A Lowblow for the Bat. (Batman X Lowblow Emma)

Feb 16, 2016
After weeks... or rather months of searching the Batman had finally found the safehouse of a woman who was going around and leaving the most powerful men in Gotham broken and beaten. Most had their balls destroyed to the point that they might not ever have the chance to have children, and those who weren't that beaten simply got lucky. Maybe the police arrived and ended up saving them, maybe they didn't put up much of a fight. Either way months of searching brought the Caped Crusader to her hideout so he could bring her down.

A gentle flap of his black leather cape from the cool night air was the only indication that the massive man landed on the roof of the warehouse. His dark shadow slinking across the roof until it stopped at an open window. Below him he could see a belt rolling what looked to be sex toys across the warehouse. While this was strange to the Batman it wasn't against any laws. He stepped up into the open skylight window and dropped down.

Spinning with his open cape the grey and black armored man landed on a single knee and slowly stood up. He grasped a flashlight and clicked a button, shining light in the dark warehouse, slowly scanning the room around him, unaware of the danger he was really in.
Emily slid into the shadows of the warehouse watching Batman conduct his careful search. She knew every inch of this place; even in the dark she could place her feet silently. She was resolved, but not without a pang of regret. Even at this distance, she could feel his power. Like so many of her friends, she had woken at night with her thighs sodden and her nipples taut and tingling having dreamt of him. No wonder half the women of Gotham wanted to breed off this man.

But that was not to be, would never be.

Her plot had been long in the making and now it was coming to fruition. Just like she knew it would. Anyone with any sense, knowing how many men had lost their masculinity in this place, would have come with a squad of police to surround the building and ensure that Emily was overpowered. But he was too confident, too arrogant, too eager to show that he was better than other men. Well, he would be proved wrong. She would show him that he was just like other men. His own masculinity would bring about his downfall.

She moved behind a pillar as Batman passed close by. So close, she was sure she could smell his testosterone. Which reminded her of why she was here. She closed her eyes to remember her lover, now incarcerated for 25 years to life. And all because of Batman. It wasn’t the loss of a man between her thighs that upset her. Men were replaceable. Nor was she concerned about the length of the sentence. He deserved that and more. No, it was the way Batman had dealt with him. He hadn’t been content just to capture him. He had to put on a show to attract publicity for himself by making a spectacle of her lover, humiliating him. He would pay for that. His humiliation would be worse, far worse.

She moved down the warehouse, away from Batman.
Step by step the man in black and grey crept down the halls of the warehouse, something was wrong. He could feel eyes on him but couldn't see anyone. After searching for nearly ten minutes he stopped, tapped the side of his mask and allowed two white lens to slip down over his eyes and light up. His vision became red, outlining things that were hot as his body twisted until he saw what looked like a woman move and vanish behind other warm machines.

A dark scowl took over his face as he started towards the machines that Emily had darted behind. He tapped his mask again, pulling the slits off his face so he could see yet again. The man rounded a large vat of hot plastic and looked up a ladder leading to a cat walk. Did the woman move up that way? Or was she laying in wait? He couldn't tell.
Emily slunk back and watched Batman approach. Although she was a great improviser and didn’t believe in planning in too much detail, she had put a lot of thought into her first move. She would stand little chance against Batman with his strength, skill and experience. And she would stand no chance with all the protection and gadgets that his body suit provided. No, she had to get this right or she would be captured and, after destroying the virility of so many powerful men in this town, she had no doubt what sentence the male judges would pass on her.

No, she couldn’t afford any risks. This was planned down to the last detail and Batman was obliging by walking into her trap. She needed to move back slightly and then reach to her right. Yes, there it was – the control button. All she had to do was press it. All he had to do was get on the right spot. A few more steps, just two more steps, go on, just that last step.

Her finger pressed the button. There was a slight buzzing sound and the walkway beneath Batman’s feet collapsed and a net was released under him. Before he had a chance to react, he was tangled in the mesh. Emily leapt across the gap and dashed down the steps, her hand pulling the syringe out of her pocket as she went. She had to be quick. This man was resourceful and this was her only chance. She took aim and stabbed him in the neck.

The anaesthetic should take effect almost immediately, but this was not a normal man. She stood watching his face in the dim light, seeing him struggle to remain conscious, struggle and fail.

She released the net, sending him tumbling to the floor. It took her some time, too long, even with the light that now flooded the warehouse, to find the catches that would relieve him of his body suit. Then she dragged him across the floor and pressed the button that lowered two chains with cuffs. When his wrists were secure, she at last felt safe. Without the protection of his suit, he was at her mercy. She pressed the button again and the chains rose, pulling Batman to his feet until his feet just rested on the floor.

One final thing: she checked her appearance in one of the full length mirrors that reflected everything that she did in this den. Perfect. Thigh high black leather boots. A micro skirt. Bare honey-tanned legs that filled the gap between boots and skirt. No bra – her pert breasts did not need any support. A white thong. She flicked her long black hair and watched it settle across the shoulders of her white blouse.

She pulled a chair across in front of Batman and sat down. She would be the first thing he saw when he regained consciousness. And while she waited, she was able to relax and admire him. It was just as she had expected. Muscular without an ounce of fat. Lean and fit. Strong and powerful. And there between his legs, swinging gently, his balls and cock. They didn’t look anything special. But they were the seat of his masculinity and the source of his own destruction.
It would almost be a pity to destroy such a perfect specimen of manhood. Almost.

She crossed her legs and waited for him to come round.
Step by step the Batman stalked closer to the woman who had managed to vanish from his sight. The moment that the ground started to shift below him and the ground started to whirl he braced himself until the floor fell out from under him, taking his breath as he hit a net before he even had time to react and save himself from the fall. "Damn it.." I groaned darkly and started to try and lift himself up in the net but there was to little of support and he couldn't get his footing.

By the time the Dark Knight started to get up and get ready to cut the nets ropes a long needle plunged deep into his neck and a warm fluid hit his blood like a truck hitting a wall. His mouth hung open limp and slack while he started to fall in the net. His dark blue eyes locked on leather boots as he passed out and laid still...

Lowered on the ground and locked up the man only awoke when he felt cold air hit his now naked body. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked up at the woman's legs and small skirt. "...Unnn.. Who are you?" He groaned. He could feel the mask on his head but nothing else. The Batman swallowed hard and started to thrash about in his binds, he was going to snap her neck if he got his hands on her. The man growled in anger and started to flex and seethe with rage, his scarred chest rose and fell with every deep breath he took while looking at her in a drug induced haze.
Emily watched as the beast stirred. Like any wild animal when it was gaged, he fought to free himself, not realising yet that this was futile and that all he was doing was draining his energy. She shifted her position slightly and uncrossed her legs, feeling a sudden dampness in her thong as she did so.

He would fight her. His pride wouldn’t let him give in, she was sure of that. But that would just make her victory all the more satisfying. She could take her techniques to an extreme, beyond anything she had dared before.

She crossed her legs again, opening her thighs enough to show a flash of her thong. His eyes didn’t miss a thing. He was intelligent too, so he’d know she was teasing him, watching how he’s react. Her eyes dropped to his crotch. No sign of a reaction yet. But that would come, in time.

‘You don’t need to know my name,’ she told him. ‘I’m going to call you Bat. You’d better get used to it, because when you leave here you won’t be a man any more.’

Her mind went over the men she had trapped here before. She still saw some of them in the press or on TV, carrying on their jobs as policemen or judges or whatever. But she knew the truth that they tried to conceal; they were no longer men. They could still function, sure, but not as men. They had lost their virility and masculinity. They were shells walking and that’s what the Bat would become.

‘And please,’ she uncrossed her legs in a sudden flurry of movement as she rose from her chair, ‘don’t delude yourself that no one will know what happens here.’ No, he wasn’t going to be allows the small mercy she had shown the others. ‘Look around, look at the lights and the cameras. This is all being filmed. By the time you leave here, your destruction will be on every news channel across the State.’

While he absorbed his fate, she moved in fast, bringing her knee up and ramming it into his balls.
Slowly the Batman's mouth fell open as he absently licked his lips while he watched the beautiful Emily uncross her legs and cross them again, giving him swift and simple teases of her thong on her smooth toned legs. The man behind the mask took a soft breath of air while Emily started to to taunt him and state that he wouldn't leave the warehouse the same way he came in. The man couldn't help but grin at her words, he had heard it before.

"Better women than you have made that claim and all of them failed." He said as she stood up. His chest tensed up, clearly ready for her to make an attack on his face but what came was far worse. A smooth knee came up and slammed hard into his heavy balls, making the Batman choke back a grunt of pain just as his cock started to grow hard from the woman's tease. The tool between his legs went limp again as his knees gave out and his weight was put on his wrists as he fell as far as his binds allowed.

"Bitch." He groaned and spat on her boot while regaining his composure and standing up as best as he could again. "I'll snap your legs for that. Like the little sticks they are." He nearly roared with rage while looking the woman in the eye.
Emily ignored the spittle on her boot. There would be worse than that before she had finished with this man. She moved closer. Her breasts pressed against his chest and her right hand cupped his balls. His cock flopped against her wrist. She was so close he could smell her perfume. He could smell her desire too. Why not? Let him know how she felt about him. She was going to fuck this man, and soon, while he was still at his prime. She deserved that; she needed that.

Her hand played with his balls, alternating between rolling them gently, soothingly, and then squeezing hard. She watched closely as his expression reflected the sudden shifts from pleasure to pain and back again.

And as she felt his chest heave against hers, she began to speak, almost to whisper to him.

‘You remind me of my favourite horse, Bat. My father gave him to me on my fourteenth birthday. He let me chose one from the foals on our farm and I selected a sleek black stallion. “He’s mean,” my father warned me, but he let me have him anyway. And do you know the best thing about having my very own stallion? Breaking him.’ She squeezed the man’s balls hard and this time maintained her grip. ‘I broke him, all on my own. He resisted, he fought, he threw me, but I kept coming back and in the end I won. And that is what I am going to do to you, Bat, except,’ she tightened her grip, ‘except that I am going to geld you.’

She released his balls, took a step back and kicked out, lifting her leg high, so high that her skirt rose up her thigh exposing her thong, a swift flash of white to catch the Bat’s eye as the top of her foot caught him under his balls, lifting them, crushing them into his bone. She steadied herself, straightened her skirt and watched his reaction.
As Emily pressed her firm breasts against the Batman he took a gentle breath of air, the scent that lingered in his nostrils made his lip quiver while she cupped his balls and his cock flopped against her wrist. Slowly it stirred to about half mast from simply smelling the desire she seemed to have for him. While she rolled his balls around in her hand he softly moaned with pleasure until she squeezed hard, making him bite his lip and squirm to keep from screaming.

His chest started to heave, taking in deep breaths to keep from screaming out in pain while she whispered to him. "I'm no horse you bi-" His voice cut off as she squeezed so hard that he lost the will to verbally attack the woman. His head rolled back until she let his sac go and took a step back. Suddenly he was lifted off the ground by a firm booted foot slammed into his balls, crushing them, lifting them and making the man drop as low as his binds would let him before he swiftly stood back up.

On shaky legs the man stood up with his now hard cock drooling precum. He would never admit it but he loved seeing a woman in charge. However this was a little much and he wasn't sure how much his body could take if she was planning on continuing to kick his cock and balls so hard over and over. "Skirts a little short don't you think?" He asked in an attempt to keep her from kicking again.
The Bat’s great carcass heaved. That kick would have broken lesser men and have them beg for mercy, but he seemed to absorb it. To Emily’s surprise, this time his cock had not subsided. Instead, it seemed firmer than it had been before she let her foot fly into his balls. She could not fail to admire his strength. He was proving to be a worthy opponent.

He even managed to make a witty remark about her skirt. It showed that he was noticing her body, proving that he was after all just a man like any other. No, not like any other. But a man susceptible to a female body with the natural responses of desire and arousal.

‘It is short,’ she agreed, ‘but that makes it easier to kick your balls. Even in my heels, your balls are hanging high. And it shows off my legs. Do you like them, Bat?’ She posed and turned, allowing the man hanging before her the chance to see her toned thighs. ‘I have strong thighs, don’t I?’ she asked as if talking to a personal trainer. ‘They are essential if you want to bust balls, which is what I am going to do to yours. Strong thighs allow me to get a good swing when I kick and pack a powerful punch when my knee crushes into her crotch.’

She had planned to take a break from busting, get him aroused, give – and her too - some fun before she moved in for the slow and unremitting destruction of his manhood. Now she wondered if there was a choice to make at all. The Bat seemed to have responded to the pain. Maybe they could both have their pleasure without remitting on the pain.

Emily moved forward slowly, closer and closer, letting him wonder what was coming next. With their bodies almost touching, she reached out and wrapped her fingers around his shaft and wiped away the precum with her thumb. She brought it up to her lips and licked it away.

‘Ummm, tasty,’ she purred, as she brought her thigh up between his legs, pushing against his balls, pushing harder and harder, the pressure growing and unrelenting. She held his gaze and licked her lips at the thought of the pain he was experiencing and how he was mentally meeting the challenge. Her hand returned to his shaft and began to stroke it, slowly, tenderly, in contrast to her thigh that moved backwards and forwards, grinding at his balls.
Slowly the Batman took deep breaths of shallow air, his blue eyes watched Emily pose and turn, giving him a teasing eye full of her strong thighs and high, round rear in her short little skirt. The heeled boots that she wore made the woman appear taller than she really was but served to keep him hard at the mere sight of her. "You could kick me all day and not break me. I've been through worse and fought against stronger." He replied while trying to remain in whatever control he could take.

As Emily started to stalk towards him he swallowed hard, feeling a dry lump run down his throat while he looked at her lips and chest until her hand wrapped around his shaft and wiped away his precum. A soft grunt spilled from his throat while he let his head hang only to watch her lick his fluid away and purr in approval.

"You're cra-mmm..." He went silent as her thigh came up between his legs and started to push against his balls. Harder and harder her knee pressed up and made him shiver as she licked her lips again, making him moan weakly. The gentle strokes of her hand on his cock made The Batman bite his lip and fight off a groan of mixed pleasure and pain. His hands gripped the chains that held him up and wrenched at them, trying to free himself from her touch. Mentally he was fighting against her but his body was clearly betraying him as more precum spilled from his cock and landed on her leg.
With her body almost touching his, Emily could feel the Bat’s huge frame struggling with the pain. Brag as much as he liked, he would not be able to withstand what she was planning. No way. He would break, however long it took, he would break.

His shaft was straining as much as his body. She could feel it throbbing in response to her touch. The precum dripped over her wrist and onto her thigh. Hot from his balls, from those sore balls that she was crushing.

‘Your balls must be fall, Bat,’ she purred, ‘you’ll spilling out. Before I have finished with you, those balls will be empty and they’ll never fill up again. You’ll be cumming dry, if you can cum at all.’

Slowly she ground away and as she ground his cock became more rigid. He was heading for an explosion of sperm that would soak her blouse and skirt. She knew it and he knew it too. He was struggling to restrain himself. To demonstrate his physical mastery of his body and his psychological control over his urges. Trying to dominate her even as she played him like an instrument.

As much to give her leg a rest as anything else, she released the pressure on his balls and sank to her knees between his legs. she pulled down his cock and began to drag her tongue up and down the shaft as her other hand cradled his balls, her fingers trapping them like a vice, her wrist twisting and pulling. Pleasure and pain. Pleasure through pain. Pleasure in pain.
Emily's voice rang in the Batman's ears, her low tone sultry and seductive even as she was showing her power of the man who was held by strong chains that a man simply couldn't snap without super powers. Without realizing it, the Dark Knight started to take ragged breaths of air, barely controlling himself until she let her leg fall down and release his balls, much to his relief. He swallowed hard and managed to work the dry lump in his throat into his stomach.

It was taking everything he had to not blow his massive load as it was, and when she dragged her long tongue up and down his shaft he was sure he would lose his control, that was until she grabbed his balls and trapped them like a vice, twisting and pulling his sac in a painful way that broke his self control and made him howl with agony.

Her actions felt so good but also felt terrible. It was just enough to keep him from blowing all over he neck and chest. His body thrashed about from left to right as far as it could without feeling more pain from her fingers and their grip. Bruce bit his lip to the point of bleeding down his chin from the wound just a bit. "Enough of this. If you're going to kill me get on with it. If not let me go." He demanded through grunts of pained pleasure.
She had him. She could feel it. She could feel the way he thrashed about. She could feel the way his cock responded to her touch. And then he begged her. She could barely contain her pleasure. He would rather die than submit. But he wasn’t going to die and he would submit, however he might try to resist.

She slowly unbuttoned her blouse and let it slide over her shoulders, exposing her small tits. Casually, as if she were alone and preparing for a shower. Or as if she were a whore stripping for a client.

‘You’re not going to die, Bat, no way will I let you die. I want you to live, a long life.’

She was unfastening her skirt now, letting it fall to the ground and kicking it aside. She stood before him now in her white thong and boots.

‘I want you to live so that you will always remember what you once were. All powerful. Potent. Lusted after by all the women in Gotham.

Her fingers were under her thong now, pushing it down, leaving her naked apart from her boots.

‘I want you to live long so that you will know each day that you have been emasculated, humiliated and destroyed. And by me, a woman.’

She hooked her arms around his neck and hooked one leg over his hip, pulling herself up so that both legs were now round his waist. Releasing one arm, she hung from his neck and positioned the tip of his cock against her labia. She held her position for a while, just staring into his eyes, feeling his powerful body as it took her weight.

Then she dropped, taking his cock inside in one swift movement. She purred as it first stretched her open and then filled her. She clung to it with her muscles as she pressed her soft breasts against his hard, battle scarred chest.

‘Enjoy, Bat,’ she whispered into his ear, her breath hot and panting from anticipation. ‘This is the last time you’ll feel a cunt around your cock. Fuck me. You know you want to. Show me how strong you are, how virile your are. This is the last chance you will ever have.’
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