WoW RP Craving

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Oct 15, 2016
The Nexus
Hi there BlueMoon!

I've recently returned to World of Warcraft after some time away. I want to check out the new expansion and take my time exploring the world and completing quests from level one right on into the new content. I'm looking for companions that want to quest together, explore the world, and partake in roleplay both serious and smutty.

The server I'm playing on is Wyrmrest Accord and I'm using the Total RP 3 addon to allow for the creation of character profiles. If you're interested in some naughty fun while exploring Azeroth, please PM me or post your interest here as well as which side you'd like to play on; Horde or Alliance. Currently, I have a level eleven character, a Human Hunter named Feydwyn. If you see me on, send me a message!

Server: Wyrmrest Accord (RP PvE)
Blizz ID: SpitefulCrow #1665

Salindori - Blood Elf Monk, Lv21: A wandering trainee monk on a journey to Pandaria so she can show the Pandaren that the Sin'dorei are better at martial arts. After all, Blood Elves think they're the best at everything, right? She's a little arrogant, a little bloodthirsty, but true to her word and loyal. The goal for this character is to reach Pandaria content and get to at least level 90.

Feydwyn - Human Hunter, Lv15: A farm girl and hunter from Elwynn Forest looking to explore the world of Azeroth while she's still young and see the sights. She's good natured and honorable but a bit naive. The goal for this character is to complete as much of the exploration achievements as possible.

Maxfiel - Gnome Rogue, Lv2: A beautiful gnome female who's family search for a new place for the gnomes to call home since they believe the cleanup efforts in Gnomeregan are a waste of time. Maxi is an archaeologist. She's hard-working, curious, and energetic. The goal for this character is to get all the archaeology achievements.

I'm still looking for RP partners! Send me a PM here or a friend request online!
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