Crystal and Jade (Rei_tomoe and Jemnai)


Aug 10, 2016
The broken plane of Innistrad
Her blue eyes scanned her kingdom from the balcony of her palace. The young queen had let her uncle convince her that it was a good idea to invite the Jade King to Crystal Tokyo. She only hoped he was right and that all the trouble her people were going through to welcome him.

She was so confident in herself, and yet suddenly she felt like a bumbling child at the thought of another sovereign making his way here. And likely he had vastly more experience than she.

Hearing footsteps she turned to see her uncle smiling at her. She let out a sigh and brushed her bangs out of her face. "Is all this really necessary?" she asked. "Surely he isn't some pompous fool who wants to spend his entire time here being flattered and fawned over."

Her uncle chuckled and shook his head. "It's only polite we hold a feast in the honor of visiting dignitaries." he said putting a hand on her shoulder. "Now look lively, tonight we enjoy ourselves and our guest."
He uncle "Listen my niece this king is an old family friend he fought along side Neo Queen Serenity the First brother Prince Siro long ago. Also you seen the pictures he isn't some decrepted man"he said as they head to the carriage to take her to meet this King Jemnai of Imperial Jade England.

They arrive at the space port with her court as a rather nice shuttle lands as the ramp crew goes and helps choke the tires and then bring the stairs to help those on board the shuttle to disembark for the craft. Several figure in armor come out in the colors of Red, Black, Green, Yellow, White, Purple, and Pink. After that steps out the king wearing a black military dress uniform. The breeze made his brown hair wave in it as several of her court jaws drop at the sight of this king.
Miku's eyes fell on the king, and it took all she had not to follow the example of her subjects. Taking a deep breath she stepped forward to him. She smiled at him. "Welcome Your Majesty." she said with a respectful bow of her head. All this blasted decorum and etiquette. It drove her insane at times. Especially at times like this. More often than not the nobles she met with thought themselves deserving of everything they could leech out of her.
"Thank you Your Majesty as it been a while since I been to Earth and meet with those who are relitives of my old friends who long since passed,"he said with a bow as he looks into her eyes. "You could give your ancestor a run for her money when comes to beauty,"he said to he as he advisor comes up with a thing of roses for her" These are for you ,"he says to her as he hands them the roses.
Miku smiled graciously accepting the roses. "Hmm... Thank you." she said, unable to keep from blushing at the compliment. "I'll show you to your quarters." She raised her hand to her uncle's beginning of a protest. She knew he was going to say that she should let the servants handle the guiding. In this case however she wanted to get to know this man who knew her family.

She lead him through the palace to the suite of rooms that had been prepared for him. "Here you are, make yourself at home." she said. "Dinner will be served in an hour."
Jemnai allowed her to show him to his quarters for his stay. "Thank you Your Highness as you must have questions about me and my visit"he says to her as he goes takes off his dress jacket. "It been a very long time since I been back to Earth my planet of birth," he says to her as he goes sits on the bed as his baggage would arrive later during the feast. He had a sad tone to his voice as he missed his friends as five years earlier he lost his dear friend Siro to old age.
Miku smiled and went to sit in the little conversation area in the suite's parlor. "I would very much like to hear about everything. And please, we're in a private setting, call me Miku." she said resting her hands on her lap. She was one who clearly detested the honorifics used to address her. What did all those nobles know? She was more than just a queen, she was a warrior. She wasn't dainty or soft.
"Alright Miku and you may call me Jemnai as being called my king and such is a bore," he said as he goes and starts to explain his relationship with the royal family of the Moon and how he meet NQS and everything. "So you see I been around since 1979 so I fought in many wars with the senshi as my allies then again when one is destined to be great general and lead warrior into battle both senshi and Power Rangers. Then five years ago Siro the last of my old friend your really really great grand uncle passed on," he said to her.
Miku smiled, for once someone else that didn't stand on decorum. "You're ancient." she said playfully. "But what I want to know is how the scouts of today stack up." Admittedly she wasn't on the best terms with the scouts of her generation. They weren't her friends like they'd been her ancestor's. This generation saw themselves as soldiers, and the nobility that hovered around her since she was little didn't help that.

She sighed and rested her chin in her hand.
"Well techinically yes Ancient but more like a living historian. Well if you want me to see how they stack up as warriors or something else," He said as he could see bit of her ancestor "Listen I came here pay respects having my friend and your ancestor to have his ashes return to Earth and the Moon,"he said to her as goes and sits in the large chair in the room. "That and have his powers pass on to another of the Royal family"he said to her
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