All In The Family [MxF Incest]

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Feb 12, 2015
All In The Family

As stated in the title, I'm looking for INCEST themed roleplays. Although I am looking for a fair share of smut, I also enjoy quite a bit of story line, plot, and literacy.

General pairings I'm currently craving:

Daughter x Father
Niece x Uncle
Sister x Brother



1) I roleplay in FIRST person, not in third. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU MUST ALSO ROLEPLAY IN FIRST PERSON. Third person role players are more than

2) I do not roleplay over IM (Instant Messengers). ONLY on BlueMoon PM (Private Message) and/or BlueMoon threads.

3) I am very limited when it comes to time. BlueMoon is a hobby, not a job for me, so although I am committed, I will not be able to provide multi-daily responses. I'm looking for a partner who is very patient, and who doesn't mind my posts rolling in every couple of days (and sometimes even up to a week).

4) I'm looking for partners capable of writing, on average, several paragraphs. No one liners, please. Literacy in English writing, including grammar, spelling, sentence struct, etc., is a must.

5) ROMANCE and SEX is a MUST. Additionally, here is my F-List. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!



1) Troublemaker Daughter (or Niece) x Conservative Military Father (or Uncle):
For this idea, my character would be a rebellious teenager who has gotten into trouble with the law and is currently on house arrest with an ankle monitor. She is unable to leave the house, and is serving a mandatory probationary sentence for possession of narcotics and vandalism. Your character would be estranged from the family and his daughter/niece through divorce and his military career. Serving as a honourable high rank in the military, he would have not been an active father figure or authority role in my character's life. The two would have a tumultuous relationship if any at all. The only reason she would be sentenced to live with him is because her mother would be either dead or deemed unfit to parent. Legal guardianship would be transferred to your character.

I'd really like to include a lot of aggression, even sexual violence in this story. Her father would be borderline abusive, calling her names and the such when angered (belittling her, degrading her, etc). He'd be the type of conservative who was an advocate of corporate punishment and physical discipline. None of which would phase her, really, which would only further aggravate him. However, he is also extremely attracted to her, something he hasn't come to terms with. We can discuss!

We can also add in that she dresses very scantily clad, and I'm also open to including an alternative style, such as dyed colorful hair and tattoos/ piercings. Another optional aspect we can include is having her addicted to drugs or a recreational drug user (the reason she is in trouble in the first place). Her drug of choice would be a stimulant, like Ketamine, speed, or molly, which would make her energized and especially horny. She would have either snuck the drugs in to his house or perhaps a friend of hers dropped them off secretly in the front yard where she could go without setting off the anklet.

2) City Girl Troublemaker Niece (or Younger Cousin) x Country Man Uncle (or Older Cousin):

Similar to idea #1, my character would be a rebellious troublemaking teenager who is sentenced to probation for her crimes. Having grown up in a wild, wild city, the judge deems the best rehabilitation for her is to leave and move to the country. He enlists in the help of her Uncle/ Older Cousin (maybe estranged from the family or just disconnected) who offers to care for her on his Horse Ranch out in the secluded country side. I'm thinking perhaps there can be an aspect of volunteer added. Perhaps her uncle has a non-profit organization in which he uses horseback-riding and horse care in general to rehabilitate people (perhaps he offers this service to children with disabilities, or something of the like).

Unlike idea #1, we don't have to necessarily include sexual aggression. We can, of course, but it's not mandatory.

Same options apply: we can add in that she dresses very scantily clad, and I'm also open to including an alternative style, such as dyed colorful hair and tattoos/ piercings. Another optional aspect we can include is having her addicted to drugs or a recreational drug user. Her drug of choice would be a stimulant, like Ketamine, speed, or molly, which would make her energized and especially horny. She would have either snuck the drugs in to his ranch by hiding the pills inside of her boots.

3) Orphaned Rich Niece x Modest Estranged Uncle:

(Loosely based on the film Goldilocks and the Three Bears)
My character, a young teen, was raised in a wealthy community where she attended a private boarding school. Gabrielle was always spoiled to make up for her parent's lack of involvement in her life. Both parents being prestigious scientists, they were always away touring the world to collect data and research for their studies. Though, on a trip in South America, a tragic boating accident on the Amazon River leads to their death. All of their assets and money is left in Gabrielle's name, but because she is not yet an adult, she is left in the care of her only other relative - her estranged Uncle. Her uncle (her father's brother) hasn't seen or spoken to her and her parents for 11 years, since the wealthy lives of that side of the family was much opposite to his way of life. Her uncle left his life of wealth to follow a passion as an architect, and on a contract for a design project in the mountains, is temporarily residing in the woods; secluded to most civilization and miles away from the nearest shopping mall. Their conflicting personalities cause many arguments, but despite their differences, Gabrielle and her uncle cannot help but feel an burning sexual attraction to one another. This is meant to be a sort of opposites attract, love/hate relationship.

4) Younger Cousin (female) x Older Cousin (male):
OR Younger Sister x Older Brother:

My character, a sophomore in high school, was always a bit of a social outcast. Simply for the reason that she was so immersed in her studies, that she didn't pay much attention to other people, and didn't occupy herself with parties, hang out, or even many friends. She mainly stuck to her study groups, and intellectual clubs like the Physics and Chemistry club, who really, only did labs and the such related to school. This left her mostly friendless and boyfriendless despite her relatively good looks. Because her nose was always burred in books, Naomi payed little attention to fashion - only wearing basic comfortable (and not very flattering) clothing. To this effect, she barely wore makeup and always left her hair naturally curly. Her life was relatively normal in high school - she was invisible and to her, that was A-OK. However, this was a stark contrast to her older cousin (or brother), who was a hot-shot graduate of the school, Mr. Popular, and head of the Football team. Despite his everlasting reputation in the school, and the success of his football dreams, her cousin (or brother) fell on hard times, fails out of college, was convicted of possession of illicit drugs. He was given a light sentence thanks to a wealthy family, generous judge, and a superb lawyer. Despite this, he was still sentenced to serve 100 hours of community service, where he would act as a janitor at his previous high school. There he would witness first-hand the bullying his younger cousin (or sister) faces and although they two were never close, he enlists in her help to get back into studying in an attempt to reclaim his life. The more time they spend together, the more they begin to fall for one another.

5) OTHER - send me your ideas! This thread is in PROGRESS and so I will be releasing more ideas/ plots as I go. Regardless, got an idea? Shoot me a PM!


Additionally, you may choose a model of your choice as a face claim for my character from the two galleries below (NSFW!!!):

Alternative Model Girls
(Dyed hair, tattoos and piercings)


Non-Alternative Girls (link coming soon)!
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