Erotic Eclipse (Kaybee x Internal Paradox)


Oct 12, 2011
Under the sunlight the golden armor of the Solari Avatar did not simply gleam but rather shone in the narrow canyons characteristic of the near-river sections of the lower jungle, the sheer presence of a woman clad in shining light as much as metal and cloth seeming to push back to enclosing walls to grant a little more breathing room, an inspiration to those who strode with her.

Or at least, it would be were she not alone. Ezreal was only a scant distance away, blasting minions while the enemy champions cowered under their tower, leaving him to farm in peace and her to go renew the wards that had failed a minute ago, darkening the river to her eyes once more. The 'fog of war' as the summoners called it was always somewhat disconcerting with the way it caused her awareness to clip and distort without someone or something to extend her 'vision' and she closed her eyes to keep from disorienting herself with the sudden extra sight the ward would grant her as she tossed the crystal-capped totem into the brush by the riverside.

She opened them to an all-too-familiar blade of curving silver in her face...

As the ward sailed through the air, Diana -who'd lain in wait in the brush as she watched her once-love draw closer- had charged, the faint presence of the moon overhead letting her rush forwards as a being made more of light than anything with actual substance. Leona's blade came up instinctively and they clashed, a familiar ring of silver curve on straight gold opening the fight.

There was always a melancholy air to their battles... Memories of what they had once been tarnished the frantic clashes and struggles and so there was always a grim sadness. Neither truly wished to kill the other and only did so because commanded (not that the rift ever let it stick), but as they fought, ignorant of what happened around them, something passed over the world, and a shadow descended across the rift...

The moon's ambit, faint in the sky, began to blaze with too-bright fire as it moved between the sun and the earth, and in the rift, the summoner's connections suddenly went dead.

Their blades locked, and they held them, and suddenly, words that had been held back before came spilling forth in the silence.


It was Diana who blurted it out, anger and heartbreak making her voice crack slightly as the force left her grip.

"Why can't you just admit they were wrong? That Solar worship is wrong?" There was something deeper behind the question, hidden back there, but this newfound freedom didn't release them from all inhibitions. "You can't possibly think... That this is right..." "Diana..."

With the summoner's connection cut off, neither was aware any longer of Ezreal's movements nearby, but both were lost in this sudden moment, brought on by the magical disruption of the eclipse. "Diana... Please... Come back to me... Just let go..." Faces close, breaths hot, tears glistening against both their eyes that all the stoicism in Runeterra was only barely managing to hold back...

It would only take a few inches to kiss, to melt into each other's arms and hope it would all go away...
In the moments leading up to the eclipse, Ezreal was... well, he was himself. Laughing constantly, firing out bolts of energy of varying strength as he blinked back and forth, taunting those enemies that hid under the tower. Leona had done a good job of protecting him up until that point; now it was his job to "carry," as he so often bragged about it, sometimes literally melting their foes before they had a chance to do anything.

However, that went out the window when the sky suddenly changed colors. Ezreal may have been a "cocky kid" in the eyes of some of the more grizzled veterans of the Rift, but he had instincts; it's how he had made his living before the incessant fighting, after all. He knew something was off, probably even wrong, so with one last purposeful (almost strained) laugh towards Sona and Caitlyn, he blinked away, and continued to do so in order to keep his pace off.

He no longer could tell where Leona was, but he knew that before things had suddenly gone blank in his head she was somewhere in their side of the jungle. Only once did he try to throw a ward out, and when it gave him no new vision he gave one especially grumble to himself before continuing on his way, deciding to be more cautious for once.

Perhaps his restraint was awarded, as he heard voices before he rushed headlong into them. He instantly came to a stop, creeping towards the nearest set of brush in order to conceal himself before moving any closer. He wasn't sure who was nearby until he got closer, but he recognized one of the voices to be in Leona, and the other... someone else.

With his best attempt at a warcry (it came out as more of a "hiyah!" than anything else, he jumped from the brush, gauntlet at the ready. However, he didn't fire, not once, coming to a stop instead. Something about the scene was... strange. The two of them weren't really fighting, much too close together, almost on top of one another... He had heard rumors of how, despite how they had been enemies, they had once been much closer, and that moment almost seemed like that was still the case.

He didn't know what to think. It should have been simple: blue team versus red team. That's how it always was, always had been. He hadn't given a thought to what Leona and Diana were before that point, and they hadn't either. But now, all of that was falling apart, and what should have been simple was rapidly becoming way too complicated for Ezreal, a simple guy who just happened to love adventure.

The silence after his cry was deafening, awkward. His gauntlet fell, one eye twitching slightly as he debated what to do. As the seconds ticked on, he knew he had to do something, anything, otherwise it felt like none of them might ever leave that position, even if the eclipse were to pass.

"Uhhhhh... Should I just, uh, leave you two alone...?"

Ezreal, the ever fleet, ever tactful adventurer. He may as well have opened his mouth and stuck his foot into it, but what was done was done, and with it said he began to take one careful step at a time back towards the brush, preparing to flee over the wall as soon as he was close enough.

Farming, he could just go back to farming. Yeah, that was a good way to use his time...
There was always an undeniable tension between Diana and Leona. They hated each other, anyone could see that, and even the staunchest supporters of those rumours that they had once held feelings quite the opposite of their present sentiments for each other were hard pressed to find anything more than anger and regret in that slew of emotion that always filled the air between them when they stood in the same room. There were a few empaths and telepaths amongst the League of course but none of them were saying what they felt or pointed out that there was so much boiling on the surface that it was impossible to tell what lay beneath.

They had loved each other, once, two initiates of the Solari living in the monastery, two young girls in love before everything that drove them to opposite sides of a manufactured conflict.

They still felt lust for each other, even now, especially now, face to face and breathing hard, adrenaline singing in their veins. They loved it and at the same time hated loving it, pushing it down and smothering it in the urge for combat, the familiar facade of pure hatred for their opposite number that had fooled everyone except Ahri, who both were pretty sure knew exactly how much of the tension that underlay their every moment in each other's presence was born from desire rather than anger.

Then Ezreal stepped out of the brush and the tension snapped like a whip. They both flushed, crimson showing brighter on Diana's cheeks for her paleness but emotion no less or more intense than the red darkening on Leona's tanned and freckled skin, and in an eerily similar move they recoiled from each other, then whirled on Ezreal.

They were still riding high on adrenaline and anger and so many other emotions and there were no summoners in their heads, no one watching them besides one who could be cowed into silence if it came to it, nothing but them and the rift and the moon and sun dancing together as the eclipse darkened the skies. Diana stepped forwards, cutting across the explorer's attempted escape with a single sharp appellation. "Ezreal!"

Diana was a tall woman, only a handful of inches shorter than the near six feet of Leona's stature and made taller by the slight heels of her greaves. Her gaze was imperious as she looked down at the young man. "We require your assistance in answering a question. Which is better, the sun or the moon?"

Leona stepped up to her, giving a confused look, and while Ezreal may not have hesitated more than a moment, Leona took initiative. She grabbed Diana, spinning the lunari warrior around to face her and kissing her hard on the lips before shoving her legs out from under her, bending Diana over.

"Answer the question Ezreal. Which is better?" Leona's hand was fiddling with her own breastplate as she spoke, awkwardly resting her elbows on the struggling Lunari's back while she worked the catches to keep her from getting up. "The sun?" -Leona's breastplate came free, her breasts bouncing in the tight body-glove she wore beneath her armour- "or the moon?" Diana managed to wriggle free of Leona's grip a few seconds afterwards but that didn't lessen the display in the slightest as the Solari reached forwards and slapped her counterpart's ass, making it jiggle in it's similarly skin-tight dark covering as punctuation to the question.

Flushed and breathing heavily, there was an instant where an onlooker might wonder if they were about to start fighting again as Diana got free, but then the Lunari harrumphed and stayed turned away from Ezreal, unbuckling her faults as she looked over her shoulder at him. "Well? Answer the question!"
Ezreal's retreat immediately came to a halt when Diana cried out, stepping towards him. He paled ever slightly, shrinking down into his shoulders some, expecting the attack to be sudden, swift. As strong as Ezreal had become, he had nothing on Diana when she was strong, and he had no doubts she was by that time in the battle. He almost blinked away, but she came to a stop, which confused him.

And then she asked her question, which made him groan. It was a question he was more than familiar with at that point, having heard it countless times. "Come on, again?! You two always ask me that! When I'm on one of your teams you ask it so I say the answer that won't leave me in trouble, and then when I end up on the other's side I have to do the whole thing all over again! Haven't you realized that it doesn-"

And then, quite suddenly, Leona sent everything sideways. His jaw dropped, stopping in the middle of a word as the Solari suddenly kissed the Lunari. That wasn't it though, oh no. That would have been too simple. Instead, suddenly, Leona was putting her naturally aggressive skills in a different way, practically bullying Diana down.

And, of course, Ezreal's face went bright red as the armor suddenly began to fall. Though both weren't technically bare, they may as well have been, with how tightly the cloth that they wore under their armor was. Nevermind the ass slap, which rung out so loudly it actually made Ezreal jump slightly, nearly blinking in some random direction unintentionally. That would have been bad, as someone would have ended up getting shot; he was no longer certain of who was an enemy or an ally any more.

And then Diana was back up, and whatever Ezreal might have said to Leona died in his throat as she underlined the question. He honestly had no idea what to say. He had no idea what was going on anymore, and felt decidedly unsafe in the whole affair... But, again, he had to say something.

Hopefully it wouldn't be as stupid as the last thing he said.

"Uh..... Uh...... They both can't exist without the o-other?"

"Quite right Ezreal, However..." Diana's face twisted into a sneer as she unbuckled her own chestplate, with a *clack* that sounded raucously loud in the dead silence that followed his answer. "That. Is Not. An Answer."

She strode forwards, letting the heavy plate fall from her fingers to the ground with a thud, a slight sway to her hips that was barely visible when she was running or dashing about the battlefield suddenly very apparent as she stalked towards him, the silver crescent mark on her forehead gleaming in the darkening faux-twilight of the eclipse. Leona wasn't far behind either, stripping herself of her own faulds, leaving two women in boots, greaves, and skin-tight bodysuits that left so little to the imagination flanking him to either side.

Diana stepped forwards and Leona stepped around. "See?" The Lunari warrior's whisper was no less harsh-voiced, but the press of her body against his was smooth, taut muscles could be felt on her skin but there was a slender grace to her too, smaller breasts from running and fighting much of her life but naturally wider hips and a perfectly curved ass. "The moon's light is soft, and gentle..." There was a certain irony to such considering who it came from but while gentle could be questioned, 'soft' was certainly present. Meanwhile, Leona pressed herself against Ezreal from behind, her skin warm even through her body suit, her proportions almost opposite Diana's with full breasts but slightly narrower hips and muscles more defined. Leona wasn't terribly bulky or amazonian like Illaoi but at the same time there was a definite sense of warmth and power in her presence, no matter how tenderly she embraced him. "Moonlight is cold though... And the sun is oh-so warm..."

The two of them kissed again, then glared at each other over his shoulder as they spoke, but there was a certain something else in their eyes too, something mutual and fierce in the way they tormented (for a certain value of torment) the young explorer between them. Then Diana gave a 'Hmph' and Leona made a noise of protest as her counterpart went to her knees, realizing she'd made a mistake in moving around behind the object of their contention as it left her behind while Diana went to undo the explorer's pants.

Though she couldn't do much from where she was, Leona wasn't going to do nothing while Diana got a head start and so -with a shrug of 'may as well'- took Ezreal by the chin and pulled his face around so that she could bend to kiss him instead, shedding her golden gauntlets before letting her hands explore his chest slowly, alternating between feeling him up passionately -if not particularly gently- while Diana worked her own fingers at his belt and breeches in search of what lay between the explorer's legs...
For a second Ezreal though death was about to take him for his absolutely ridiculous answer (even for trying to appease some old mountain religions), but then Diana took yet more pieces of her own armor drop. He kept himself from squeaking (that wasn't very heroic at all after all), but the urge to back away and flee at complete speed (and even pop flash if you could; he had yet to try it in the Eclipse) was only resisted simply because his legs were still frozen in fear. The young man's eyes were wide, and he wasn't unlike a deer frozen in surprise.

He stiffened even more when they reached him, in multiple ways. As they gently pressed against him, speaking and then kissing, he had gone entirely rigid, locked into place by his own joints. The look they gave to each other did little to get him to relax... But down below, due to the press of their bodies against him (and with more than a little help given by their kiss), he could rapidly feel as his length began to strain against his pants.

If he ran, it'd have to be now, he had to do it before-

And then it was too late. Suddenly, Diana was going down, and just like how Leona protested he did as well, but for very different reasons. In Leona's grip though, there was no way he could get away as Diana went down, and even if he had tried the attempt would be stopped as, quite suddenly, she kissed him.

He should have noticed it before, but in that moment he became even more aware of how warm she was in that moment, and how comforting it was.

The kiss was returned, albeit in a slightly confused and somewhat disbelieving matter, even as Diana got to work trying to uncover his lower regions. It took a little while, but soon his cock was springing free for both of them to see; it was certainly of decent length and girth, sitting right above average, but looking bigger thanks to the adventurer's quite slight frame.

Briefly, he murmured against Leona's lips, trying to pull away to protest again, even though he knew it was hopeless.
Leona's lips moved as well, mouthing a quiet 'shush...' into the kiss, shifting her weight a little to guide him into leaning back ever so slightly, subtly setting him so that his balance was dependent on her presence. Her hands found his vest, undoing the buttons one by one before she pulled back from the kiss to remove the garment entirely, tossing it away from them as she leaned in to resume where she had left off. This new kiss was almost immediately more intense though as her tongue brushed against his lips, aggressively pushing for entrance as it sought to grapple with his own as Leona began to remove his shirt as well, slowly yet firmly imposing herself upon him as she worked.

Below Diana took the base of Ezreal's cock in one hand. Her touch was cool at first and warmed only from contact with his member as she stroked him, a smooth and silken sensation of motion against the flesh of his length though even once her hand had warmed there was still a slight coolness to it, not enough to defer the pleasure, but enough that it felt faintly off. While the sensation of her mouth engulfing the head of his cock proved initially warmer, there was still that same sense of something not quite being there, of a distance present even when he could see her right there, silver hair gleaming in the eclipse-born twilight as her head bobbed, her lips sliding against his girth and her tongue squirming along the underside of his shaft while one hand stroked from base up to meet the descending lips and the other teased softly at his sack.

It was a strange and mesmerizing dance of two seeing opposites, two sides of a coin with him sitting as the edge between them. Where Leona was warm and undeniably present yet her attentions somewhat forceful and demanding Diana was cool and faintly distant yet her attentions thorough and skilled...

Eventually -though not until after a long minute (or perhaps two) of carefully working him up- Diana pulled her head off Ezreal's cock with an audible wet pop and looked up at him expectantly. "Well?" She demanded, clearly expecting an opinion only for Leona break the kiss and interrupt. "You can't just force him to choose before he's had both to try!" The solari warrior nearly dropped Ezreal as she moved around to his front again, Diana quickly moving out of the way rather than engage in a strength contest between the two of them, rising to catch the Explorer and set him back on his feet.

The differences were even more apparent as they reversed their roles, with Diana now behind and kissing him while Leona took his cock into her mouth. The Lunari's touches were ghostlike, setting hairs on end across his body as her fingers traced the outlines of his form, almost not present but for the undeniable pressure of her breasts against his back and the sensation of the kiss they shared. She was still slightly demanding in the kiss as her mouth was open and her tongue reached forwards but it wasn't like wrestling or grappling with Leona had been. Instead it was rather like a dance, intertwining and touching and then parting, only to repeat, with a new pattern to the steps each time.

Below on the other hand, Leona managed to have Ezreal nearly rocking off balance again even from on her knees as she took him in. Her mouth was hot and wet, not as smooth as Diana's nor as skilled, but just when he might have thought that the difference there would have been clear Leona pushed forwards and suddenly alongside the heat and pressure and sensation there was a sudden tightness as the Solari's throat took the first inch of his length, and from there she only went deeper. No delicacy, no intricacy, just tight wet heat as Leona drove her lips determinedly to the base of Ezreal's shaft, taking every extra inch that wouldn't fit in her mouth into her throat in the process. It was wet and sloppy and where Diana's fellatio had produced a delicate sucking noise, Leona created a rough and audible series of impossibly lewd wet sounds as she swallowed his cock over and over, tightly milking his shaft with the oral sex equivalent of raw brute force as she swallowed around his length, leaving a few trickles of saliva and pre-cum dripping down her chin as she worked.
All in all, there were four sets of sensations Ezreal experienced in a very short (perhaps too short) amount of time; two each, one for them above and one for them below. It was almost too much for him to register.

The first thing he really became aware of, in the haze of pleasure, was the Solari's kiss. It was naturally the first simply because of how forward and overwhelming it was. He had no chance of keeping her tongue back, and it easily found access to his mouth and tongue, which also submitted. His tongue was overpowered and, at most, only meekly pushed back against hers. Every one of her touches was enough to make him melt a little more beneath her heat, leaning ever more back and against her.

The second thing he noted, which had a bit more impact (if that was possible) simply because of where it was happening, was Diana tasting his cock. She was just cold enough to nearly make him shiver, and yet there was an inherent pleasure to it as well. Plus, there was just the sensation of one stroking, licking, and sucking his cock that couldn't be resisted as well. It was enough to make him groan into Leona's mouth, somewhat stifled by her aggressive efforts.

They truly were opposites, but Ezreal wasn't quite in the state to recognize it. That was the way things remained as the two had their brief conversation, and then suddenly switched. Leona moved so quickly that he nearly fell, but the Lunari rose quick enough to catch him and get him settled again. Because of that, Diana's efforts up above was the third thing he noted, and he found himself enjoying them. Her kiss especially was something he enjoyed; rather than be so demanding at Leona's, Diana invited him to act as well, and he found himself automatically running his tongue along hers, joining hers in the dance.

And then, down below, things had suddenly become more intense, which just seemed to be the Leona way of doing things. Things were messy, pre-cum mixing with saliva in her mouth and throat, sometimes remaining within her and sometimes slipping out to run down her chin and throat. The noise itself was a turn on in as well, enough to make him groan again (this time more loudly and into Diana's mouth), as well of the mixture of sensations with her warm mouth and tight throat.

It was too much for Ezreal in the long term. He was running on borrowed time, and it was rapidly running out. Instinctively, one hand went to the top of Leona's head, meekly trying to push her away; there was no hope of that. His other hand, meanwhile, went up to Diana, trying to get her to move back as well, to have him stand on his own; that too was hopeless. He was trapped in their grip, their embrace, their lust.

And then he came, and the sensation was like electricity shooting through his body. Just before his cock throbbed once, then twice, and then he released down her throat. With one last groan, his tongue sort of went limp against Diana's, only slightly moving against hers as his brain seemed to briefly shut down with pleasure. He himself went limp against Diana, the only way he kept standing thanks to her.

Slowly he recovered afterwards, blinking slowly, gaze somewhat clouded and confused. "Uh... Uh, wow... I, er, don't know what to say..."

Again, the normally chatty, snarky Ezreal was left without words.
Diana's eyes remained open in the kiss, darting between Ezreal's face and Leona's work below, a little muffled noise of outrage rising to meet Ezreal's groan as she felt him stiffen against her body and saw his cock pulse before Leona's lips slid to the very base of his shaft and held there. The solari's throat twitched, pulsing in time with the organ sheathed within as it released his load straight into her stomach, some of that sloppy mix of pre and spittle dripping from her chin onto Leona's breasts as she held there.

Diana broke the kiss at the same time as Leona pulled back, an uncharacteristic grin on the latter' playful face while the former scowled down at her. "I think that counts for something, don't you?"

"Hardly." Diana scoffed, reaching forwards to stroke the explorer's shaft. Her touch was as gentle as before yet he was sensitive, and so she applied the barest minimum of pressure to keep him hard refusing to let him soften for more than a few seconds. "See? You need more than that to prove anything Leo..." The affectionate shortening slipped out without meaning to and for a moment Leona couldn't help but giggle, prompting the first aggressive move that Ezreal had seen Diana make thus far. The lunari crossed the space between them in a single long step and a curt "shut up" before taking Leona by the shoulders and shoving bearing her to the ground with a rough kiss that was as angry as it was passionate.

Leona might have had superior strength, but between Diana's weight pressing down on her and the distraction that was Diana's wandering hands and tongue, she couldn't do much more than wriggle on the ground and moan at the attention Diana Lavished upon her. Ezreal would have a perfect view as the Lunari's hands tugged at the bodysuits they wore, tearing in places, undoing in others, until apart from the ragged remnants of their leggings and the greaves both women still wore (headpieces aside) they were quite bare for the young explorer to see. "Come." Diana commanded, a sharp glance back as she freed her mouth momentarily from the pink nipple atop Leona's breast. "Taste of what the moon can offer..." She wriggled her bottom in emphasis, and Below that, Ezreal could see two pale fingers curling over Leona's pink womanhood, rubbing in sharp circles before two digits pushed into that Solari snatch with a wet sound and the thumb took up their prior role of strumming against her clit.
The break, though brief, was very, very welcome. After all, even though Diana had worked to keep him hard as consistently as possible, he needed a moment to process what had just happened, and come back down to Runeterra. So, with somewhat deep and uneven breaths, he watched the events unfold. If Diana hadn't gotten him fully hard, then the sudden rough (almost violent, in a way) kiss would have done it. And then, of course, there was what came next, with Leona getting knocked over, clothes being torn away, and fingering beginning.

And of course, there was Diana wiggling her ass.

He moved on instinct, yet again, but this time it wasn't by trying to get away. Instead, he moved forwards, to the both of them. He knelt down behind the two of them, gaze focused on where Diana's fingers met Leona's entrance, and were beginning to quickly thrust in, all the while rubbing away. His gaze was fascinated there for a moment, but eventually looked back up to Diana's rear.

He moved, carefully reaching down to manipulate his length as he pressed against her snatch. After a moment, he slowly began to push in, and immediately groaned as he began to push into her folds. It was with a slow movement he entered her at first, getting used to the feeling of her surrounding him, euphoria washing over him.

He couldn't help himself; he began to thrust quickly enough, starting with a sort of halting but desperate pace, soon picking up even more. Indeed he was helpless when he cam to it; he was caught under their spell, Diana's orders, and perhaps even the eclipse itself...
Diana moaned around the mouthful of Solari nipple she was busily teasing with her tongue as she felt Ezreal enter her with an impressively controlled thrust. He may have only been 'slightly above average' in the endowment department and his inexperience quickly began to show with his uncertain thrusts since but it had been years since anything besides Diana's own slender fingers had been inside her and not only was Ezreal more than thick enough for her tightness but he also pulsed with virility still despite already having cum once, his relative youth giving him the energy to keep going.

Diana's knees scooted forwards, forcing Leona's thighs a little wider as she situated her ass a little higher, giving Ezreal a downwards angle to really pound her and an absolutely obscene view to boot. A perfect picture of eroticism as those pale fingers flexed and thrust athletically into the slick pink tightness between those muscled thighs, juices coating both their skin as Diana forewent her thumb in favor of roughly grinding her palm against the upper half of Leona's slit.

Leona was starting to resist by now, twisting and half-pushing back against the twin weights of pleasure and her Lunari love on top of her, but Diana moved with Ezreal's thrusts, using the force of his motions to power her own, forcing Leona back over and over as they both moaned, backs arching and bodies trembling, lost in the moment of twilight, an eclipse both literal overhead and figurative below as Lunari overshadowed Solari.

It was slick, and sweaty, and messy, and though they all probably would have been pretty happy to change something about the situation, there were no complaints to be heard between the two women. Only groans and moans and the wet sounds of penetration and lust as they shifted and twisted against each other filled the silence...
Ezreal wasn't really aware of how his own momentum was being used to keep the (much physically stronger) Solari down through the plan of the Lunari, so intent he was on fucking the latter. In fact, the obscene view that the Lunari gave him, with her ass up in the air as he thrust, was almost missed entirely, only glanced at in brief flashes that were almost entirely lost on him. Instead, so lost in the primal lust he was that his gaze almost kept away from him entirely, as he instead looked up to the eclipse.

The eclipse, something that brought feelings of confusion, overwhelming lust, and a throb deep in the base of his skull-

And so he finally looked away, shaking his head sharply, gazing at some of the bushes off to the side and then back down to the two of them. It was then that, briefly, his reason or some semblance of it returned, and his eyes widened as he realized he was looking at the Leona and Diana, under him as one finger fucked the other, he and fucked the one doing the finger fucking-

However, rather than pulling away like any sane person would have done, and gotten the hell out of there, at least tried to figure out what was going on. Instead, his thoughts twisted, and he once more he thought about how the two again, but in a different way:

He was looking at the Leona and the Diana.

And this realization suddenly made him start pounding faster against Diana, driving deeply into her. This drove her even more down into Leona, and even as this all happened he began to move more and more wildly, which in turn began to force the two women to grind more against each other.

It seemed he was finally properly giving in.
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