New Honeybee Inn {darkest_fate&Kaybee}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Don Corneo licked his thick lips as he eyed the women before him. They were criminals, terrorists, really, known for openly defying SHINRA and causing no end of problem. Each one was considered incredibly dangerous, potentially deadly, and the cost of their heads almost dwarfed even what the slimy don could pull in at his new establishment. Any loyal member of SHINRA, hell, most sane people in general, would turn them over instantly.

However, the "good" Don had already been burned once by that organization, thanks in no small part to two of these very beauties. He stared at them both now, his dark eyes gleaming with the memories. His pet should've finished them off, ended it all there. But instead, somehow the busty fighter and the damn flower-girl had managed to survive and wreck everything. And then the whole group had gone and made things even worse for the Don during his second attempt.

"Didn't see this coming, didja?" he said. He chortled, rocking his hips suggestively. The bright pink silk had already started to bulge; it had from the moment he'd heard that Tifa, Aerith, and Yuffie had all been caught on the New Honeybee premises. Just the thought had been enough. Then, oh, then, then he'd been able to strip them of their weapons and materia. From there, his newly hired muscle could easily handle three women, even when one was some kinda ninja and another a brilliant fighter.

"I suppose they laid it all out for you?" he asked, hopping back on his bed. Per his request, his bed had been formed in the shape of a heart. Leopard covered sheets adorned it, all made with the finest fabrics, much like the suit that strained against Corneo's noticeable girth. "I wanna reiterate, just in case,' he hopped up, walking up to Tifa. He bent down, looking up at the impressive, busty woman, "Ya got caught," his eyes traveled, taking in the large bust, not to mention the incredible muscles the girl possessed. A good punch would probably cave in his face, and she had threatened more than once to crush certain parts of him. It had been all too easy to picture those materia studded gloves squishing his best bits. In honor of that, he'd made certain to give her gloves now. Oh, they were fingerless, very nearly mesh entirely, but he had adorned them with one materia: a nice sensation enhancement one. His eyes flicked from that to the impressive chest. He'd ordered the girl to be squeezed into a corset of black and yellow (gotta fit the bee theme, after all). The express instructions had been to cram everything into place, get it tight enough that moving would be difficult. Oh, it would still technically cover anything, but a strong breath had a good chance of popping out some big ole titty, let alone anything else. Some black frilled lace bloomer style panties would cover the bottom. Super feminine for the muscular woman. "An' we know all about your little friends."

Corneo continued, walking to the next. Aerith was tall, and she had a bit more of a willowy build. Really, the best thing about here were those eyes and that pristine face, so Corneo had made express mention to make it all pop all the more and all. A nightie that was just tight enough to show the body covered her, and he knew that the crotchless panties underneath would make bending over even more excited, what with how short it was already. He was almost tempted to put a hand on the girl's belly, where he'd instructed the necessary pink materia to be laid. Had to make sure the girls had sexual stamina, after all. He had three himself, of course. "So you know that if you try anythin', we'll start hurtin',' he patted Aerith's cheek a few times, before giving her a pinch and walking to the last.

"Plus, now that we got ya, more arguin' an' fightin' means that we can put you through your paces,' he bent down to look at Yuffie. Corneo had a personal grudge against this one after Wutai. She was younger than the other; he knew that much, and didn't quite have the womanly body. The skin-tight boyshorts he'd ordered her into would squeeze the body even tighter. A top? With her? Just a pair of shuriken decals that would just cover nipples would be enough. Then a few bands around the arm and wrists, all decoration of course. Oh, and the glistening pink one around her belly. He looked to that and licked. "'course, before you get started, we gotta make sure you're good, give you boss's personal approval," he rocked his hips toward Yuffie, before fluttering his hands around her hips.

"So!" he yelled, jumping back, throwing his arms up and hopping onto the bed, "who wants to go first, hmm?" Smiling, he leaned forward, looking toadish as he eyed the girls with hungry eyes.
Tifa and Aerith hadn't thought they'd seen the last of Don Corneo.

Oh the brawler had hoped that she might not see the lecherous eyes gleam in that face ever again after the first time, and again after the second, but as soon as they'd realized they were going to be sneaking into the place again she knew it was a possibility that she might end up coming face to face with him once more. She just hadn't expected to be doing so like this.

They were alone in the room, and any one of them could take the disgusting man in front of them with ease, but even as they directed varying degrees of fury at the man with their eyes while he swaggered back and forth on the bed not even Tifa -whose gaze blazed hottest of all- made a move to do it. They could kill him, and it would be satisfying. They could even probably kill their way out of here if it came to it, but Cloud and the others were still out there, and unless they killed every last person in the building (a far more difficult proposition even if they'd had their proper gear and materia, a nearly impossible one now that they'd been forced into these ridiculous outfits) there was no way they could guarantee that Corneo wouldn't manage to make good on his threat to turn them all in by proxy.

At the very least they were trapped here until the others came for them, and that was assuming that the others managed to do that at all. It could be weeks or even months before they were found since none of them had told anyone where they were going, and that meant that for the moment, they had to play along as much as possible.

That was the intellectual analysis of it anyways, but even knowing that, Tifa couldn't bring herself to step forwards. She knew she would lose her virginity eventually, probably tonight barring bizarre mischance of happening, but she still couldn't bring herself to take the plunge. The fighter's spirit still burned inside her despite the futility of rage in her position, and it held her back, told her to give them not a single inch more!

Aerith on the other hand was held back out of fear of Don Corneo.

Both Aerith and Tifa had lived in the slums for a time, but Tifa had lived in one of the 'better' parts while Aerith had lived far worse off. Tifa had heard of the Honey Bee Inn and the occasional rumor about the sorts of girls that ended up there, but Aerith had heard of Don Corneo, heard stories of what the place did to women. Unlike the drunks that talked in that bar, Aerith had known some of the women who'd gone in, and when she'd seen them again (if that moment ever came to pass, some she'd simply never seen) they'd been unrecognizable. Not just make-up or outfits but entire personalities seemed to change, some more than others, but all in the same direction of loving their work and somehow the Don who'd brought them in.

Aerith had never been able to understand it, and it frightened her a little... To her, Don Corneo had been something of a boogeyman she'd built up in her head, an entity more supernatural than humanoid with strange abilities that turned rational sensible women into the willing whores that worked in his debauched palace. She'd stayed as far away as she could for as long as she could, and when she had finally gone close, it had only been with Cloud at her side, strong and ready to protect her, and while Tifa was strong, she could see the helpless anger in her friend's eyes, and knew that strength was hampered by this place, by this man that stood before them.

In any other situation, Aerith might have stepped up first, but this was Don Corneo, and a seed of that childhood-spawned fear still ingered in the Ancient Girl's mind...

Instead, the last of them was the first to step up...

Yuffie had never had much connection to Don Corneo, had never even heard much about him beyond 'terrible disgusting man' as Tifa had once described him around a campfire late one night. Neither of the other two liked to talk about their experience with him very much, and so the young ninja was left with the realities of the situation before her.

She was no virgin, but she'd never had a steady boyfriend like Aerith, and while she'd enjoyed a handful of one-night stands for various reasons (mostly involving theft), she'd never enjoyed the sex beyond the purely physical, and her fingers had always been better. She saw no reason to believe that this would be any different, and so she stepped forwards, inured to the fears of the others. Someone did have to go first, and while she didn't expect she'd put the lecherous pervert off, Yuffie thought she knew all she needed to about sex already.

She'd never had an orgasm from a man before and assumed she wasn't about to start now... A perilous -if not unjustified- error of reasoning fueled by arrogance. She wanted to frustrate him, wanted to see him fail to break her and then give up, and if she hadn't made enough mistakes already, she taunted him as she stepped up and put one hand on her hips, doing her best let her other arm hang nonchalantly rather than look as though she was ashamed or intimidated.

"If you think you can, then try to take me."

She never thought for even a second that she might be unable to withstand his attentions...
"Oh ho ho!" Corneo crowed as his personal favorite pick for plaything stepped forward. That tongue again lolled out, wetting his lips while his hips swayed about. "All cocky and everything! That's just the sort of thing we want to see in our girls!" Corneo bobbed his head now, before bringing his hands up, wringing them together. His mind raced with all the myriad possibilities laid out before him. He had little doubt he would break the ninja, have her whimpering and curling about him. No, the end destination wasn't the question: the question was how, how to go about with that first time.

"Come here, my little Wutai dumpling," cooed Corneo, waving hands and moved to wiggle his fingers near her mostly bared sides. The temptation to simply grab that head and shove it into his throbbing crotch roared up within the Don. His past self, the one that had fallen for the two older girls, would certainly have done that. Well, that self hadn't really known these girls and probably would've outright picked... okay, not knowing, probably Tifa unless he was just feeling a little like cradle robbing. But he would've picked and done some chasing and cooing and playing around. He would've focused on himself, on getting those cocky lips around his cock.

Now, now he'd learned or, well, at least learned a little. Maybe it was the pink materia flowing in his mind, tying him to something or whatnot. Corneo didn't philosophize: he acted. His hands took skinny Wutai hips and gave them a squeeze.

"You two,' he said, leaning over slightly to look at Aerith and Tifa, "sit over there," he pointed toward an overstuffed, fluffy purple sofa. "An' if you do anythin' suspicious, I'm takin' it out on your friend here," he gave Yuffie's ass a slap, then squeezed and rubbed. His other hand gestured impatiently, before looking up at the girl. "You got a nice ass. Anyone ever tell you that before?" His hand explored it now. "Very tight, all tender an' nice," the tongue returned to his lips while his fingers kept squeezing. Nothing too sudden, not until he was certain the two more dangerous ones were out of reach of his dangling bits.
Tifa's fists clenched at the order, her anger already stoked hotter than before by the sight of the Don appraising Yuffie like she was meat more than woman. The ninja hadn't managed to hold her composure in the face of the man's direct and perverted attention and the flicker of uncertainty as she flinched back had only incited the brawler further but she was still helpless, and after a long moment's immobile glaring she turned and went. She all but stomped over to the Sofa, turned, and set herself down just a little too firmly, prompting a crimson flush and a squawk of surprise and anger as the angry motion prompted her breasts to pop out of the corset they'd been stuffed into. Furiously flushed, the brawler gasped as she tried to shove them back in, the sensitivity materia prompting waves of pleasure from every effort until after a matter of seconds she gave up, crimson and breathing heavier than before.

Aerith sat next to her, leaning slightly away while Tifa's face burned with humiliation, one arm covering herself as best she could while the other was busily leaving a handprint in the frame of the couch as she gripped it in her anger. Lesser men might have thought twice of doing anything then even with her halfway across the room, but Corneo was still fixated on Yuffie at the time and so the frustrated fury went utterly unnoticed as Tifa tried to look anywhere but towards what was currently happening, settling on the ceiling after all other options proved too distracting or too painful a reminder of where they were.

Aerith on the other hand was left to simply watch, and while she wished she could take her gaze away, a certain horror as the Don went to work on her friend left the ancient girl transfixed by the spectacle. Whatever had happened to those girls she'd known all those years ago, it might have happened like this, or somehow similar, and she wondered if she was about to watch the clever ninja transform right before her very eyes. She didn't know what was more terrifying, the notion of seeing that, or the fact that if she saw that, she knew that she and Tifa would be next in line.

What would make it worse was while it would probably take longer than one round, her imagination wasn't that far off...

Yuffie meanwhile couldn't help but jump at the sudden slap on her ass, then squirm slightly as it turned into a squeeze and a distinctly perverse patting. If anything it gave some further fuel to her belief that she could withstand the Don as his touch made her feel strangely greasy and unpleasant. She looked over, trying to give a thin lipped but determined smile to the other two, but the hand on her ass and the slow frustrating exploration of her body that she could do nothing to stop made her expression more worried than anything.

Tifa's fingers tightened on the arm of the couch, and Aerith swallowed, but neither of them dared move...

Yuffie was practically on her own know, quite literally in the clutches of the enemy...
Rule one: separate them out. Technically you were supposed to go for the weakest one in the herd and all, and Corneo was pretty sure that the girl who volunteered wouldn't be that or something. Didn't really matter: he intended to make an example of Yuffie. Clearly the little ninja thought this would be a simple matter. Play with the fat man like her friends had earlier, buy some time, maybe get him angry enough to decide they would be useless at their job. See: Corneo was definitely thinking ahead! Or thinking with his head, or something.

"Ooo, lookat that," he cooed as Tifa popped free. He'd been hoping for that, after all, but seeing those nearly perfect utters free made his precious bits leap to action. The hip thrust happened before he could really control it, and he just barely managed to suppress himself from getting too enthusiastic. Yuffie would feel his hands digging a little more into her flesh for a few seconds though. "Y'know, that jus' ain't right, havin' your bits hang out like that," he waved a hand at Tifa, then clucked his tongue. "Hey, Aerith, why don't you help your girlfriend out a little? Stuff the super-jugs back into their container. I'll get to them in a bit."

With that, Corneo shifted, sitting on the bed. In nearly the same motion, he pulled at Yuffie, intending to draw her into his lap. "C'mon now, little miss shuriken-nips," he reached up with a hand to flick at one of said breasts, "gotta get in my lap and all. Y'know, most girls would kill for somethin' like this. You getta live in the Golden Saucer an' in a fancy place like this!" He waved a hand around, before reaching to tap against Yuffie's stomach. "An' you jus' gotta pay a little price," he tapped a few more times, drumming his thick fingers against her. "How's about you give the Don a little sugar, eh?"
Tifa and Aerith both swallowed at that command, neither of them wanting to do this. The ancient girl had seen how her friend reacted when she'd tried to get herself back into the tight garment and didn't want to subject her to more of that but the Don's words gave them no choice. "Just... Try to bite it down okay?" She whispered and Tifa nodded imperceptibly, the brawler taking her lower lip in her teeth and digging in in an attempt to drive back the waves of sensations that assailed her as Aerith tried to quickly grab her chest and craw it back inside.

Unfortunately, the relative volumes involved made a quick transference impossible, and Tifa had to bite harder, nearly drawing blood as the pleasure slammed into her with every touch. The worst was when Aerith tried to cram her nipples back in, the hard nubs sending bolts of lightning through Tifa's nervous system with every grind against the stiff rough fabric before finally, with two almighty shoves, the hefty flesh was crammed back in and both of them sprang apart, Aerith afraid that the brawler might lash out blindly in the immediacy of the conclusion while Tifa was simply dazed. She had held back as best she could, but it had been a near thing, and as the pleasure ebbed, humiliation returned, making her acutely aware of the flush and sweat on her skin as well as the wetness soaking the lacy panties she'd been forced to wear.

The exercise hadn't gotten her off, but it had gotten awfully close, and now she found herself struggling even ahrder to avoid looking at the spectacle playing out before her...

While Aerith and Tifa had wrestled with the latter's tits, Yuffie had her own problems to worry about. The rough flick to her nipple caught her off guard, making her gasp with a mixture of surprise and something else she couldn't quite name. She could hear Tifa struggling to hold back moans and Aerith grunting with the exertion and those massive hands were still on her, disgusting and unpleasant, yet at the same time, they'd brought something to life in her that she didn't recognize, and that scared her...

His fingers were on her stomach and she flinched, half curling inwards away from the touch, not that it did any good as he simply followed her, drumming against the taught muscles and tapping against the pink materia there. "I don't~..." There was a quaver to her voice, and a subtle realization that -like it or not- she'd somehow been shifted to the back foot here, and she didn't know how. "I don't know what you're asking for..." Sugar? It had to be a euphemism but the last thing she wanted was to let his attention wander to her friends again. She was trying to give them a reprieve damnit! Maybe help save them! But at the same time, she didn't just want to start doing something when she didn't know what he was asking for...
"Whoo! Would you look at that? You're all riled up there, aren't you, Tita?" cooed Corneo, purposefully butchering Tifa's name, as if he hadn't committed it to memory and spat it as curses while he struggled to rebuild his dynasty and reputation. To see that proud girl now, nearly climaxing from just having her breasts teased. That was how she deserved to look, and how Corneo fully intended to have her look quite regularly. Still, even with the whole special sensitivity he'd had all but implanted onto the busy martial artist, she shouldn't be that quick to nearly cum. That was, like, well, he'd seen a few really desperate things that were...

Oh wait, yeah, he had his personal Wutai plaything! Corneo, still easily distracted, had almost forgotten the nearly nude girl sitting in his lap. His distraction had meant, fortunately or not, that he hadn't noticed Yuffie reacting all that much to his teasing attack on her nipple. He did catch that quaver, and her dancing around the question. Corneo burst out a laugh at that, slapping his knee a few times and patting Yuffie on the back. "Don't know what that means! You're a hoot, dumpling," Corneo let his laughter shake him a little while longer, his belly jiggling slightly. It wound down after a few seconds, longer than it likely should have, long enough for the girls to likely wonder if he wasn't an idiot himself (or possibly wonder how he'd managed to snag them).

"You're serious?" Corneo repeated, eying the (soon-to-be-ex)ninja. "Sugar, dumpling. You know: somethin' sweet? Like this," with no further warning, Corneo snagged his fingers through Yuffie's short hair. He twisted and yanked her head down, attempting to slam their mouths together. The intent would be clear to everyone present: Corneo was going to press those thick lips of his against Yuffie's and do something that would vaguely resembling kissing. Assuming he pulled it off, and he certainly intended to, Corneo would show Yuffie what kissing was really all about.

In this case, that would mean asserting dominance, taking command. Lips would move lips. A tongue would reach forth, all but seizing another to pull forth. Corneo would greedily suck upon Yuffie's tongue, slurping up her spittle. And when she no doubt finally pulled free, he'd treat her lips to some biting action, knowing that the pain would be just sharp enough to pierce through some of that good ole fashioned pink materia numbing.

See if he couldn't "take her"!
If she hadn't been so worried, Yuffie would have been put out by the look of incredulity on Don Corneo's face, and she was in fact irritated by the time he'd stopped laughing. Even Tifa had looked down as the raucous merriment had gone on, and all three girls looked varying stages of incredulous or pissed off at the condescension that dripped from every word.

As it was, Yuffie had only ever had two kisses that went beyond family in her life.

One had been a quiet boy in her village, who'd eventually become her first. He'd been clumsy and awkward, and while his attempts had been endearing, there was nothing but endearment, no eventual skill to back up the experiences. The other had been a man she'd seduced as part of a ploy to steal his stash of materia, and while he'd been skilled, he'd been hesitant, as though unable to believe what had befallen him.

There was no skill or finesse to Don Corneo's lips on hers, but what all previous partners had lacked, Yuffie suddenly found here. The huge man was aggressive, and though she didn't mean to, she practically responded to him. His lips moved against hers, forcing her to open her mouth in turn or get slobbered over as his tongue pressed forth, and as his tongue found it's way into her mouth she found that though she gagged slightly, she couldn't manage to spit it out, and it coiled against her tongue, drawing her into this perverted dance.

She'd never thought that a kiss could possibly be truly lewd, even though it was a show of affection, yet in a matter of seconds, the Don had opened up a whole new angle of attack, and she was sorely unprepared to defend herself here. She pushed back and tried to squirm away instinctively but her skills lay in speed rather than strength and as a result she had no hope of shoving such a big man off or away when he had her so thoroughly captured. His teeth came down, nibbling her lower lip and causing pain to blossom, faint, then sharpening as he wore through the effects of the pink materia, making her moan without meaning to as he took to the kiss again, an incomprehensible cocktail of emotions and lusts rising in her body as he played with her.

Tifa had meant to look away, but now, she couldn't help but watch, and for all her hatred, she felt a twinge of deeply buried regret, a tiny voice that wanted to be in the ninja's place...

She pushed it down, but she and Aerith still stared on, unable to tear their eyes from the scene as Corneo dominated their friend -who'd seconds ago been indomitable to the eye- with nothing more than his mouth. And when the Don finally did pull back Yuffie was shivering slightly, a flush she'd never expected on her face and her nipples hard enough to be nearly pushing the newly-applied little shuriken-decals that covered them off altogether. Aerith couldn't hold back a gasp, because though it faded after an instant, for a moment there, she saw that far away look she recognized, the look that those girls wore when she saw them talk about the Don, or about their whoring...

She swallowed, and a tear rolled down her cheek, but while she didn't want to watch, she couldn't help but stare at the same time...
Corneo did so love this part. Technically he loved all the parts, but there was always something deliciously fun when he got one of the cocky girls in his lap. Rarely did he have a chance to show off his impressive skills. Usually there wasn't a reason to, and why go through the effort when there were literally dozens of girls eager and willing to give the Don all the pleasure he needed? Still, the fat man had long ago learned how to please a woman, and he did polish his skills on occasion. Sometimes the willful ones needed a tongue in their throat and a hand down their shorts after all. Plus, you never knew when you might snag a semi-renowned materia-stealing ninja slash terrorist who you want to put in her place.

That moan! It sent another signal to his already throbbing manmeat, surging that a little further. The bulge trembled and pushed, showing against the pants. The movement may catch the girl's eyes and all, perhaps the quite attentive flower girl. Not that Corneo was giving either of them too much attention right now. No, it would take a sudden movement (or more nudity, or more evident arousal) to draw his attention away from what he worked now.

The don parted, likely leaving even some spittle on his newly acquired prize. Grinning, he reached up and rubbed at Yuffie's lips with a thumb. "See, dumpling, that's what we mean when we ask a pretty little thing like you for sugar. Consider that lesson learned," he gathered a bit more of the girl's spittle along his finger before pulling it back, rubbing his fingers together. A smile crept on the Don's face and his eyes fluttered down for a second. He hardly doubted to see anything there, not least of all because the lithe girl had more protection over her loins than her two friends, but he knew that he'd soon be doing this with more tantalizing juices.

"Would you look at that?" Corneo said as he lowered eyes fell upon the girl's chest. The shurikens had been almost perfectly designed to cover the girl, literally made just in case he happened upon the ninja (or another girl who looked similar to her; there was at least one Tifa-look-alike who'd worn the fighter's outfit for a few rough rides), and they'd stick to her breasts through a lot more than a little peaking. "Somebody's getting ex-ci-ted~" Corneo called in a sing song voice. He pressed a meaty finger to one nipple, flicked it, and then the other. This time, his finger lingered, swirling about the nipple in slow motions while he considered. "You're not really as impressive up here as your two friends, are you? Of course, nobody's got anything on Tita over there," Corneo glanced over, his attention momentarily drawn to the other two. Tifa looked... well, she almost looked a little horny, while Aerith almost looked a little... sad. Okay, so pretty standard reactions.

"I think your friends are getting jealous," Corneo said, using a stage-whisper. He leaned in and gave Yuffie's ear a nip. "Audience thinks we'd start with busty barkeep or the pretty flowergirl, but it's the ninja that decides she's got what it takes." Corneo shifted, moving Yuffie squarely in his lap now. His arms came around from either side, attacking her breasts from behind. Each one grabbed a small orb, engulfing it while he squeezed and worked. It wasn't simply pawing, oh no: Corneo focused. He rubbed. He drew his palms over the erect nipples. He even squeezed them both at once. "Y'know, they say that if they massage 'em enough, they'll grow. Kinda seems like you need that, don't it?" Corneo teased, before leaning over to nibble slightly at Yuffie's neck, obviously not content at leaving the ninja with only one area of attack to deal with.
Aerith took heart when Yuffie didn't nod emptily and instead glared back up at Corneo while he lectured her but it was a short-lived moment of hope for her and an even shorter-lived one for the ninja who was still in the focus of the Don's attention. He may not have noticed it just yet, but there was a dark patch on the shorts, black on black invisible to the eye, but it would be unmistakeable to the touch should his hands wander down there, and it was only growing as the ninja's unexpected arousal swelled within her.

Tifa was the one to recognize the taunt about Yuffie's breasts for what it was, another attempt to drive wedges between them and push them into giving each other less support going forwards, but while she could see it for that, she wasn't sure what she could do about it in her present position. This particular taunt hadn't done anything since Tifa was angry at the 'compliment' and Aerith was more concerned over what was happening to her friend than over anything that was being said but while that missed, there would be others that would hit...

Yuffie gritted her teeth as the Don lifted back up and turned her around, seating her away from him in his lap as he went to work on her chest. She wanted to call the burning in her face humiliation but the emotion wasn't so simple as merely that and her stomach roiled in ways that were both unpleasant and not entirely unwelcome as he moved over her. The Don was a disgusting pig, couldn't be anything but really, yet his hands were incredible, skilled in ways that no Lover of Yuffie's had ever been, moving without hesitation, without curiosity, simply going for points she hadn't even known herself existed. Fat fingers circling her nipples, tweaking the hard nubs... It infuriated her how every motion was so casual and yet at the same time sent little jolts of sensation through her each time, playing her body like an instrument.

"Hahn~..." A metaphor that became rather apt as -without meaning to- Yuffie went to breathe out and instead found a gasping moan tumbling from her lips. "Uhhnn~..." Then another despite her efforts to bite them back, and another, louder one as the Don's teeth grazed her neck and somehow sent a shivering thrill through her with that touch alone. "W-what... How are you~..." She half-twisted, torn between mental urge to escape and physical urge to gain more pleasure, "How are you... Doing that~..." She couldn't keep her voice steady as it shivered with moans only half suppressed by the words. Even thrusting inside her no man had managed to make her feel like this and here the Don hadn't even freed his shaft, teasing her to this place with nothing more than his hands and his mouth!

Too late, Yuffie was realizing just how far out of her depth she was, and shore was well out of sight...
Nipples stiffened a little more in Corneo's fingers. He could feel that oh so delightful physical reaction from poor little Yuffie, possibly realizing it even a few moments before she did. At least, that's what he'd like to think was happening. He certainly sprang on it, capturing the points between finger and thumb, giving them a gentle squeeze. Corneo rolled them between the fingers while he listened to Yuffie attempting to speak, gurgling out gasps and moans and attempted protests.

The last question had him barking a laugh, his mouth at least separating from her neck. "Hasn't anyone ever teased your titties before, girl? Mebbe that's why they're so damn tiny," Corneo cupped them both again, circling his hands around the orbs. "Shoulda paid more attention, or mebbe had someone pay attention for you," Corneo let out another laugh, then began squeezing the girl's breasts with a little more fervor. He began milking them, thick fingers expertly teasing and manipulating the flesh, moving beyond the more casual motions to a directed attack.

As he did, Corneo shifted his head. Mouth returned to neck to nibble and suck upon the flesh there for a few seconds. Except that he gave only fleeting attention to one spot before moving on. Corneo knew all about the reddened marks too much attention could give, and he didn't quite want to spoil his little Wutai dumpling's flesh with that. As he nibbled, however, his gaze shifted. He did not, however, look at Yuffie, to watch what his work did upon her, oh no. Instead, he shifted and locked eyes across the room at Tifa.

The moment the Don knew for certain that Tifa was following, keeping her gaze to him, likely using his motion as a challenge, he shifted again. His lips descended to nibble at Yuffie's ear, pulling at it for a bit before he began kissing his way down her jawline, leaving wet splotches along the skin as he went. His hips began rocking slightly then. He could feel his member pressing against Yuffie's hard ass. The thick cock would undoubtedly feel "too big" to Yuffie. His pink materia purposefully acted like that, adjusting the cock to fit whomever he happened to be dealing with, always making it a size or two "too large" for the person involved. Though it did often balloon with virgins and the inexperienced: they so frequently needed more stretching out.

Still though, the cock only rubbed, as Corneo fought not to dry-hump his pretty little ninja, but instead just keep himself hard. Well, he kept himself hard and reminded her that she hadn't even experienced the main course yet. Fuck, he hadn't even taken off any of her skimpy clothes... yet.
Don Corneo was a big man by all accounts but quite a bit of that was paunch rather than muscular bulk and so one might expect him to be not quite proportional in his endowments. Seeing his member swelling against his pants had been one thing that had obfuscated the actual size somewhat but feeling him press up against her Yuffie's eyes went wide in shock as she felt the raw girth of him. "No way~..." She breathed the denial, as though saying it weren't so would have it cease to be.

If all the Don's attentions hadn't done so enough, this was a sobering reminder. She was already more aroused than any lover had made her in the past and he hadn't even taken off a stitch of her clothing yet! Granted she'd started out effectively topless but that fact was lesser to Yuffie's mind than the flat fear inherent in that realization, made worse by the fact that she was in no position to do anything about it. All the ninja could manage was to moan and struggle in futility, wasting energy in pointless attempts to avoid that unwanted touch all while it teased her ever higher. The crotch of her shorts was soaked through with arousal now and without really meaning to Yuffie realized that her hands were starting to wander lower. She caught the motion just in time, pulling back fingers that glistened with a faint hint of wetness where she'd touched herself through the cloth, yet every time her attention wavered she began to drift back down there.

Tifa on the other hand didn't even realize the Ninja was struggling with herself as Corneo's eyes locked with hers. She glared as always, frustration and anger mingling in her gaze towards the man, feeling the burn of the taunt in his look as he teased her friend and left her humiliated, aroused, and unable to do anything about either of those facts. She was undergoing a struggle of her own in that moment, similarly unaware of it until she found her own hand creeping between her legs and snatched it away, unwilling to give the Don the satisfaction even as a renewed flare of crimson washed through her cheeks as she realized he must have seen the move anyways. Despite the stare that should have been not just a turn off but motivation to do the opposite to boot Tifa could see Yuffie writhing and mewling on his lap and her own arousal thanks to how Aerith had been forced to maul her tits back into their corset prompted her hands to drift again.

The only consolation really was that Aerith didn't see Tifa wavering like this, though she did see Yuffie. The Ancient Girl could understand what she was seeing being the only one with real experience of a dedicated and pleasurable partner of the lot of them she knew that Corneo must be driving Yuffie to distraction, but that knowledge didn't take away the hollow feeling of fear in her gut as she watched the ninja's self control slip away all the same. She would have thought that it took some emotional connection to invoke such a condition, some amount of desire that was mutual, yet there before her was the evidence to the opposite. None of them would have any protection, and Don Corneo was more than skilled enough to drive a woman insane with desire from what she could see...

Despite another tear rolling down her cheek, Aerith felt a different sort of dampness between her legs, staining the couch seat directly since the crotch-less panties made for no real cloth barrier in place to prevent it...
"So way!" the Don nearly crowed again. In triumph he gave both Yuffie's nipples a hard pinch, wanting to hear her yelp for a few seconds there. His attention wandered away from Tifa and their little long-distance battle to the girl he had squirming in his lap. "Never seen one that big, have you? Wouldn't: takes a lot to be like the Don!" He barked another laugh. In truth, most people wouldn't dare do what he'd done to make certain he'd impress every female, particularly after his previous encounter. But the girls would all see that soon enough: he wanted to build some anticipation.

The writhing was making that a little difficult. Corneo could feel his cock pumping, liquid already starting to drizzle out. He did have a lithe female squirming on his lap, quite obviously aroused and moving. His eyes traveled down Yuffie for a moment, and he thought he just saw her fingers jerk back. The Don smiled: "Woah, oh!" he said, moving one hand off to grab onto one of Yuffie's. "What we got here?" He brought the hand in and took a loud, noticeable sniff. While working Yuffie, he again let his gaze flick to Tifa, noting that he'd definitely made the martial artist uncomfortable, if not outright aroused. Smiling, he waved Yuffie's hand at his face. "Smells like someone's been touching tuna!"

He leaned forward and sucked one finger, closing his eyes and letting out a loud moan. He popped it free, then moved the hand to Yuffie. "Take a whiff of that: know what that is? That's a cocky ninja getting all worked up! All I did was tease your little shuriken nips here," his other hand gave one a flick. "shoulda figured you're some kinda horny little thing. All that bouncing around in those sexy outfits," Corneo chuckled again. "Don't worry: the Don's got what you need. Feel it?" He brought the hand down to his crotch, moving to squeeze it with Yuffie's fingers. "All hard and ready for you. It's okay though," he leaned forward for another stage whisper, "You can take it, right?"

He began sliding the hand that had been teasing her nipples down, slowly caressing her skin. He drew a few circles around the pink materia, drumming his fingers around it, before lowering to her shorts. The digits just grazed her waistband, moved along, but everyone there could no doubt tell what the intentions soon would be.
Tifa sagged slightly as the Don's gaze slipped away from her, feeling frustrated and slightly drained just from the effort of holding back while their eyes had been locked to each other. Her eyes fell to the floor, her hands shaking slightly as she kept fighting the urge to masturbate, the need for some release. She didn't want to go up there like this but she wanted even less to be the one who got herself off watching her friend being taken against her will. If anything would divide them, that could easily be it...

"Sh-shut up~!" Yuffie leaned away as though a lack of physical proximity could somehow stop him from catching the scent of her arousal but she was running out of ways to go that didn't just play into the Don's hands as it was. She had to force a grimace across her face as his hand brought hers down to touch his member and swallowed hard as she felt the girth with her fingers. It was way bigger than anything she'd had in the past, how was she supposed to fit that inside her! "N-no... That... No way it'll fit~..."

Anticipation tingled in her gut as the Don's fingers crept along the edge of her waistband though, and while she wanted to squirm and pull away again she was already pressed against his stomach now and had nowhere else to go. She leaned back, trying to shut out the pounding knowledge of where his fingers would inevitably end up, the anticipation roiling and twisting in her mind. "Please don't do this~..." She managed to plead, but even that came out with a lustful quiver to her voice. She didn't want it, but her body needed more attention, craved proper release. "P-please~..."

Aerith watched with bated breath, the same anticipation making knots in her own gut as she waited for the Don to make his move, scared for how Yuffie would react to the attention. The ancient girl had a little more self control than either of the others and her fascination was born more of horrified curiosity than arousal but fascination was fascination and one way or another her eyes were taking in the details of the scene before her and her body was reacting to those sights. She might not have been having to hold back from touching herself but arousal was still growing within her despite it...
Another guffaw erupted from the portly man as Yuffie attempted to lean away. The squirming only made it all the clearer that he was affecting her, affecting her greatly, in fact. Plus, the motion would mean that hot little rear of hers was almost grinding against his cock, which Corneo called all kinds of a win. On top of all that, to hear her whining about the size just made him smile all the wider. "Hey, you said you could take it," he reminded her, squeezing her fingers around him so she could feel just how thick he happened to be. The digits were close to something else as well, but Corneo wasn't sure that he wanted to force Yuffie to find that out. No, she'd soon discover his little secret on her own:

Corneo had the pink materia embedded directly into his dick.

He started with some piercings and so on, just to get the proximity, but the flow of it directly into him had just made it all too tempting. There were at least three of the rounded bumps shot through his member now, each providing him with their own bonuses. Most girls were utterly shocked at one, and that was even before they started feeling it inside them. No doubt he'd have some long-term side effects, but Corneo wasn't one to care about that.

Ah, now Yuffie was leaning back! Corneo shifted to let her, giving her room to arch against his bulging stomach. The pleads made him chuckle again. "So demanding! What happened to that challenge from earlier?" He tapped at the top of her sex with a finger, before gliding it across her front. "All so eager and saying I could take you, ninja-nips," he tapped again, before shifting. This time, he used his legs and arms to part Yuffie's legs, spreading her out, forming an easier path. Leaning over, he let his eyes dart from one of his other girls to the other. Tifa was already clearly fighting it, and he had picked on her quite a bit. Aerith's green eyes were all but drinking it in.

"Whaddaya say, flower girl?" asked Corneo. "Does it look like ninja-nips here is enjoying herself?" he reached up and gave Yuffie's nipple a twist this time, wanting to get a little noise to punctuate his comment. Added squirming would just be even more of a bonus.
Yuffie's touch was reluctant and she remained unaware of the three Materia that would no doubt eventually be inside her, relatively speaking that is... She fought against the exertion that forced her legs further apart, eyes widening further still as they darted around. A seed of pure terror rooted itself deep in her mind, a raw fear born of the knowledge that want it or not she would enjoy this in the end. The Don was more skilled than she could even understand in these matters, and a shiver ran down her spine -from fear or desire she was not sure which- as he called her out on her earlier impertinence.

She couldn't take it... She wanted to feel it...

Only sheer pig-headed stubbornness kept Yuffie clinging to her dignity and self-respect, but that connection was growing fragile, and she knew deep down that if he didn't break her before he took her, the first thrusts of that cock would shatter her like glass in a matter of moments. His every touch was like ice on fire with the way her arousal burned inside now, a choked gasp as he tapped the top of her womanhood, a shivering moan as one fingers trailed across her stomach. "Please..." She didn't know what she was pleading for any more. It had been 'please stop' but now she couldn't be sure. Please take me? Please let me go? She couldn't decide, couldn't decipher her own thoughts through the haze of enforced desire.

Tifa's eyes narrowed again at the question, but Aerith was struck dumb for a moment, hesitating before she managed a tentative "Y-yes..." She trailed off, not wanting to be totally affirmative of what was going on but not wanting any more than that to be part to it either. She jsut hoped Yuffie was out of it enough that the Ninja wouldn't hate her for this later...
Corneo might not be a complete expert in reading when a girl's will was breaking, but he was pretty damn close. Came from watching dead-eyed girl after dead-eyed girl come and sit on his cock in the slums. Some took longer than others, but they nearly all looked like that by the time things were done. If he did his job right, though, the look had a faraway, lusty gaze, a sort of, trapped in their own pleasure look. He could already see peaks of that sneaking into Yuffie's mind, but not just hers, oh no: Aerith already started to crack. Tifa would clearly take a little more, but Corneo was certainly looking forward to that (he also had a sneaking suspicion that would take some hands on work, maybe outright fucking, and when the busty monk broke, it would be hard and splendid).

"Please? Please, pleeeeaese," Corneo whimpered, mimicking Yuffie's voice in a taunting manner. He let out another barking laugh, grinning as he loomed over her, staring at Aerith again. The flowergirl could barely stammer out a word; maybe she figured she was betraying Yuffie or some crap like that. Corneo didn't care; if they worked against each other, it would only be to his benefit. "Hear that, ninja-nips?" Corneo asked, twisting another nipple. "Flower girl can tell that from waaaaay over there, and she doesn't have your scrawny ass grinding against her. It's okay though: should enjoy it while you can,' he chuckled again, moving his hand to start working at his pants. It was time to introduce them to their new favorite toy after all.

While Corneo worked, he kept letting his hand absently roll around Yuffie's body, continually teasing her. "Bet Aerith's seen that look before. Came from the rough part, huh girl? Would you believe we already got 'bout five people lined up for you? Well, people's sometimes a stretch," Corneo shrugged, then jerked, pulling his pants apart enough to get his cock free of them and the silken man-panties underneath. "You'll get used to it, probably like it. Now," he moved both hands to Yuffie's hips, "time for you guys to meet your new best friend," with that, the fat man flexed just enough to lift the ninja. He didn't plunk her down on his cock, tempting though that was. No, he'd save the hard sudden fucking for whichever girl ended up last. Had to break them down bit by bit first, drain away their hope. He just wanted to get her clear.

Because his now bared cock jutted out from between the ninja's legs. As he settled Yuffie down, Corneo stuck her so that his cock proudly stood directly between her legs. The rounded head, pierced with a pink materia, bopped against the girl's stomach. The thick mass would no doubt seem impressive, especially when they noticed the rounded bumps that were the materia placed directly in the huge tool. Corneo shifted his hips, letting the cock wiggle a bit.

"There it is girls, impressive, right?" He let out a laugh again. "But hey, ninja-nips, maybe you'll get lucky and I'll splatter over that tight tummy of yours before you get to feel ole Corneo JR here up in your guts," with another laugh, he rolled his hips, mimicking the thrusting movement and showing all three girls just how far up into them that thing would end up going.
Yuffie clenched her jaw in anger but even that couldn't stop whimpering moans from leaking through her teeth as Corneo continued to toy with her and every twist of her nipples or rough grind against her made the fury in her eyes fade as her gaze unfocused. There was a faint sense of betrayal, but half of her couldn't even really tell what was going on any more, too wrapped up in the lusts incited within her and torn between pleasure and her hatred of the man pressed up against her to really process the byplay. She caught the shift as Corneo went to work at his pants though, and in trying to buck away from what she could guess was coming only really succeeded in grinding against him instead as he pulled her close...

The slap of his cock against her thighs made her breath catch and as her eyes widened Aerith gasped audibly from where she sat on the couch and Tifa looked faintly disturbed at the swirling pink of the materia piercing the Don wore and the thick bump of a second one partway down the hulking shaft. Don Corneo was a big man but his cock was disproportionate to even his bulk, as evidenced by how it's tip nearly surpassed Yuffie's belly-button in length. The once-flower-girl knew that Pink Materia was rare and borderline illegal in Midgar and wondered how much teh Don must have spent to acquire those two, not to mention that there could be more, and suddenly she had a chilling understanding of just how thoroughly Corneo broke his girls in. It wasn't just going to be minutes of treatment but potentially hours of thorough mind-breaking ravaging...

On one level it was an intriguing thought, but the horror of it outweighed any arousal...

Tifa on the other hand didn't quite recognize the threat. "Pink Materia?" She tried to whisper to Aerith. "What does that do?" She hadn't uite connected her own implanted materia to the changes in her sensations yet but where she hadn't wanted to ask before, the concern suddenly seemed rather important. After all in Tifa's experience Materia was something you used rather than something that changed your body in the way hers had been slightly altered...

Meanwhile, Yuffie was thoroughly out of it between terror and arousal. With Corneo's cock right up between her legs every single shift of her hips brought a grinding of her pussy against that fat shaft with it and with her head already swimming with confused lust and anger, the push to her arousal reduced her to jerking and wordlessly pleading, whimpering her mixed fear and arousal as she bucked in his lap. It wouldn't stick entirely of course, but the fact that he'd reduced her to this without so much as entering her would surely leave an indelible mark on her mind no matter what...
The squirming ninja only enhanced Corneo's arousal more and more. He felt his cock surging, twitching, bits of fluid already starting to drizzle down, likely to slide against Yuffie's already moving body. Each pulse of arousal, each jerk of the impressive member, caused the materia to seem to pulse itself, to glow ever so slightly. The materia on each of the three girls, embedded in bellies and gloves, glowed a little in response, clearly tied together.

"What's that?" Corneo said as he heard Tifa speaking. He leaned forward, pushing Yuffie down onto his cock. The motion would bend the ninja, press his cock up, sandwich her between his bulging belly and the throbbing cock, eating up whatever space happened to exist between the two of them. "Were you saying something there, Tits McGee?" he smirked, then shifted, pulling hands to Yuffie's hips, pulling her back and all but forcing her down against his belly. The weight of it would continue pushing the poor ninja down.

"Are you wonderin' about all the pink? I do think it's a manlier color," he reached down, but instead of grabbing his cock directly, he moved to pull Yuffie's hand. He directed the ninja's fingers to his member, wrapping them about it, purposefully letting her feel the pulsing magical adornment that seeped into her. The Don used Yuffie's hand to give his cock a few strokes, some of the fluid already seeping onto her fingers. "Pink's a sexy color, right? Flower-girl knows the score," he winked at her, licking his lips. Leaning down, he gave Yuffie's ear a slight nip. "It's what you look like inside, and it's what your delicious little nipples look like. Oh, and it's the color of this stuff," he rocked his hips, letting Yuffie' feel it surging between her.

"See, it's a sex materia. Increases stamina. Sometimes increases sensation. Mine will make me go longer, produce more seed, and makes me super potent. You're gonna get addicted to it, 'specially you," he nodded to Aerith. "Kinda gonna be your thing." Corneo smirked. "I mean, sometimes people say it'll poison you and all, really screw with your sex drive..." he shrugged, then moved to give Yuffie's ear another nip. "Like the feeling, don'tcha ninja-nips?"
Yuffie could feel both that cock and the embedded materia pulse against her body, like the double-thumping of a heartbeat pressed against her dripping slit as the Don pushed her down. Tifa gasped audibly at the edge of her awareness as the linking between the three caused the materia in her to pulse slightly as well, teasing her enhanced senses while Aerith grit her teeth in a snarl of frustration but the ninja was only barely able to process these other happenings. Her hips moved mindlessly, trying to eke out what little pleasure she could get from the friction as her mind crumpled under the weights of stress, fear, and arousal.

Aerith saw it, Corneo and Tifa could hear it easily, the last glimmering light of desperate resistance leaving the ninja's eyes, a whimper as something fundamental deep inside her took temporary leave of absence. She stared at the cock in her hand, feeling it continue to pulse, to resonate with her own need, with that aching emptiness between her legs. She couldn't bring herself to mount him, to take the initiative, not when he had her cowed, but...

"P-please~" Her hand was half moving of it's own accord now, stroking in that same not-quite-automatic fashion her hips were shifting. "Yes..." It was a whisper at first, inaudible, to any but the Don, but even then, Aerith could read Yuffie's lips to confirm what she already knew. "Y-yes~" she couldn't keep a moan out of her voice as she spoke louder. "Yes please~" she needed release, needed satisfaction, so many things with so few words to describe them in her limited sexual vocabulary. She didn't know what it was she wanted or needed, but the desire was so great that knowing the specifics became immaterial compared to knowing that Don Corneo could satisfy her, could give her these things.
Corneo could almost see it reflected in Aerith's eyes. That was the one from close by, right? not tough enough and somewhat sheltered like Tifa. Not far away and skippy like the little ninja. Aerith had blossomed under the stress and clearly knew. Corneo could see the knowledge of what was unfolding before them unfolding within her, and, more important, he could tell that she knew what he already suspected: that Yuffie's last bit of resistance, that major confidence, had all but crumbled.

"Hmm?" He said, looking to Yuffie. He could see the skinny little ninja all atremble now. "Are you saying something there, ninj-ipples?" he asked. His hands slid along her slender body, thick, rough digits feeling those curves, just flitting around the quivering abdomen. Corneo's fingers drew along the girl's hips, feeling the motino, almost feeling the need within there. They tapped all along her bones, moving and working, massaging a little.

"Are you asking for something?" Corneo asked, leaning over. His head tilted slightly to the side, but his eyes flicked from Yuffie to the other two, as if encouraging them to watch. "Tell you what, ninj-ipples," he drew his hands back. "If you look at the other two," he tilted Yuffie's head to look at Tifa and Aerith, "and tell them that you're so very sorry, but you need to cum really bad. Then I promise that you'll have a super awesome orgasm," he leaned in and nipped Yuffie's ear again. He whispered: "But your materia is going to start seeping in if you do," his hips rolled a little, rubbing, moving, working the slit and massaging him.

All the while, his eyes kept sliding to the other two, keeping track, watching, considering.
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