Hey, strangers! I'm… sorta back? I think? I'm logging in again in any case. Hoping to make RPing a regular part of my life again, though probably not as frequently as I used to.
Firstly, if we were in a roleplay before I dropped off the face of the earth, please let me know if you'd like to pick up where we left off! I really don't mind doing that, haha.
I'm going to try to keep my details short and sweet:
Name: Space
Age: 26
RP experience: 10+ years
Time zone: JST
F-List: here! PLEASE take a glance before messaging me your ideas.
What I seek: Smut-heavy RPs where you play A MONSTER (or multiple monsters!). Gender and genitalia are however you'd like.
Method: PM or thread. Thread preferred.
* - Not craving, your monster concept will have to convince me.
** - Sure!
*** - I'm craving this so bad, please!!
A note: MC is always referred to as "she" and YC is always "they", but that doesn't have to reflect on the pronouns they will use in the story.
A Surprise for the Both of Us*
A plot for those a bit more romantic, this premise is a little different from the others. YC is someone who was raised human and as far as they know, are human. MC and YC are going through a rather typical dating scenario for all intents and purposes, but YC and eventually MC realize a strangeness in them, especially when the two kiss. MC is their first girlfriend, so it's mistaken for excitement in new romantic territory. Still, when they finally are ready for sex, to both of their surprise, YC becomes a monster and things get really intense. Because their past is not really known, it's not clear why they are what they are (whether a half-monster or adopted or what is up to you, and we can explore their backstory as part of the RP) but she stays after seeing that he is equally shocked by the encounter. As they progress through this, they fall deeper in love, and she realizes just how lucky she is to have this monster all to herself.
Pet of a pet**
This is set in a world where some powerful humans have figured out how to enslave powerful monsters. This can be medieval or modern, it doesn't matter much to me. Many have now been harnessed and forced to fight each other as an underground sport. Because of their long age, it is now commonplace for the monsters to have been enslaved and kept prisoner through several generations of a family's bloodline.
Your character is one of these enslaved monsters, once famously mighty but starting to lose luster. Their current owner has recently realized that they were once often given slaves to feed their lust, but that had since become illegal. My character is a kidnapped human, her parents tricked to believe she would be somewhere safe. She is then given to the monster to feed their lust whenever they wish. If they lose a battle, they take their anger out on her body. If they win, they celebrate with her body. Of course, they are also responsible for her, feeding and caring for her. As she resigns herself to this fate, the monster becomes emotionally attached to her as well.
You can play the monster as clever and once mighty, or completely animalistic in mindset, only aware of basic instincts to fight and fuck. It's up to you.
Pet takes a pet***
An alternative version of the above plot. In this, YC is a monster whose rage from lack of sex is a driving force that makes it a very powerful fighter in the ring. For this reason, the family that owns it has explicitly made sure that it could never have access to anyone it might want to fuck. My character is actually a member of this family, aware that father's money is made in something that she isn't supposed to be involved in, and she's expressly forbidden to enter a certain part of her family's estate. However, curiosity gets the best of her, and she decides to sneak down to see what exactly daddy's secret is. The monster, finally exposed to someone he wants after an unimaginably long time, finds the strength to free itself, kill anyone who might get in its way, and take her for its own, over and over again.
If you're up for it, another alternative version is that her father actually keeps more than one monster, and all are sex-starved. You can imagine the results here.
Student fetish***
Your character is a creature disguised as a human student on campus, feeding off the lust of students while still in disguise. They fake graduating, then create a new disguise and start over again. They've been doing this for quite some time, but they realize that feeding in a human form is no longer enough. They realize they need to have someone in their true form, exposing the entirety of their unquenched lust.
My character has noticed your character (in their human form). She's rather smitten with her classmate, and decides to ask them out. They see this as a new opportunity, and when the two are alone together, the creature reveals themself completely, ravishing the girl. They then threaten her with death if these meetings do not continue. Soon, the two are sleeping together on a regular basis. The human girl finds that she secretly enjoys these encounters, and the monster grows fond of the human as well. Soon it is a mutual relationship.
Alt. version: your monster character is a professor who feeds off of students and faculty alike. My human student is hot for her youthful-looking professor and they detect this attraction. At first it goes normally, with them deciding to seduce her while still in human form, but her passion of romantic infatuation is intoxicating and they let go, terrifying her with the full extent of their prowess and lust. Now that she knows the truth, they use their power as her professor to show that she can't tell anyone, and she must now continue meeting with them. Much like with above, she loves the sex and her fondness grows, as does the professor's.
House guest**
I've done this before and I can't really remember if it was originally my idea or someone else's, but after seeing someone else's post about it I thought I'd return to the idea. Basically, my character has just moved into a new home. The previous tenant had been deeply into magic, and had enslaved a creature and tied it forever to the house. No one in the "real" world knows what happened to this tenant, but the monster that was summoned had actually killed them and left no trace. Now the new tenant, completely unaware of this addition to the home, will become trapped as well, as the creature has since tied itself more with the house, and she is the monster's new victim...
Like the pet of a pet story, the monster can be wickedly clever or just looking to satiate their lust. It's up to you.
Wrong Place Wrong Time*
This one is another cheesy plot, basically a young woman enters an abandoned cemetery on a dare, and either accidentally breaks a barrier and unleashes a monster on the premises, or she accidentally enters a demonic/monstrous universe and cannot escape. You can play one monster or multiple for this, it's up to you.
I Heart Beastees*
So there are a lot of variations on the details here, but basically, I want to do a 100% consensual human x monster/demon/alien/etc roleplay. My character is fascinated by the fantasy and sci-fi genre already, and your character is a local creature secretly feeding off of women for lust before wiping away their memory every night. (Could be that they attend college together like in Student Fetish, or they're neighbors, or work near each other... The possibilities are endless.) Our characters barely know each other, but one night she chances upon your character in their true monster form fucking a girl and then wiping her memory before taking on their human disguise. She is extremely excited at the idea that such a creature actually exists, and so the next day she decides to lay it out there, revealing that she's discovered their secret, and that she'd like to get down with that. Your character cannot resist the offer, and soon they develop a consensual, sexual relationship. It's very different, as the monster is actually trying to be gentle and let her enjoy it, and oh boy, does she enjoy it. They end up developing a romantic fondness for each other as well, and the monster decides to invite her to live with them in their other dimension.
(Optional: Because she is specifically curious about sex with monsters, she could be invited earlier to visit their otherworldly dimension, and experiment and have sex with other creatures that are your character's friends. Perhaps your main character realizes that they're jealous, and that is when their mutual romantic relationship begins.)
Virginity Auction*
This is specifically for roleplayers who enjoy playing many monsters. In the realm of monsters, slavery is commonplace, but human slaves are rare. A young woman born from a half-demon and a human is a very special prize indeed. Her mother died in childbirth, and she was raised by her father. The trace of demonic blood in her gives her the ability to withstand the cruelty of large monsters, and so her virginity has been kept intact until her 18th birthday, where a very special auction has taken place. Creatures from all the realms have gathered, and the rules are simple: each of her holes has its own bidding pot. The highest bidder gets first dibs, second highest follows, etc. All it takes is a single piece of gold to be promised a chance to enjoy a fresh human woman. The question is, how much will she be able to handle at once?
I've never been able to get anyone far in this roleplay, but a long-term goal past the auction can be discussed.[/size]
Scourge of the Evil***
Okay so SotE is basically a pretty straightforward 3d hentai: A pair of humans sneak aboard an alien ship, and the aliens capture them. They leave the girl alone and the other is given a parasite that turns him first in mind and then in body into a horrific tentacled creature that cares only about fucking and cumming. They unleash him back on her, and she has to be subject to his endless lust.
Now, you don't have to play a male character, but basically what I'd like to take from the plot is that we are somehow already close, perhaps in work, or friends, and we're captured by aliens, and the parasite is given to your character. You can have your character aware at first of the struggle between the desire to mindlessly have this girl and caring about her and not wanting to hurt her, until finally the lustful monstrous side takes over. (If you watch the hentai, which I recommend highly save for the small amount of watersports, you'll see that at first he is still a human, and then midway through he grows into something completely unrecognizable as human with lots and lots of tentacles.)
Woodland Folks***
My character is a camper & a virginal young woman who hasn't figured out her calling in life. Your character resides in hiding in the woods, either with some like others or alone, and is content but lonely. Their problem? While appearing human most of the time, they transform into a large vicious fuckbeast when horny. (They have gone into hiding in the woods to avoid this happening.) So when the monstrous shifter encounters the camper for the first time, they must have her, whether they actually want to take advantage of her or not. She's frightened but strangely into it, and fascinated by the discovery. They leave her before turning human again, full of guilt for performing the act that had them in hiding in the first place. The next day, she goes out looking for the creature and upon seeing them (already transformed) consents this time. The cycle continues each day during her stay in the woods. In the long term, she follows them until she finds them transforming back into a human and confronts them, asking if she could stick around. Using the campsite as an excuse to appear as a disappearance from the woods, she becomes their girlfriend, slowly falling in love with the human and enjoying the lusts of the beast.
The Wall*
This is kinda based on some daydreams inspired by some hentai I saw a while ago. Basically, I imagined this creature, which is a living wall of flesh. It can maneuver its body in ways so that it creates tentacles and phalluses to its liking, taking in victims and encasing them in rooms, surrounding them in tentacles and cocks of varying sizes and playing with them at its will. It feeds off of sexual fluids, and no one harms the wall-creature because it likes to share its victims. It's basically a natural part of the landscape in this one section of the demon world, and other demons and monsters know to visit when they hear the sounds of moaning so that they can get in a piece of the action. One moment a poor woman is trapped alone in a flesh cave, the next an opening just large enough for her head to stick up appears so that some else's cock can fuck her face. Others know they can punish their own captives by letting the wall "borrow" them, with full knowledge that the wall doesn't always give back what is offered to it.
My idea for this roleplay is pretty simple... I'd like for you to be this wall monster for me, as well as any other creatures you'd like to share fun with my character. We can talk about ways and plots for my character to end up there. Perhaps MC is someone recently captured by a demon, and the demon decides to share her with the wall, only for the wall and the demon to be fighting over her body via sex. Perhaps a portal from the human world to the demon world lands her right in the way of the wall. Perhaps she's running away from a captor, only to end up at the wall and find out the hard way its living properties. This can definitely be crossed over with several other plots I have. In any case, I just really love this particular idea of MC being completely surrounded in sexual flesh, being given over only to be taken by more monsters.