Searching for new Roleplay Partners

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Oct 26, 2016

So I would absolutely love to have a few more roleplays to get me through my days. I work Friday-Monday but can reply fairly often still. Other than Mondays, they’re the busiest days at work unfortunately. Tuesday-Thursdays you are almost guaranteed multiple replies a day because of it being my day off. ANYWAY!

Rules. I don’t have many but I have a few:

1. Be willing to play male and/or double. I love doubling, it’s one of my favorite things in the world.
2. Help with the plot please. I have quite a few ideas for the pairings/fandoms listed below but I still want you involved so we can make it OUR roleplay.
3. I would prefer at least two well written paragraphs. I’m not bit on grammar, my grammar can be spotty at times. Especially if I’m at work and in a hurry/replying on my phone.
4. I personally have no problem with fade to black or full on explicit scenes.
5. Be prepared for OOC. It’s a way for me to stay in communication with you, especially if something comes up or I want to check with you before adding twists.
6. I roleplay via PM, Thread, or Email. You’re choice of preference.
7. Let me know if you have any limits or do not want any sexual contact. I'm fine with that and just need to be informed.
8. I would prefer mxf right now, I’m terrible with fxf and mxm but I can try if at least one pairing is mxf
9. I’m patient! I would love a reply once every other day at least but I can work with you if you just let me know it’ll be longer.

Now the part everyone loves:


Harry Potter: I have so many different plot ideas for this its insane. I’ll love you forever. Especially if you could portray Draco. But I still have other ideas!
Lord of the Rings
Fruits Basket
Shadowhunters (book not tv/movie)
Ouran High School Host Club


Arranged marriage
Princess X Prince
Princess/Prince X Guard
Princess/Prince X Commoner
Shifter X Witch
Shifter X Vampire
Shifter X Human
Witch X Human
Vampire X Human
Vampire X Witch
Teacher X Student
Teacher X Single parent
Single Parent X College student
Best friend X Best friend
Best Friend X Best Friends brother/sister
Best friend X Best friends Ex
Craigslist Roommates

Send me a PM!
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