Craving Interracial NSFW

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Oct 15, 2014
*NOTE - been having some trouble with my PM inbox. If you've already sent me a PM and I've not replied, sorry. Send it again.*

Hello all,

I'm really looking for some hot, smut-driven, interracial RPs at the moment. I prefer threads but will settle for PMs. I'm easy about length - apart from one liners I tend to match what my partners produce.

See here for a hot example of this type of roleplay:

I'm quite open as to kinks, as long as partners remember that this should mainly be about white girls and black guys. If I was looking for a master-slave roleplay or a BDSM one, for example, I'd have posted that as a thread. This is about interracial.

Have a look at the plots below, or if you have your own ideas please also PM me. I'm open to discussing ideas. Images below are definitely NSFW but are safe for smutty funtimes.

Option One - The Parole Officer

Hey ----------,

I'm your new Parole Officer Remy Stevens. I'm new to the job - you're my first convict - but I'm sure we can get you back on the right track. I'm going to stop by your apartment tomorrow for a chat and I'm sure we'll hit it off.

Don't worry about a thing - I know prison has been tough but we'll help you get your life pulled together again. Maybe we can even learn from each other?

Just send me a message back if you are ready to meet me.


Option Two - The New Teacher
Dear Students,

As you know Mr Brooke retired last week after twenty years working at the school. Given Detroit’s history of violence and crime, we’ve struggled in the past to replace members of staff.

So it is with great pleasure I am able to announce that Miss Lucy Rhoades is joining us. Miss Rhoades previously taught at a very small school in her native Maine. She’s joined us to teach English and Drama, and specialises in performing arts.

I hope you’ll help her feel welcome.

Principal Lewis.

Option Three - The Preppy Project Partner
Dear ------,

My name is Gwen Robinson and I’ll be your partner for the inter-school project task this year. I think it’s a great outreach that a school as good as Dauncy is able to work with one as rough as your own.

I expect you to respect me and work hard – I don’t know who you are as we won’t meet until we’re paired – you’re getting an Honor Roll Student as a partner and I won’t let some half-assed wannabe drag my grades down.

I might sound like a total bitch to you, but that’s just how it is. I think everyone should know where their place is in situations like this.

See you Friday.

Gwen Robinson.

Option Four - The Roommate
Dear Diary,

Well, I didn’t expect this to be the start of my college life. I’m sharing an apartment in town, not a dorm, and I’m in with four big black guys. They’re all athletes on the various teams at the College. I feel very small and girly in comparison to them. They’re very loud and forceful.

Its exciting though. I’m going to tough it out, get to know them all on a personal level. I reckon it’ll be real fun. Pretty soon I’ll be just one of the guys. No doubt.

Love Adriana x

Option Five - The Team Medic
Dear Boss,
Thanks so much for taking me under your wing again. I didn’t think when I left college as a medic that I’d end up working as team physio for one of the biggest basketball franchises in the USA.

This is just a little note to say thanks and to remind you that I’m willing to do whatever you need. I’ve overhauled the team’s nutrition, and will be there court-side in case of injury as we discussed, but if you need me to give sports massages, for example, just say.
I’ve also heard you’re testing out some potential recruits – let me know if you need me to look them over.

Thanks again Boss
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