Some Starters for A Song

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Apr 13, 2012
Someplace where depression always finds me.
Please be advised that all starters can be changed and edited just drop me a line. ALSO ALL OF THESE PLEASE BE LONGTERM.

Sailing the Seas of BDSM
She had been a submissive for so long that it was odd being back on the market. Her friends always told her that she was a true submissive, but she always thought that they had always taken one to many whips to the ass to think straight. Well when she had come home to find her husband had thrown her out on the doorstep, for a newer younger model, she wondered what she had done. She had done everything he had asked and yet, she had still not pleased him.

Sitting heartbroken at her Motel, she decided she would pull her life around. She got a part time secretarial job which she excelled at. And soon, her vacation time was up. So when her friends were telling her that they got her an early Christmas present, she was all too thrilled to see it was a week cruise.

When she got on the boat she was suprised when she was given a collar and stripped adn given a leather bikini and told that whoever was not wearing a collar they were to be obeyed. This was to be a vacation.
(So obviously this is a Dom x Sub type relationship)

Crazy In Love
She grinned as she leaned back against the cold padding of the cage she was in. She had killed so many. She had brought chaos to many. She had forgotten her own name. Electroshock therapy could do that to you. But her past transgressions were constantly brought up to her by her shrinks and her dreams. Along with one shadowed figure who always made her feel safe and secure. Before leaving, he would always say the same phrase. "I will come back for you, Suga"

She had been a promising up and coming archaelogist and teacher. But something went wrong. Horribly wrong. While traversing a new cyst of a temple, she came across a throne room. It was decorated with beautiful artifacts and totems. However, upon inspecting one, her world went dark, and when she awoke, she was in her bed with a long time crush.

What she didn't realize was that she was now infused with a very pissed off goddess who wanted to seek her revenge on a world who moved on without her. But most of all she wanted to see that a world remembered her.

Daddy My Hero
In the middle of the night, she was awoken to the rev of a Harley. Excited, she leapt up like a kid on Christmas, or like the fictional Wendy to greet Peter Pan. Looking down, she saw the motorcycle gang at the head was her father. She waved to her father, but he waved her down.

Raising his hand, he motioned her down. She ran down in her pajamas, and went to see what he wanted, willing to give him the world, but she was not aware of what he was going to ask.

Bojack Horseman (been watching this a lot and am not looking for something exactly like this just something inspired, or we could :)
Marvel (love all the heroes! Would do a plot line with damn near anyone)
Batman (who doesn't love the caped crusader)
Joker x Harlequinn (love the fucked up romance of it all and the owning and devotion)
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