Welcome to the (Machine)Apiary - FxF, FxFu

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Aug 14, 2009
Welcome to the Apiary, my little den of iniquities.

I am a dominate personality, I do not do submissive well for main characters. For rps I prefer Thread over PM but will do either. I adore getting to know individuals so if communication goes well I do not mind exchanging skype information so as to more easily facilitate the flow of ideas and idle chatter.

EDIT: I feel that I must stress certain qualifiers. If communication goes well, meaning that there must be some interplay first and foremost through some other means, most notably PM. So please, if you are wanting to eventually exchange skype info bring me concrete ideas as to what it is you are wanting so that a dialogue can be opened. I am also not particularly looking to rp via skype, now I do not leave it outside the realm of possibility with the aforementioned prior communication; but I will not just exchange information with no preamble.

Now I have been rping for more then a decade and I'll be the first to admit that I've had some fallow years; but I have recently changed something about myself. Prior I was interested predominately in the world building, almost to the exclusion of all else, and this lead to many pre-mature rps or ones that passed too rapidly. Now I am interested in mostly pursuing smut for rps on here.

My style of posting is a little on the short side; on average running 200-300 words for a good post, sometimes less. I do endeavour however to not be repetitive both within a post and from one post to another by avoiding using words/phrases too often. Stretching my diction this way can be entertaining to me as a writer and I hope makes my posts more enjoyable to read by my partners.

For interests of a sexual nature I feel it's best to keep things rather simple. If you enjoy something not seen here do not be afraid to ask, nor think that I require all of these. They are merely things that I find stimulating and I'm sure I forgot a few.

Orgasm Control/Denial
Power Struggles
Dubious Consent
Sexy Clothes
Breath Play
Sex Toys

Age Gap

No Thank You:

*While not typically opposed to death, even violent death in a rp, for my smut I feel it might be a bit much. Though if the story is right I could be easily convinced.

I am willing to rp multiple characters, please just refrain from controlling them unless agreed upon in advance. NPCs are fair game though.

This is not to say that I am against a story forming through interaction as I love the creation of a continuity between characters. Which is how I've come to the Apiary, my catch all term for the collective world I have been slowly creating through smaller rps I have had with a friend over skype and now here with a few others.

The world itself is not so different from our own, save for the area of genetic modification. This new field of medicine has lead to a boom in designer gene mods as fashion accessories. Do you want violet eyes flecked with gold? Do you desire to play as a catgirl with ears and tail? Have you always wanted to be an Orion Slave Girl? Ask your doctor. Science can only go so far though, complex monster girls just seem to fail; but the field of robotics is making advancements and they aren't restricted by the ethical standards of human testing. The occurrence of so called Futanari is higher and a significant number of them do seem fertile.

The characters that I have created for the Apiary thus far can be found below. Some of them are more developed then others, others are just an inspirational image and a name.

If you have art of someone you think would fit in this world and would like me to play please do share.

Erlea Serna, Mistress of the Apiary. In her world the Apiary is a webcam site that she owns and operates. A single woman in her mid thirties she spends her time in leisure, looking after her employees while recruiting new ones. Currently she resides in the Florida Keys.

Emma Machen, is by day an actuary and by night a tired overworked office drone. Her life thus far has not widely intersected with the rest of the setting. She is a futanari with a loving and cruel attachment to her younger trap girlfriend Nikki(Nikki is not my character).

Constance "Connie" Moore, high school history teacher. For the most part she is a rather demurred woman; tired of the daily grind of petty politics she has developed a slightly predatory nature towards the occasional student. Her particular tutelage is not without it's compensations as those under her wing find great aid for college placement and wider contacts in education.

Gabriella le Navarra, Duchess. Over the years ancient titles have lost most of their powers, money is the new nobility. The Duchess values her privacy and uses the accumulation of wealth over the years to maintain it. She is not needlessly cruel; but is demanding in her actions while following a strict code laid down for her by her fore bearers. She is a futanari with rather potent seed which has her rather frustrated as Gabriella does not intend to foster any bastard children.

Melisande Dolmance, wealthy heiress and business woman. This woman has spent most of her life establishing an import/export empire and now in her 40s feels it is her right to indulge. She typically feels out of place in social settings and so relies upon her wealth to procure women for her pleasure, whether that be prostitutes or sex slaves from another country is a matter of whim.

Felicia Blackwood, single mother, former porn star and occasional model.

Michelle Shea, Mistress of Human Resources for the Apiary. A long time friend of Erlea she was one of the first ladies recruited and so enjoys a privileged position in the social hierarchy of the Apiary and the responsibility that attends it. She is a woman fairly set in her ways and does not like when her view of normal is disrupted.

Irene Smith, professional snuggler and masseuse. This young woman enjoys the freedom being her own boss grants her, a free spirit she is not bound by standard social conventions and lives the life she desires.

Juliette "Jules" Chastillon, law firm consultant. Jules travels for work, and so is often away from home, which is to apply her engineering skills to determine liability in event of an accident.

Vanessa Brackett, is a younger model for the Apiary. She is inexperienced with most things beyond soft core porn, but eager to learn.

Unattached Ladies:
Eileen Peake, Jennifer Wolfe, Kimberly Kaine, Stacey Leiber, Nicole L. Hawthorne, Erica Price, Florence Sloane, Laura Waite, Mindy Holtzman, Monica Bloch, Rosalyn Clement, Sarah Goldman, Dianna Norton, Lydia Banks, Pearl Burroughs, Theresa Camus

Note: I will never claim ownership of any art unless I out right state that I own it.
Current projects. [Bold = Mine]


Personal Direction, featuring Michelle Shea and Julia with Vanessa Brackett guest staring

In From the Cold, featuring Emma Machen and Nikki

The Corruption of Alexandra, featuring Erlea Serna and Alexandra


An Unexpected Gift, featuring Irene Smith and Jessica

Wild Bassarids, featuring Dorthy, Cassandra, Abigail and Alicia

Ideas & Concepts:

-items will go here-
One or two more would be nice. Though at this point if someone wants me to play multiples I would like the favour returned in kind.
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