Moon's Search · m/f, f/f, f/futa

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Nov 1, 2016
Hello, call me Moon. I am new to the site and to erotic rps, but I have roughly twelve years of writing/ roleplaying experience. I enjoy playing both genders, and generally don't preference one over the other. I will use this thread as my hub of rules and plots, and will likely update it frequently. If you are interested in contacting me, please send me a PM; do not post in this thread. Thank you!


· Be capable of formulating a complete sentence. I prefer writing with depth and detail, so if your grammar is lacking, my patience with quickly wane. I only ask for a minimum of a paragraph or two, though more won't be discouraged!

· Please be respectful. This one is perhaps the most important. I am not my character, and thus expect to be treated like the real person I am. I love new friends, but we don't have to be bffs, nor speak beyond the bare minimum, if that is your preference. However, if you're an asshat, I will cease communication.

· Plot with me. It isn't much fun if I am providing all of the ideas and substance; I would like to hear your input as well.

· Be patient. I can't be online everyday, but I will post when I can. Likewise, I don't expect a reply from you everyday, and will not pester you.

· I will rp via threads, and maybe pms. No email, IMs, etc. so don't ask. Also, I can use anime or real images, though I default to anime - just let me know which you prefer.


My kinks include: non-con, manipulation, restraints, oral, lengthy foreplay and multiple sex positions, detail, monsters, tentacles, bestiality , incest, public, dominant men/vulnerable women, blackmail, love/hate relationships, corrupted innocence, fantasy, historical settings, mxf, fxf, fxfuta

My anti-kinks include: vore, gore, scat, watersports, mutilation, vanilla, one-liners/vague writing, mxm, sissy boys

Everything in between is a “like” to a “maybe”, or I haven't thought of it, so if there's a specific kink you're interested in that isn't listed, just ask!

In regards to plot v smut, I like a healthy dose of plot and a whole lot of smut. Romance negotiable depending on the plot.


Just a few ideas I have. They do not have to be used, and details are up for discussion (race, setting, sexuality, etc).

· YC is the leader of a brigand/mercenary group, all rough and ruthless. They pass by a town holding a slave auction, or pillage a town - either way, YC takes MC, a young woman, hostage, claiming her as property. MC is slender, with small breasts and without exaggerated curves. The men poke fun at YC, teasing that MC looks more boyish than womanly. To shut them up and prove her gender, YC fucks MC in front of his men. YC could keep her to himself, or share her with his men. Also open to playing multiple girls for this. TAKEN

· MC is a witch training, who bites off more than she can chew when she allows some other coven sisters to goad her into summoning a demon. She's young and stupid, so eager to prove herself, that she thinks she can control the entity. She's quite wrong. YC will be the demon. He can force himself on her quickly, but for this plot, I would prefer corruption and manipulation over time. Maybe he plays along in the beginning, allowing her to believe she's in control, but gradually, he reveals he has all the power. TAKEN

· MC is a fresh adventurer, and seeks to join a prestigious band of adventurers/mercenaries. YC is the leader of the group, and laughs at MC’s request, believing her inferior. But MC is determined and desperate, so YC strikes her a deal: if she can slay a troublesome monster without it fucking her, then he will accept her as a member. If she fails, then he will instead take her in as his personal sex slave. She could fail, or succeed and he goes back on his word, forcing her to serve him sexually. Either way we go, I would like to see some monster rape!

· MC is a priestess who serves a temple in a war torn land. She doesn't feel safe, so for peace of mind, she and the other priestesses hire YC to act as guard. What they don't know is that they've invited danger into close proximity. Willing to play multiple female characters. Maybe YC goes through a priestess a night, corrupting them individually until he has his harem. TAKEN

· MC is a young woman from a village presided over by YC, a “God”. Every so often, he demands a virgin sacrifice, as payment for the protection he provides the town. MC is chosen, and she is escorted to the “God’s” temple, where he will fuck her before the town and then whisk her back to his lair, to live as his sex slave. YC is essential a false God, possessing as a God to pray on the village. Thus, YC can be any sort of dark supernatural creature - werewolf, dragon, vampire, monster, etc. I'd prefer he have two forms - his “monster” form and a more humanoid form.

· MC, a modern day girl, is magically transported back to an ancient time/alternative universe. She's captured by slave traders and sold at auction to YC, a wealthy highborn. YC finds MC very exotic, and could force her to be his bride or join his harem of sex slaves. Willing to play multiple women, though the modern girl will be my main. Would also be interesting if you doubled as other males who find MC interesting, and attempt to steal her away for themselves.


Corruption. I'm also very interested in a feudal Japan or ancient Egypt setting.
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