togemon walked with Daniel to room three before going to the bridge to the arena.

"Oh my goodness, look at digimon, Daniel! He doesn't look too happy to see us!" Togemon exclaimed, gulping nervously as the dark element digimon glowered at her.

"Not really... I feel kind of sick..." Forgive her for feeling a bit queasy but she wasn't up to fight at this moment. Though it was little too late to back out now. She had no other choice but to fight.

"Don't worry Daniel we will win for sure!" Togemon knew she was at disadvantage but that didn't matter as long as she had Daniel by her side nothing else mattered.

"Coconut punch!" Togemon went ahead, ready her fist towards Devidramon woth all her might, all while trying to avoid looking into the dark digimon's eyes.

The Devidramon reared from the punch stumbling back a few feet letting out a low growl. The creature's claws started to glow red. The black-haired boy tossed in a chip to the Devidramon. Likely an offensive power up chip. Daniel thought. The fact that the Devimon took so little damage even with Togemon's power up meant he was strong for his level.

“Sick!?” Her Tamer said shocked.
“Why didn't you say anything? I could have gotten you checked out!” Daniel said dismayed at this information. But it was to late to rethink battling.

“Crimson Nail!” The Devidramon lunged forward striking with his claws. If she couldn't avoid the attack Daniel know this would be messy. The Tamer took a Speed Chip and threw it to Togemon but wasn't sure if it would make it in time for this attack. If nothing else it might help her avoid the next attack.

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