Literate Smut and Story (FxM)

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Jan 6, 2016
I prefer to play over PMs or Thread. Please DM if interested.

*Turn Ons - Please let me know if you don't want to include certain kinks or want to include different ones.
'The Usual' (Vaginal, Kissing, foreplay ect)
Anal (Also covers Anal Training)
Oral (Giving/Receiving)
Realism Even if its Fantasy, there must be some elements of realism)
Throat Fucking (Also covers Throat Training)
Rough Sex - No one said you cant be rough and romantic at the same time.
Non-human Partners - (Anthros, Nekos, Humanoids) - with corresponding genitalia
Dominant (but respectful)/ Confident Males
Literate, descriptive writing - 2-3 paragraphs at least.

*Negotiable - (Depending on context and plot)
Watersports/Bathroom control

*Turn Offs -
Cervical penetration - (Not only impossible but would be so painful it would likely cause a blackout and some serious wounding. Your dick would have to be size of an 8 inch bobby pin for it to work. Yeah...This doesn't sound very sexy. Imagine forcing a cucumber into a hole smaller than your urethra. Turned on yet? Smash into it, not through it fellas)
Feet, bellies, inflation, snuff ect
Innocent/Submissive characters/Beta Males (No offence, but I just don't find it attractive.)
No overpowered characters
Ridiculous situations (sexual or otherwise. Silly amounts of jizz or unrealistic situations for the characters)
Character sheets - If you can't describe your character without the need for a tedious, unimaginative list, then perhaps we aren't compatible.
No Cheesy porn/hentai dialog - My character is not going to strip off all her clothes and jump on your dick because of your 'massive erect cock that is really noticeable through his jeans and is 10 inches long and 4 inches thick'. C'mon guys....

What kind of character(s) I prefer to play against - (Ie: Desirable traits for YC)
The following is for both sexual and not sexual personas.

I play better against people who have characters with a more Dominant/Confident persona. This doesn't mean he's got to be taking whatever he wants, taking control of the women and making his strength known. I mean more - Knows what he wants, confident in his own skill and knows how to get shit done without hesitating (This also doesnt mean he doesn't have emotions. He can be as complicated emotionally as you see fit.).
This is because my characters can also be quite dominant meaning she can sometimes 'lock horns' with other dominant characters in abit of a power struggle (Sexually, she will be more of submissive. This can vary in level depending on how you like your women.) Worst thing for me is if MC is being quite dominant is that the male character is meek and passive about it. I enjoy a challenge, put her in her place. (She's not a damsel in distress and she will instigate!)
Love/Hate relationships work well. (I mean that as two characters that are annoyed by each other yet attracted to each other. Creates lots of sexual tension for heated scenes.)
Must remain respectful to her. (Ie: Lovers can push her boundaries like encouraging her to take more of him or holding him longer in her throat during oral but knowing when long is long enough. This kind of respect makes her more eager to please.)

*Open to suggestions, ideas, kinks and plots. Do feel free to add your own ideas to these plots. They are not set in stone. Willing to hear your plots!*

Dirty Love Story - The Coffee House

The successful built a business now live a life of luxury, working in his office from home most days. He is 'Emotionally Unavailable' (In a failing/one sided relationship, trust issues, string of bad relationships, scared of being hurt again or giving up on love) and lonely as a result.
He gets a coffee from the same small coffee shop every morning with the same girl that knows his order and usually has it ready by the time he reaches the counter. They always have a brief flirtatious conversation before he pays and leaves. The successful craves human interaction as well as sex and is lonely most nights. She tries her luck and leaves her number on the bag of his order (ie: It would be nice to talk to you longer Mr Caramel Latte and Blueberry Muffin x)
They get on amazingly well with constant sexual tension as the two seem to be sexually magnetized to each other and the sex is amazing. However he is very strict on this remaining casual (protecting his feelings or trying to keep it a secret/both.). There is frequent texting and call, lunch dates with sex and sleep overs with sex which steadily escalates into a relationship.

Possibilities and Development -
Drama with him pulling away when things get too serious. Break ups due to her wanting more commitment from him. Perhaps he sleeps with other people due to fear of commitment.
Already has a wife or girlfriend that is with him for money and doesnt like his growing relationship with the coffee girl.
Open to ideas and suggestions.

Modern/Medieval Fantasy - The Balance of Power

You come from a high born family of powerful magic/weapon users. You are the next in line and inherited your family's power. Your family also have a lesser born family serving them and their daughter is entrusted to serve you.
You are supposed to marry a high born girl of equal power, however you have already fallen for the lesser born girl. This is forbidden and if caught will bring great shame to your family and their notoriety will be questioned.

Possibilities and Development -
Can be college setting to hone their powers/skills (typical college events - parties, formal dance ect)
Can be mercenary based where his skills are wanted to defeat monsters/demons/those who use their powers for bad.
Tribal setting
Open to ideas and suggestions.

Modern/Medieval Fantasy - The Imbalance of Power
(Love/hate relationship)

She comes from a high born family of powerful magic/weapon users. She is next in line and inherited her family's power...however, she didn't. She also has a a lesser born family serving them and their son (YC) is entrusted to serve her as a bodyguard.
However, as it turns out, you have much more power than she does. This is a complete injustice. She should be serving you, but there is nothing that can be done. You must serve her. You have every right to hate her, you want to hate her and you try to hate her but you can't deep down. You both don't get on very well and you argue and tease each other and the attraction just makes it more frustrating. True feelings keep coming out (kissing while arguing ect) and you keep having amazing (often spontaneous) sex.
She is supposed to marry a high born man, however she's already fallen for YC, the lesser born. This is forbidden and if caught will bring great shame to her family and their notoriety will be questioned but they cant help it.

Possibilities and Development -
Can be college setting to hone their powers/skills (typical college events - parties, formal dance ect)
Can be mercenary based where her skills are wanted to defeat monsters/demons/those who use their powers for bad but YC does the work.
Tribal setting
Open to ideas and suggestions.

Pure Smut - Gold Rose Boarding House
For people who like to play more than one character

Its trending in the news. After a big lottery win, a young woman has bought a large 3 storey, 4 bedroom house. Each bedroom is sizeable with En suite and best of all, rent free. After a weeks worth of interviews, starting off as short video to send in, followed by a face to face if selected - 2-3 young men have been chosen to live rent free with the young female millionaire. The only catch to living rent free? Keeping their new landlord company.

Modern Fantasy - The Neko Blog
Human/Non-Human x Neko(Wolf) Girl

You're a blogger/website owner. You make videos and write articles with advertisements to make money and you're doing pretty well. You keep up to date with trending movements and events and it keeps you living quite comfortably.
You decide to take part in a government scheme where you are paid to host a Neko Girl. It was set up to aid the small population of Nekos (or Demi Humans as they'll be referred to as in game). As all Females spend 1 month of the year in heat, the government pairs them with suitable male hosts to aid them during this time of year (as left untreated can be quite mentally damaging.). After all the necessary background checks, home check ect - You have been accepted.
You write about your experiences signing up and hosting her, bringing some awareness to the scheme and the processes of Neko's during their Season for educational (and smutty) purposes. You're the very first person to do this and it proves to be very, very successful.

Possibilities and Development -
The blog/article can be as NSFW as you want - going into detail about her, you, your activities, what she likes ect. You dont have to write the full blog entries if you dont want, just extracts or a summary.
Can make videos/pictures with her (being as NSFW as you want). Can also include Live Streams.
Perhaps they fall for each other
YC can be Neko or Anthro, giving humans an insight into their world.
Open to ideas and suggestions.

Pure Smut - His Heat
Human/Neko Female x Neko/Anthro/non-human Male

Though your species has integrated with society, they are still fairly rare and you've struggled to find a mate. This wouldn't normally be a problem but your Season is quickly approaching. For a month your body will ache and flood your brain with mating hormones. Without a mate, the overbearing urges cause some damage (Severe discomfort and depression). However, you have always had one friend you've been very close to and you've explained the situation. Luckily, she was already planning some time away at a Villa near the beach and wonders if you'd like to ride out the rest of your Season with her.

Possibilities and Development -
Can be a Neko Girl whom is also in season
Can be a human whos never experienced his species before (outside of friendship)

Taken - Dirty Love Story - It Started with a Splash

YC car had broken down at work, so is seeking an alternative commute (Uber, Bus, walk ect). Its raining and on the way home, a car drives through a puddle and drenches him and the woman next to him. Since he was still far from home, the woman offers him dry clothes. Bringing him to her apartment, she dries his clothes and offers him dry ones. Since they get one so well, he decides to accept her offer of take-out dinner. Sexual tension has been rising since they met and he ends up staying the night.
They exchange numbers and their relationship develops from casual to serious.

Possibilities and Development -
Time skips to further their relationship.
Explore their sexual conquests & kinks, even if its a one time try or long term kink.
Events that test their relationship.
Open to ideas and suggestions.
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