Next Level Training (little_iveta x Melevolence)


A Total Mess Of A Man
Sep 29, 2016
Maine, USA
The outskirts of Mt. Moon. A favored places of hikers and the 'hide in the mountains to train' martial artist types. The trees were thick with many tall grass areas for Pokémon of all kinds to flourish or hide. Home to some of the most common Pokémon such as Ratatta, Pidgey, Caterpie and Weedle ; a few harder to spot or capture Pokémon also called this area their home such as Geodude, packs of Mankey and sometimes Pinsir like to hide high in the canopies as they feed on the precious sap from the trees.

A rushing river ran through the forest to supply the many creatures with a place to drink and bathe, plenty of aquatic Pokémon hiding below the surface. The river leading to a lake where many trainers and wild Pokémon took a break.

Yet deep in the woods, a particularly rare Pokémon for this side of Kanto was doing anything but resting. Loud cracking echoed through the silent forest, Pidgey and Spearow bursting from the trees every now and again in a panic. The bipedal creature, barely over 2 feet tall brought it's hand in a wide arc in front of it, Karate Chopping a rather old but still thick tree clean in half. The crack nearly deafening, followed by the thunderous sound of it crashing to the ground.

The Machop's bluish-grey skin gleamed with sweat. It had been training all day, the afternoon sun starting to arc as it neared 2pm. The nearest 12 trees now lay broken, chopped clear in half by the Pokémon, yet the look in its eyes made it clear it wasn't satisfied with the progress. "Mmmph...Chop!" He sounded annoyed, clapping it's hands together with a powerful smack, dropping onto its hands and toes as it began to do furious push ups.

The determination wasn't totally unique to him. His species known for wanting nothing more than to be the strongest they could, to stake their mettle in matches against other Pokémon, especially other Fighting Types.

His short tail stood stiff. Oddly, the Pokémon was wearing a pair of tight fitting undergarments, akin to skin tight athletic shorts. Where it had acquired them was a mystery in itself. The Machop suddenly stopped in mid push up, red eyes looking around, as if it had heard something. It pinched its eyes shut a few times to get the sweat out of them before lowering itself onto its knees, peering around. "Ma...chop?" He inquired.
Hilda is a peculiar kind of fitness enthusiast, an avid sports hobbyist with a slightly different take on sports, and by slightly different, Hilda is a girl who do sports on the perspective of Pokemons, her fondness of learning sports and training martial arts with Pokemons with great athletic feats with the likes of Riolu, Tyrogue, Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee had made her liking the pokemons that posses great martial prowess. In all of her of enjoyment in spending time with pokemons, there is one thing that's missing, and that is having her own pokemon to train with.

One day, while Hilda is jogging on a clearing at the base of Mt. Moon, she heard a very loud thump as if she heard a bulldozer mowing down large section of trees. Curiosity led Hilda to where the thundering sound came from, after a short trekking on the woods a Mankey hopping hysterically is pointing to a direction furiously, it keep on screeching its as it angrily points the same direction over and over as if its protesting that its home is disturbed. Hilda quickly deduced that the Mankey points the direction where the loud sound Hilda heard came from.

Hilda went on the pointed direction, and after she saw a row of chopped trees lying on the ground, she cautiously walked further only to see a lone Machop doing push-ups, then as Hilda accidentally stepped on a twig and broke it, the crackling noise seemed to have caught the attention of the lone Machop that it stopped doing push-ups and glances around. Hilda took out her digicam and records the exotic Machop wearing a tight sports brief, she was also curious as on how a wild Machop got a pair of underwear.
Machop's red eyes finally spotted the source of his disturbance. A human! "MA! MACHOP!" he exclaimed, getting to his feet promptly. He had a bit of a disgruntled look on his face, pointing a finger at her accusingly. It seemed he wasn't too fond of her interrupting his training! Though after a brief moment, the Pokémon seemed to look thoughtful. Humans often captured and trained Pokémon, that much he knew. Supposedly, with a Human trainer, he could get stronger...get more chances to fight tough foes. Furthermore, trainers were supposed to have tough Pokémon to fight!

A smile came to his face and he balled his right hand into a fist, punching his left palm as if excited about something. "Machop!" He exclaimed, then giving a beckoning motion, as if challenging her to a battle. If he could fight her Pokémon and win, he could get stronger. Maybe if she had really tough Pokémon, he could tag along for a little while! What better way to keep up on his training than to have a team of really strong Pokémon to spar with!
Hilda was startled when the Machop spotted her and gestured at her for a fight, however at this moment Hila still doesn't have a pokemon to train with, but good thing she always brought with her an unused pokeball. If she could catch this Machop, not on only she will have a sparring partner but also have a one-of-a-kind Machop, this is the kind of Pokemons Team Rocket would kill for a piece. But catching this Machop without getting him exhausted will waste the pokeball, luckily for Hilda she brought with her some foods that pokemons love: a few rare candies and pop sodas. These consumables should be enough to trick the Machop so she wouldn't have to rumble. Hilda approaches the lone Machop who is waiting for the challenge but too bad for him he will not be getting any sparring session this moment, Hilda took out the soda and hands it to he Machop as she crouches in front of him. "Hey, you look like you could some pick-me-up, here try this!" Hilda smiles as she presents the beverage.
Machop went from battle ready to confused when the Human didn't send out a Pokémon to battle but instead searched her backpack for something else. The result of her search was candy and soda pop. His eyebrow lifted as the Human moved closer, bringing his hands up to fight as if she might be up to something tricky. She didn't try anything, instead holding out the candies and cans. "...chop..." he muttered in a skeptical tone though he reached out to take them.

He held the candies on one hand, soda in the other. Plopping down on his backside with a soft 'thwump', the fighting Pokémon set the soda down between his spread legs and turned his attention to the candies. Peeling the wrapper off the bright blue sugar sphere and popping it into his mouth, he smacked his lips a little as the flavor ran through his taste buds. Eyes widening a little, a smile forming, the Pokémon let out an excited laugh "Ma-Machop!" He exclaimed in approval. Once he bit into the candy though his eyes widened again. He felt a surge run through him. Not the sugar, but he felt his muscles bulk up slightly. The candy giving him a surge of power. Leveling him up. Looking at the wrapper and then at her, the Pokémon frowned a little before extending his hand out, as if to ask for another.
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