Taboo Tales, Dirty Delicacies - A Platform for Plots

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Sep 16, 2016
Our Baseline for Play and My New Idea(!!!!)

A nameless thing beyond things, an inhabitant of planes by their very fabric unimaginable to the mortal mind, an energetic force of nature that sleeps and dreams but does not live is, in its infinitely languid measure and confident inevitability, exploring and experiencing the universe on all levels. Forever. Its manifestations are a reflection of this daedraic force's will and nature. While many such concentrations of will and sentience choose a rather forceful physical idol to exert their will in whatever world happens to catch fancy, this particular unentity chooses a more sultry tone, its interests somewhat less toward glory and fame. A different shade of them, in any case, and taking pride in redeveloping through her interpretations a common theme which, I hope we can generally agree, it is pleasing to write about.

I can't take seriously the idea of a continuing thread of intelligence who got to play, forever, falling into anything but giddy insanity. Sort of a lady-Deadpool laissez faire, not necessarily so much with the scarring and the toilet humor and the 4th wall breaking, but a gorgeous bombshell with supernatural abilities having fun with her existence, especially putting herself in situations a vulnerable mortal couldn't be in and survive, much less enjoy. Imagine something between Fish Mooney and Harley Quinn, usually preferentiating a certain body type.

The kind of male(s) I want to play opposite would split me in half or crush me in real life. There is a ton of art I come across of these huge, hulking, bestial creatures - demons, anthros, monsters, whatever - gorgeous evocative stuff that turns most people off because it doesn't relate to what they would actually want inside their real bodies. It's unattractive because it doesn't fit a mold or would conflict with their reality. Their parents would disapprove, parental disapproval is unsexy, therefore this thing is unsexy. I think this is a ridiculous way to think about sexuality. To not let the mind wander into themes and ideas you have no interest in actually enacting is to throttle imagination and represents a partial death of personage. In a sense I like these things because I wouldn't like them; I come out here to get to try to imagine the unimaginable. Yes! That were-man would kill you if he were sentient and opted for an inter-species romp, and why would he? Yes it would be awful, yes that would be rape...

But... that doesn't mean I don't want to play Red Riding Hood with you. :)

Maybe she's an immortal Godhead who goes to quite a bit of effort to cook up trouble, who's quite pleased to be hunted and puts up a thematic race and struggle before submitting under overwhelming force - and yet still, just a little too easily - to his masculine desires, and relishes it.

I typically get around this by some suggestion that she feeds from energetic forces, never more strongly than from that of passion and sexuality, and that she calls to them in this way. Or a hormonal thing, where emitted pheramones put the males wherever she is out of their minds until she's gone, some other effluvium or libido-enducing aenesthetic that gets her fucked senseless by those who would normally be too respectful, timid, violent or intelligent.

My characters tend to be bored with any interaction that isn't some form of sexual attention or connection. They are restless and fun-seeking, curious and eager please. They're happy to be there, and lean in the direction of the sultry, even to the extent of instilling taboo norms in places they visit even only once, encouraging the people around them to be similarly irresponsible with each other, though never to any consequence. Shame just sort of drifts out the window, and suddenly nobody can remember why they don't just focus on feeling good and making each other feel good too. It's common in story for this to include gradual improvements in body, spirit, level of happiness, interest in kink. Characters relax and accept things as daily occurrences that are unthinkable for the real world.

My characters tend to dress on the provocative side anyway, and once claimed and properly owned every day should look like a raunchy halloween party, eventually progressing to the kind of bondage wear that isn't cutesy and couldn't even be passed off as being in jest - all the way to the kind of bondage gear that would HAVE to be in jest if you saw it in your day-to-day.

I like exaggerated everything in roleplay. Impossible things that would cause greivous harm to a real life body, I'm happy to imagine an indestructible body that feels the impacts and stretches but just accommodates like magic. Does need to eat, breathe, anything, but certainly can. This physical form would be a mere emanation held together by force of extra spatio-temporal will, if my player wants to play something fifteen feet tall I like to be able to compromise reality rather than our aspirations.

The first thing you'd leap at is perfection, isn't it? Then you'd see how lackluster that really is. Immediately you'd have to admit to yourself that once 'flawless' was the new norm in your sexual partners and social circle, it would be a norm demanding deviation from it, and you'd find your interests suddenly refracted into the imperfect (I won't say flawed).

I'm going to regret saying this (one whiff and it's all you hear about) but I'm of course willing to reciprocate and do multiple females, but when men outnumber me I'm very stimulated, and I like to think I can be very stimulating in that situation for those who like it. It's nothing for me to include a second female, but I find myself falling out of favor with a story that has several females with few males rapidly unless I have a second story going with that isn't harem-based. To stay interested in that it tends to need to be very high-concept, like whatever is going on in here. And I hope I've been clear that I'd need a relatively equal amount of cum on my multiple characters in that situation, even if the gangbang element were to be removed.

I want deep dark need. I want enthusiastic, passionate fun. I want both of us rushing to the computer, logging on and holding our breath for a New Message. I want to indulge in all the stuff we can't or wouldn't want to do in real life. This should be a safe place for experimenting with nasty and outlandish things. Fantasy with a capital F. I'm not interested if it isn't filthy.



Cum: My favorite fetish. Buckets. You can't bring enough, cumplay of every kind.
Group/gangbang: I'm happy to play multiple characters so long as there's plenty of cock and depravity to go around.
Subjugation: Misogynistic alternate realities, paid contracts, acknowledged understandings. One way or another, the men in story understand they can do wihat they like with MC(s) and be adored for it.
Humiliation: Videotaping, exhibitionism, public, slutty clothes, prostitution etc. Love it to death.
Xeno: Aliens, anthros, beast, tentacle monsters, demons, whathaveyou. Bring it on!
Bimbo: More just the thrill of playing someone who can get away with the whole silly bombshell deal, whether they're actually base in thought or smart enough to play the bimbo card.
Fun Tone: A subtle but crucial tweak; I need it to be a situation where the women want to be there. It's possible to love being treated badly! If you don't know what I mean then please consider responding twice.

Check for an idea of my taste in character pictures. I play in PM, multi-para, I consider myself advanced lit. I've been playing this way for over ten years, I'm hard to shock and I don't judge. If you have an idea, a plot, a story, if you find a few pictures in my tumblr you want to link me and discuss how they inspire me (preferably all of those!), please PM me! Don't be shy, I LOVE dirty talk and nasty details. Even if I don't like the same things as you, I'll likely appreciate and respect the effort. You might find me even more flexible than I appear.

PM me.
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