The Huntress's Quarry (Dom Seeking Sub for FxF !)

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Aug 19, 2015
Good evening Blue Moon! My RP schedule has opened up recently, so I've decided to pitch a story I've been working for a little while on. So, without further ado, enjoy~.

General Setting and Content: The RP takes place in a low fantasy environment, with few constraints. The only requirement I have for your character is for it to be female and a furry. They can have any kind of background you'd like, so long as they are Beastmen and live somewhere in High Terra. Due to the nature of the RP, the plot will be a mix of smut and story, following MC finding YC, capturing her, and training her.

Most kinks in this story will be centered around BDSM. These may include Temperature play, Humiliation, Rape, Drugging, Light Torture, and even Beastiality. All of these are negotiable, as I like to make a point of including a partner's wants into the scenes I write. Overall, the course of the story depends heavily on how your character reacts to her bondage, and how you'd like the Beastmen Race as a whole to be depicted.

Who I am looking for: More than anything, what I want most in a partner is the ability to make 2 paragraph+ posts at a rhythm of at least 1 response per week. A Good grasp of grammar is also a must. Typos and errors that go unedited are among my biggest OFFs. Finally, I prefer to write with other women if possible, but this is a preference, not a rule.

The Plot

It gets cold, this far north.

Anything further than Lastep falls off of most maps. Imperial cartographers were at a loss when trying to depcit the are. In the end, the only thing they were able to give it was a name: "High Terra". On a map, High Terria was nothing more than an empty expanse filling the parchment's northern edge. It was the kind of place that Cartographers tried to make up for their inadequacy by scribbling dragons in the margins to fill up the unused space.

Jane didn't know if dragons actually lived out here. Considering what else she had seen of the place, a giant, flying reptile would not have been a stretch, but there wasn't a chance in hell it breathed fire. The luxury of heat went against the laws of these woods. Out here, the only thing colder and harder than the ice-packed snow were the denizens living in it. Jane took small pride in being one such occupant.

In retrospect, Jane figured that those eggheads back in the capital didn't realize that High Terra was more than fiction. It was a real place. If they left their stupid, gilded towers for once in their lives they could take a look for themselves. It wasn't a bloody blank spot on a map; it was an eldritch land filled with myths and legends. Every step further into High Terra offered something new for Jane to discover. Unfortunately, every step also made things colder. Much, much colder.

The huntress wrapped her cloak tightly around her. While the rest of the world languished in the fleeting days Summer, hiking into High Terra felt like a hunt in the dead of winter. A thin layer of snow was already beginning to decorate the permafrost underfoot, foreshadowing blizzards that lingered on the horizon. Even if the weather did not bode well, Jane was thankful for the frost. Snow made tracking easier. Even in the dark, the white outline of paw prints could shine dimly in the moonlight. Jane had a thought, and chuckled for it. It was almost like the prey wanted to be found.

Though Jane was a huntress, but she wasn't on the prowl for just any beast. This far into High Tera, creatures became more savage than they had any right being. Monsters; Spirits; forests of treants; just to name a few. However, there was something more than monsters out there: a furtive, yet profitable savage that could bring a fortune to those with the skill to hunt them. Beastmen.

Beastmen were pretty hard to catch unawares, but Jane was good. Their men weren't anything special, but their varied and exotic females fetched a high price as a slaves. It was a shame fall was just around the corner. Merchant caravans couldn't make it to Lastep once the roads filled with snow. Any catch she made out here would have to wait until spring to be sold.

It wasn't long before Jane came upon a lucky break. It had only been a fortnight since Jane left Lastep. It was surprising to see such a perfect pair of paw-prints trailing through the snow this soon into her excursion. The beastmen didn't usually venture out this far. Jane allowed a tired smile to cross her features. She had a good, profitable night ahead of her.

'Lets see where these tracks take take me,' the huntress thought to herself. She wordlessly mounted her horse, and rode off into the darkness.

((Essentially, your character is the anthromorph Jane Lockheart is hunting. What kind of furry your character is, and why they are out there is totally up to you.))

The Character


Name: Jane Lockhart
Status: On the Hunt.
Description: Jane is an exceptionally athletic woman standing in at five-foot-eleven. Her jet black hair, cut short to keep things manageable, accentuates the brightness of her pale yellow eyes. She prefers to wear dark grey clothing, usually made of well-fitted leather. Ever the enigmatic personality, she prefers to live out in the countryside, where she can live in relative quiet.

There is a small village of sorts nearby her home, but traveling there is a four hour trip. She generally only visits to buy supplies and sell her quarries. Unlike many of the trappers fueling the village's economy, Jane has a reputation for traveling deep into High Terra, and only deals with the sort of merchants who don't ask questions.

Feel free to send me a PM if interested. I look forward to hearing from you!
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