Game of Thrones, Anyone?

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Oct 17, 2016
Hi future friends, I'm new here but really excited to start roleplaying! I'm a huge Game of Thrones nerd (books and show) and would love to play one of the leading ladies (Margaery, Daenerys, Cersei or Sansa) being captured following a successful siege. I'm pretty flexible on when in the story we start and we can make alternate time lines to better accommodate the story. You're welcome to play anyone you want, OC, Canon or any combination of the two. Like I said, flexible! ;)

I want to be tied up, humiliated, raped, forced to dress how your character(s) wants me to and I'm definitely open to more. I'm imagining that this will be relatively short term, but I wouldn't be opposed to something longer if it remains compelling!

Please contact me through PMs if you're interested!
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