Flexible for anything, and everything

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Nov 4, 2016
So I thought that I would place a little post up here describing a little about me and my role playing.

The following is what you can expect of me;
- I've been role playing for about 6/7 years now. My literacy depends completely on my partner and what they are willing to provide me. If you give me one liners, I will give you one liners. If I get a couple sentences, I will give you the same. (Though keep in mine I do not write endless amounts of paragraphs. I wish I could, but alas...*daydreams*).
- I am realistic (depending on the role play's nature, themes below) and won't really find the impossible a turn on unless it has been previously discussed that it may come up.
- I can write decently detailed posts of how my character is feeling, doing etc. (Again, I will not write loads if I am getting one liners).
- I am up for absolutely anything you may want to try out. (I've no limits, be as weird and kinky and rough as you like)
- A post a day at the very minimum, college is a priority for me.
- Ability to play both male and female roles, though it depends on the theme of the role play.

Some things that I am willing to try out would be;
- Jail bait (teacher/student, highschooler/college student, etc)
- BDSM (so long as I'm sub however)
- Rape, to possibly include Stockholm Syndrome (or not, I don't mind ;P)
- Inter-species, inter-racial, whatever. (I'm always down for a werewolf/human encounter, as well as aliens, tentacle monsters etc.)
- Medieval themed, pulling in possibly mythological creatures?
- Of course, apocalypse. Can be for any reason, can be loving or rape. I just need ze brainz.
- Try me! I will probably be up for it! ^.^
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