A broken heart (Looking for M)

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Oct 17, 2016
Greetings all and welcome. I'm sure your wondering why you are here well you see I'm trying to find someone to do a steamy RP with me. Well the idea is that MC has been friends with YC for about 8 year's, ever since he saved her from the streets but as they years go by the more and more she started to fall in love with him, but sadly she cant seem to find herself to tell him and sadly she waited to long to tell him as he finds a girlfriend and about a few year's with that girl he soon asks her to marry him. she says yes but MC soon finds out on a party that his soon to be wife is cheating on him with another guy. MC wants to tell YC but she cant seem to find it in herself to say anything so when she gets to YC home to tell him about it but she is left wondering if he would hate her for it, so she walks into YC home thinking he is still out with his friend hopping that give her time to think but quickly finds out you are home and in bed half asleep from drinking nearly all night and well that where we think of what to do from there.
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