Love Me, Or Hate Me
Genre :- Drama (High Conflict, Passion) Horror (Of All Levels) Romance Young Love, Forbidden)
Female & Male Pairings
Married|or Divorced Mother (Age:- 30-40) and Son's best friend (Age:- 17-20)
Famous Country|Pop Star (Age:- 18-30and Bodyguard|Crazed Fan (Age:- 18-30)
Servant|Accused Witch (Age:- 18-27) and King|Prince|Knight (Age:- 30-40)
The Nanny|The Babysitter (Age:- 17-30) and The Husband|Son|Master (Age:- 30-40)
Queen|Princess|Village Girl (Age:- 17-30) and King|Prince|Knight (Age:- 17-30)
Priestess|Nun (Age:-16-30) and Priest|Demon|Invading Country (Age:- 20-30)
My Do List
Corruption, Emotional Abuse
Adultery, Forbidden
Older man, or women
Blood, Abuse, Gore
My No List
Water Sport
And anything to do with the toilet
Warning you must read this
- My Gender is classified
- Paragraph 3-5
- Private Message only
- I work in the mines so I find private message is easier for me; looking for long term role play
Genre :- Drama (High Conflict, Passion) Horror (Of All Levels) Romance Young Love, Forbidden)
Female & Male Pairings
Married|or Divorced Mother (Age:- 30-40) and Son's best friend (Age:- 17-20)
Famous Country|Pop Star (Age:- 18-30and Bodyguard|Crazed Fan (Age:- 18-30)
Servant|Accused Witch (Age:- 18-27) and King|Prince|Knight (Age:- 30-40)
The Nanny|The Babysitter (Age:- 17-30) and The Husband|Son|Master (Age:- 30-40)
Queen|Princess|Village Girl (Age:- 17-30) and King|Prince|Knight (Age:- 17-30)
Priestess|Nun (Age:-16-30) and Priest|Demon|Invading Country (Age:- 20-30)
My Do List
Corruption, Emotional Abuse
Adultery, Forbidden
Older man, or women
Blood, Abuse, Gore
My No List
Water Sport
And anything to do with the toilet
Warning you must read this
- My Gender is classified
- Paragraph 3-5
- Private Message only
- I work in the mines so I find private message is easier for me; looking for long term role play