Looking for a mistress

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May 17, 2014
I am into semi lit role play, detailed and interesting role playing, I am a tad rusty so it might take a few days to get back in the swing of things but I am happy to be here. It' so nice to see an active lively RP site. Yay.

So I only have one character right now. Mary Elmwood, her original biography is vampire, but I can change it to match this site.

Im interesting in/open too:
Almost anything BDSM play. (I am owned and in training to my Sir. )
Were wolf/ Vampire
Vampire/ Human
Medival era's.
Begging, degrading, shaming
Anyone interested in a werewolf roleplay where my character Mary secretly is the goddess of wolves reborn into a human, she observes the world she helped create thru Mary's eyes. Michael Mary's father knows of this but tells no one as he was the one that found her as the leader of the village. The wet wolfs attacked the village after being drawn to it the first night Mary was taken in by Michaels family. Fights broke out and fued started.

Macrus and Lious are brothers both were wolfs, they have been trying to find out what is going on with the village, why they are drawn to it. Michael won't let them in so Lious prepares a ambush to find the now young adult to see what her power is that draws them to the village.
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